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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Health - Caafimaadka: WHERE DO YOU STAND ON GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD
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As most of you know, about 138 countries are meeting in Montreal Canada to discuss about the future of modified food. Many doctors, including, Canada's most known Dr. and scientist David Suzuki said no to human consumption of these foods. The problem is that nobody knows its long term effect. Major export countries don't even want this type of food to be labelled! On the other side, many countries are saying "We cannot let our population consume foods with modified genes.

Dr. Suzuki said "Doctors found a cancer treatment some time ago and rushed it to the market without testing its long term effect. Now, that one time popular medication is not used anymore because it kills people".

worst case scenarios:
Spread of deadly disease.
Modification of human genes - very dangerous.

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Salaamu calaykum

Walaal Cismaan,

This subject has long been on my mind. However, I never found an article that put the risks and benefits in lay man's term. My concern is more religiously based. In Canada it is very difficult to find SPECIFIC responses to what animal by-products are found in certain foods we eat. I have been told that in the USA kosher foods are labelled "K" and most Muslim people buy them. There is no such code here.

Moreover, how much are we really at risk when it comes to genetically modified foods? Does it mean we should eat organic? If any of you have more knowledge please try to answer my questions. Or tell me where I can find easy to understand articles. Meaning not too scientific! Thank you.


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Salaama Cismaan and Cajabo,
It is true that information on gentic modified food products is not widely available to the average consumer.
Common sense dictates that organic food is better since it is naturally produced. However, organicaly grown food is more expensive than produce with additives, preservatives and other chemical hormones!!!! Big agribusiness companies also do there biased research promoting the benfits of gentically modified food.

If we look at the situation of our society in North America, it is a fair assumption to say a considerable number of families receive food subsidy, a fact which limits their purchasing power and hence the choice of food a family can buy.
Sadly, whether gentically modified food has a longterm negative impact or not will remain a non issue for many.

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brothers and sisters would you please explain what is gentically modified food? i have been in the west only 9 month and i heard from the radios all the time!

how does it grow? miyaanay ahayn cunto caadi loo beeray mise waa cunto lagu beeray chemico iyo farsamo warshadeed? please help me to understand

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I copied and pasted the Doctor's response.

By Dr. Keynadid Suleiman on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 06:26 pm:

Genetically modified foods are virtually inescapable in this day and age, and quite frankly, I am very disturbed by that. Any such alteration to the genetic make-up of living organisms has its risks. There is always the risk that genetically engineered foods may contain unintended allergens and toxins, and may be reduced in nutritional value. Furthermore, genetically engineered crops may disrupt the ecosystem by reducing bio-diversity, damaging soil fertility, inducing the development of new pathogens, pests, and weeds, and increasing the use of toxic and carcinogenic agrochemicals. My wife and I have for a few years now shopped at organic grocery stores.....I hope that answers your question.

Walaaloyaal, waxaan kaloo idin dhihi lahaa hilibka iska yareeya ee khudaarta baddsada. Runtii, caafimaadka uma fiicno hilibka. Proteinka waxaa laga heli digirta iyo cambuulada iyo khudaarta dhamaantood, marka runtii hilibka looma baahno. Xagga caafimaadka, hilibka badan waxayba ku xirantahay kansarka, marka walaaloyaal is habeeya.

Waad mahadsantihiin.

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anonymous explained for the pig pictur(effect) of GENETICALLY MODFIED FOOD. However let me try if I can put what it is in simple English
Modify= cleared or defined

GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD MEANS ANY FOOD THAT DID NOT GROWN Naturally. For Instance, tomoto today is one of the best exampe of Genetically Modified food. Wht they do they the seed of the Tommoto and recreat change so it can be bigger, or grown in the dark or change the colors or the content of the tomoto and this seeds will be different from the ORGANIC TOmoto from now on is called Genetically modified food.

If I make mistake any body can correct me

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nasty chick

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HAHAHAHA! nasty is chick is back and can't help but ask: qaadle would you eat genetically modified qaat?

nasty is out

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To Nasty chick. That is funny, Would you chew Genetically modified qaat?

To answer your question, if they make like I would not have problem with sleep, appetite and does not affect my sexual strength, Hell ya, I wish Genetically modified qaat would not harm but we can still get to stimulate our mind. In that I would have problem with my ladies. Most ladies hate qaad not only for wasting money, health, but the most Men loos Sexual strength


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nasty chick

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HAHAHAHA! stop this... say what?.... qaat = loss of sexual strength..... thank you for the info cuz this guy has been telling me when i become his wife he will eat qaat every night and finally get the nastiness in me out .... if u catch my drift... i am serious bro.. thank you for the info... man is he gonna get it....

nasty is out

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I'll be @ the drive thru window

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To nasty chick, You wellcome

when we talking about qaad and sexual strength it depends the type person. I mean some guys get strong and better while some guys become weak and lose their sexual strengtt after chewing Qaad. To be honest for I am the type of people who loose the sexual appetite at all and that is why I USE DURING THE WEEK SO THAT I WOULD NOT GO TO CLUB OR RUN AFTER "ZEENA". HOWEVER, WHEN I GET MARRY THAT chewing qaad will be history.

