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Somaliland io Kosovo maxay wadaagaan

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): RA'YIGA DADWEYNAHA - Your Opinion: Somalia: Archive (Before October 29, 2000): Somaliland io Kosovo maxay wadaagaan
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Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 08:48 pm
OPINION:-Somaliland and Kosova Maxaay Wadaagaan?
OCT 24, 2000

by Jamhuriya Newspaper
Anigoo ah qof soomaaliya kana soo jeeda beesha aad ku sheegtay reer waqooyiga waxaan ahay nin jecel in soomaaliweyn is wada raacdo noqotona mid kaliya xitaa marka lagu daro saddexda meelood ee inaga maqan (NFD, Ogaden region, & Jabuuti). Markeygii horena waan ka soo herjeeday gooni isu taaga Somaliland (sababtaan uga soo horjeedayna way dhacdayba 1994) markaa nin qoyen biyo iskama dhowree waan ku raacay gooni isu taaga somaliland markaan arkey waxa ka soo baxay Shirkii Carte iyo sida xuquuqdii reer soomaaliland loo afduubay. Waanay nagu adkaatay aniga iyo dad badan oo ila mida inaan taageerno dawlad isku sheega Cusub ee lagu sameeyey Jabuuti.

Hadaba aan u soo noqdo su aashii ahayd Soomaaliland iyo Kosovo Maxay wadaagaan?.

Waxay wadaagan Saddex:

1. Mid labada dadba waa dad muslin ah

2. talabaadna waa xasuuqidii lagu daba jarayey dadkooda.

3.Ta saddexaadna waxay doonayaan inay Aayahooga ka taliyaan. (Self determination). Waa runtaa oo Soomaali waa isku diin iyo dhaqan balse ha ilaabin in taas oo qudhi aanay sameyn dal iyo dowlad. Tusaale: Jabuuti waa inala diin waana inala dhaqan dadkii Xornimadooda u dhintayna waxay ahaayeen soomaali siiba dadka aad ku sheegtay reer waqooyiga hase ahaatee Jabuuti maanta kali ayey taagan tahay iyadoo aan u dhigmin gobol qudha oo ka mida Somaliland. Jabuutina waxay kali isu taagtay Codeyntii la waydiiyey inay kali isu taagaan iyo inay Soomaali ku biiraan.

Halkii reer Somaliland markii aya xornimada qaateen 26 June 1960 ay markiiba ula soo carareen Xamar inay soomaali isku keenaan.

Hadaba hadii ay maalintaa kali isu taagi lahaayeen suaashanba may timaadeen isla markaana 300,000 (sedex boqol oo kuna oo qofna naftooda kumay waayeen intay magac weyn oo Soomaaliyeeed raadinayeen.

Wadan wuxuu sameysmaa marka dadku ay wax ku heshiiyan tiina la fuliyo.

Somaliland-na waxay gooni isu taagtay markay dagaal xoreyn dalkooda iyo dadkooda ah ku soo jiraan ilaa iyo 1961 markii inqilaabkii ugu horeeyey dhacay. Ragii inqilaabkaa ku guuleysan waayey waxay arkayeen sidaan heshiiskii lala galay umada reer Somaliland aan loo tixgalinay intaan Siyaad Bare “Afweynaba” aanu wadanka qabsan. Markii xigtay ee reer Somaliland dib u bilaabeen in ay xornimadoodii dib ugu dagaal galaan waxay ahayd markii la xirxiray wax garadkii damcay inay umadooda ay wax u soo barteen ay uga faaiideeyaan oo ay waxqabasho dhinackastaba ka bilaabeen magaalada hargeysa. Halkaasna waxa ka abuurmay ururkii la magac baxay “SNM”. Ilaa iyo maalintii uu ururkaasi sameysmay dhibaatada reer Somaliland loo gaystey iyo XASUUQIDII Soomaaloo idil u gaysatey halkan laguma soo koobi karo. Markii Afweyne dowladiisu dhacday reer Somaliland wax Xasuuqida oo ay ku bilaabeen dadkii la deganaa iyo kuwii isoo qaxay may jerin oo waxay ogaayeen dhibaatadii loo geystay in aan cidkale aaney u gaysan ee sidii dadku u wada noolaan lahaa ay ka shaqeeyaan. Maantana hadaad Somaliland aragtid dadka ku nool waxaad moodaa inaan dadkii u dhashey Somaliland ay yihiin dad aan waligood dhibaato aan loo geysan sidey dadka kale ee aan u dhalan goboladaa u soo dhaweeyaan. Waxaan sheekadan dheer u galay in reer Somaliland ay cidkasta la noolaan karaan oo xamar dadkii u dhashey ay wada laayeen wixii aan u dhalan goboladooda. Markii dambena ay iyagu isku soo jeesteen.

