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Maiguursaneeysaa maya ama haa?

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Islam (Religion): Archive (Before Sept. 29, 2000): Maiguursaneeysaa maya ama haa?
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Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 02:21 pm
waxaan ahay gabar soomali ah waxa aana lasocday oo aan xiriir lahaayn wiil soomaali ah, we met and talked for 3 months and he goes... iam ready i want to get married U finished ur high school so marabo in aan iska lumiyo waqtigeega ee maiguursaneeysaa? i told him forget about my futre and what i want to do with my life the thing is i don't know U that much and 3 months is not enough for me. he said if U don't know me by now U will never know me so we dicided to go on our seprate ways. iam sad and angry and my question is why most i mean 75% of somali guys oo kunool qorbaha eey u rush gareeyaan guurka?
i don't mind getting married at anytime but i have to be careful thats all so all the bro's out there i know ur all not the same but those who are please iska dhaafa rushka
salaamu caleeykum

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Friday, June 30, 2000 - 03:25 pm
Assalaamu calaykum


Marka hore aad baan uga xumahay in noloshii GUURKA oo aad rabteen ama isku daydeen adiga iyo walaalkaa aysan hir gelin, haddii arinka aad ku kala tagteen uu ahaa sida aad adigu soo gudbisay iyo deg deg keliya waad ka saxsanayd, soomaaliduna waxay ku maahmaahdaa geedkii oror lagu fuulo orod baa looga degaa, isbarashada way fiican tahay inkastoo is barashada runta ahi timaado marka la iska soo ag tooso, laakiin yaan sida gaalada iyo gaalo raacyada sanado badan sheeko lagu lumin dhib baa ka yimi sida wacalo iyo waqti lumis badan.


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