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Walaalayaal i caawiya ma denbibaa

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Islam (Religion): Understanding Islam - Fahamka Islaamka: Walaalayaal i caawiya ma denbibaa
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Thursday, February 08, 2001 - 09:07 am
asalaamu caleykum waraxmatulaahi warakaatuhu.
walaal arin baa shaki iiga jiraa waanan caadeystey waxaanse ka baqayaa in ay denbi tahey waayo waan maqley marka igu caawiya xuska rabi baan caadeystey alxamdulilaahi balse markaan musqusha galo niyadaan rabi ka xusaa markaa waxaan arkaa marmar in aan afka ka iraahdo yaa rabi yaaa alaah ama subxaana laahi anoo musqusha ku jira, hadaba waxaan maqley qof malaaigta garbaha ka saaran wey hartaa intuu suuliga ku jiro runtii in aan gooyo caadadaas waan jeclahey balse markastoo musqushu rabi xuskiisa baa afkeyga ka soo baxa ma denbi baa hadaan halkaas rabi ku magacaabo.asalaamucaleykum.

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Thursday, February 08, 2001 - 02:43 pm

Walaashiis Sumaya Cadeey:

Siduu Xadiis {Ma'ugi inuu Buqaari yahey iyo inkale} sheegey musqosha Jini ama Shaydhaan minankiis waaye.

Sida aad sheegeysid aniga mar-mar anoo Rabigeyga xusaayo aa musqosha anuu dhaxfadhiyo is arkaa. Isla markiiba waan joojiyaa. Oo Rabiga u toobo keenaa. Marka markii waxaas kuugu dhaco, raadso inaad katoobo keentid. Iskuna dhib iney dhicin mar kale.

Ibliis ugoow cadoowgaa waaye. Maalin iyo Habeen bo.


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Thursday, February 08, 2001 - 05:21 pm
Asalaama caleykum

Sumaya, siduu kuu sheegey maskiin macruuf waa qalad in suuliga lagu rabigaaga, wadaada waxay leeyihiin cowdi bileeso markaad suuliga galeysid taasina waxay cadeyneysaa in siduu waleelken noogu soo gudbiyey xadiiska eysan habooneyn in lagu xuso Alle suuligi.

Wa Bilaahi Towfiiq.

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Thursday, February 08, 2001 - 11:22 pm
wad mahadsan tihiin walaalayaal waan dadaali allaha idinka qeyr mariyo tala bixintiina jisaaaakumu laahi.

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Friday, February 09, 2001 - 08:04 am
Asalaamu Caleykum

Walaal Sumaya, aniga dhibkaas ayaa hada ka hor iheystay laakiin daciifka qurbaha ayaa iska key haysta oo dikrigeyga ayaa yar balse waxaan is arkayaa anigoo qubeysanaya oo suurad kala barka marinaya khaasatan Ramadaanka ayaa dhici jirtay inaan isku dayo inaan waqtiga ka faa'iideysto oo anigoo shower qaadanaya subaca sii diyaariyo waana ogaa inay dambi tahay balse naf iyo sheydaan ayaa iga qaalib noqon jiray laakiin waxaan ogaaday in aan had iyo goor hilmaami jiray adkaarta suuliga, marka hadaad daa'imtid adkaartaas waxaay u maleynayaa inaad iska deyn doontid sideydoo kale.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 12:35 pm
Asalaamu calaykum.
Walaal waa sida waalaalaheen u yiraahdeen
waxaanse kuu sii raacinayaa ducaddan oo ka sugnaatay Nabigeena C.S.W.
KHABAA`ITH).(galidda musqusha)
Taas oo lala yimaad marka suuliga la galayo
ama muskhusha,waana xadiith sabca ah,Anas
wuxuu ku daray in lala yimaad xataa xadii ruuxo joogo baadiye ama duur(howd),sidoo kale markii
aad ka soo baxaysana waxaa la oranayaa
Ilaah waxaan ka baryayaa in uu ku waafajiyo
ku dhaqankeeda,
wabilaahi towfiiq.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 01:54 pm
ducada uu Diini kuu sheegay markaad galeesid
musqusha dabadeed ha hadlin ilaa aad ka soo
baxdo oo tiraah khufraanaka,taas waxay kaa caawinaysaa in aad ka go`do haddii Alle idmo

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madina universty

Friday, March 16, 2001 - 07:36 am
mabanaana in aad hadasho adoo musqul kujira ala xuskiisuna kasii daran.
laakiin wixii adoo aan xusuusnayn aad dhahado dhib maleh liana rasuulkeena <s.c.w> yaa yidhi;ale umadiisa wuxuu kadhaafay
1 gafka <kama,a>
2 halmaanka
3 waxa lagu qasbay

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Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 06:08 am
Poetry in Motion(no pun intended)

TLG, Common, FG, ANON where are you come here and see what religion does to people!

This is a true example of what Common once called the "Surrender of Intellect". In fact it is more than that, it is an abandonment of common sense, an abrogation of the simplest of personal responsibilities, and a wasteful loss of human dignity and pride!