Ta aad leedahay markii Somaliland la dhisayey mabey filayn ama cabsiba mey qabin in dowlad kale ka dhalato oon ahayn ta Somaliland.

WAAd ku khaldan tahay meelna waad kaga dhacaysaa waxgaradka reer Somaliland. Sababtoo ah soomlida ayaa tidhaahda intaanad gar meel la tagin waa la sii garnaqsadaa. Markaa reer Somaliland way ogaayeen in dowlad soomaali isku sheegi ay mar uun iman doonto. Waanay ka sii fakareen wixii ay kula dhaqmi lahaayeen xitaa hadii dagaal lagu qaado. “TII AFWEYNABA WAXBA KA QAADIWEYDAY EE MIDKALE ISKA ILOW”.

Xukuumadii hore ayaa ina laysay waana Somali muslin bay ahaayeena Maskax ma galeyso. Waxaan u malaynayaa inaanad aad u fahmin waxa ay reer Somaliland gooni isu taag u doonayso ee bal raadi sababta. Laakiin halkaa kaaga tagi maayo oo u maleyn maayo inaad adiga iyo inta kula fahanka ahiba fahmeysaan ee aan laba qodob kuu taabto intakalana bal Odayaasha aad meel la joogto weydii. Ta koowaad. Somaliland waxa ay ku doodaysaa in umadooda iyo dalkoodaba (Gobolodoodaba) dambiyo fara badan laga galay heshiiskii la isku raacay (1960) in dowlad lagu wada samaysteyna la jabiyey. Hadaad hadalka kor ku qoron xusuusantahay dowladi waxay abuurantaa marka la oofiyo axdiga la wada dhigto. Markaa hadii axdigii la dhigtay la jabiyey dowlada taagani maxay tahay? Ta labaad. Marka Umadi gooni u goosanayso sida East Timor ama Kosovo waxa jira sharci ka mid ah sharciyada bini-aadnimaga oo oranaya dad ka mid ah dowlad ay ku yaryihiin isla markaana xuquuqdoodii bini-aadmi la duudsiyey xaq bay u leeyihiin in ay gooni isku taagaan hadii ay shuruudaha u yaala sharcigaa ka soo baxaan. Waxaan filayaa hadii aad raadised shuruudaha sharcigaa in ay reer Somaliland ka bixi karaan iyadoon aanay ku yareen dad waxbartay oo raadinkara taa markaa bal intaanad waxyaabaha qaarkood “analysis” ku sameyn bal ka fiirso.

Arinta Somaliland maxaa iska badaley markii la doortay C/qaasin?

