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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Islam (Religion): Archive (Before Oct. 29, 2000): HOW TO DEAL THE JEW OR CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIEC
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Friday, October 20, 2000 - 12:07 am
PLEAS i'm requesting all the brothers and sisters who visit these site islam don't waste your precious time to answer or discus those jew and christian misionariec like ASAD AND MADMIKE those useless topics and kufri topics they eant to confuse us to doubt our religion they don't want to know the haq.

So please neefta ku cesha ha ka nefisinina hana ugu kaalmeynina qudhunkooda.They are those who create the topics and use diffrent names and answer it later on as i pointed many times.

so please let the yahoodii and nasaara daal.

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Friday, October 20, 2000 - 01:10 am
Assalamu calaykum

Cabdirixmaan waxaan kugu raacsanahay fikradda aad kaqabto ninka layidhaa (mad mak)sidaan hore u akhriyey waa irish american, sida kamuuqatana waa basaas ama ha'ubasaaso maraykanka ama yuhuudda.
Sida dhabta ah xogaa aqoon ah ayaan u leeyahay arimaha basaasidda, markaan indho indheeyey ninkaan waalan waxaa iiga muuqato inuu yahay nin loo shaqaaleeyey barashada iyo u dhabbogalka soomaalida siiba xagga kuwa diinta xiiseeyo.
Nasiib darrose waxaa ah in dadkaya ayan xadaaro lahayn ooy qofkay arkaan uurkujirtii dadkooda bannaanka usoo dhigi ayagoon kafiirsan.
Ninkan waalan iyo cidda shaqaalaysayba waxay halkan kaheli fursad raqiis ah ooy kudarsaan uurkujirta soomaalida, sidaa lagayaabo inaad dareentayna ninku maalinba maalinta kasii danbayso wuu kasoo ilbaxayaa oo hadda heer wuxuu gaadhay uu asagoon af soomaaliga aqoon fahmo qoraallo soomaali kuqoran, wuxuuna isticmaala sidaan qiyaasay wax layidhaa (Codes)oo ah in warbixin kasta laga eego erayo mucayan ah kadibna laga baadho qaamuuska u yaallo hay'adda bal waxa uga diiwaan gashan eraygaa isaga ah.
Wakhti hadda bilo laga joogo ayaan arkay qadiyad soomaali kuqoran oo uu kahelay hal eray oo qudha kadibna uu dooddii galay 100% kaqaybqaatay asagoon kahoosayn soomaalidii.
Waa xaqiiq inuu ninku dadka iyo diintaba duullaan kuyahay.

Wabillahi towfiiq

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Friday, October 20, 2000 - 11:33 pm
PLEAS i'm requesting all the brothers and sisters who visit these site islam don't waste your precious time to answer or discus those jew and christian misionariec like ASAD"

asad is no jew nor a christian missionary, but he is a muslim. ;-) the jewish and the christian missionaries would hate to answer to or discuss religion with asad. ;-)

"those useless topics and kufri topics they eant to confuse us to doubt our religion they don't want to know the haq."

have faith, c/raxmaan, the haq will outshine the badil. ;-)

"So please neefta ku cesha ha ka nefisinina hana ugu kaalmeynina qudhunkooda"

you are contradicting yourself. on one hand, you are requesting from all the brothers and sisters to not waste their precious time to answer or discuss with those jew and christian misionariec and on the another hand, you are begging them and saying neefta ku cesha, hana ka neefsiinina.!

"They are those who create the topics and use diffrent names and answer it later on as i pointed many times."

asad uses only one username and that is the username asad. the somalinet administration can tell you this if you request from them to tell you if asad is creating topics. i do not create topics; i respond to them. ;-)

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Friday, October 20, 2000 - 11:38 pm
"Cabdirixmaan waxaan kugu raacsanahay fikradda aad kaqabto ninka layidhaa (mad mak)"

mamaydhe, fikradda kalana ma ku diiday, mana ku raacsanid miyaa------waa fikradda uu ka qabo ninka la yiraahdo asad? ;-)

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