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Words to my Muslim Sisters

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Islam (Religion): Archive (Before Sept. 29, 2000): Words to my Muslim Sisters
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Friday, July 07, 2000 - 02:43 am
Words to My Muslim Sister

This article appeared in a recent issue of the "Muslim Creed" [Vol. 3 No. 2, February 1995] a free of charge Islamic Magazine meant for the dissemination of the Islamic creed, knowledge and Methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah in the light of the Qur'an and the Authentic Sunnah as understood and practiced by the Salaf. It is published by "The Dear of Islamic Heritage".

My Dear Sister,
Know that you are man's sister and half of humanity. You are a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, grand daughter or grand mother. The Prophet said, what translated means, Women are, indeed, men's partners. [Abu Dawood]. You are a member of the great nation of Islam, the best nation ever produced for mankind. No other nation on earth has more great men, leaders and conquerors than this nation. It is the nation of guidance and the straight religion, and it leads humanity to righteousness and truth. It transforms people from worshippers of slaves to worshippers of the Lord of slaves, from life's pressures to the pleasures of the Life after, and from the injustice of other religions to the justice of Islam.

Your ancestors, great women of Islam, were one of the main reasons for this great nation to take this great place among all nations. Allah, Who granted Islam to this nation, made a high place for Muslim women, and decreed that they share in the responsibilities of enjoining truth, forbidding evil and raising the flag of Islam. He said, what translated means, The believers, men and women, are loyalists of one another, they enjoin righteousness and forbid evil, they offer their prayers perfectly and give the Zakat, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will leave His Mercy on them. Surely Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. [9:71]

Allah has given Muslim women what they can bare of orders and duties. He is the God Who knows His creation, Should He not know what He created? And He is the Most Kind, All-Aware (of everything). [67:14].

My dear sister, you are called upon today to truly become an active member of the Muslim nation, strive to establish victory for Allah's Word, implement the Quran and help build the generation of Iman.

What Do Your Enemies Want From You?
There are those who want to distract you from doing your duty. They want to distract you from meeting your noble obligation, that is, to defend the religion of Allah and raise His Word high. Those enemies use many methods:
First: They distract you from what Allah created you to perform of worship, belief and Da'wah (propagating Islam). They use this worldly life as their bate: Jewelry stores, fashions that originate in non-Muslim countries, new models all the time, desires raised, hunger that can never be satisfied, pleasures and competition for them and endless ways for joy. Allah did not create us for this. Indulging in these matters is usually accompanied by wasting time and money and igniting enmity and competition between the rich and the poor.

Second: They ignite enmity between you and man. To those sinners, you are a daughter that is put down, a humiliated mother, an abused wife and an oppressed sister! Men are always unjust, hypocrites, dictators, freedom- preventers and suppressers, according to them. There is a fabricated war that those evil ones are starting for no reason other than to direct you to rebel against your father, be arrogant with your brother and disobedient to your husband. They do not call for justice, mercy and unity. They call for hatred, arrogance and destruction.

Third: They do not stop at their call for rebellion against parents, brothers and husbands, rather, they plot against Islam. They call upon you to rebel against the obligations of Islam and the decrees of the All-Knowing King. Islam, to them, is unjust and Islamic laws are imperfect and restrictive. They call upon you, day and night, to rebel and insist on the disobedience of this religion. They try to rid you of your religion. They try to rid you of comfort and safety under generous parenthood, happy marriage and good brotherly relations.

Those devils portray piety and honor as chains on freedom. To them, Hijab does not cover the head, but also covers the mind; prayer, fasting and Zakat are a waste of time and effort; and obedience to husbands is slavery and a retum to the stone age. They distorted all facts and changed all truths, all to serve their evil goals.

Dear Sister,

The goals that your enemies and the enemies of your religion are seeking to achieve are well known. They want you to be available for them to fulfill their evil desires whenever they wish. They want you to be a mistress that has no honor. They want you to be found everywhere, on roads and in places of sin, without honor, religion or manners. They seek for you only what they want you to do. The Western world has gone through this all. Women of the West are the part of society that is facing injustice and dishonor. They strive to please men who keep changing partners and seek pleasures but with no responsibility and no consideration of the evil consequences of their sinful actions.

O Muslim sister, read and know about those women who discarded shyness and honor and followed their desires, what was the result of their deeds? Was their end honorable and desirable, or was it a shameful and hated end?