Aniga oo shaqsi ah arimaha guud ee reer Somaliland iyo ta soomaaliyeedna la socda waxaan u arkaa in Wax iska bedal oo ku dhacay arinta Somaliland aaney jiren. Ta aad ledahay ilahii hore u saacidi jirey way xirmeen. Hadana waad ku khaldan tahay sababtoo ah hal hay’ad ah samafal oo Somaliland ka baxday ama kababa baxaysaa ma jirto. Tusaale: Ururka isutaga ee Yurub wuxuu yidhi Waanu taageeraynaa wadanka meelihiisa nabada leh iyaguna waa kuwa qudha ee dhaqaale fiican ilaa iyo hada Somaliland galiyey. Wadamada xiriirka la lahaayeen? Waxan filayaa inaad itoobiya sheegaysid itoobiyana iyada ayaa dan ku qabta Somaliland. Sababtoo aha Raashinka deeqda ah ayaa berbera u soo mara Somaliland-na cashuur ayey ka heshaa. Bank of Somaliland heshiis ayaabu la galay central bank of itoobiya. Markaa ta xaga xoolaha la joojiyeyna soomaali ayey wax la qabaan.

Hadaba Gooni isu taaga Somaliland waxa uu ku Xidhan yahay dadka ugubadan reer Somaliland siday isku meel wax uga arki lahaayeen, wixii la kulmana iskaga taageeri lahaayeen Xitaa hadii ay noqoto in ay marlabaad dowlad soomaaliweyn ah ka midnoqdaan.

Qore: Inj: Cabdirisaaq Maxamed Faarax (Cabdi Wiiwaa) 24 October 2000 USA.

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Friday, October 27, 2000 - 11:48 am
Run ahaantii si fiican oo hufan ayaad faallo ka cilmiyaysan tii ku soo baxday Somalinet, oo hadda loo yaqaan "Xidigta Oktobar", aad u soo bandhigtay. Run ahaantii inay dadka reer Somaliland ku tilmaamaan dad riyoonaya, waxay ahayd meel-ka-dhac weyn. Laakiin waxaan taas kaga gamayaa, sida falgalka leh ee ay dadka reer Somaliland ay nabaddooda, xasiloonida, walaaltimimada, hanashada gobonimadooda iyo gooni isu taagga u hananayaan. Waxaase aniga la riyoonaya, run ahaantii, dadka hotel Ramadaan ku hoos jira, dibediisa aan u bixi karin, inay dal dhan ka xukumaan hawada. Hadda ninka hotelka iska lehina wuxuu leeyahay ciidan dhan oo uu private ah. Miyaanay kuwaasi ka riyo badnayd reer Somaliland ee heerkan ognahay gaadhay dawlad iyo shacbiba?

