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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Communities - Beelaha Qurbaha: Somalia: YAANU FILEYNAA KULANKA DJABUTI,KA DIB...........
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Monday, June 26, 2000 - 02:15 am
Ma waxaan fileynaa madaxweyne ina muruqgaliya markeynu kasoo laabano rajada Djabuti ee dib u dhisidda Soomaaliya?Mise waxeynu sugeynaa kii Allaha caadilka ka raali noqdey ee nagu dhaqa,hogaamiya shareecada ISLAAMKA?

Malaga sugayaa iney inoo keenaan ineynu isku dhaqno shareecada ISLAAMKA ragga maanta gafuurka u tuuraya odayaasha,waxgaradkaiyo culimada ee doonaya iney inoo soo celiyaan magacii SOOMAALIYA,iyo mudane ISMAIL OMAR GELLE oo inoo fidiyey gogoshaad ogtihiin,ee Djabuti.Kuwa aan tilmaamyo waa::Aabdullahi Yusuf,Cigaal,Ina Ceydiid,Caato,Suudi,Qanyare,Hassan Abshir"ninkii yaqaanaa yaqaanee"iyowaliba Shaati guduud.............

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Monday, June 26, 2000 - 02:37 am
To monday
Waxaan u maleynayaa aan sugeynaa kii "ILLAHAY"
weyne waxid ahe noo keeno

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Friday, August 25, 2000 - 01:02 am
waxaad sugeysaan kii inta hadhay isisii raacin lahaa iam sure

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