Advice For My Sister In Islam
Be proud of your religion and the religion of your ancestors. Be a good example for your sons and daughters and sincere in your belonging to this mighty nation. Know that honor is an honor to all wise people, and that adultery is dishonorable to all nations, even if some called it freedom. Know that adultery is also done with the eyes by seeing, with the ears by listening, and with the mouth by kissing, as was mentioned in a Hadith related by Imam Muslim. Your happiness is in being an obedient and believing daughter, a loyal and generous wife and a pious and merciful mother. Know that prayer is the cornerstone of Islam. Fasting one day, for the sake of Allah, takes your face seventy years away from Hellfire, as the Hadith, related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, states. Charity is a major cause for gaining forgiveness and for repentance to be accepted. Those women who are showing parts of their bodies to men, will not enter Paradise or smell its fragrance and are cursed, as in the Hadith related by Imam Muslim. Hijab is an honor and protection for you. Hijab must be modest in color and not exotic, wide and thick and not revealing, different from the dress of non-Muslim women and men.
My Dear Sister,

These are words from the heart. These are words of good and sincere advice. Beware of the loyalists of Satan who want to lead you astray. Be a slave of Allah, righteous and decendent of righteous women and know your role in building this great nation. Perform your duty and do not be a cause for destruction. Be a maker of righteous generation that will lead mankind, again, to what is right and proper, to the great religion of Islam.

Any comments on the article should be addressed to :
The Muslim Creed
The Dear of Islamic Heritage, Inc.
P.O. Box 831415
Miami, FL 33283

Any requests for a free subscription to "The Muslim Creed" should be sent to the same address.


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bashir abdi.

Friday, July 07, 2000 - 11:38 pm
Mar kale jazakallaahu kheyran. walaal hadaad awooddo dadkan meesha yimaadda waxey aad ugu oomman yihiin al-caqiida iyo islaamka wixii burin lahaa. Aniga ma aqaan ka hadalkeeda ee haddad awooddo mowduuc yadaas soo qor bi'idnillaah. Sida dunuubta ilaahey uusan cafin, iyo kabaa'irul dunuub, shirkiga, salaadda oo laga tago, ama la dayaco, iyo wixii kuu sahlanaado, aan kaa faa'iideysanno haddii eebbe idmo. Meesha noolee oo soo cammir walaal oo haka seexan haddaad awooddo. Dhammaan waa nalagu leeyahay arrinkan laakiin kama wada bixi karno. Ee waxaad awooddo soo qor. Anigana waan soo cammiri doonaa markaan awoodo oo waan aqrisan doonaa haddii ilaahey yiraahdo. waslaamu caleykum waraxmatullaah.

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Saturday, July 08, 2000 - 08:06 am
Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo mowqif adag oo diidmo ah ka istaagay Axdiga ku meel gaarka ah ee laga dhex sameeyey shirka Jabuuti.

Sheehh Xasan Daahir Aweys, guddoomiyaha maxkamadda islaamiga ah ee Ifka Xalan ayaa ku tilmaamay xalay in Axdi Qarameedka dowladda ku meel gaarka ah ee la doonayo in lagu soo dhiso shirka dib u heshiisinta Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Jabuuti ka socda yahay mid aan waafaqsanayn diinta islaamka isla markaasna ah Baadil.

Sheekha ayaa axdigaas ku eedeeyay inuu diinta liddi ku yahay isla markaana awood aysan lahayn uu siinayo dadka, sidoo kale uu ogolaanayo wax diinta lagula dagaalamo, kuwaas oo uu sheegay inay yihiin xuquuqul insaan iyo xuquuqul mar'a.

"Xuquuqul insaan waxaa lagula dagaalamaa diinta islaamka, maxaa yeelay ma oggola in Gacan, Lug, madax, faraha iyo wixii la mid ah laga gooyo ciddii islaamku ku xakumo" ayuu yiri sheekh Xasan Daahir.

Xuquuqul mar'ana iyadu waxeey noqonaysaa in berrito lagu yiraaho afar gabdhood ma wada guursaneysid oo tan haatan mareykanka haysata oo kale oo madaxweynahooda uu ku zineysanayo xafiiskiisa dhexdiisa, waana arrin aanan ina qaban, tan kale waxaa la doonayaa in gabdhaha lagu soo daro baarlamaanka waana mid ka soo horjeedda diinta islaamka.

