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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Islam (Religion): Archive (Before Feb 2000): IS BIN LADEN WELCOMED IN SOMALIA?
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Unrecorded Date

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Unrecorded Date
Asalama Alaykum All!

THE_DIEHARD, Osama is a Muslim man...and Somalis are Muslim society---so he is definitely welcome.

Personally, I don't agree with him in alot of what he says/does, however, he's still Muslim. I don't think any Muslim, in his/her right mind, would sell him to the wolves(the West). I would NOT let him do his way from my home, but I would not refuse him refuge in my house from the unbelieving people.

Blessed BE!

Peace, Ahmad!

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Unrecorded Date
Hell yeah he's welcom in somalia! They guy is not a terrorist, yes he is a Islamic fundelmentlist but in a world so curropted we need strong muslim who are willing to stand for the cause of ALLAH (swt) at all costs. I agree, although I don't know the whole story cuz you can't trust the North American media that his methods are some what exterme, but hey they said the same thing about Malcolm X. I think Bin Ladan is the kind of leader Arab nations(except for Iraq)lack.

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Unrecorded Date
Whoever behind this, Usaama Bin Laden is heartly welcome in Somalia. Welcome home Usama!. He is in every real true believer's heart.

Kii kanixi lahayoow ka nax!.

Waxaan Allaah ka baryayaa in uu gacanta u gelin cadowgaas isugu jira kuwa gaalada ah & kuwa calmaaniyiinta & kuwa iimaanka yar ee aminsan in la qabto ama la dilo.


Xasuusin: Waxaan dadka walaalaha muslimiinta iimaanka leh ee jecel koryeelida KITAABKA Alle ka codsanayaa in meeshan (mowduucan)af-somaali kaliya lagu soo qoro. Waayo waan shikiyey, waxaana dhici karta in dad gaalo ajnabiyi & kuwa inoo-nisba sheegta meesha ku jiraan oo doonaya warar ku saabsan Usama.

Ikhwaani fil Islaam, sidaad la socotaan xaalada Usama waa ay xun tahay waayo waxa aan maqlay in Afghanistan arrintiisa kala xaajooneyso USA, markaa haddii aay naga bax dhahaan waxaa la rabaa in la qabto.

Sidaas daraadeed waxa dhici karta in dad XOG raadis ahi meesha yimaadaan ama aay rabaan inaay fiiriyaan ra'yigeena guud ee arrinkan (opinion poll). Bal adinkuba eega Cinwaanka. Mowduucaan waa mowduuc (sensitive) ah, mudana af-soomaali kaliya in lagu qoro, kii fahma ha fahmo, kii fahmina ha iska tago.

-Alloow Cusaama ka badbaadi codowga! -Amen-


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Unrecorded Date
TO ANSARI.Dear brother i am the one who posted this question and i have no any hidden agenda to serve any one especially the "gaalade" and i got the idea while browsing the somalinet news when i saw this article saying that osama send a letter to the taleban mullah asking for a save passage to a third country and one his destination countries included somalia, the others were Albania and chechniya;
as you seen i have reserved my judgement and my ask for my fellow somalis to contribute their oppinion. i agree with you that this is sensitive issue on the hand you have to know that osama is not new to the somali politics, he himself once said that he played a significant role in war against Americans during the the operation restore hope in somalia.
with the issue that i posted my question in english . well, its may be because as one member of this forums once said " because theirs no shaqal dheer iyo shaqal gaab".
your all welcome to write your oppinions in which ever language you feel confident.. whether or somali . once again thanks everyone for your time and oppinion.

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Unrecorded Date
Asalama Alaykum dhamaantiin!

TO: Ansaari!

Walaal, maxaad uga baqaysaa ama uga shakiyeesaa??? Usama Bin Laden is a Muslim---and he's welcome in Somalia, period. Anyone, spy or not...can take that to the bank!

As long as he says "there nothing worth worshipping but God, and that Muhammad(pbuh) is a Prophet of his"---this makes him our brother in Islam. So, the West or anyone else who thinks he is not---can simply shove it! AND, if they think a Somali(Muslim) will sell him to them, they're gravely mistaken!

Wixii muran ah oo dhexdeena ah, soomali ahaan, waa fahan sanahay inaan af-soomali ku hadalno, LAAKIIN wixii saan oo kale ah...waa inaanan ka baqin wixii aan aaminsanahay.

Sida hada socota, Usama Afghanistan kama baxaayo ilaa ay labo sameeyaan:
--Kow, inay raaciyaan ciidan waardiyeeya...ilaa iyo meeshuu u socdo!
--Labo, inaysan u sheegin cidna meesha uu aadayo!

Alle waxaan ka baryayaa inuu wadadiisa toosan tuso kuma Alle rummeeya!

Wasalama Calaykum!

Ahmad! *>.<*

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Unrecorded Date
Salaamu Caleykum!

To. the_diehard

Walaal arrinkan ninkan maanta meeshuu marayo waad ogtahay. marka xigana Qadarta Eebe marna la gafi maayo oo Cusaama wixii u qoran ayaa asiibiya, oo haddii Alle u gartey gacan-cadow hadee wuu geli, haddii Alle (swt) u garanina taas, haddee haddii aay isu tagaan Xooga maanta aduunka jooga waligiis ma u gacan-gelayo.

Sidaad adiguba sheegtay mawduuc ayaad inta furtay adoon fikradaada dhiiban dadka uga baxday, taasna waxeeey keeni kartaa SHAKI weyn, mana xuma in mowduucaan laga hadlo, balse ADIGA keenaye ee hala arkee QOR afkaartaada. Show us your move!

TO. Axmed

Walaale Axmed...maaha in aan baqayo, ee waxaa rabaa in aan kala ogaado qofka arrinkan soo dhigaya yuu yahay? Somali mise kuma?

Sidaad la socotidba meesha netku waa JIQ (kayn) gudcur ah cid walbana oo shar & kheyr lehiba ku jirto, leysna arkeynin.

