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...Hands up for Somalis in Atlanta(You GO, People!!!) :-)) :-)) :-))...

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Islam (Religion): Archive (Before Sept. 29, 2000): ...Hands up for Somalis in Atlanta(You GO, People!!!) :-)) :-)) :-))...
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Unrecorded Date
Asalama Alaykum ALL!

...Just got an e-mail from "AMERICAN MUSLIM MEDIA WATCH" which is supported by CAIR "Counsil of American Islamic Relations" based on Washington, D.C.

They told me how alot of Somalis workers in Solectron, a Nationwide company for Cell-Phones, quit their jobs...after they have been told not to pray in work-site. As the article told, the Somalis worked there one to six months, and the old Boss let them pray. This restriction came after the company had a new Boss.

The new boss would NOT let them pray any other time than that of their 30-minute lunch...and we all know the Salat(contact-prayers) are not just one-time deal that you do and done with. They, the Somalis workers, tried to make a deal that they would take 10 minutes for each prayer...and then the company could deduct it out of their pay-checks. But, NOOO, this new-guy wouldn't let that happen. So, they quit! WOOHOO!

Now, the following is even more COOL! The Somalis workers, after they quit their jobs...are throwing a VERY fat-law-suit on the face of this discriminating company. AND, as one of the anlysis(a lawyer) said, they have a VERY good case!

AND, whoever said that Somalis are traitors??? The people who quit working there were NOT all praying-folks...but they had that wonder binding feeling that somalis have---UNITY against enemy! Boy, it sure feels nice to know Somalis can get their side of the plate---in EVERY way!!! :-))

If there are any of those people online, please comment...and let us now the whole story in detail! YOU GO, People!!! AND, thanks for defending your rights...against the unbelieving-discriminating-wicked people! Whew...I feel good! :-)))

...Now, VIVA to Somalis!!!

Blessed BE!

Peace, Ahmad! *>.<*

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Unrecorded Date

Greetings and Solutations goes to those who walked away from the company with a tenuous act as a lock-out!

Hatss off bro, by sharing a well-needed article, and good job!

Read On:::::

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu calaykum



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Unrecorded Date
Asalama Alaykum dhamaantiin!


Isn't it...wonderful? Gotta love somalis for being UNITED against enemy(this is a genetic thing we HAVE. I don't know where we got it from!)


Muxuu qabaa englishku??? "Isa soo cadee nin-yahow"...somehow I see someone i know in you! :-)

"ummadii leexinaysa"??? HAHHAHAHAHA! Lets not get that creepy thing again! Wax ay leexin karto malaha. Cidii ayada la leexin karo---horay bay u leexsanayd! LOL!

Blessed BE!

Peace, Ahmad!*>.<*

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu calaykun!!!

Dear respected brothers and sisters!

I am really happy what i heart from ya guys, it is something that giving us insprition of ourselve. And that is what we need to unity our pple or the nations of the whole of university of Islam, espicially Somalian. We specially heard quete often what is happening our home-country which very terrible thing to remind ourselve. Some cases pple who are not somalian enjoyed what they heard about our country. but unfortunately, we feel something that i can't express prices how i feel about it. But bro thank ya for ur wonderful information that ya share with us. And we appreciate that bro. I think many somalian pple would sleep well bro nowadays.

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Unrecorded Date
Salaamu Caleukum Liman tabical Huda,

To Ahmad-Baadaari

Halkana Ahamad-BAADARIYOW soomaalida ayaad isku dhadhajinaysaa miyaa... Maqaalka Kan ka hooseeyana Anigu Nabi Muhamed(s.c.w ) Waxba kama qaato ayaad la soo taagan tahay? Nationalism aad doonaysid in aad Ummadda Ugu soo dhuumanayso se muxuu yahay ?.

Salaadda aad sheegaysid miyaanad ogayn in Nabi muhamed (s.c.w) in uu ummadda Baray?Qur'aanku ma odhan labo tukadda subaxa, 4 tukadda duhurka, 4-tukada casirka ...iwm.. Qur'aanku wuu Yidhi: Wa aqiimu salaata!!! laakiin sidee loo oogayaa? Qur'aanka ayaa wax sharciyeeya ee Nabi Mohamed Wax ma sharciyeeyo??? Is that Right?

