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Were All The fanaticall Religion DUDE's.......ExTrEmE is here.

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Islam (Religion): Archive (Before Sept. 29, 2000): Were All The fanaticall Religion DUDE's.......ExTrEmE is here.
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Unrecorded Date
Hello is there any body home.............

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Unrecorded Date
No, we are not in our home now. we are all refugees without home, but we have carried our religion of islam with us to wherever we are now.

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Unrecorded Date
what is the difference between the religious fanatical people called muslims and the irreligious fanatical people called ExTrEmE?

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Unrecorded Date

May Allah guide you into the right path and cure from your absession against Islam.

I don't normally reply to your posts and I don't like doing it so.

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Unrecorded Date
Extremeku waa wax ilaahay macnaha kaqaaday oon filayo inuusan hayn kalsooni uu ku caabudo shaydaanka qabsaday caqligiisa, marka wuxuu rabaa oo qudha inuu kurugrugto muslimiinta bal inay kor u qaaddo dareenkiisa daciifay.
War haddaad kukalsoontahay waxan aad kurarantahay lajoog gurigaada oo muuji kalsooni haddii kale waxaynnu sugi.

War haddaan hadallana waa af salax kudhag haddaan aamusnana adhigii sidii lagadaynmaayo.

Waa foolxumo shakhsi Charless Darwin Ilaah kadhigtay. Bani'aadamkana markii lafiiriyey waxaa la'ogaaday inaysan suurtogal ahayn inuusan qofku wax caabudin. Mid illaah xaqa caabuda mid ilaah beena caabuda mid naftiisa caabuda iyo mid shahwadiisa caabuda.
Kuxisaabsabtan adduunku waa aqaloo kale dadkana ay dhaxdaggan yihiin aysan kaibixi karayn siwalba oy yeelaan.
Muxuu arrintaa kayidhi Charless Darwin?????? boy
Ma'eggtayse meeshuu kudanbeeyey????? boy
dhibaato ayaa kuhayso saxiib waxadna meeshan u timid bal inuu xanuunka kuhayo kaayaro qaboobo.
good bye boy

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Unrecorded Date
I didn't mean You. I ment Bashir Abdi. Huriwa, Mad Mac. and not you.

And don't call me boy you dumb lame insane stupid not to mention illeterate Bitch. Speak in english and then I will answer.

It's very insulting okay.

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Unrecorded Date
but you are no different than those whom you characterized as being fundamentalists. your name( ExTrEmE) and your obsession to disprove islam makes you even more fundamentalist than them. the name ExTrEmE fits you perfectly. Extreme means radical, fanatical, zealous, excessive and your case is that you are all of these and can be characterized as being a fundamentalist who happens to be an atheist where as they happen to be muslim fundamentalists.

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Unrecorded Date
Extreme boy

Aadbaad u xanuunsani xanuunka kuhayana waxaa daawo u ah xuska alle marka aad si khaalis ah u xusto Alle ayuu juudaanka kaa dabci laakiin inaad caqiidadii Darwin meesha latimaaddo waa yaab.
Ma'iswaydiisay Darwin meeshuu kudanbeeyey, xaqiiqdii waa afar lafood oo god kujirto maanta oo qofkii rabo jajabin karo seed waxaasoo kale wax uga dhagaysani boy.
Aad bay u foolxuntahay inaad ilaahii indhaha kusiiyey, dhagaha kusiiyey, carabkan dheereed wax kudhadhamisana kusiiyey inaad inkirto.
Akhri sheekada Turkey laga qoray kadib markay kuciyaareen kitaabka ilaahay boy.

Quraaku wuxuu yidhi asagoo adigoo kale xusaya.
Waydii markaad Darwin riyo ku'aragto muxuu indhaha qadaadka ugu yeelan waayey illeen wuxuu yidhi adduunkoo dhan waa dhacdo si shil ah u dhacdayee, haddase arrintu saa tahay maxaynnu u arki waynay daday dabeecaddu hilmaantay oo labo kunoo sano gaadhay illeen noloshoo dhan waa iska dhacdo iyadu iswaddee ( waa siduu yidhi saaxiibkaa)
isdhiib oo ilaah isu dhiib intay goori goortahay.
See you boy
Bad boy
Evil boy
Devil boy
Derwins boy

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Unrecorded Date
I'm here dude. Had a short break, it was wearing me out.

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Unrecorded Date
Yo to everyone that's here(except Mac Mac)

Like I care!

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Troubled..mind..see a shrink>she in the girl room named dr.Ruth

Unrecorded Date
and by the way. Do you got an obcession with the word 'boy' or something.
I think ya got a problem.

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Unrecorded Date
Don't we all.

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Unrecorded Date
assalamualaikum warahmah,

extreme it seems to me that islam is a thread to you...(like everyone else in the west)...deep down inside you know that this is the correct way but you're just too arrogant to believe or let yourself believe that this beautiful religion is infact the only way for humankind.

just fyi to me you seem to be the ignorant one here by calling ppl names...there are ways to make ppl see that they're wrong w/o name calling...(you do sound like a "boy"...and an immature one)One thing that is a fact though is that you do need the guidance of allah swt...the supreme being and all we can do for you is pray that some day you realize islam is the only way of life

assalamu alaikum warahmah my brothers and sisters in islam

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Unrecorded Date
ha ha, and ya damn right at that. Little fellah. Next time i'll come here with some good and honoust words to say.

I will see ya'll later.

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Unrecorded Date

religous person = fundemental
realistic person= fanatic
freedom fighter=terorist
vise versa
liberalist=big shaydaan or ibliis.

boy,if you believe dark age darwenian ideology, why don't you warship homo habilis and homo erectus because java men is look like you? what a utopian pycho.

i hope god would but you to the right path
and i hope you'll be mature enought to understand the real fact that going around the 1.2 billion muslims who live between sarajevo to jakarta.

salaamu calaykum if you are muslim!

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Unrecorded Date
Maxamed yare.

I agree with you on the real meaning you gave the words used to undermine muslims. I like this one better.

Moderate= Munaafiq.

Secularist= Jaahil or human with non thinking instincts.

Liberalist= big satan, no barrs held, doing anything that is loathsome, a fag, etc.

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Unrecorded Date
salaamu calaykum ALL MUSLIMS

LOL,LOL,LOL@@@@@@@@ 100% TRUE SAY MAXAMED YARE BRO............

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