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What Happened Somali Brothers who live Australia specially (Melbourne)

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Communities - Beelaha Qurbaha: Australia/New Zealand: What Happened Somali Brothers who live Australia specially (Melbourne)
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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu Caleykum.

Ugu horeyntii Ciid Wanaagsan dhamaan somaalida ku nool Australia, gaar ahaan Melbourne.

Brothers ma jiraa qof iga jaahil bixin karo sababta keentay in Soomaali Brothers ku nool magaalada Melbourne kaar ahaan dhalinyarada u dhaxeyso
18 ila 25 ma dhahaayo dhamaan laakiin majority markaay dhameeyaan High School waa haddii ay dhigtaanba, iyo intaanan dhameenba waxa u diiday in aay atleast ay wax bartaan ha noqoto "TAFE" or Tertiary???
Brothers sidaan u arkay waxaan qabaa enough friends 80% they eat chat and go out every Friday and Sutarday etc. Ilaa iyo hadda qof iga jaahil bixiyo arintaan ayaan la'ahay, waxaana rajeenayaa in aan heli doono atleast some one out there who can tell me wax aan ku qanco. Thanks in advance.

N.B I live in Melbourne and do go University so don't hesitate to drop a line, and all comments are welcomed.

Your Brother

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Unrecorded Date
Aust madagani lakin sxb waxaan layaabanahay Jaadna xaga mala keenaa? anaka jaad waa na dhibay somali hadaa nahay, meel kasto hadii laga helaayo waa cajiib, lakin aniga macuno waligeyna macunin,
Dhalin yarada Aust waxa laydiinka sheegayo hadii run tahay meesha ka kaca oo lafahiina wax u qabsada

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xaaji duul duul

Unrecorded Date
Salama Caleykum

Saaxiibow yaa kugu dhahay dhalinyarada australia
80% jaadka ayey cunaan surveygaas dib ugu laabo mida kale aniga waxaanba aamin sanahay in dhalinyarada australia dagan ay ka roon yihiin dhalinyarada wadamadaa kale dagan sababtoo ah tiradooda ayaaba yar
dhalinyaro wax barataana waa jiraan kuwo aan wax barana waa jiraan

ciid wanagsan

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Unrecorded Date
Dear Lee,

First, your question is so simple yet the
elements that result in your observation that most Somali Youth Brothers in Melbourne are loosers, are very profound and deep.

So simple, beacuse this country has all it takes to destroy those young, unaware and ignorent.

Very deep in a sense because some people (or people from certain backround) seem to be very susceptible to the problem at hand (controversial).

On the other hand, I'm very broad that atleast some of us, like you Lee, are aware that this is a real problem facing our community here in Australia. But, I would rather prefer to discuss about the solving of the problem instead of mentioning it - as we all realize it.

Lee, how about our sisters? what are they up to, are they doing better?

All I can say is that there are more girls than boys in Melbourne.

God bless Somali-Ausy,

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu Caleykum

Ugu horeyntii dhamantiin waad ku mahadsantihiin rayigiina.

To Xaaji duul duul

Ugu horeyntii salaan iga gudoon, mida labaad waad ku mahadsantahay sida aad isugu dayday in aad rayigaada ka dhiibato ama aad ka jawaabtid su'aasheyda.

Mr Xaaji waxaan u maleynayaa in aad qoraalkeega si qalad u fahamtay(xumaan ma ahan) sxb waxaan dhahay 80% dhalinyarada aan aqaano jaad ayey cunaan, ma aanan dhihin 80% dhalinyarada Melbourne jaad ayey cunaan. Sxb wali su'aasheyda sidayda ayey u taagan tahay.

To Bro-Dahir.

Salaan marka hore, second thing thanks for the point you raise. To be honest I love to express my feeling in English but at this point I have to write in Somali sorry for any inconvenience.

Sxb haddii aan isku dayo in aan wax kaaga taabto dhalinyarad Somaalida ee joogta meshaan ma jecla in aad ku soo hadal qaadid wax barasho ma dhahaayo dhamaan laakiin waxaa jira dhalinyaro badan oo necban in aad hadaladaas oo kale ku soo hadalqaado mana garanaayo sababta keentay.

Sxb waxaan u maleynayaa in ay wanaagsanaan laheyd in la dhiso urur ay maamulaan dhalinyarada ku nool magaalada Melbourne lagana wada hadlo xaga diinta iyo waxbarashada, islamarkaasna la isku dayo sida loo soo jiidan lahaay dhilinyarad aanan wax baran.

