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Waxan soomali waydina abahaa iyo nabiga kee jeceshahy?

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Islam (Religion): Archive (Before Feb 2000): Waxan soomali waydina abahaa iyo nabiga kee jeceshahy?
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Unrecorded Date
waan idin salamay nabiga iyo bahahh kaa jeceshahy run sheeg?

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Unrecorded Date

Duqa, Nebiga (s.c.w.) naftigiisa aa xadiis sax ah ku dhahey, hadaadan i jecleen umadeyda Muslimka ah kama mid tihid; xataa waa inaad iga hor jecladaa hooyadaa mise abahaa.

Intaas aaba kugu filan.

Quite Peace:::

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Unrecorded Date

...Maxaa isaga dan ah. Nabiga (SCW) ayaan jeclahay 100 %, markaas kadib ayaan jeclahay waalidinteey.


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Unrecorded Date
waraa soomali see nabi u ga jeclatan walidkiin ?aniga walidkay aan jeclahay iyagaa wax ii qabtay

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Unrecorded Date
Aslamu Laykum All


I was going to call you my brother but I have doubt about that now. How can you compare Our BELOVED MOHAMED (PBUH&HF)AND OUR PARENTS. Yes, your mother and father loves you and take care of you but they can't never give what our Prophet Mohamed gave you us (ISLAM). He fought for us and strugle to make Islam survive and become number one. For the Sake of Allah. Without Him we will eventually be lost and wrongdoers. I would advise you to learn as much about ISLAM and ask Allah for forgiveness because I think what you have is Lack of Knowledge about our DIIN. I also, like to leave this message with you:


I learnt of a man who struggled so hard
When his mission was difficult from the start.

The story of someone who had morals,
Spoke gently, kindness as he knew.
Never fearing to say what is right,
His conviction in ISLAM was true.

The touch of his hand was as soft as silk
To comfort the crying child. To mend his clothes,
or do the chores, Never complaining, he always smiled.

A living he made with his bare hands,
The same that held his mighty sword.
Valour shone from the edge of his blade,
Every heart and soul he adored.

His smell was always of musk,
And cleanliness he kept at his best.
Stark contrast with the heroes of today,
Who stink of beer and sweat.

He held the hands of his companions.
Unashamed to play with small children.
So modest, so humble, a perfect example,
That even a stranger could recognise him.

His eyes slept very little,
For nights were precious,
His prayers he treasured much greater.
To wake and pray in the depths of night,
Seeking forgiveness, and being nearness his Creator.

He broke his tooth for me at Uhud,
And bled for me at Ta'if.
He cried for me, tears of concern,
Just so I could have this belief.

His enemies admired his teachings,
Uniting every religion, every clan.
Till ISLAM came to every corner of the world,
Yet, indeed, he was only a man.

To own a house, or build his wealth
Was not his main priority.
To establish ISLAM was more essential,
To bring us under a Higher Authority.

Don't you want him to plea for your case,
When before ALLAH, The Judge, you stand?
Don't you wish to be around his fountain,
A burning desire to drink from his hand?

So love him more than all creation,
Our Leader, OUR Humble Prophet.
Muhammad (SAWW) was a mercy to all mankind,
And to me, he is MY BELOVED !
Salawaat ala Muhammad wa ale Muhammad

Waslamu Layku

Your brother in Islam,


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Unrecorded Date

Hadith--Sahih-Al-Bukhari as saying our Prophet {s.c.w.}:

"By Him in Whose Hands my life is, none of you will have faith till he loves ME more than his father, and his children, and all mankind."[1:14-O.B.]

That would, without a doubt, enlighten, and perhaps insight your knowledge, I guess.

Quite Peace::

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Unrecorded Date
Asalama Alaykum!


...if you believed your parents over the Prophet---you'd get in HELL, for eternity! If you believed the Prophet over your'll get in heaven, for eternity!

...that should answer your question! What kind of question is that, anyway?

Blessed BE!

Peace, Ahmad!

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Unrecorded Date
soomalyey ani ma idin fahmin warka hala cadeeyo,habartaa iyo adogaa oo saas hilib iyo cunto kaga soo xaabshay maaba inkiraysaan waa layaab.

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Unrecorded Date


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Unrecorded Date
What on earth is the point here?
You can love your parents.
You can love your Prophet.
They are not mutually exclusive.
Also the love one has for their parents is not the same as the love one has for the Prohet (pbuh).
Is the love one has for a child the same as the one a person has for his wife/husband.
People, don't compare things that do not deserve comparison.
Ahmed: what is this you say about going to hell if you love you parents more?
Didn't our Prophet tell us the "heaven is between our mother's feet"
Aren't we to love and honor our parents?
Our prophet is dear to us because he is our Prophet- The man who brought us God's words and the true faith.
Our parents: are our parents.
So who do I love more.
I love each one of them differently.