Markaa baqdin ma ahan ee waa: Maxaa kulmiyey weerta & Naasa adag! Waxaa umeleynayaa in aad xasuusatid qisadii wiilwaal markii la rabey in la dilo.

Alloow ugargaar dadka Diinkaada ugargaara!


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Unrecorded Date
To; Ansaari & Ahmed

Salaamu calaykum

Walaal yaa huba in The-diehard uu muslin yahay, af soomaaligana erey khaldan ayuu qoray, walaal sidii ansaari kor ku xusay waxaa muhim ah in afkeenii hooyo aan wax ku qorno, taasi ma aha in aynu baqanayno balse waa hubin aan rabno in aan ogaano cidaan lahadleyno in aaney aheyn gaalo iyo gaalo raacyo. Fikrada ah Usaama Bin Laden in loo ogolaado Soomaaliyana haddii uu ina waydiisan lahaa gacmo furan ayaan ku soo dhaweynaynaa.


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Unrecorded Date
To: Ansari
jeg forstar ikke hvad du er bange for, hvis du er en rigtig muslim du kun bange Gud men ikke menneskerne.
TO Samsam
dear sista to be somali dosent quarantee you will automatically qualify as a muslim, to be a muslim one has to be a firm believer of the true faith and has to perform the act of worship as ordained in islam .so your idea that i am not a somali and hence not a muslim as put it sister , idont get it.for the two i choice islam and iam proud of it.

my question still stands , your input is highly appreciated., thanks

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Unrecorded Date
Til: the_diehard

Kære ven!
Du skal vide at jeg ikke er bange for nogen! Men kun Allah (swt) min og din skaber.

Hvad er det, du render rundt om Usama? Og hvorfor skulle du vide andres mening om denne mand?

Sig mig, er du en anmelder eller hva!?
Hvis du er en rigtig god muslim, så udtryk din mening om denne mand. Så kom ud af busken! så vi kan se dig i lyset!.

Se engang dit eget navn, det er heller ikke muslimsk!.


Qofkan wuxuu ku soo qoray af danish, wuxuuna ka soo ogaadey in Denmark joogo mowduucyo hore.

Wuxuu isoo yiri: "Haddii aad muslim dhab ah tahay maxaad biniaadam uga baqaysaa ma Alle ka baqdid" si kajan ah.

Koleey qofkan ma fahmin, magaciisa eega (the_diehard) qofka magacaas lahi idinkuba maxaad ku qiyaasi laheydeen?.


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Unrecorded Date
Asalama Calaykum Dhamaantiin!

TO: Ansaari!

Walaal, waan fahmay fikradaada, waana fikrad wanaagsan.

Waana runtaa oo meeshaan cid cid wax ka garanaysa malaha, laakiin, hadii aan nahay Muslimiin, wixii diinteena ku saabsan waa inaan sheegnaa, luqad kastaba ha`ahaatee. Laakiin, sidoo kale, waan aaminsanahay in wixii dhexdeena ah, soomaali ahaann, aan af-somali ku hadalno!

TO: Samsam!

Waan runtaa, Usama gacmo furan baan ku soo dhaweyneynaa, LAAKIIN waa inaan taas ku dhahno, Luqad kasta oo uu su`aalahu ku hadlay, sababtoo ah waa wax aan aaminsan nahay. Usamaa waa walaalkeen Muslim ah----anagana(BADANKEENU) waxaan nahay dad Muslim ah, sidaa daraadeed waa walaalkeen!

Khayr iyo cibaado saalix ah, dhamaantiin!

Wasalama Calaykum!

Ahmad! *>.<*

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Unrecorded Date
The crush of the Egyptian Airline this morning was
terrorist act and its none other than the work of this coward terorist osama bin laden.
why in the God name will someone do such horrible thing?

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Unrecorded Date
To anonymous:
I warn you not draw your assumption conclusion
when the FEDS and Billy boy say there no evidence of foul play who gave you the right to judge people guilt?We dont know what happened so lets wait and see and pray for those muslims who lost there life..........

Ansaari... i have no time to give u a basic cyber course.(why dont u ask the sprog skolen if hardly finished ur G1)well.. diehard is just user name and that doesn't reflect who i am in real life,it just
happen to be my cyber if you lack creative and u cant come with a name stop envying others

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Unrecorded Date
Hvis du bliver ved med og taler såden til de adnre, er det bedst for at ignorere dig fuldt ud!. Du aner simplthen ikke, det gift du render rundt med her, udde i netet. Spild af tid, du!. Være fornuftig mand!


Actually it's you who need a basic discipline course, because you don't even know what you posting here and you are lack of self-respect!.


Qofka muslimka waxaa la doonayaa in uu xag dhaqan, edeb & macaamilba tusaale fiican u noqdaa dadka kale ee ku xeeran muslim & gaalaba.

About your cyber-name "Diehard" reflcting for me and the others something not islamic. Haddii aad muslim tahay oo aad dooneysid in aad wax kheyr leh dadka kala qeyb qaadatid halkan, magacaana aad wadatid dadku waa kaa shakinayaan, sida halknba dhacday, and then you having problem to be excepted here in this section ISLAM.

Magacaada (diehard) maaha magac islaama. Haddii qofku yahay qof islaamnimadu ku dheertahay, mumin saxa ah, wuxuu had iyo goor jecel yahay in uu labaxo magaciisa muslimka ama magac (reflicting) islaamka. Ogoow qof walba wixii saadsado ama wuxuu isku matalaa oo uu jecel yahay waa loo sahlaa.

Seed marka adigoo sheeganaya msulim intii aad la bixi laheyd magac fiican ma waxaad ka dooratey DIEHARD? Nina meel u cad nina meel u madoow.

Ok!, kababax magacaada, waxaad rabtid qaado. Maxaad inta mowduucan u furtay dadka u daawaneysaa? Maad la timaadid ra'yigaada aanu aragnee? Macalin dadka saxaya ma tihid, waa fikrado la is-dhafsanayo, markaa haddii aay WAX KALE JIRIN maa lagu arko?

