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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Communities - Beelaha Qurbaha: Africa: YAA REER BULABABURTE AH please
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Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 05:39 am
waxaan raadinayaa reer buulay
fadlan hadii aad tah reer B/burter
ku qorhalkan addresskaga si laguu
waydiiyo arima badan oo ka hadlayo
B/burte please give us yuor opinion

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Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 08:18 am
only reer buulay or reer hiiraan????????????
any way love to the people.

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Saturday, March 17, 2001 - 07:56 am
reer buula ayaan ahay laakin waxba iminka kama ogi buulo burti, hasuus daraadeed ayaan u qoray hadalkaan, aad ayaad u mahad santahay, wili xasuusta dhinaca kuleejaala laha , qalbiga ayaa burus igaga dufatay ee shinbirtoo bartamaha magaalalada ku teel ma nabad gashay, axmadaey ku tubub koleey nimay,ee farax jeeso ma noolyahay.

walal nabad galyo
qofwalbaba ilaAh halkuu geeyoo ku noolyahay
kuligeyna ilaah kheyr ha na waafiqiyo, aamin

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