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10,000 oo qof ayaa dhimatay!

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Islam (Religion): Archive (Before Feb 2000): 10,000 oo qof ayaa dhimatay!
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Unrecorded Date
Nabad iyo Naxariis Ilaahay Korkiina Ha Ahaato

Walaalayaal ummadda Muslimiinta waxaa ku habsatay aafo weyn oo dishay ilaa iyo hadda 10,000 oo qof.
Dhul gariirka ka dhacay dalka Turkey oo ay ku nool yihiin dad Muslimiin ah wuxuu baro kiciyay dad ka badan 200,000 oo qof oo hadda dibadaha seexda.

Waxaa laga baqayaa in tirada dhimashadu intaa ka badnaato. Cudurna ka dilaacaan meelaha qaarkood.

Walaalayaal waxaan idinka codsanayaa in aad Ilaahay u baridaan dadka masaakiinta ah ee Diinta Islaamku na walaalaysay in dhibka haysta Ilahaay ka furto intii dhimatayna Ilaahay u Naxariisto.

Haddii aad awooddo walaalayaalow hay'adaha samafalka ee meesha aad joogto ugu tabaruc wixii kaalmo ee aad heli kart hal dolarna ha noqotee.

Ilaahayow Ummadda Islaamka meel kasta oo ay joogto u gargaar. Ilaahayow kuwa dhibku hayo ka furan. Ilaahayow waxa ay faleen kuwa aan adigana kaa baqayn anaga aan noo naxayn ha nagu cadaabin. Ilaahayow Qadarkaaga iyo Amarkaagaan u hoggaansan nahay ee Ilaahayow Noo Naxariiso.

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to walaalkiin,
non-of-our somaliaffairs.go tell your grievenceto the turkish.

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Afaaro, one should empathize with all who suffer misfortunes; more so, if those people are muslims.
Be compassionate, misfortune can strike you today.

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Unrecorded Date
To: Afaaro,

what is the Somali affairs if I may ask ?...Is it Tribalism? See you are so consumed by hatred that you think tribalism supersedes Islam. Well you are wrong and it is about time you woke up and smelled the coffee.

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Somali Victim

Unrecorded Date
In a way i would agree with Afaaro. The reason to that is when the UN were organizing some troops to send them to Somalia, about a few years a go, what did the Turkish Government say? They said "Why should we let our troops die in where not needed, i think some of the African countries should support" What the hell does this mean? Where are the Muslim people? As they say what goes around, comes around. We suffered, we strugled and we died in life, now its time for them. Iam empathizing them coz we r human beings no matter what yet we stil have feelings and blood, but we shouldn't be talking about it as they didn't even bother mentioning us.

Khalid, we r a wake and we don't need a coffe to wake us up. If we r Somalis then it has to be tribalism between us. Its something that's been in our blood for centries and centries, so don't just expect that Somalis will change in an overnight. Everything takes time and no matter what time we Somalis have, tribalism will never be the thing that goes out of our blood, even though if u r saying u r not infected, just take a look at yourself and then u'll realize that u r the worst of the worst coz if u weren't one of the worst then u wouldn't have mentioned it at the first place. Allah does things to us in order to test our faith, so brother never lose hope or faith so quick and one can't just lead a whole nation, unless that nation is agreed to be leaded.

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Unrecorded Date
Sokeeyahaagii soomaaliga eh aabo baahi iyo ma shaqo ku nool maxaa turki kaalmo ka siinaa?,muslinimo xaags jirti markii dadkaanya baahi u dhinteen??...dadkaan muslimka isku sheegaayeen xagaas jireen? ma na daneeyaan?.Wallahi hadiis xitaa lacagta iga badato turki aa tiri ee xitaa dad kale oo muslin eh kumi daloolo ma siiyeen intaas dadkeega soomaaliyeed dhiwaateesan yihiin,indho adakaa!!!,turki maxaas nooga jira?..lo'daanyabo isla ma daaqaan!!

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Unrecorded Date
muslimnimada baro baan ku dhihi lahaa, sidookale waxaa fiican in aad kala saarto dawladaha dadka muslimiinta ah xukuma iyo dadka muslimiinta ah laftirkooda.
waxaa jira dad badan oo muslimiin ah oo waxay tari kareen taray umada soomaaliyeed kana xun xaalada ay soomaaliya kusugantahay.
haloobin turkiya waa meeshii udanbaysay ee ayka dhisnayd dawladii udu danbaysay ee muslinmiinta.

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu Caleykum Brothers and Sisters,
Waxaa dadkeena badidood ku khaldan yihiin ayagoo moodaayo in muslinka la sheegaba carabto leedahay ama dowladaha muslinka xukuma, Tusaale, qaar baa ku yiraahda muslin maxaad noogu amaanee sacuudigaba waa sidaas oo muslinka dhibee ama sida saaxibadeena kore ku qoran hadda qoreen oo ku doodayaan Turki muxuu islam ku yahay ama kumi daloolo ma siinaayo muslin,hadaba is weydii ma hal qof oo ku xumeeyey ama dowlad wadankeeda kaa tarxiishey ayaad islaamka oo dhan u af lagaadeeyneysaa , mid kalena ogaada sucuudiga ma laha islaamka ee waa diin ilaah soo dejeyey oo u soo dhiibey Nabigeena Muxamad SCW. markaad islaanimo sheeganeyso u islaam ilaah weyne daraadiisa ee ha u islaamin Sucuudiga ama Turki wax ha kuu taraan ,haday wax kuu tari waayaana muslin oo dhan ayaan af lagaadeyneyaa !!!.
Waxaad kale ood ogaataan In Muslin oo dhan ay walaalo yihiin ha ahaado Somali ama Turki ama Ithopia ,taasna waa dardaarankii Nabigeena oo ahaa " Muslinka waa jir keliya oo hadduu mid xanuunsado kan kale la xanuunsada " ama xadiiskii ahaa " Ma rumeyn midkiin ilaa uu la jeclaado walaalkiisa waxay nafsadiisa jeceshahay " Hadaba walaalayaal ha isku khaldina Muslinimo iyo Somalinimo .
Raali ka noqda haddaan wax khaldey
Wa Bilaahi Towfiiq

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