Waar Gaal yahow Waxaad doonaydid sheeg, Waa lagu yaqaanaa waxaad tahaye..

Mise Batriotic-nimadda ayaad wax isleedahay wax ku raadi!!! Shaqadaasi waa shaqo dhamaatay oo Kitaabkeedi Dibadda loo soo saaray!!!!

You said :"Gotta love somalis for being UNITED against enemy" Who is enemy here!!!!! Najis Najish kala jirin oo buuryaqaba waa la yaqaanaa.

ENEMY is you... and those like you... Waxba Beer Jileec arintan ha ka raadin!!!!! Xaqoodda way u dagaalamayaan oo soo dhacsanayaan,, umana baahana Amaan!!!!

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Unrecorded Date
YOU call Ahmed a Gaal. Do you know the meaning of that word?

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Unrecorded Date
Salaamu Calaykum Yaa ikhwatul filISlaam;

TO anony;
Yes, I do. Have you fellow the post and other articles that Ahmad (Ahmad-Gaal, Baadari,Orientalist)wrotes on this foroum? If is no, then Please make quick search, all the post he submitted and then we will discuss about them.

Please Could you do that for me Mr/Ms Anonymous ?

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Unrecorded Date
Salaanta islaamka ayaan waxaan ku salaamayaa qofkasta oo aaminsan islaamka.
Waxaan rabaa inaan idin warsado gaalnimada ninkan lagu sheegay macadahay haday cadahay muxuu rabaa inuu soomaalida ka dhigo ma gaalo miyaanu ogayn in aabayaashii ka quusteen(aabenimadu waa xaga cqiidada) waxaan leeyahay usaga come with me
waxa aadrabto waa lagaa daaweyniye..

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Unrecorded Date
Asalama Alaykum ALL!


Please, don't waste your breath. These are "fatwa givers" and "knowledged" creatures! I'm sure they know everything!

...thanx for the good heart, though!


For someone who "memorized" the Qur`an in English---you are having too many mistakes in your "writing-skills"

The most horrible ill anybody can have is being ignorant; i can't help you there, since you're an 'scholar who gives fatwas'---HEY, maybe you can give a fatwa...that i'm "GAAL"??? Playing "God" is a great offense! I can't help but feel...disgusted with your wicked accusations---without having a knowledge in people's hearts or mind! Pharoah tried to play the "the god of knowledge"---now look back and see what was the end of the unjust!

Mr. Manqo,

Maybe I have "mingis"??? Thanx for the comic trip!

Hey, with your spell...i'm already feeling CURED!!! :-)

Blessed BE!

Peace, Ahmad!*>.<*

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Unrecorded Date
Way to go ahmad. These hypocrites who call themselves muslims are nothing but ignorant fools who wear the name of islanm as shield to cover their inadequacies.

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu Caleykum,

To chief:
Walaal waxaan kaa codsanayaa inaad aflagaadada deysid, waayo walaal waxaad u dhimaysa dad dhamiir wanaagsan leh oo diintooda iyo dadkooda wax tarayaa, walaal miyaadan ogoyn haddaad la dagaalanto wadaad xaq wada inaad dembi iyo dhib shaqaysanayso, ee walaal Allah(swt) ka baq oo daa cayda, waad baxsan kartaa fikradaada sidaad wax u aragto, laakiin waxaa ka soo horjeedaa cayda iyo xaqdarada. Walaal cafis Ilaah waydiiso.
wa salaamu caleykum

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Bashir Abdi.

Unrecorded Date

I guess inaad somali tahay. Haddaad meesha ku cusubtahay welcome marka hore. Marka labaad AHMAD uma qalmo difaacaaga maxaa yeeley wuxuu halkaan ka caddeeyey in NABI MAXAMMED NABI KA DAMBEEYEY. Nabigaasna magiciisa la yiraahdo RICHARD KHALIFA.