Haddii aad qof muslima SAX ah tahay oo aad u qaadatay hadaladeyda "offence" walaaloow raali ahoow. Cafis ayaad xageyga ka tahay, adigana xaggaada sidoo kale!.



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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu Caleykum

Marka hore waxaan la yaabanahay dadka iska dhaadhiciyay Usama ayaa aadaya Soomaaliya. Muxuu ka doonayaa wadan ay dadkoodii leynayaan culumadoodii iyo cilmiyahanadoodii. Ma hilmaanteen mooryaanta iyo jirida ah calooshood u shaqeystaayaasha ah oo itoopiya lacagta soo siiyay watana magacyada culumada soomaaliyeed rabana inay dilaan si ay itopiya amarkeeda u fuliyaan. Dadka soomaaliyeed waxbay ka qiroodaan laakiin dhabta ma raadiyaan. Meeqa sheikh ayaa lagu dilay xamar. Ma taqaan caalimkii ugu waynaa sida loo dilay. Waxaa ka dambeysay itopiya ninka dilayna (Ilaahey jahanama ha ku fageeyo) ma uusan garaneyn balse magaciisa ayuu ugu yeeray ka dib markuu haa yiri ayuu ku tiriyay. Ma aaminayo inuu Usama aadayo meeshaan culumada lagu laynayo. Mudo yar ka hor ayaa Shariif Cabdi nuur shir qool lagu sigay kaasoo la xaqiijiyay inay itopiya ka dambeysay. Dadkeenii ayaa laynaya culumadeenii xagey joogaan kuwo shisheeye. Usama waa uu yaqaan Soomaaliya waxay tahay ee gameka westerners-ka ha aaminina. Mida kale, Usama walwalkiisa iska daaya. Ilaahey ayaa u qoray wixii ku dhici lahaa. Imisa ayaa ka darnaa oo tagay. U duceeya inuu Ilaahey ka badbaadiyo cadowgiisa, hana is oran Usama khatar ayuu ku jiraa. Ilaahey baa la jira, cidii Alle ka jirona yaa ka guulaysanaya? Ma'xed Bin Usama Bin Laden waa mujaahid haduu dhintona diinta Islaamka meeshaan kuma hareyso laakiin nabiga scw ayaa horay u sheegay oo yiri. "Umadayda ma laga waynayo kuwo marwalba xaqa isu taaga." Miyaad rajeynaysaa inuu Ilaahey kuwaas kugu daro mise phd ayaad rabraa inaa the U of Gaalo ka qaadatid? Imisa AMiir ayaa la dilay, mar walba replacement ayaa dhici doonta Ilaaheyna asaga ayaa balan qaaday inuu Ilaaliyo adoomihiisa wanaagsan ee warka gaalada ha aaminina. U maleyn maayo inay TALIBAN daynayso Usama maxaa yeelay waa dad ay ku jirto Shacaa'ir Islaami ah mana ogola inay qof Muslin ah gaalo ka gataan.

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu Caleykum

Kan isku sheegaya THE DIE_HARD waxaan u maleynayaa in ISLAANIMADAADU shaki ku jirto maxaa yeelay waxaan qof Islaam ah laga filayn ayaad ku hadashay. Ilaahey wuxu ku amray inaad wixii nabigiisu ku yiraahdo raacdo su'aal la'aan iyo ka shaki la'aan. Sidaa awogeed ayuu Nabiga yiri "Cidii Ilaahey iyo Aakhiro rumaysa, ha marti galiso martidooda." Hadaad Ilaahay iyo aakhiro rumaysan tahay maadan su'aal ka keenteen qof Muslin ah oo yiri gurigaaga (wadakaada) ayaa marti u aadayaa. Ninyahoow waxaad qortay ayey umada la wareereen ee qaabka aad wax u qoreyso iska ilaali. Hadaad rabtid inaad Usama la dagaalanto Ilaahey ayaad dagaal kula jirtaa xadiiska cadeynaya waa sidan. "Man cadaa lii waliyan faqan aadantuhu bil xarbi." Oo micneheedu yahay Cidii Adoon aan leeyahay la dagaalanta waxaa ogeysiiyay dagaal. Ogoow gaalo iyo wixii la fikrad ah oo doonaya dagaalka Usama inay Ilaahey furun dagaal kula jiraan cida raynaysana waad taqaan. Adoon Ilaahey noqo, dimadiisana ha ka bixin.

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Unrecorded Date
To: The-diehard

Asalaamu caleykum to all muslims

Walaalow in aad tahay muslin iyo in kale qofna moga, balse sida ay sheegeen walaalahay magacaagu waa mid gaal haddalkaaguna lama fahmayo dulucdiisa, wax muujinaya Islaanimadaadana iigama kaa muuqato, markaa hala yaabin hadaanu kunidhi muslin matihid. Teeda kale hadii aad xataa muslin tahay maxaa kuu xambaarshey in aad qaadato magacan khariban, miyaaanad maqal waxa uu ka yidhi rasuulkeenii magacyada xunxun. Alle ha ku qabto haddii aad tahay gaal isyeelyeelaya oo jaajuus ah haddii aad taahy muslin magaca xun mooday ilbaxnimana Rabi ha ku hadeeyo.

Kheyr Alle hasiiyo walaalahayga diinta u gargaara.

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaama alaykum

Walaalayaal salaan dabadeed ,Waxaan ku raacsanahy arinta cusaama bin ladin Walaalkey MUSLIM.Cusaama
ma aamin sani inuu soomaliya aadi doono ,sababtoo ah Somalia ma ha Meel xasiloon ,waxaa dhooban calooshood u shaqeystayaal,cilmaaniyiin ,qabqablayaal gaalo u adeeg ah oo waxay arkaan ku siisanaya . Haddii ay noqoto inuu tago Somalia ,waxaan is leeyahay waa ay u dhib yartahay reer galbeedka inay soo qabtaan,dadkaas aan soo sheegay ayay adeegsanayaan. Waxaan ilaahey uga baryaynaa inuu adoonkiisa ka badbaadiyo hanjabaada Kufriga.

