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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Gobolada - Provinces: Baay
 SubtopicMsgs  Last Updated
Yaa reer Diinsoor ah? 2   04/10 07:04pm
Xidigaha busley waa laguu yaqaana hadaan kaaga hadlo waa degaan aad u quruxbadan waxa aan ka soo ba xay school lagu magacaabo busley dugsigeyga dhexe hadaba walalo sideed ku ogaatay magacaas mise isku arday baan ahayn? 11   03/31 11:45am
Muslims read 1   03/30 12:57pm
Who Remembers Xidigaha Busley? 5   03/29 08:16am
Yaa reer ceel cade ah . 1   03/21 02:12am
Qabiil Ka xorooba 1   03/17 04:53am
Aaway reer baydhaboodkii? 5   02/12 07:01pm

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