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Friday, October 27, 2000 - 12:33 pm
> Ciidamada Qaranka oo Xadka la Geeyey
> Oct 26, 2000 - Somalilander
> Ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland ayaa lagu tuulay xadadka dalku la
>wadaago Somaliya iyo Jibuuti. Warar naga soo gaadhaya magaalooyinka xadka
>ah ee Hingalool iyo Bariisle ayaa sheegaya in kumanyaal ciidamada
>Somaliland ah la keenay magaalooyinka xadka. Wararkan oo ah qaar isasoo
>taraya waxay sheegayaan in dawladu ay go'aansatay in loo diyaargaroobo
>difaaca dalka hadiiba ay weeraro kaga yimaadaan dalalka dibada. Ciidamo
>gaadhay 8000 (Siddeed kun) ayaa haatan jooga xadka soomaaliya, halka xadka
>Jibuuti la geeyey 3000 (Saddex kun) oo kale. Magaalooyinke Bariisle,
>Lawyacado iyo Saylac ee ku yaala xadka Jibuuti waxa hore u joogay ciidamo
>dhan 2000 (Laba kun) oo askari oo ah kuwa loo yaqaano kamaandoos. Ciidamada
>bariga waxa abaanduule u ah Jan. Maxamed Dhamac oo ah mujaahid in badan ku
>jiray halgankii dalka lagu xoreeyey. Jan. Dhamac waxa uu wax ku bartay
>dalka Ruushka halkaas oo loo tababaray gaar ahaan ridida madaafiicda
>waaweyn. Jan. Dhamac wuxu ku biiray SNM sanadkii 1983kii markaas oo uu
>sarkaal sare ka ahaa gaaskii 1aad ee ciidamadii Soomaaliya ee deganaa
>magaalada Xaliimaale ilaa Garayocawl. Xaga Galbeedka waxa abaanduule ka ah
>Kor. Maxamud Aden oo isna ah sarkaal sare oo wax ku bartay dalalka Ruushka
>iyo Filibiin islamarkaana loo tababaray dagaalgelinta Ciidama lugta.
> Ciidamada dalka Jibuuti ayaa tiradoodu dhantahay 3500 oo nin.
>Jibuuti waxa sidoo gale degan ciidan Faransiisku leeyahay oo dhan 3000 oo
>askari. Faransiisku hore waxa uu u sheegay in aanu Jibuuti difaaci doonin
>hadii Ismaaciil Cumar Geele uu isagu weerar bilaabo.
> Dhanka Soomaaliya waxa la ogyahay in Cabdiqaasim ku hanjabay
>islamarkaana qorshaynayo sidii uu u weerari lahaa Somaliland. Cabdiqaasim
>malaha ciidamo dhisan, xitaa ilaaladiisu waa mooryaan madaxbanaan
>:OFreelance gunmen) oo qaata 500 oo dollar maalintii kastaba. Iyadoo aanay
>muuqan muruq uu ku muquuniyo Somaliland ayuu hadana dhawrjeer ku celceliyey
>inuu Somaliland weerari doono.
> Ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland waxay dhan yihiin 18 000 oo
>ciidamada qalabka sida ah, 4670 askari oo ah kuwa loo yaqaano Kamaandoos
>iyo 5000 oo ah kuwa Poliska. Wasiirka Difaaca Somaliland Mudane Cumar
>Maxamed Nimcaale ayaa noo sheegay in ay dawladu ku talo jirto in la
>libinlaabo ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland. Mr. Nimcaale waxa sidoo kale uu
>noo sheegay inay jiraan 14000 oo ciidamo kayda oo ay dawladu siiso raashin,
>markii loo baahdana diyaar u ah difaaca dalka. Mar la waydiiyey baahida loo
>qabo kordhinta ciidamada dalka maadaama aanay jirin wax muuqda oo cabsi
>gelin kara, wuxu ku jawaabay wasiirku in gobolku guud ahaanba yahay mid
>dhib badan, waxaana lagaaga weecan karaa uun muruqaaga. Wasiirku wux
>sheegay in qorshaha fog ee Somaliland yahay in la dhiso ciidan nidaam leh
>oo gaadhay 100 000 oo askari. Mr. Nimcaale waxa uu yidhi "waxad aragtaan in
>ay maanta dhiigeena u haliilayaan kuwaan iskaashan lahayn een isku danta
>noqon lahayn (isaga oo u jeeda Xamar iyo Jibuuti) maxaad markaas u
>malaynaysaan shisheeyehana".
> Sidoo kale mujaahidiinta SNM, ayaa muujiyey inay heegan u
>yihiin difaaca dalka iyagoo laabi doona khilaafka u dhexeeya dawlada iyo
>SNM. Gudoomiyaha SNM Md. Xasan Ciise Jaamac ayaa sheegay in ay nasiib daro
>tahay in Somaliland oo 10 sano jirtay, maanta ay u hanjabaan kuwii laga
>xoreeyey dalkan mudo 10 sano ah ka hor. Cabdiqaasim ayaa ka mid ahaa
>dawladii Faqashta ee laga xoreeyey dalka. Gudoomiye Xasan Ciise wuxu
>sheegay in diyaar loo yahay difaaca dalka uuna ku kalsoon yahay guulo ay
>mujaahidiintu soo hoyn doonan.