To Diehard: Waxaad tiri soomaliga waxaa ku badan shaqaldheer iyo shaqalgaab, Danish iyo English ayaad ka doorbiday,magacaaguna waa diehard, intaas marka la isku geeyo waxaa soo baxaya shaki xagaaga ah inaad muslim tahy iyo in kale. marka isa soo cadee

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Unrecorded Date
KU: SOCOTA MUSLIMIINTA DHAMMAAN AS-salaamu caleykum Walaalayaal markuu qof afsoomaali kusoo qorin yaan loo jawaabin waayo waxaa dhici karta inuu qofkani gaalo yahay ama uu la shaqeeyo. arriimaha kusabaabsan dadka muslimiinta ahana yaan la sheegin waayo waxaa dhici karta inaay gaalado hadal naga helaan taasna mafiicna.

As-salaamu caleykum. ILAAHEY muslimiintuu lajiraa markasta.

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Unrecorded Date
In response to Anonymous Mon,nov 8,99-6:i3am & Hirsi
I dont understand why you people make my identity big issue, this forums is good breading place for all anomymous being,it happen that i called my self "the diehard" that is my cyber alias,or login or username whatever you want to called, i could have choose anonymous, but no, I liked the diehard and i will keep forever. For wheher i am muslim or not that is between me and Allah . i have explain before and i dont want to repeat again,
YOU can post your article in somali but i quarantee U I will read and understand every bit of it and reply in what ever language i find apropriate at that time. but i ought not to use a "shaqal dheer iyo shaqal gaaban"
let me clarify you one thing ,the reason i posted this tobic is because it was in the News that night and you can confirm it if you want. I put my tobic under Islam tobic because that is the best place it fits so MR and MRS Wadaads stop dictatintg to masses and afterall this is a public forums and one everyone has the right to contribute

FOR YOUR IN INFORMATION:> who own the internet? Did you ask your self the Q MR anon? Let me tell you , its own by the US Goverment whether YOU like it or not. It operates on the Global Positioning satelite (GPS) which is own, manage and control by the US Navy so,whether YOU say "AF somali kaliya ha lagu soo qoro" let me tell you bro, Your in somebody else house and he knows everything that is going on in his territory. and i if you think no one will translate for them , Then can u tell why we have a somali version of the Bible? when we claim we a 100% muslims did you try to take a tour in somalinet forums and see the extent of hipocracy of some articles even the ones posted in somali

PS starting from today i have decided not to contribute anything in the islam tobic whether beneficial or not so Please can YOU give me Peace AND LEAVE ME ALONE.
thanks ALL
The Diehard

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu calaykum waraxmatulaahi.

waxaan dabcan filayaa wixii aan rabay inaan sheego walaaleheey ayaa horey usheegay laakiin xoogin kaliya ayaan kudarayaa. tusaale ahaan waxaa jira walaalo yiri macquul maahan in osaama kubad baadi karo soomaali maxaa yeelay waxaa jooga dad calooshood ushaqaystayaal ah, xaqiiqadii sida la ogyahayba waxaa jira maxkamado islaami ah oo lafilayo "insha allah" inay lawareegi doonaan xukunka soomaliya kadibna ay suurta gali doonto in danaha islaamka laga fuliyo qof walba oo islaam ah oo gar gaar ubaahana aan taakulayno haddii allaha awooda leh qadaro. waxaana rajaynaynaa in osaama iyo muslimiinta kaleba ay hooy unoqoto.

To. deihard.
Kære ven

Jeg undrede mig over det du kaldte dig. Fordi du sagde at du er mulimer og sammetide har en fremmede navn, som vi ikke vande til at bruge hvis vi er muslimer.
jeg bange for "hvis jeg tale lidt ud" at du er en af dem der har skiftet deres navn her i Danmark for at finde et arbejde eller noget lignede.
Min bedste råd til dig er, at du indrømme din fejle og bad om allah tilgivelse.

Du kan altid kommentere, hvis du synes at jeg har begået en fejl eller noget andet.

Til ansari.

Jeg kunne godt tænke mig og vide, hvor du bor i Dk og hvad er dit E-mail

Asalaamu calaykum.

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Unrecorded Date
Salama Caleykum


Walaal! Jeg bor nemlig i DK, i et sted i Midt/VestJylland el. Danmarks hjerte.

Hvad med dig? hvor bor du henne? send svaret med i dit email, som du vil sende til mig.

her er mit e-mail:

Jazakallah kheyran bromand!


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Unrecorded Date
to dhamaan
assalama caleykum dhamaantiin
walaalyaal allaah ha idiin naxariisto dhamaantiin
sidaad islamka ugu fakareysaan ninkii laga
shakiyay maahee intiina kale waxaan
maalmahan ka naxsanahay walaalaheen
jeejniya allaahna aan u marino dhamaanteen
insha allaah islamku dib ayuu dunida uga
talin doona

ka naxow nafta waa gaalo raacow wadnahu
ku go

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Unrecorded Date





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Generation X

Unrecorded Date

This room is ONLY for the Musmil brothers and sisters. We don't have a place to the Kufaar and his supports.

It's ok for us that he helped you...but he is still a incredulous. So keep him away from this site.

To. Ansaari & Asad 2.

Hva'sö drenge ? hvordan har I det ?. I skal bare forseatte med at bekämpe mod Kufaar.

Asad hvor bor du henne i verden ? hvilken by.
Vi kender godt bro-manden Ansaari.

Generation X

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Osama Bin Ladin

Unrecorded Date
aslaamu calaykum dhamaan

Salaantaas qaaliga ah kadib waxaa mahad oo dhan iska leh ilaaha aan iga mooyee ilaah kale jirin, nabadgelyo iyo naxariisna ha ahaato nebigeenii suubanaa MUHAMED s.c.w....

Intaas kadib hadii lasku haayo soomaaliya ma imaan karaa Osaama bin ladin iyo ma imaan karo?

waxaan idiin sheegayaa in usaama hada soomaaliya meel aan ahayn uusan usoo socon, soomaaliya waa dalka keliya ee aduunka ah 100% mulimiin, usaamana wax u diidaya inuu yimaado majirto soomaaliaya, wuxuuna weliba ku helayaa garab iyo hiil uusan hada haysan...