Midda kale aan aadka oga soo horjeedo waxeey tahay waxaa la isu celinayaa guryihii laga soo ceshtay dadkii hantida waddanka dhacay oo mujaahidiintii laga qaado guryihii dhiigooda ku soo baxay oo ay xoreysteen buuSheikh Xasan Sheikh Daahir Aweys ku soo gunaanaday warkiisii.

Mar la waydiiyay inay ka dagaalamayaan iyo in kale haddii axdigaas waddanka lagu xukumo ayuu kaga jawaabay inaysan diinta islaamku diidayn dagaal ayna qabto (JIHAAD) oo ninkii warkaa la yimaado aan dhegta dhiigga u dareyno, uuna leeyahay shuruudo ayna samayn doonaan wixii habboon ee diintu qabto.

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Sunday, July 09, 2000 - 08:49 am
mudanow aad iyo aad baan uga xumahay waxaad mahan la soo istaagtay , mana haboona in fidno laga shaqeeyo waxaase haboon inaad hadalka si amaana ah u soo gudbiso soona sheegtid halka aad ka soo xigatay.
waxaana ila haboon dadka diinta u nisba sheegta
in magacyadooda la nabad geliyo siiba caamada isla markaana aanan lala wareegin meelaha puplica ah , culimo iyagay u dhaxeysaa wixii ka dhexeeya caamase boos uguma banaana waa siday ila tahay.
ugu danbeyntii wax ha laysu sheego laakiin waa laga wanaagsan yahay hebel saas buu yiri iyo saas baa laga sheegay waa shuqul shaydaan.
allow denbigeynaan qaadi la,nahaye ku ruux kale ha noogu darin.

wax hallee ma lihi wax hagaajis unbaan ka wadaa.

wabillaahi tawfiiq.


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Sunday, July 09, 2000 - 01:17 pm
Mim, Qaran Press ayaa hadalka saan uu soo tebisay
(I copied/pasted as it was)

Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo mowqif adag oo diidmo ah ka istaagay Axdiga ku meel gaarka ah ee laga dhex sameeyey shirka Jabuuti.

MUQDISHO, Jimce (HornAfrik):

Sheehh Xasan Daahir Aweys, guddoomiyaha maxkamadda islaamiga ah ee Ifka Xalan ayaa ku tilmaamay xalay in Axdi Qarameedka dowladda ku meel gaarka ah ee la doonayo in lagu soo dhiso shirka dib u heshiisinta Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Jabuuti ka socda yahay mid aan waafaqsanayn diinta islaamka isla markaasna ah Baadil.

Sheekha ayaa axdigaas ku eedeeyay inuu diinta liddi ku yahay isla markaana awood aysan lahayn uu siinayo dadka, sidoo kale uu ogolaanayo wax diinta lagula dagaalamo, kuwaas oo uu sheegay inay yihiin xuquuqul insaan.

"Xuquuqul insaan waxaa lagula dagaalamaa diinta islaamka, maxaa yeelay ma oggola in Gacan, Lug iyo wixii la mid ah laga gooyo ciddii islaamku ku xakumo" ayuu yiri sheekh Xasan Daahir.

Mar la waydiiyay inay ka dagaalamayaan iyo in kale haddii axdigaas waddanka lagu xukumo ayuu kaga jawaabay inaysan diinta islaamku diidayn dagaal ayna qabto (JIHAAD), uuna leeyahay shuruudo ayna samayn doonaan wixii habboon ee diintu qabto.


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Sunday, July 09, 2000 - 01:57 pm
Qaran waa joornaalka Xuseen Caydiid, Xaali thanks pro-Caydiid

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Sunday, July 09, 2000 - 05:34 pm
,,,,Xaalli ku mahadsanid walaale oo ninkaa kale oo Mudaneh kolley meeshuu ka soo xigtay isaga uunbaa inoo sheegi,,,,,Laakinse Wadaadka Sheikh Xasan Dahir Aweys khatar caziim hadduu la jahaadayo oo dhegtaa dhiigga u dari ruuxuu ka maqlo Xuquuqul insaanka iyo xuquuqul mar'ah una malabsanayo madaxyada, gacmaha, lugaha, faraha Ummadda Soomaaliyeed ee uu horey u daashaday oofwareenka horey ay u badeen isagaa iyo kuwa la mid ah..........

