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Somali Communities - Beelaha Qurbaha

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Communities - Beelaha Qurbaha
 SubtopicMsgs  Last Updated
Somalia 3069   04/16 06:35am
Africa 271   04/11 08:41am
Asia 161   04/12 01:11am
Australia/New Zealand 651   04/16 05:57am
Europe 10149   04/16 08:48am
Middle East 455   04/15 04:08am
North America 2219   04/16 08:02am
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Ku soo dhawaada Somali Communities - Beelaha. waad isticmaali kartaa qayb walba oo kamida Beelaha adoo taabanaya magaca meeshaa rabto inaad akhrisato ama aad wax ku qorto.

Qaybtan forumska waxaan ugu talagalnay inay dadka Soomaaliyeed ee adduunka ku kala baahsan ay intii isku meel joogtaba si gooni ah arimahooda u adeegsadaan.

Waxaad samayn kartid hadaa liiska ka weysid magaca magaalada aad rabtid inaad fariin u dhaaftid:
1- Waxaa fariintaada ku qori kartaa magaca ka koreeya magaaladaa raadinaysey. Tusaale ahaan hadaa rabtid inaad waddanka mexico Soomaali deggan fariin u dhaaftid laakiin aad magacii mexico meesha ka arki weyso, waxaa fariintaada ku dhaaftaa qaybta "North America". Sidoo kale hadaa ku nooshahay magaalada London ee UK, waxaa fariintaada ku dhaafi kartaa qaybta "UK"
2- Hadaa rabtid in magaalo ama waddan kale lagu soo daro liiska, e-mail noogu soo dir

Waxyaabaha meesha loo isticmaali karo:
Meeshan waxaad u isticmaali kartaa waxyaabaha la xariira arimaha beesha sida ogeysiis, hambalyo, talo, iwm. Raali kama nihin in qof ama dad lagu caayo qaybtan iyo forums-ka guud ahaanba. Fadlan si sharaf leh u isticmaal meeshan aan ugu talo galnay inay Soomaaligu internet-ka uga faa'iideysato.


Welcome to Somali Communities - Beelaha. You may enter any of the discussions above by clicking on the appropriate link.

This part of the forums is dedicated for Somali communities.

Things to do if your community is not listed:
1- You can post your article on the parent category. For instance, you can post on parent category "Asia" you live in Singapore or you want to leave a message for Somalis in Singapore. Also, if you live in Detroit, you can post your article on "USA".

2- Please send us your feedback at we did not list your community. We will add your community as soon as possible.

What can be posed on this area:
All community related news, events, concerns, and announcements, etc. It is your window to interact with your Somali neighborhood whether you have an announcement or you want to know what is going on with the community. We do not welcome personal, religion, ethnic, or race attacks and flames on any part of the forums. Please use this free resource wisely.

Thanks in advance.
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