Adigoon waxba dadka ceynin waxaad booqataa somalinet forumss under these titles.

-Muhammad's stutas in quranic perspective.
-Muslims blame eve like christians and jews do.
-Ahmed from free minds adn sheyaadiinta casriga I&II.

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Unrecorded Date

Read this message if you want to know why ahmed is considered what he is.

Nur wrote on january 2000

Dear Brothers and sisters

From the first minute I had seen Ahmad’s comments, I knew he was a submitter no matter how

strong and how mournfully he tried to deny that fact, but I always thought that was out of
knowledgeable conviction (I hoped at least the person knew what he was talking about). I
have constantly seen how he contradicts himself in a very untenable way and I thought that
was too out of unsharpened arrogance, but now after I have visited the links brother Bashir
provided where Ahmad copies word for word from whatever he writes in this forums, I finally
understood why Ahmad talks about donkeys while we passionately talk about camels. I also
understood why Ahmad oscillates and flip-flops in argumentative maze while he is confronted
with simple clear directive. I also understand now why Ahmad is increasingly paranoid and
confused with himself, regarding whether to go ahead with his messengerhood claim or wait for

a while.

The man simply does not write what he knows and certainly he does not argue what he
perceives. Rather Ahmad copies (with slight editing) from those links and it is not surprising at
all why the man can not argue his point. (Because it is simply not HIS!)

I have visited these links

And I have seen a conclusive evidence of Ahmad’s copy and paste skills. We can ascertain
from here how impossible it is to argue a viewpoint via a delivery boy, for the delivery boy can
easily get stuck when the roads of reason close on him and he can only fluctuate in his little
entangled world.

Therefore, I have a little message for the delivery boy to convey back to his masters. The
message is Ahmad;

Bring your masters to debate with us, at least we hope they can argue their viewpoint if it is


Waxaan ogeyn in Ahmad ahaa qof submitter ah sababtoo ah submittersku waxay u taagan
yihiin oo dhan waa wax iska cad, balse waxaan moodi jiray in Ahmad ugu yaraan ay doodahani
ka yihiin wax uu aaminsan yahay cilmina u leeyahay, waxaan dhowr mar la yaabi jiray siday
Ahmad hadaladiisu sida qaabka daran isu buriyaan iyo sida uu u cantaaho marka dood laga helo,

waxaan is oran jiray waa arin aan submitarsiku ceeb u ahayn caadana ka dhigteen (madax

Maantase markaan soo booqday bogaga linkiga ah ee walaalkeen Bashiir soo helay waxaan
ogaaday sababaha Ahmad ku kalifay arimaha aan kor ku soo xusnay. Waxaan ogaaday in Ahmad

alahiisba alle iska yahay oo fariin wade uun yahay. Marka aad tagto bogaga aan soo sheegay
waxaad si aan shaki ku jirin u arkeysaa sida Ahmad usoo daabaco doodaha halkan ka socda
asagoon wax gacan ah ka geysan arimaha uu so guurinayo.

Hadaba waxaynu ognahay in aysan suurta galeyn in doodi ka dhex socoto dad loo kala fariin
geynayo, waxaana Ahmad ku leenahay macalimiintaada noo keen waxaa dhici karta in ay ugu
yaraan ayagu ku doodi karaan aragtidooda haday ayaga leeyihiin.

Waxaan kaloo jeclahay sida ay walaalaheen qaarkoodaba ay u weydiiyeen maamulka Somalinet
waxa ay ka qabaan arinta aflagaadeynta nabi Maxamed nabad gelyo iyo naxariis korkiisa ha
ahaatee, anaga oon wax dhib ah ka qabin in aan wixii cilmi ah ku doodno (ayadoo la kala
duwanaan karo) ayaa hadana su’aasha meesha taala waxa ay tahay in hadii aflagaadeynta
qabiilka uusan maamulku ogoleyn miyeysan ka sii xaq laheyn in aan la ogolaanin wixii aflagaado
loo geysto nabiga iyo asxaabtiisaba?