Sidaad la socotaan waxaa soomaaliya hada kasoo bidhamaysa dowlad isalaami ah, waxaana dalliil u ah inay kasoo bidhaamayso in hada ay wadaadii qabsadee MARKA ilaa BARAAWE wayna sii socon doonaan ilaa ay ka hantiyaan koonfurta oo dhan...

Dadaka ku dacwoonaya ama haday jiraan dad ku dacwoonaya in usaama uusan soomaaliya iman karin yaa ka mancinaya ka ku dacwoonayaase soomaaliya ma ku noolyahay isagu mise...... haduusan soomaaliya ki noolayn waxaan odhan lahaa waxba hadaalin ee iska aamis...

usaama ilaah khayr ha siiyo wuxuu la dagaalamayaa waa gaalo, waadna ogtihiin sida ay diinteenu noo fartay inaan gaalo la dagaalano, gaalana waxay intaa noo maleegayaa dhagar iyo siday noo daba goyn lahaayeen maxaa yeeley ilaah ayaa kitaabkiisa ku leh. KAA RAALI NOQON MAYAAN YUHUUD IYO NASAARA TOONA JEER AAD DIINTOODA RAACTO...suuratu baqara..

marka maxaad ka sugaysaan illah baaba kuu sheegayee inayna kaa raali noqonayn ilaa aad iyaga oo kale noqoto mooyee, maanta gaalo waa isku bahaysatay la dagaalanka muslimiin mana aha wax qarsoon oo ay manta dad laka qarsanayaan, waxaana keenay arintaa kadib markii ay dadkii muslimiinta ahaa ka tageen JIHAADKII oo ay iska doorteen aduunka markaa ayaa DULI ku habsaday kana kici maayo duligaasi jeer ay diitooda uga soo noqdaan oo ay JIHAADAKA soo celiyaan..

anigu dhab ahaan waxaan si cad oo aan laablaab ku jirin u taageersanahay Osama bin ladin, ha ahaato niyad ama qowl yacni hadal, mana la gabanayo hadakayga waayo hadaadan walaalkaa wax kale ku taageeri karin kuu taageer hadalka gaalada cadha gelinay......

asalaamu calaykum

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Generation X

Unrecorded Date

Ohh Gud !

Kan du også forstå Nordisk. Det kom bag på mig, det må jeg nok indrømme. Lad os nu glemme ham klamme hvid mand der. Altså ham der har vist dig here.

Men du er altid velkommen til at sig din mening.

Generation X

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu calaykum waraxmatulaahi.

to Generation X

Kære Generation Tak for din oppakning.
det er Asad2, der gerne vil svare på dit spørsmål.
Hvis jeg fortæller lidt om mig selv, Mit navn er Ali og jeg fra Nordjylland.

Jeg vil også gerne vide, hvem du er og hvor du på finde dig i Dk.

Med venlig Hilsen
Asad2 din bro I Islam

Asalaamu calaykum

du er Altid Velkomme til, at skrive til mig.

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Unrecorded Date

The very important issue in here is, if not a question: "Will Laden be welcomed in Somalia?"

The-easier-than-your-breath answer: "Yes!"

Nonetheless, if he only wills. To add my humble opinion, I do think not that his barefoot would land Somalia while Sudan, Chechnya, Libya, and so forth of ultraIslamic nations are available--nations that is placed in the first place of enemy of U.S.

Read On::::

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Unrecorded Date
Die Hard

Who gives a damn what people think, u have the right express ur mind. I hope u don't stop posting articles because of few close minded people who fail to see the signifigance in what u r saying.

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kuku man

Unrecorded Date
Inta kasoo hor jeeda OSAMA B LADEN

I don't understand what you guys really saying
about osama bin laden but lets assume that osama bin laden want to come to somalia, in my perception, I think he is intitle to come to somalia because somalia is muslim land so osama bin laden. On the other hand osama bin laden is american enemy #1 but for me he is my real hero because americans are not targeting him for individual basis but because he is muslim so who am I. My friends don't judge anything on the surface, but you should microscope beneath of the issue between osama and the great satan.

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Unrecorded Date
waawareey,ar naga fogeeya ninkaan waalida qabo,dhul carab waa buux ee ma tagoo,maxaas ka soo doonaa dhulkaanya?,teena aa dhulkeena heesato waali wadan kale a imid maxaa nooqore?

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Unrecorded Date
salanta islaamka ka dib.
walaalyaal hadaan wax ku darsdo doodan, waxaa iga yaabiyey in aan waqti badan siiney dood ah goraydu biyaha ma cabtaa iyo ma cabto, mida kale waxaan maqli jirey aanoo aabahay u taag la', ayuu aabahyna abihii keenay. dabcan osama waa nin muslin ah sida la sheegay, waaana u damqaneynaa, mana ogalin in qof muslin ah la waxyeeleyo, hadna waryaa adiga ma iloowday wax dhibaato iyo shaqo ku taal inataad u hanqal taagayso waxaanad maanta adigu waxba ku kordhin karin (yacnii ka soomali ahaan>. maad almiino wax yar ka sheegtid dulmiga waxaan la garneyn waxay yihiin oo ma naxayaal ahi ay ka wadaan wadankeenii hooyo. mida kale haddii aydin osama taageero iyo muxbo u qabtaan, waayo aadan dulmiga iyo xaqdarda dadka jilicsan ee soomalida ah lagu hayo aad uga damqan weydeen.
waxaa iga gabegebo ah qolo waliba in gubtaa wey dhex taal, fadlan caadifada iska dhaafa, beenta iyo borbogandada ma fiicna, xaqiiqadana waa jaha ileen waa 2000
wa bilaahi tawfiiq

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Unrecorded Date
Ismail, age 20, thu 24/02/200

Ilayhay garasho garad iyo indho aragti ha iino yello waxa layab leh, adigoo muslim baa kafir xun ah, sual micno daran kugu carsanayaa.
ogada walaalahayow binu ladin waa askeri alle , wuxu bere kaya galada kutilmayan {killing civilian}
su'aasha walawaydii wuxuna yiri anigu "maato madilin" bal ilahay magiibnada uu ino dhaliyey hadan somali nahay milo safaj {filthy serbian present } oo ay askartisu kutartameen in ay doxan naag uur leh calosheda maxakujira maxay americanku uqabwaa yeen! stead -miyeysan ahay kuwii kuso hogamiyey {NEW WORLD ORDER} somaliya.