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Monday, July 10, 2000 - 03:18 am
Salaam Calaykum;


Waxaan u malaynayaa in arinta ku saabsan Dastuurka Qaranka ee dowladda ku meelgaarka ah sameyntiisa waa loo dhan yahay, cidii markaa ka soo horjeedda ama sikale u fasiranaysa ha ka qaybqaateen hana saameeyeen marka process-ku socdo.

Khasab ma aha in waxwalba oo la soo hordhigo dadka ay aqbalaan... Hadii aanad ku qanacsanayn qodobo ama qaar ka mid ah dastuurka.. Isku day in aad wax ka bedeshid, u ololee, dadka tus in ay wax si' yihiin, xulufo ururso si loo bedelo waxa aanad ku qanacsanayn, isla markaana marka loo codeynayo arinta codkaaga ka dhiibo. Hadii lagaa bato se? Seef aad qaadanaysaa miyaa?

Kuwa qoraya waa muslimiin, kuwa loo qoranayaana waa muslimiin... so what is the problem?, hadii aanad doonaynin in ay wax kuu qoraan, yaa markii hore u dhiibo ku yidhi? Dastuurku wuxuu ka soo horjeeddaa diinta islaamka???? dastuurku waa la soo daabaacay, cid walibana way akhrisan kartaa........ xaguu xaga soo horjeedaa diinta islaamka?? 25 place is reserved for laddies.....This causes the trouple, isn't? Hadaad xiisaynaysid in dastuurku ka soo horjeedo diinta islaamka iyo inkale please akhri ama degayso wararka ka bixiyeen culimmadda shirka ka qaybgashey ee Carta Jooga waxa ay ka yidhaahdeen, waxaanan ka heli kartid SomaliTalk home-page-keedda.

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Monday, July 10, 2000 - 05:51 am
waad ku mahadsan tahay inaad noo soo taebiso meeja lagu soo qoray qoraalka.
warka i sii maalmahan culimaad noqotaan filaa
bal Emailkaada na soo sii aan kuu soo dirno fatwooyinka maalmahaan waan kuu jeedaaye inaad halakan aad u soo wareegtaye.
warkaada ma cadda ee banaanka isa soo dhig anigu ma aqaanee war wareeg badan.
culimo haday diido dastuur xaq bay u leeyihiin
dagaalse fili mahayo oo arrinku armuu halakaas weli uunan gaadhin ina adeerayaaloow inteenaan caamada ah waanu isnaqaanaaye culima la tirsiga daaya.

wabillaahi tawfiiq.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 04:13 am


Waa runtaa oo culimaddo xaq ayey u leedahay in ay diidaan qaar ka mid ah qodobadda dastuurka oo taas waxba kuma jabna oo waaba wax loowada fadhiyo

Arinta aan anigu ka hadlayey waxay tahay sheekhu isagu ma maqnee madasha ayuu fadhiyaa oo ka qaybqaadanayaa sidaaa daraadeed waa maxay waan ku jihaadaynaa iyo xuquuqda gacmo iyo lugo goyntu kuma qorna dastuurka? Dastuurka miyeysan ku qornayn...Diin an Islamka ahayn laguma fidin karo lagumana caabudi kara wadanka!!! sidoo kale miyeysan ku qornayn shareecadda islaamku waa dastuurka qaranka sharcigii ka horyimaadana waa waxba kama jiraan!! mise problemku wuxuu ka taagan yahay meesha lagu sheegay "nidaamka dowladdu waa mid dimuqraadi ah"

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Monday, July 17, 2000 - 02:03 pm
Horta warjiraaba cakaaruu iman, Hadii diinta islaamka loo diido gacmahay dadka ka gowsaa waa yaab haday jirto weeye in tuug gacan la gooyaana waa sax ah, waayo umada kale ayaa la bad baadinayaa, maxaase loo ogalaaday in qofka kansarku ku dhaco gacanta la gooyo iyadoo labadbaadinayo jidhka intiisa kale hadii diintu tiraahdo tuuga gacanta halga gooyana looga doodaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Culumada yaan lagu dagdagin ilaa arinta la hubsado
mida labaad inagu goobjoog manihine yaan ladan baabin.
to.NEEF nin yahahow marna sidii nin caaqil ah ayaad u hada shaa marna sidii nin caamo ah oo aflagaato ayaa kaa dhacda markaa nin yahahow inta aan lagu xisaabin meel uun isku xisaabi waa iga naseexo xumaan ha u qaadan AKHi.

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