This poor lady felt it necessary to share her toilet habits with the rest of us. More intriguingly, she got what sounds like serious answers, although I fail to see how anyone could talk about this matter and keep a straight face!

How enlightening as well as grotesquely entertaining to read such an outlandish piece of literery debris! I am aghast with a mixture of fascination, embarrasment, anger and outright disgust. Bliss.

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Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 08:10 am
Galool, you feel the way you do due to your limited knowledge about Islam or should I say rejection of the teachings of Islam.

Bro. Islam is a way of life and the Quran and the sunnah address all aspects of life.

Can you sincerly tell us that you have never consulted a 'self-help' book? or sought the advice of your gaal friends about issues of concern. Sumayo is doing the same thing, only she is asking Muslims and relying on Islamic teachings.

Personally, I think the question raised above is one that is concerned about a wider issue....which is how to deal with 'waaswaas'
It would have been nicer if Sumayo asked about how to deal with waaswaas, instead of going into details.

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Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 02:01 pm
I don't really understand what the question is all about but I have a bone to pick with Galool. So here I go.

Galool, it is a lil interesting that u find anything embarassing. If I didn't read some of the stuff u've written around, I would have been fooled.
Anyway, here you go again, displaying bigotry of the highest sort. Can't people like you accept that the people who start folders such as this are not interesting in your ranting and ravings against Islam or religion in general? Moreover, which part of we don't give a toss about your idea of "common sense", "humanity", "good judgement" blah blah blah don't your understand?

Anyone who can attach himself to labels as rediculous naive as "religious anarchism", "belief in humanity", "good sense of judgment" (while they don't really practise what they preach in reference to the latter two) obviously hasn't ventured any further than a few books written by some self professed "authorities" on this and that.

Speaking of which, what other place but that kind of material can people spout of ideas that are inconsequential to the role religion (and specifically Islam) plays in the world and the satisfaction it gives to its adherents?

Galool, do you think you are some type of "benevolent" missionary who is going to save the "ignorant" masses from the "evils" of Islam?

Here is a real world lesson for you Galool: the majority of Muslims, practising or not, think Islam is far better than any other system you or anyone else proposes. Believe it or not, there are people who actually enjoy praying, fasting, giving charity, covering themselves from head-to-toe and oh yeah, sharing the ISLAMIC MANNERS OF USING THE REST ROOMS or any other act ordained by ALLAH that some second-rate self professed intellectual such as yourself has deemed represive or detrimental to the betterment of society.

Next time you want to discuss something intelligible, or continue your rantings and ravings, I suggest you open a folder and bring my attention to it, like Madmac and others here who are truly interested in sincere discussions do!

Sumaya sister, I apologise in advance if my post changes the course of the discussion as it will most likely do. I tend to lose my patience with people once in a while and today I found a victim in Galool.

your sister in Islam.

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Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 03:35 pm
Sumaya assalaamu caleykum.

Sis, I assume you understand english if not I will later translate for you inshallah. I will not be able to answer your question but wanted to share the experience with you. It is not about me but it is my grandfather from the mother side. He was like you and really even couldn't talk to people sometimes beause of tasbix and tahlil all the time. When he wanted to go to the bathroom he used to keep his mouth apart by using a small stick so that his mouth would not come together and start remembering Allah. When he came out of the bathroom he went back to his condition. So, my grandfather conquered that proplem that way. He died while prostrating in FAJR may Allah have mercy on him. I didn't follow him but I am broad I have some blood of him in myself.

May Allah grant you his mercy.

I would really go to a big sheikh if I were you and ask this question. I wish I could help you dear sister but can't. Mashallah, you are very good muslimah.


Walaal waxaa jirey nin awoowahey ah oo sidaadoo kale afka aan ka goyn karin xuska ilaahey markuu musqusha galo. Wuxuu afka ku kala heyn jirey qori yar oo uu nadiifiyey jeebkana ugu jira. Markuu suuliga galo si uusan u tasbiixsan ama magaca ilaahey uusan u xusin qorigaasuu afka ku kala heyn jirey. Markuu kasoo baxana sidiisa hore yuu ku noqon jirey. Isagoo sujuudsan yuu geeriyoodey salaad subax masjidka.

Aniga su'aashaada kama jawaabi karo waayo qalbiga in ilaahey laga xuso qofkii awooda mar walba waa horumar weyn laakiin in afka lagaga dhawaaqo markaad suuliga ama musqusha aad ku jirto ma aqaan daliilkeeda. Caalim weydii arrintan si aad jawaab fiican uga hesho inshallah.

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Monday, March 26, 2001 - 08:39 pm
Sister TLG, ninka la yiraahdo Madmac ee gaalka ah, wuxuu doonayaa dadka muslimiinta ah ee Soomaaliyeed inuu diintooda ka fitneeyo in badanna shaki ayuu diintooda ka gelin karaa, marka ha u maleynin inuu yahay nin dan ka leh serious discussions haba yaraatee.