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Friday, October 27, 2000 - 01:05 pm
Let me correct - Ciidamada isaaqa

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Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 03:16 am
Muran meel ma gaadhsiiyo cid. Hawl ba loo baahan yahay iyo falgal. Wanaagga dadka reer Somaliland ama dad kale oo soomaaliyeed gaadhaan waa inaad ku farxedaa, waana wax aad wax ku leedahay, ee ku dayo, ha ka masayrine, waxaadna tidhaahda, ilaahii siiyayoow, iyagana naadda ay haýstaan u siyaadi, aniga nabad isii. Kadib, waydii iyaga, sirta siday hawshan u guuleysteen sida ay ku timid. Waxaan qabaa, qof kasta oo Reer Somaliland ihi, in aanu wax ka hagran doonin dadka reer Somalia, NFD, Kililka 5aad amaba Djabouti. Waayo waxaa sidaasi faraysa Soomaalinimada, muslinimada iyo derisnimada ay wadaagaan. Iskaashi noocaas ihi wuxuu albaabada u furi doonaa: isku soo dhawaansho xagga qalbiga iyo niyadda saalixa ah. Haddii taas la helo, Soomaali isjecel, waa la heli.
Sidaas ayaan kula talin lahaa. Horumar adiguna aad ku gaadhi kartaa, anaguna aanu ku gaadhi karaa. Isafduub xiligiisi waa dhamaaday.

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Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 03:21 am
A report based on Mohamed-Rashid
Sheikh Hassan's impressions of Somaliland during several vists:
Mohamed-Rashid Sh. Hassan is a freelance BBC journalist and
a researcher.

Recently I was in Nairobi, after I stayed sometime in Somaliland. In
Nairobi I met a Somalilander who works for the African Development Bank.
He was attending an International conference there. He asked me "How was
Hargeisa", then I replied by asking him "When was the last time you visited
Hargeisa?". He said that it was in 1968.

Before I replied to him the picture of series of events and episodes in
which Hargeisa lived through since 1980s crossed into my thoughts. I
hesitated, and then said, "my friend I don't know where to start, because
you may not be able to have a perception of Hargeisa today unless you were
familiar with the historical changes that Hargeisa witnessed since
1968 when you last visited".

How can one possibly conceptualise Hargeisa today if he or she did not
even see a film about Hargeisa. After it was completely destroyed by the
genocide forces of Siad Barre in 1988, and the result of that destruction
in the years followed. I have been visiting Hargeisa almost every year
since 1994 and every year I met with new surprises.

In 1991 When the refugees and returnees returned to Hargeisa after the
withdrawal of Somaliland from the union and its unilateral declaration of
independence; there were only few houses left with a roof on their tops.
Some of the returnees did not even recognise where their house was
originally built because nothing was left of it. As the people were just
re-starting their livelihood, again the unfortunate civil war broke out .
Hargeisa again entered another face of a historical nightmare when those
who were yesterday collectively fought against the Siad Barre´s tyranny
fought among themselves.

When I visited Hargeisa in 1994, I was advised not to visit some parts of
the town because of safety reasons but I gave that advice to deaf ears. I
took a tax and I went almost every where, and I found that the major part
of the city was turned into a ghost town where only cats and wild dogs
live. Starting from centre of the city down to new Hargeisa and the whole
part of the other side of the "tog", the old "dumbuloq" up to the airport
was virtually empty. In the Air Port there were only few militia men with
poor uniforms. There were no adequate clean water, no electricity, and
there were only few schools and few markets and the general safety of the
city was precarious.

My last trip to Hargeisa was this year, and spent there the whole of
August and part of Sept, 2000. I was staying in Mansoor Hotel, and it is
like a three Star Hotel with conference halls. We were involved in a
Journalistic training program and giving this training to Somaliland
journalists, representing the two main daily news papers, the Jamhuuriya,
( its Republican weekly edition in English), Mandeeq, Radio Hargeisa,
Hargiesa TV and two women news papers. There were also eight journalists who
came from Mogadishu for the course. The project was jointly sponsored by
the BBC and EU.