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Unrecorded Date


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Concerned Muslim

Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu Calaykum

i am very very disapointed that we Somalians are so brain washed, i am tired of those people who are saying Usama is Welcome in Somalia

NO, No, No Usama killed More Than 500 Miskiin Black African Brothers and Sisters, He wounded more than 5000 Miskin brothers and sisters who where running to put some Ugali on their hungry balies,Amoung of those who were masacared including 85 muslims, Islam is a Diin of compation not sloughtering machine! I am sick of you brain washed so called Somalians who support the innhuman killing machine staborn individual.In Kenya and Tanzania he only killed 11 civilain AmaricanS when he said he was fighting Americans. Are you not muslims? dont you know that Allah will Judge those who have killed innocent civilians??

Somalia is my beloved country and i will be the first one stand up and fight against that sick person if he ever ever ever tries to come to Somalia.

Concerned Muslim

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Unrecorded Date
to all,

waxaa iga fijiciyey dadka qaarkii ku andacoonayaa inagaa is dilaynee tu kale maan tabar u haynaa. hadaba aqristoow maxay kula tahay soomaali burburka haysta in ay gaalo basically masuul ka yihiin? in yar oo kooban sanadadii 1982-85 waxaa soomaaliya military assistance ay u heshay $370 million taas oo loogu tala galay in umada laga caburiyo OO AY SOOMAALIYA NOQOTO HARSH LAND IYO UNSTABLE ENVIRONMENT EVER. mida kale shalay waxaa la qalayey iraq then bosnia then algeria then kosovo maantana waa chechnia hadaba yaa ku xiga ayey xaajadu maraysaa.
osama bin ladin waa muslim and all the muslims are brothers miyaad taa ilowdeen hadii uu soomaaliya ama indonisia tago waa muslim land! hadii uu bomb ku qarxiyey kenya iyo tansaniana bal kawarama wadamada muslimiinta ee aan kor ku xusay? dadka ama wadamadaas duqeeyey ma terrorist baa mise waa heroes? run ahaantii waxaa osama bin ladin lagu eedaynayaa maxaad muslim u noqotay oo aad u caawinaysaa muslimiinta dulman hadaba dadkiina ku hadaaqaya teena ayaan ka badin waynay in tan kalena ay taada laxiriirto hadaad chicago joogto ama hadaad janaale joogto.

Wabilaahi towfiiq

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Unrecorded Date

Waaaw! we have been on the look out for a guy like you and have an opening position for a SPY JOB in somalia.

All you need is apply, No games and lengthy waiting list just apply. One of the prerequisite of which you already fulfilled is being a traitor and hypocrat who knows how to blend in and use religious name to win support.

What do you say Mr.Candidate?. We always visit these forumss on hopes that we might find a force that we can fund and send back home to crash the emerging islam from somalia and I know as an experienced agent you hate them so much to a point where you call them enemies or whatever name comes to your mind.

Mr. concerned muslim; call me at 1888-SPYAGENCY if you are interested in putting down the flames of Islam in somalia, we will hire you on the spot.

I will here from I guess and keep being vigilante. FBI,CIA loves you.

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Unrecorded Date

Waaw! we have been on the lookout for a guy like you and have an opening position for mujahidin training camp!!. All you need is to apply. When you'll finish your training you'll travel for various missions around the world, New York, Washington, London, Paris, Cairo.... In addition to the dollars and turism involved, it is also a quick way to the jannah and the beautiful virgin ladies down there!!

Our address is Mujahidin Recruiting Agency, Kandahar, Afganistan. We are eagerly waiting you here O brother mujahid!

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bin ladin batalion

Unrecorded Date

man, you forget khartuum,baghdad,tehran,tripoli,grozny and many other secret areas araund the muslim world and the new toll free number is 1800-gaal dhabe. contact as soon as posible.

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Unrecorded Date

Why the name change traitor!? We told you, we want someone who knows few hadiths and quran and can blend in as a moderate but down right hypocrit who can twist islam according to his greed and love of his belly. What do you say Mr.Concerned?. We are still holding the position for you becuase we saw how you hate those taliban like guys and accuse them of being hardliners, and we guessed that you are a die hard tribalist too, Oh my! boy we love you.

I and my comrades have been to kandahar Afghanistan and trained those bearded men to crash the lousy russian pigs, but the bearded men were smart weren't they?.

We played few tricks first of our own just like we are doing in Somalia, Name tribal chiefs who are nothing but self-propelled dictators to subdue both a legitimate government and people's choice and saw religious strife among communities so the war can drag on and on and on... But the Taliban were smart and did't wanna pplay our card that is why we hate them so much and sent few GPS (Global positioning system) guided messiles to the training camps to silence them.

Oh boy Oh boy! These guys are pain in the neck, next will be pakistan with its nukes and from there they want to march on to central Asia, from there to all over western hemisphere.

We hate Taliban when they recite the holy war verses and wet our pants but surprise surprise, we are not alone, Muslims like you are afraid of them too so we figured to hire them for a good cause and one that will benefit us all.

Concerned fella, don't forget to call the number 1888-spyagency and nowadays CIA is hiring recruits, hurry up, we want to crash those hardliners in somalia and teach them some lessons.

Have you seen the catholic guy in the forumss?. He said that he hated the hardliners in somalia too and want to uproot them, why not join us in the crusade to take out the light from somalis and pave the way for the complete tranfer of their land?..... We are waiting to hear from you concerned muslim.. and.. we love you.. I was told this word..calooshiis la cayaar.. what does that mean?.