Therefore ask this guy what type of person he is if is getting enery and can perform better after qaad or not. If he is and you need an artificial strength from your man go for it.

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm this sounds good, thanks for the tip though. Now I have to tell other women in my village to hide the chad from there husbands. Hey I'm therapist in my village, but when people come to me with there problems I didn't know what to tell

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Anonymous on friday 02, 11 200 4.04pm

Yes it sounds good because I am reaviling the secret behind Men chewing qaad and infulencing somali ladies with their needs of sexual needs. Most guys use qaad either to have strong performance or aviod any activity with ladies in general

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and watch biikh baakh all night long into the living day light. what a life I used to live.
I miss my days The nights of the living dead.


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To Cajabo!

If I may answer some of your questions; in regard to the Kosher labelling issue, yes here in Canada such labelling do exist just like USA. You can find these Kosher products in almost all Jewish Grocery shops or some time in mainstream Food markets! For more info contact the Canadian Jewish Congras and I am sure they will point you towards the right direction.

You must realize though that Kosher might not mean Xalaal or Genetic modification free. However, it might be the best you can get.

As to the Genetically modified foods (GMF), I am a graduate student whose decipline utalizes Genetic engineering (Protein engineering), while I don't deal with food or food ingredient alterations the tools are the same. I believe that GMF are relatively safe for human consumption. The concerns that many of you present are quite genuine and are not unique to you. However, one must always put things in prespective when dealing with GMFs. GMFs are not any more dangerous than driving your car to work and back home. Some say that the analogy is misleading and that the genetic modifications of these plant products will polute the genetic make up of the natural plants and will eliminate biodiversity. I think this is exguration. The modifications that are made thus far will contribute little or no effect what so ever (my opinion) to both human health and the environment. Yes, regulation is required and we have that right now. There are agencies both govermantal and NGOs that over see these changes. Yes, we need to be cautious in introducing these genetic modifications. But we also must not scare the publick and present risks that are not there. Everything in life has a risk:benefit ratios. I think the genetically modified products available right now are those which have proven through scientific studies that there benefits out weights their risk. So I advice you all to look at things in prospective and not to be hijacked by fear of the unknown. Genetic engineering, just like the steam engine will bring new possibilities to the world of science and humanity. The risk could be supstantial but we need not to be scared off of what could be beneficial by the fear of its unknown risks. Let's work togethar and address these concerns in a more fear free environment so we can minimize the risks and optimize the benefits.


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Wabs, I am not a scientist however, what I hear or read about the field of genetic engineering seems to be motivated by profit rather than altruistic motives of improving produce or devloping new medicine for genetic disease.

First, let me start with a simple question....why do we need 'things' like 'Tangelo' (which is a 'new' fruit that is a crossbreed of tangerines and grapefruits) or 'Broccoflower' (which is a crossbreed of broccoli and cauliflower)..... How does Tangelo and Broccoflower improve my quality of life....on the contrary these fruits and vegtables make natural ones more it ethically okay to manufacture need, and then make it hard for people to make a choice because of the expenses involved (organic grown food being more expensive now)??
Note: I am not getting into the whole debate of effects of GM produce on the environment or our health...I am willing to give scentist the benefit of the doubt on this aspect for now.

My other concern is twofold:
1. There are no international guidleines to ensure that biotechnologies are not used unethically (guess who wins in the fight between profit and altruism???) and
2. Our 'country and many,many third world countries do not have regulatory bodies (like the FDA) that monitor gentic engineering (...we are morally obliged to think globally:) in order to contain greed. 'Efficient' crops have already been introduced to African farmers. While these crops grow faster and are bigger than previous ones, it has created a dependence...and the Master here is the entity that has access to gentically enhanced seeds.

Wabs, I am sure you are aware of the genetic research done on aborted fetuses,(human embryo), that enables scentist to 'play' with genes inorder to discover cure for gentic diseases such as alzeihmer, parkinsons etc. I find research on aborted fetuses totally repulsive and it is made worse when big pharmaceutical companies make a profit out of it!!

My point is genetic modification of plants and animals have to be cognizant of the ethical issues involved in changing the natural state of plants or animals. If profit is what is motivating this 'advance of science', then something is teribly wrong with our civilasation.

When I see tangelo and brocoflower etc. etc in the supermarket, I can't help but see the greed of GM industry.

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Asalamu Calaykum,


While genetically modified foods and its negative effects on both our health and the environment we live in is an alarming fact, the potential improvement in health that the recent advances in this field of science (genetic engineering) promises will outweigh any concerns that we might have in the future.