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Unrecorded Date

walaal waa iga su'aale ma dacad bay kaa tahay oo su aasha waa su'aal aad u baahan tahay in laga jawaabo mise? awalan jawaabaha la dhiibay maxaad oga qanci la'dahay?
walal bal hadaba u fiirso marka nabiga la leeyahay (scw) ma layiri aabahaa hebel sidaa oo kalle sharafta iyo cdamada nabigu dhaxdanada islaamka ku leeyahay waa wax waadixa (cad)

thaalithan waxaa jirtay qarnigii jihaadka gaaliyo islaam uu nin saxaabi ahaa aabihii ka waayay aaboow islaam oo dagaalka gaalada ee islaamka looga soo hor jeedo iska dhaaf uu diiday odaygii wiilka dhalay dabadeed uu wiilkii aabihii ay ku kulmeen dagaalkii isla markaana wiilkii uu aabihii isagu gacan tiisa ku dilay
isagoo inankii ka xun falka uu sameeyay iyo aabihiisii uu dilay ayaa nabiga u yimid kuna yiri aabahaa mujrim buu ahaa wax fiican ayaadna samaysay oo waayo? aabahaa waxuu col iyo dagaal ku ahaa diinta alle qofwalboo islaamana waxaa ku waajiba inuu diinta islaamka difaaco

markaas ayaa waxaa soo dagatay aayadan oranaysa
la dagaalama waxii diinta alle is hortaaga aabayaalkiina iyo caruurtiina iyo saaxiibadiina haba ahaadeene hana uga turina seefta
sooo halkaa waxaa kaaga cad in nabiga ka jec loow lagu yiri, aabahaa balse haduu aabuhu muslim yahay isaga kudhalay ayaaba kaa jecel nabiga markaa waxaa inagu waajiba in wax walba oon jecel nahay alle iyo rasuul kiisa aan ka jec laano marka adigu ama aabahaa jecloow ama nabiga adiga lee waaye
waayo'oo alle waxuu yiri a diinu nasteexa
walashaa deeqo
hadaan wax kuu dhimay asaan meel kaaga dhacay
waxaan kaa cod sanayaa cafis
wasalaamu calay kum

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Unrecorded Date
waxaan ugu soo laabtay lama diidana in hooyo iyo aabo la jeclaado oo allaaba ina faray in aan u isxaan falno micnaha(jeclaano) oo hooyo iyo aabe xag gaara ayay inagu leeyihiin oo hadaynaan samayna aan ku caasi garoobayno allena noo-

ciqaabayo oo waa wax alle inagu faral yeelay inaan waalidka jeclaano una baari falna waxuu nabiga (csw) yiri maalinta qiyaame waxaa la keenayaa dad awalan alle iyo rasuulkiisa u baari falay micnaha xaqa alle ku leeyahayna gutay sunada nabigana raacay(jeclaaday) thaaniyan, waalidkana u isxaan falay markaas buu alle ku leeyahay gala janadayda cunana waxkastaa ood jece shiin kuna faakihaysta faakiho teeda ugu fiican
wasalaamu calaykum

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Unrecorded Date
lol@kawaanle -Shiikhow, ani waa ku khasbanahay inana labadaba jeclaado. Waaridka gaar ahaan hooyada xaqeeda lama gudi karo, xaq ayey kugu leedahay. Nabiga NSCW u ducee meeshaa magaciisa ku maqashid salaadana ugu ducee. Laakiin inta aakhiro lagu geeyo laguma oranayo labadooda kee jeceshahay.

Kawaanle, su'aashan iga qabo - Maxaa Muslim u tahay?
a- waarid Muslim ayaa ku dhalay.
b- Intaa cilmi baaris gashay ayaa diimo badan isu babar dhigtay kadibna waxaa qaadatay islaamka.
c- waa lagugu khasbay.

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kuku man

Unrecorded Date
TO: Kawaanle

Aniga shaqsiya ahaan tayda Rasuulka css, waan jeclahay in kabadan intaan waalidkey jeclahay sababtoo ah nabiga css waa kii i baray nuurka ALLE swt, waa kii Ilaahay ka sokow ii bilaaway sharafta aan maanta sheeganayo (ISLAAM). waa kii ibaray farqiga u dhaxeeya right & wrong,reality and lie good and bad. Marka xagay isu jiraan nabi Muxamed css iyo waalidka aad sheegayso. By the way, you better carefull what you are saying!.

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