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abu salman

Monday, March 26, 2001 - 09:07 pm
To Galool

Diinta maaha waxa dadka wareeriyay ee waa aqoon la'aantooda, haday bartaana way ka xoroobi lahaayeen wareerka uu jahligu u keenay, tan labaad hadii ay jaahil ka yihiin arin diini ah ma waa ina ay culimada way diiyaan oo masaajida ugu tagaan ama wacaan ama su'aalaha ka way diiyaan web-kooda ma'ahayn in diinta duleeyaan oo sheydaanka adoo kale ahi ku qoslo waa wax ay muslimiintu isu keeneen ee maaha wax ay diintu noo keentay.
Adiga waxaan ku dhihi lahaa Alle kuuma baahna ee waa adiga qofka u baahan hadaad diiday inaad Alle aflagaadada iyo cayda aad ka dayso, sugo waxa aad mu taysatay cidna ha eedayn ee naftaada eedee, sugna in nafta caasiyada ah lagaa qaadi doono.
waxaan Alle kuu waydiinayaa in uu ku hanuuniyo hadii uusan hanuun kula damcina uu cadaalad kuula dhaqmo. waan hubaa inaad af Soomaliga akhrisid, ee akhri oo ku waano qaado.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 02:12 am
TLG translation

Guuleed said=
Sister TLG, ninka la yiraahdo Madmac ee gaalka ah, wuxuu doonayaa dadka muslimiinta ah ee Soomaaliyeed inuu diintooda ka fitneeyo in badanna shaki ayuu diintooda ka gelin karaa, marka ha u maleynin inuu yahay nin dan ka leh serious discussions haba yaraatee.



This means

Sister TLG, the kafir MadMac wants to mislead the somali muslims here into fitnah and away from their diin, he is able to cause them to be confused about their diin. So not assume that he is a man who has the least in "serious discussion"

Thank U

Your Brother...

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Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 05:29 am
People I think you are all mistaken. Galool is a bigger enemy to Islam and attempts to put doubts in people's minds more than Mad_Mac. Mad_Mac can be annoying at times but he has basic manners in not interfering with people asking for advice about basic Islamic matters.
This is my observation anyway and I could be wrong big time. I think TLG knows how to play her cards right. You need not worry about her.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 05:47 am
Sister, are you also a brother? I asked the question because you named after yourself a Sister, but you concluded your writing by the signature Your Brother...... Which one is it.....a sister or a brother are you?

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To Geele

Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 06:40 am

The Sister is a Sister ...She didn't end her writing with the "your brother" signature but rather that was the ending signature of the post she translated.

Let me spell it out for you. Guuleed ended his Somali writing as follows:



Sister translated that end as follows:

Thank U

Your brother...

Got it now, Geele? Gosh, never suspect anyone when you can't even understanding what they are doing!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 07:20 am
Asalaamu alaikum all,

Geele, jazakallahu khairan walaalo for your advice.
Sister, Jazakallahu khairan walaalo for the translation.
Everyone, lets not change the course of the discussion. If you have advice for the sister, please share it.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 07:42 am
To Geele, I didn't suspect. I just asked a question to something which I didn't understand. Get it?

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Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 07:43 am
To Geele, btw, what is this word you used "Gosh"? is it like saying "God"?

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Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 10:55 am

Way to go cyberniece! That is the spirit! I was concerned about you recently and thought you maybe getting your dainty but sharp religious little fangs blunted by common sense and all that Science they're obviously NOT teaching you at uni, but I needn't have worried.

If what I raised was not worthy of discussion, I don't know what is. It goes right to the core of one of the issues I have with organised, packaged and undisinfected religion which numbs the parts other ideoleogies can't reach.

I was in no way adding to the embarrasment of the lady who raised the question. On the contrary it is those who tell her which parts of her anatomy she should keep ajar when sitting on the toilet seat that should cringe for their bare-faced cheek! (All puns intentional!)

Moreover, my respect for other people's views, unlike you, includes accomodating responses from all comers, even when, and especially if, they scrutinize issues raised from an unexpected angle.

I am surprised by your uninhibited display of patronising snobbery by suggesting that while its OK for me to debate with educated ivy-league whipper-snappers like you, I should "respect" the views of intellectual "minnows" like this lady here - for that is exactly what you are suggesting I should do. I am entitled to express my opinions, and that includes talking to your "inferiors" which you so lordingly protect.

I think it is worthwhile not to forget that this is an open forums, and I will continue to post my views here, whether it pleases your pampered little majesty or not! Now which part of you don't understand that?

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Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 12:22 pm
asalaamucaleykum waraxmatulaahi.
walaalayaal waa mahadsan tihiin dhamaantiin insha laahi ducadaas magangalyada ah waad aqrin doonaa si aanan rabi ugu xusin meel aan habooneyn,jisaakumalaahi.

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Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 02:53 pm
walaalayaal diintu maxay ka tiri dadka qabyaalada ku dhaqma?

Aayadee iyo xadiiskee ayaa ku sarooray xumaanta iyo dhibaatada qabyaaladu leedhay?

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Friday, March 30, 2001 - 08:48 am
to CILMI DOON!!!!!!

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