Sxb haddii intaas ugu baxo arintaas, haddii aan kaaga jawaabo xaga gabdhaha walaalaheyna, waxaan u maleynayaa in Melbourne gabar wax ha barato ama yaysan baran in ay rabto in loo dhigo "Franco Cozzo" my point is haddii ay iskool aado oo ay Jaamacad soo dhameeso waa tii nin wax ka sugto. So dhalinyarooy haddii aadan waqtigiina ka faa'iidaysanin goormaad wax qabsanaysaan misa gabdhihii ayaad rabtaan in ay idiin soo doontaan. "Waxaan u maleynayaa gabar in aysan rabin nin aanan dahabkeeda gadi karin " beenteey miyaa mise!!

Sidaas iyo cafis wixii dood ahna way furan tahay
thanks to all again.

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Unrecorded Date
Dear Lee,

Thanks for your vivid ego for the better. I do realy appreciate your views and ideas. I am in, and ever love to actively participate entirely in any such programs.

Sorry, am bit in a rush - but I promise I'll catch soon and deliver my ideas too.

Take care,

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Unrecorded Date

Salaamu Caleykum!

Walaalkiisa, horta ma ahan gabar kasto oo jirta inay tiraahdo..ha la'iidhigo "Francco Cozzo"...(How about if one individual don't like that desing...huh..Did you ever thought of that?)..I guess not..Laakiin waa streotype ay qabeen badi nimanka soomliyeed oo joogo Australia......Marka midu gabdhu qabaan waa.."May rabaan inay aroosaan cap drivers"...Just like you complained about the furnurture they complain about the lazzy brothers who live in this side of the word!....Marka yaan qaxba leys qabqabsan labo jeerba meesha dhibaa yaal taasoo ey U badanyihiin wiilasheena.....Ooo xitaa dooneyn iney dhameeyaan School...If you look the school figures there are more girls in school than boys!...Marka sanadkaan kii will ahaa waa lagu qasaaray...!

No offense!

Take care!

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Unrecorded Date
To Ladan,

What you talking about chick, I call that denial!, we all know taxi driver is the "hotman" when it comes to marriage in Melbourne. Not for the least the woman has the chance to drive the family care as he is either away cabbing or bed, but mainly taxi drivers out-number us and can afford the "Franco Cozzo" as we thrive on the Austudy.

On the other hand, who gave you that school figure; that is total crap. Five girls garaduated from Bankasia last year, does that mean girls are ahead; nob!!

I go to uni in Melbourne, and boys lead by 9 to 4, and I believe that is a fair picture of the situation.

Take care,

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Mr Cool

Unrecorded Date
Taxi drivers!!! caaaaaaacccccccccc!!!!!!!!!! please shoot me!

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Unrecorded Date

I can count with my own fingures...The boys that go to Uni's in this towm..Bro I would like you to get your facts right..Well, at least on the Banksia issue..Cuz it was only 2 girls..Dam.....Now the thing about cap's well...We girls think it's SCRAY...

Poor Mr Cool...Its alrgight sis....We will move to planet mars!

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Unrecorded Date
Ladan Don't go to mars, NASA lost a satellite in that planet. Try Pluto and please let me know if there is a cab business, Ha ha ha.

How you ladies doing in down under

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu Caleykum to all

Dahir and Ladan.

I guess sababta aan u bilaabay this topic was just to face the truth, not to argue boys are better or girls are better.

Ladan and Dahir if we are Somali we don't want to face the reallity. We know that we have a problem no matter how big or small it is, but we have to try how to solve the problem not "Far Far ku taag".

All I can say is, can we atleast try to discuss how to get a solution regarding this matter?? Please!!!!!!

Take care all and cafis

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Unrecorded Date

I will take your advice!..About the cap business..I will sure let you know if there are any!...We what happen to the old hangout!..The ladiez room....I come there are found alot of knew people!.....Hows things?


Bro..We wont argueing!..Just discussing..Besides if the brother has a bad temper..I suggest "Counselling and Theraphy"....Might be just what he needs!......Anyway I come here to say what I believe....No one had the right to misinterpret my words!....Which the brother in here did!

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Unrecorded Date
to:all of you why don't you learn ENGLISH before you try to write it down any thing? waxaaba iigu daranba ta ama ka yiri jamacadaan dhigataa yahooy nafta beenta maxaad ugu sheekayhe?aalkuliistaa tahee reality aboow hakatagin yahooy waxbarta dadka idinka waa wayna wax waydiiya ninkii jawaab doonaayo ha igala soo xiriiro []nabadeey.walfeertana iska ilaasha sunwaayee qaranimaday dumisaahe.