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Unrecorded Date


But before we send you abroad to those lucrative missions abroad, you'll have to work with and help your mujahidin brothers in the cocaine and heroine fields. Our national product and the only product we contribute to world economy, in thousands of tons every season. Don't worry while you are there you'll get a lot of women slaves [min maa malakat aymaanukum] from all over Afganistan and the muslim world.

In addition to that, sometimes you will go along some minor jihads to give a lesson to those hereditary shi'as up in the north. There also, although much less than in western metropolitan cities, you'll get some qanimah!! plus the the jannah and the beautiful virgin ladies if you die as shahid up there!!

Come quickly O brother Mujahid!!!

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Unrecorded Date

You are even better than we thought Mr.concerned.

Becuzz..who needs he damn heaven like you said.why die for the sake of a god that people didn't see.

I wish muslims would be as concerned as you are.

Your taliban brothers must be as stupid as you say since they are dying for nothing except heaven and in it with the beautiful things that come along..
Have you seen the verses in the quran..we-CIA- keep it on a cd and I am thinking pulling out some of the verses that talk about heaven and those who fight for the sake of god..hahahahahahaaaa.. and we will ridicule those verses...becuzz.. you are concerned muslim what do you say?.
Tommorrow, I will post some these verses so that we can together ridicule them okey Mr.concerned?.

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Concerned muslim

Unrecorded Date
State Department = Itixaad

(Itixaaad)you are Just other sick person who is just hungray to kill more follow muslims in the Name of Allah Swt. how much do you enjoy drinking the blood of muslimis, Yes you killed enough people in Somalia already in Bosaso, in Garoowe,in Luuq, in Gedo, in Saliid, in Lasqoray. We are aware of your sickness of thinking to rule Somalia with false statement of saying that you believe in Allah and his Sunah (staqfuru laaaah).
if you are man enough dont hide behind the monitor and talk like a man... and use your sick name Al-imitixaan Al Islaaaam.

I will never talk like you did because you are a child who just want to waste my precious time. you dont deserve my dignity please play your sick cards in overseas and people like Afqanistan whom their litarcy rate is less than 12%. my somali people are smart enough to know better than that. We deserve peace, love , happyness, unity and Islam. But mr itixaad call your name State dep or Al-imtixaan or what ever fits you Wahabi Idiology. in the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most mercyful i will inform my Beloved Somali Community and will never yeild to your attempt carector assasination.

How many people did you killed in Bosaso and Lasqoray alone!! huh, blood hungry boys sell your drug deals in colombia and Afqanistan not in Somalia. Remeber the way we welcomed you in the heart of Bosaso in 1991? Remember instead of building schools and hospitals you purchased weapons from the little tax we collected from the see port? Somalia knows you already, and if you want talk about TAlimin in Afqasntan you get the responses from mr Daliban read up wards.

Somalia deserves peace, We are a muslim people and dont want traitors who bring more cious in our war torn beloved country.

Like it or not we defeated you in the battle of Puntland and your dead will directly go to hell fire inshaa alaah. our dead will go to Janat. We defeated you in Gedo and you are out of Somaliya, there is no single town which you can claim in Somalia because we all know you and what you stand for. Punch of Blood Hungry who get paid by Bin Ladin. the idiot who killed more than 500 poor Black Africans and wounded 5000 and more only to claimed that he was fighting Americans. Africa is Angry at you, Somaliya knows you looser, never ever try to bring any blood hunger idiot to the equation.

concerned muslim

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Unrecorded Date


Don't be let down by our minor setbacks in Chechnya. Well after all it wasn't even a setback as far as we concerned. We have cleaned Dagestan and killed hundereds of pagan saintworshippers up there under the leadership of our grand mujahid Mr Khattab. Some women-like softies accuse us of being the cause of the destruction of Grozny and other Chechen cities and so called starving refugees. Nonsense! anyway they were leading un-islamic lifes and DESERVED that. Have you seen, statdepartment, the chechen women? would you call them muslims? hell no. They should be grateful, we have tought some of them the true islam while we were there. And for sure we'll come back and pursue the purification of the caucasus from the saintworshippers and un-islamic dresses!!!!. Some destroyed buildings and some thousands dead persons is nothing for us!!. Let me tell you a secret. Our men were almost all able to escape unharmed, with their dollars and IDs. Well.. i said almost, may be a thousand have died but they are also lucky. You know what they are doing now with those virgin ladies in the jannah!!!

All those thousands of corpses you see in TV screens are those filthy un-islamic chechens, not us.

Come soon you will learn much of these matters from our muftis here in Kandahar

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Unrecorded Date

Listen, you smell like someone who was kicked out from the forumss due to his outrageous beliefs and beware of the wolves that ate him, they are still around and alive bi'idnillah. There is no honesty whatsoever in your last posts. I am on a case and you being a jerk. I don't need shaneeye so get a life.


Can we take a break brother?. I apologize to you for arousing your feelings, you have your own reasons however nonsense they seem but as for now I don't wanna invite unwanted droolers and give me sometime to figure out who is this last intruder.
I can tell you are not him. You are an honest man in his beliefs although I don't agree with you a bit. And I wasn't gonna post any jihad verses, they are as upsetting to me as they are to you and to every laggish muslim who lives to date. So peace an blessings on you and I pull out, no more invitations and the case is closed.

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Unrecorded Date


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concerned muslim

Unrecorded Date
state department

i am glad that you are finally understanding attacking muslims or accusing them for some thing that they dont stand for is SIN. May allah forgive our mistakes brother.

concerned muslim

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Unrecorded Date

Well well... look who is crying wolf! you are on the case?! somebody said that we don't want in Somalia that thug Bin Laden who has killed more than 500 innocent black africans sisters and brothers. And what have we got from no where? A sick brain washed looser crying: traitor, hypocrite, statedepartement, spies, CIA, FBI, high posts to be given.....!!! And he has the nerves to claim that he is on the case!. Go get to Kandahar, jerk.