Although I am not a scientist in this particular field, I have done some research on the enabling technology of this particular field and I am quite confident with the new advances in protein cell modeling (new research in computing model of how human cells process protein) cure will be found for a lot of diseases (INSHAA LAAH).

I think your concern is warranted, but things are not as bad as you put it.

Asalami Calaykum

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Sister Xaali! I don't think that anything I will say will sway your opinion in any way. To be honest with you this issue is one of the most debated subject in our time. Biotechnology is the single most surveyed word in the world. And the attention and debate are much deserved ones, as this field is one of most advanced fields since the evolution of Quantum Physics. As I said in my earlier postings and my brother Ahmed concurred, there are potential risks and benefits associated with this field of science, just like anything new. However, I believe that the benefits will out weight the risks associated with the use of Biotechnology tools. I understand and appreciate your concerns. But we must understand that Biotechnology is a product of our ever evolving knowledge. I am very glad of things we know and can do today because of the advancement of such fields like Biotechnology and Computing. The human genome is near completion thanks to biochemical, biotechnological, and molecular biological techniques that we humans were able to develop. The advancements we made in the past two decades in such fields like biotechnology (BT), molecular biology(MB) & biochemistry (the parent discipline of both BT and MB) have allowed us to eradicate such diseases like Polio & TB, among others, on most parts of the world. Today we are facing threats from such diseases like AIDS, Cancer, Malaria, to name a few. And I believe it will be our continual advancement in this area of science that will bring much of the sought after answers in regards to the cure of these killer diseases. I also believe that there will always be individuals and corporations that will try to capture capital gains by utilizing the applied knowledge we earned from our long awaited investment. This is the product of market oriented society and there is not much I can say about that. Mankind had, time and time again, monopolized the natural resources of the world and used it to his or her heart's content without paying any attention as to the consequences of their actions. We are now realizing the damage we had done to our earth's atmosphere. While biotechnology does not offer any promises as to the behaviorus of the people that will use it , we can say that if used wisely and with care, it could well be one of the safest technology we ever uncovered. In conclusion, I don't think consuming any of the genetically modified crops on your favourate supermarkets will better your way of life. At the same time, I believe the harm they will cause to your way of life will also be minimum. However, the tools that created them will change the way you and your offsprings will live substantially in a more positive ways than otherwise. I hope you ignore the emotionally charged catch-phrases and news-sounds-bites and see this new technology with a more open minded mentality so that you may improve its usage to better but not harm our way of life. As to our homeland, perhaps the responsibilities lies with people like you and I to ensure the safe usage of our natural resources.


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war walaalayaal mowduucaan waa mid xasaasi ee please AF SOOMAALI KUQORA

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What is GM food.
What do we mean Geneticaly Modified food?????????
To put this matter into simple contest, it means any kind of food which it's genes or genetic component has been altered or changed.
To understand this U must understand the basics of genetics. Let me try to explain the meaning of GM food in words although diagramatic scheme would have been easier. Gene is a sequences of amino cids that determine the distinct characteristic of a particular thing, These sequence are found in Ur DNA. however the order or the manner in which these amino acid sequence are arranged is crucial for full function of that gene. for example if the order of the nucleotide sequence that determine the colour of our eye is ATG ACG AGC etc,small change would result that the gene to disfunction meaning it will not produce what it should have normally. For example U chane the A= Adenine to G =guanine so GTG. Scientifically this is called mutation because the sequence have been altered. In GM food what scientist do is they first discover the gene that is responsible for the production of a substance that is useful, for example genes responsible for chemicals that are toxic to insects only, They then knock out the gene from other species using a sophisticated technique and introduce that gene into another species like plants. Remmeber this is the introduction of forieng GENE into plant, so the plant now have and extra gene from bacteria and therefore it's natural genetic material or component have been changed. the food obtained from such plant is now GMF. the idea behind this, is either to improve the resistance of the plant to a particular insectcide or it's shelf life or even it is texture, before the plant was introduce the gene it's resistance may have been very poor but now it has a gene from bacteria which produce a toxin that kills the insect it will be resistant, We humans are concern and worried about the effect that toxic producing gene would have on us Cus now the plant have taken up the gene it will produce a toxin to protect it self from the insects, wouldn't that be harmful to humans or even other higher forms of life. Trust me it is not as bad as U may think.before the food is on to the market all sort of indoor expremental trails are carried out. The specifity of the toxin to the insects, its chemiacl structure It's mode of action enviromental impact etc. When ever insects come contact to plant it will ingest the plant leaves which now have substance toxic to the insect and the insect would die before it causes any damage to the plant. There is no need to argue if U have no enough knowledge about this field, this is not meraly common scence, it really needs a good and solid background of knowledge.
The issue of long term effect and other issue about GM food can not be discussed here scientifically. One of the leaders of this field in Uk is the head of my depertment. GMF = improved food by means of human power.

bye bye
A.D Elmi
BSc microbial biotechnology

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