Waxaase dhici karta in walaalaha haya mamulka Somalinet aysan si joogta ah u soo booqan
karin bog kasta, muhiimna ay noqoneyso in email loo wada diro (aniga ayaana bilaabaya).

Waad mahadsan tihiin.

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Unrecorded Date
I think Lii and Ahmed should meet. Ahmed go to Somali forums's general card and open the string "Diinta ma dhaxal baa"

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Unrecorded Date

You are the new kid in the block. What do you see in those guys?. You didn't express an opinion yet.
Since you gate crashed into this side of the forums and started fuming your anger at people, I wondered why keep your cool now?.

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Unrecorded Date
dear brothers & sisters in islam,
its something great and to be proud of when you read an article like the one above. first lets all
say the takbiiiiir...ALLAH AKBAR!!! ALLAH AKBAR!! ALLAH AKBAR!!!
secondly, its not every muslim in todays world, can think of quiting his/her job for the sake of his/her religion, so again hurrah! for those brothers and sisters of islam who did the act. may ALLAH continue guidining them to His right path.
thirdly, to our brother who is against the use of english, there is nothing wrong with english its the our medivial fathers who used to say that englishka waa nagaaleynayaa oo wax aan luqada carabiga iyo somaliga aheyn diinta laguma akhrin karo. taasi hadaba fikrad qalad ah qofna kuma oron karo qof kale waa gaal taasi waxay kamid tahay kala geynta iyo kaxeyriska muslimiinta. hadii aad ingiriiska u aragto in uu xunyahayna lagayaabo in aad aqoon ulahayn wayo carabtu waxay kumaah maahdaa " annasu caduwu limaa jahila"
waan kabaxay anigoo leh igaraali ohow ruxii aan ugafay !!
wabillah towfiq wasalam!!

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Unrecorded Date
Ahmed, Your Sub-Topic doesn't make any sense. "hands Up to ATL pple"??? You must be loco. What does Atl pple have to do with what u've been writing?? Next time, i suggest you come up with a Sub-Topic that fits your category...LATER


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Unrecorded Date
Asalama Alaykum Muslims!


First of all, Ilaahay nabad hakugu kala keeno!

Second, it's ATLANTA people that did what I *have been writing* -- so, don't yah think it makes good sense. Just make sure -- no c-sections! ;)

Peace, Ahmad!

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Unrecorded Date
to Ahmed

Walaal waan akhriyay waxaad qortay, markaa waxaan u malaynayaa inaanad xataa inaan kuu jawaabo u qalmin! xiligan.

Marlabaadka hadii aad wax macno leh qorto waxaan kuugu jawaabi doonaa si wanaagsan!

so try it all again!

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Unrecorded Date
Dear Brothers &Sis Asalaamu-Aleikum,
Its very impressive to see that we are all
taking such interest in the Deen,Yet we all have to be carefull and do things only to for the pleasure of ALLAH.I commend my muslim bro's and sis's in Atlanta for Prioritising Salaat and i pray that ALLAH reward them INSHA-ALLAH.Lets all do the same and apply it to the full spectrum of our lives and with the help of 'THE ALL MERCIFULL' we
will all be successfull both here and in the hereafter.wa-Asalaamu-Aleikum.

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Unrecorded Date
You guys crackme up. Esspecially that Somali unity thing. You got to be kidding. If Somalis had a sense of unity then the country wouldn't be the political basket case that it is. And you wouldn't have a bunch of Somalis walking out of an American company because they would be home. Even when I was there, the Abgal and Murosade were our allies against the Haber Gedir. So unless the American troops there could be considered white Somalis it's hard to see where you're coming from. Maybe eventuially the Somalis will unite - but a quick review of this page will tell you you haven't gotten there yet. Inshallah it will happen some day.

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Unrecorded Date
Mad mac.

You need to slow down little bit and act a gentleman yourself. What is tribal garbage you greet with people?. If your username denotes your stupidity then fine go ahead with your stupid comments.