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bin ladin batalion

Unrecorded Date
false daliban,

you sound like filthy jew! first of all you are asking question and you answer by your self. lol what a cheap smartness. whether you like or not his excelency sheik osama bin ladin will be the next somali president how about that you donky ass m/f today i am glad that you are shakin when you hear the name of osama is he a real butcher for the disblievers hahaha lol.

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Unrecorded Date
"Donky ass mother f...." ooh boy, you sure are a true sheik bin ladin batalion!!! Do you have more of that stuff?!!!

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu calaykum my dear respected brothers and sisters.

I would like to talk about the real thing between islam and kuf'aar today. You people who are saying who are not agree what he is doin' how do ya know that he did or destroy those innocent people, you just listing the propaganda of the kuf'aar bro. Ask Allaah forgiveness brothers and sisters. If what Kuf'aar sayin' is true brothers and sisters why did they find who killed their president Kennady, Dr Luther King, and more other we don't know, how did they know that brother bilaadi bombed in kenya when they couldn't find who killed their president. Brother and sisters, this is something that you have to think clearly in your mind deeply. We all muslims believe the untruth news papers, tv and other sources of the news. Why don't ya look what they are doin' the muslim countries today whoever say is muslim, they try to destroy him/her. Look in Bosnia, chechnia, and other country which we don't know brothers and sisters. How came it happen to listen Kuf'aar and we don't listen our muslim brothers and sisters.

It is something you to think about brothers and sisters.wabilaahi tawfiiq.

Asalaamu calaykum brother and sisters.

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Unrecorded Date
If Bin Laden were dumb enough to go to Somalia his ass would be kidnapped and turned over to the U.S. so fast it would make your head swim. I mean, come on. The Moryan there rape teenage girls, steel food right out of childrens mouths, kill for no reason at all. Do you really think they'd hesitate for a New York minute in turning Bin Laden over for a five million dollar reward? I don't think so. And if the Moryan didn't get him a warlord certainly would. Unless he brought a couple of hundred "fanatical followers" with him he would be in jail in the states before his first month was out.

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Unrecorded Date
assalamu alaikum,

ohh ma brother is going to somalia i don't see why there should be an argument to that...he should be more than wlc to go the americans are liars and worst than that are kufaar so who should we as muslims believe our muslim brother or the kaafir who'd doing everthing in his will power to destroy islam? amm i'd have to go with ma brother bin laden...i honestly don't believe that he did any of those bombings...see with the united states, united nations (united states with different name)has to do what it can to blame the innocent so they're not blamed...remember the oklahoma bombing? who did they say b4 they found the unibomber? a muslim terrorist did no matter how you try to suck up 2 these ppl (kaafirs) you'd never be liked by them so get over it and don't let the monthly welfare check or the hourly pay job get you into hell...and let's try to come up with ways to make our ummah can unite once again and defeat these shayatiin...cuz that's what every kaafir is shaitan in human brother mad mac bin ladin ain't no fanatic he's labelled as one but in ma eyes he's a mujahid...the man is a billionaire and look where he's sleeping of the billions he has on the ground with his fellow muslim brothers...masha'allah...that is taqwa to it's maximum may allah grant him and the rest of the mujahideen the highest place in jannah insha'allah and may allah forgive us of our sins and grant us all jannah. and ma brother who's posted this discussion may allah grant you blessings for this insha'allah...i don't think you have anything to apologize for

salams to the rest of ma muslim siblings

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Unrecorded Date
Why is it that half the Somalis on the net seem to think that Americans are interested in detroying Islam? Most Americans are interested in having a decent job they like, falling in love, raising families, etc. Now the US government, like every government, is going to protect its interests. But we're not at war with Islam. America has more than 4 million citizens who are Moslem. And that number is growing all of the time. We are not your enemies. You may disagree with American policy - hell I disagree with American policy sometimes - that's OK. But don't assume there's some kind of anti-Islamic conspiracy going on because that's just not true.

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Unrecorded Date
assalamu alaikum all,

ok let me tell you this mad mac...whateva the us media tells its civilians is what the civilians believe, but yes there are few that are previledged to use their own brains and do disagree with the gov't and teh media and you may be one of those few but that's only 10% of ya'll and the other 90% believe what the media or the gov't don't come with most americans are not agains islam...ohh yes most americans believe that islam is all about terrorism and taht we are all terrorists whether we're americans or another ethnicity many americans believe that we're up to no good...and that's all hoax...again i'll state this i don't and probably will never believe that bin laden bombed anywhere but you'd probably tell me otherwise...again you're entitled your own views just as i am entitled to mine...but don't think i have anything agains all americans i really don't but i do have something against the way most think...i find many americans to be very ignorant of international issues...again you may disagree withme on this but hey feel free to...that's fun part about it...have a nice day to the rest wassalam alaikum warahmah

your sister in islam taqwah

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Unrecorded Date
I agree most Americans are ignorant on international issues. That's my whole point. They don't care about Islam or anything else outside of the US. True enough what exposure that get of Islam comes when Hezbollah kills some kids or the Taliban act like freaks. You know the media, only report the bad news. But that isn't a lot of news. As for government policy (believe me, since I'm an instrument of that policy I'm very familiar with it) it is NOT anti-Islamic. American soldiers are taught to respect the religious practices whenever we go to Islamic countries. We get a crash course in Islam and a book of dos and don'ts. Right now I'm in Bosnia (you'll find it funny to know that when my mother told her co-workers I was being deployed to Bosnia again they said "We still have troops in Bosnia?") and the muslims here love us. The Christian Serbs on the other hand hate us. Same for Kosovo. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are close cousins and I personally believe we need to focus more on where we are alike than on our differences.
Now back to Bin Laden. You know what Somalia is like. There are Mooryan there who wouldn't think twice about killing a woman to steal a sack off her back. That's not what I would call Islamic behavior. Do you think these kinds of people would hesitate for a second if they thought they could get five million dollars for snatching up Mr. Bin Laden? They'd snatch his butt up so quick his followers would think Scotty beamed him to the States. So I'm pretty sure ol' Mr. Bin Laden isn't going to head for the land of Punt any time soon.

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