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Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Soomaalida waddankan ku dhaqan

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Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Postby ENDURE4ALLAH » Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:15 am

by Imâm an-Nawawî
(d. 676 AH / 1299 CE)

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On the authority of Abu Hamzah Anas bin Maalik (radiAllaahu anhu) - the servant of the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) - that the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said :

None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself.

It was related by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim

Explanation of Hadeeth Number 13
This hadeeth has been narrated thus in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree as "for his brother" without any doubt on the part of the narrator, while in Saheeh Muslim the narrator mentions that the wording may have been "for his brother" or "for his neighbour".
The 'ulamaa have said that the meaning of the hadeeth is that the one who does not have this characteristic has not believed with the complete and perfect eemaan, while he has already achieved the basic level of eemaan.

And the intented meaning of "loves for his brother" is those things which are from obedience to Allaah, and the permissible matters, as opposed to the evil or Haraam matters, and this is proved from the narration collected by an-Nasaa'ee which mentions : "until he loves for his brother from the good that which he loves for himself".

Shaykh Abu 'Amr ibn as-Salaah said : And this appears to be something which is difficult/unobtainable, but this is not the case, beacuse its meaning is that the eemaan of one of you is not completed/perfected until he loves for his brother in Islaam that which he loves for himself [and not that he has no eemaan at all until he does so]. And establishing this is obtained through loving that he obtains something good without vying/competing with him in obtaining that thing, meaning that he does not desire any decrease in him of blessing. [This is the opposite of hasad or jealousy, where one wishes that his brother is deprived of a blessing, and that you posses it instead]. And this is easy and attainable for the Pure and Upright heart, but is difficult for the corrupt heart - may Allaah ta'aalaa forgive us and all of our brothers.

And Abu az-Zinaad said : What is apparent from this hadeeth is that one desires for ones brother the same as that which one wishes for oneself, but the real meaning is that one desires for him better than what one wishes for oneself. This is because man always wishes that he is the best of the people [in all things]; so if he loves for his brother what he loves for himself [to be the best], then he has placed his brother amongst the generality of those who are the best. [Also,] do you not see that man desires to receive justice for his rights and injustices done against him ? So if he has completed/perfected his eemaan, and then he sees that he has wronged his brother or his brother has a right upon him, then he makes haste to establish justice in that affair, even if this may cause himself difficulty.

And it is narrated that al-Fudail bin 'Iyaad said to Sufyaan bin 'Uyaynah "If you wish that the people are similar to you then you have not offered to Allaah, the Most Generous, the True Naseehah [sincerity - see Hadeeth 7], so how will it be if you love that they are less than you ?"

And some of the 'Ulamaa have said based upon this Hadeeth that the believer with another believer is like a single soul, and so it is desired that he loves for him that which he loves for himself, since they are as though a single soul. And similar to this has come in another hadeeth : "The Believers are like a single body; if a single limb feels pain, then the whole body along with it suffers with fever and sleeplessness."

Summary :
The hadeeth negates the perfection/completeness of Faith (eemaan) for someone who does not wish for his Muslim brother that which he likes for himself
That a believer will not want something to happen to another Muslim which he would not like for himself

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Re: Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Postby Abandoned_Mind » Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:22 am

There are a few xasid people in this dunya however we shouldn't follow that path.Shukran, You know what. On a serious note..I look up to people like you(mashallah) you talk alot of sense and forever sharing your knowledge with us. Jazakallah khair for real. rose

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Re: Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Postby military-mind » Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:27 pm

another topic that needs 2b on top Very Happy

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Re: Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Postby _BuFF_GYAL_ » Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:17 pm

jazakallakhair 4 the reminder!

ur obviously adhering to this topic ''endure4allah'' coz if u didnt u wudnt be reminding us! up

i mean ALLAH commands us to command the good and forbid the evil.

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Re: Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Postby *Nobleman* » Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:29 pm


I think qabil has caused a lot of hate and division between somali brothers and if we lived by this hadith then Allah yaclam we might not of had these problems.

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Re: Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Postby ENDURE4ALLAH » Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:16 pm

Jazakalah Kahr Akhii's and ukhtii's...

But please do not praise me for all praises are due to Allah Aaaz'wajaal!

And plus i don't want to get bigheaded as that will decrease my iman.
So please do not praise me but remember our prophet sallahu alaye'Wasalam, the ashabah and the great scholars.

May Allah keep grant us Jannah and save us from jahanam and grant us pius offspring!

Asalama Alaikum

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Re: Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Postby Abandoned_Mind » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:59 am

Sorry sister Im sure we all just wanted to show our appreciation towards you for making such benefical topics on a regular basis as not many people bother reading/replying but off course all praises due to allah.

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Re: Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Postby ENDURE4ALLAH » Mon Jul 30, 2007 6:00 am

Asalama Alaikum
no worries dear sister. Smile

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Re: Loves for his Brother that which he Loves for Himself

Postby Mentally-ill-MAN » Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:07 am



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