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Unrecorded Date
Asalaamu-Aleikum fellow muslims,
The topic in disscussion here is about muslims,Who've adhered to a fard comanded by ALLAH,And one that is a must for all those who
say that they are Muslims.Lets stick to the topic.
The order of things are that Islam comes before
ethnicity or any other social or political order.
i think the idea behind the bro sharing this info is so we can learn through it and immitate our bro's and sis's,Strengthen our Iman.
why then are we disscussing the issues of
Somalia and the sectorialism?,Its my hope then that we will get past that and take this message as a lesson and appreciate the persons who pertook
in this event and pray that ALLAH give us the strength to choose Islam over all else if we are
put to the test INSHA-ALLAH.

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Friday, August 18, 2000 - 11:34 am
To Ahmed:

Do you believe that there is a prophet that came after Muhammed(saw)? I would defend you from people like Yaska, but I want to know if you're worth it.

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Saturday, August 19, 2000 - 02:32 am
ASSALAAMU ALEIKUUM MUSLIM/SOMALI BROTHERS.Iam very delighted with your various expressions and reactions towards the 'somali unity' thing.However,afew among us seem to be out abusing this privilage of self expression in the sense that they R trying to pull in the dirty things we would have long forgotten;the tribal things.Refering a little bit to the Article of brother MAD MAAC as he calls himself is absolutely bollogs.I would advice him next time to write a more decent one.

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Saturday, August 19, 2000 - 09:25 pm
Muslimah abaayo don't waste your time with that loser guy yes he denaid muxammad calayhi salaam and he beleives Rechard khalifa in arizona

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Monday, August 21, 2000 - 07:17 am
Enough said Fahad.

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Friday, September 01, 2000 - 03:42 pm
Dear Brothers,
I live in Montreal, Canada. I have spoke to Somalis who have quit their jobs too, for the Boss wouldn't let them pray during work, even though, they proposed taking a half hour extra time to pay back their taken time. The Boss refused so they decided to quit, and asked a Turkish co-worker to leave with them. The Turkish guy was too coward and fearful to leave with them. After that, realising the mistake they did, the company asked them to work again, they could be allowed to pray and they could have a raise. My Somali friends refused to come back to work because they didn't feel good working for haters of Allah. When they were now winners, the Turkish guy proposed joining them so he could be in the winning side, but they were no more interested in him cause he was only an opportunist, a Munafiq.
For the last years, it is commonly known in Canada, that Somalis are the most faithful community, overpassing Pakistanis, Bengalis, and way above Arabs. When I go into a Mosque, muslim brothers sometimes ask my nationality, and when I tell that I am a Somali, people are happy, and they often say that we are sincere muslims (no joke). Even cheikhs have told me that we will go to Jannah (of those who practice Islam), because we have fulfilled our duty on earth. This is something to be proud of : We may not be the richest country, the most militarized, the best soccer team, the richest land, the most educated, but we are surely the people who practice in the best way Islam and who practice it with love and that have made the greatest Daawas on earth. In a Mosque I am proud to be a Somali, because people talk with me in respect.
Do you know that Somalis built the biggest mosque in Canada (Khalid Ibn Walid mosque)? And in that mosque Imams come from all over the world to lead a prayer ? There are long waiting lists for Imams who are gonna lead prayers, and an Imam never leads a prayer twice in that mosque ? Do you know that the whole Ottawa mosques (capital of Canada)are in the care of Somalis ? Most of the people making Daawas are converted muslims or Somalis (and a handful of Pakistanis).
So be proud cause everything on earth is temporary, and we should be prepared for the hearafter. Allah(swt), hasn't given us Somalis much in this present life, but he will give us many in the hearafter. So be proud, cause only our faith is question of proudness, and materialistic object is no object of proudness.
You will maybe say that we are tribalistic which is unislamic. This is true since we are brothers by being muslims. Those in the country killing others for no reason, will be judged in Yom-Khiyyama, but to the other faithfuls in Canada, US, Europe and Somalia, to those who practice Islam, Allah (swt) will take them into Jannah without reckoning.

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