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Unrecorded Date
Dear Lee

Hey bro, I a fellow friend, residing were you live, I go to Uni.

email me at

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Unrecorded Date
Dear Lee

Hey bro, am a fellow friend, residing were you live, I go to Uni.

email me at

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Unrecorded Date
to lee;
I go uni. what liare, I know you might, chunky punk, soodiga ka quraacda safe-wayga maxaad belaayo isaga dhigaysaa ee dadka ka tuugsada 50 cents marka ay daroogadu kuu gabiso,. wax haka sheegin ehlul mirqaanka xayawaan waaxid, maxaad istidhi cidi ku garanmaysee magaacaga lee ka dhig

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Unrecorded Date
To Kamal,

Ugu horeyntii iga gudoon salaan, salaan ka dib waad ku mahadsantahay sida aad isku xilqaantay in aan ra'yigaaga u soo dhiibatay.

Kamal macalinka marka ugu horeysa markaad rabtid in aad Forum wax ku soo qortid, waxaa laga hadlaa wax caqli gal ah ee la iskama hadlo. Mideeda kale ka soo qabo ciyaal Daroogo ayaan u waynahay, intaad iga waanin lahey oo iskugu dayi laheyd qof walaalkaa in aad wax la qabato ayaad dadka ugu faanaysaa, waaxaad u wayneyd ciyaal"tif tif" haye?
kii macalinka dugsiga nagu diri jiray ayaad tahay haye.

Duqa look we are in year 2000, mana ogtahay in laga tegay cay iyo is jiijiidasho, haddii aad ka gubatayna hadalkii aan kor ku soo sheegay, do you know there's never been too late, you can do some thing go to TAFE or even Uni.

Take care bro all comments are welcomed.

NB: cafis dhamaan

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Unrecorded Date

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Unrecorded Date
asxaabta melbourne waa wada mentaly sick oo maskaxda ayey kawada jiran yihiin wax ugu wacana garan maayo waxaan u malaynayaase waa garaabada iyo biirta laga daba gaynayo dabadeedna taxi lala fuulayo.
markaa waxaan ku odhan lahaa reer melbourne dabeecadahan bedela gaar ahaan reer flemington, n/melb. and heidelberg. wasaalaamu

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Wednesday, November 08, 2000 - 08:58 pm
Assalama caleykum
Bro.lee, I think you're right man,cause here in north america we get same problam, in tor.
sometimes I asked myself don't they have a family these guys? when you're going to bed at night they are there,when you wake up in the morning they are there,wow!isn't that something to discuss about? jaad is considered as a drug here and still they chew,and I don't know how they could afford.that's the way we are my friend.
to my sis. ladan:
What's better than a hard working man,wether you dig or fly job is a job as long as you depend what you earn.being a man isn't the kind of job you have,so don't say nothing about the cabies I'm a caby offend just wanna make a conversation .o.k .

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Monday, January 08, 2001 - 10:46 pm
I salute U all ...
I would like to know if there is any Somali's who go to Melbourne Uni...I will be starting a course in there March this year.....I appreciate your responses

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Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 08:41 pm

i am writing in respond to your request.
time is vital to me so if you need to contact me, please do so by emailing me on

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Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 12:55 am
Lee bro after my greetingz i think u need to go back and cunduct that survey again...
b/c i trully think u live in the wrong side of this country....
if u come to live on my side...u will the truth.

u r right for one thing there are a lot of somali guyz here who chew on "grass" but that lot may equil less than 20 percent...
b/c there are always few ppl who ruin for the rest of the ppl...............
Compared to the lazy ppl here if u really go around probly and look u will be amazed how many hard working and educated ppl there are...

And majority are studying....though there are few drop outs.....but hopefuly they will realize it soon........and catch up..

So plz don't judge ppl.(in a bad way...and display yoour ugly ideas on the worldnet....
and so brand the somali brothers as worthless u know what that means including you wether u like it or not........

thats all from muaaaaaa
i'm out


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Concerned Somali

Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 05:40 pm
Most Somali youth in Melbourne are faced with a bleak future, such prospects include obtaining decent jobs in the future. Furthermore, if one has to research why they don't take advantage of Australia's education system, one would only conclude that the problem is complex.

This complexity stems from the fact that it is the first time in Australian migration history that a whole generation of refugees arrived without prior education.
Furthermore, most of them arrived at a time that education in Australia is transformed in becoming a privelege rather than a right. Public education was slashed to the bone, the game of economic rationalism should be a warning to us all because the welfare state is disappearing.

Secondly, most of the Somali parents have limited education, so their attitude is rooted with Somali myth. For example, most kids when they arrive here, they are sent to an English Language school, once they complete their course, they transit to primary, secondary education. A 15 year old has to go either to yr-9 or yr-10.
When you advice the mothers and fathers of those children that their best interest lies in sending their kids to TAFE or to any other place where they could learn enough language before commencing serious education. The majority of those reply that if the child of so and so can do, so is my child.
Statistics show that 15% of young Somalis finish yr 12, however, 99% of them complete their VCE with a score of <10%.
This is a crisis and unless we change our attitudes there is no light at the other side of the tunnel.

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