While I was there I realised that Hargeisa entered again into another
face of its history. It is growing at unbelievable rate. The Mansoor Hotel
which was seen only few years ago situated in a distant outskirts of the
city now find itself surrounded by the construction of so many villas
and houses, and some of them having three stores and with similar designs
and fashions of those in the Gulf countries. Hargeisa is now a city which
has a busy airport with International connections were about six passenger
aeroplanes arrive or take off daily. A city with two daily news papers, weekly English
edition and Radio ( Radio Hargeisa), and soon it will get FM connections
with BBC World Service Programmes in Somali but also in Arabic and English
in 24 hours, and a TV. It is a city with a large population with a growing
economy, markets, banks, schools, libraries, university, research
institutions, clinics, modern restaurants and above all a save city that
you can walk at any hour of the night, unlike Nairobi that you have to
look out all the time at your shoulders. My colleague Harvey Morris of
the Financial Times Newspaper, whom we were together in the course, wrote
an article in the Financial Times on 14th August 2000, and he too
expressed the same view about Hargiesa and the country .

Somaliland population which is by majority young lived mainly through two
contrasting historical periods since 1988. A period associated with
destruction, human rights violation, humiliation and living in refugee camps
and another one in which they have regained their freedom, peace, built
their houses, neighbourhoods, communities and sleep safely in their homes.
These two sets of experiences now constitute their present history.

Somaliland 's decision to withdrew from the union was mainly based on two
premises. Firstly, historical, Somaliland which was a sovereign separate
state accepted union with Somalia in 1960, on the believe of Greater
Somali State in which all the Somali people in the Horn of Africa might
unite. This became unattainable because of the flat rejection of the
international community with OAU of being the main protagonist. In 1964, in
Cairo the OAU passed a resolution stating that African pre-independence
boundaries must remain unchanged as the colonial countries drew them.

Secondly, when the Somali government under the militray oppressive regime
became the enemy of the people of Somaliland; the result was devastating
destruction of people and properties in the 1980s. According to human
rights' organisation estimate more than fifty thousand people were either
killed or forced to flee from their homes and forced to live in refugee
camps. This created an apocalyptic nightmares which still haunts the
Somaliland population.

Over the years I took part in many Somali conferences outside the country
of which some of them I took an active part in its preparations. In these
conferences we discussed with our intellectual brothers and sisters from
Somalia, that the only reasonable option open for Somalis today after the
collapse of unitary state, is to accept the fact of the two separate
sovereign Somali states.

Somali intellectuals who constituted the back borne of the Arta conference
in Djibouti did not listen to this reasonable and logical advice from our
part so as to heal the Somali wound. Instead they chose to encourage
some members of the failed Somali state including some accused war
criminal as champions of the Somali cause, and the future political leaders.
It was a bizarre seen on the television screens to watch some of these
people rapped their bodies with Somali flag to show how nationalist they
were. I wonder whom they were fooling!

The repeated slogans and songs such as "Somali wake up" Somaaliyey
Toosay" during the conference, and many conferences before it, worked
well in the 1950s and 1960s and for the good Somali nationalists at the
time who courageously fought against the colonialists, including my father
who died in the hands of the Ethiopian security forces in Jijiga. Now the
political landscape of Somali people has changed and it will continue to
change. Somalis of today are not the Somalis of yesterday, so too Africa
is not the Africa of 1950s and 1960s , neither the world of today is the
world of yesterday. In 1989 one country as superpower and one ideology
which about half of the human race so firmly believed, ceased to exist
after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Those who really care of the Somali
people perfectly know this facts and accordingly find the best way to
pursue the Somali common interests.

Let us not repeat empty slogans here and there. Let us give support and
encouragement to Somaliland which its people took courageous steps with
little help from the international community. Somaliland has restored peace
tranquillity, an effective governance with a good foundation for
democratic society. The people of Somaliland have no quarrel with the
ordinary people of Somalia. In the personal level even those who are
described as warlords often visit Hargeisa. For instance, Osman Aatto
visited Hargeisa while I was in Hargeisa, and before Arta conference
Abdiqasim Salad also came. I was informed that Abdiqasim was welcomed
and financially supported by the Somaliland government, on the
understanding that he and his supporters must concentrate on Somalia and
restore peace and governance in Mogadishu.

Somaliland was not the first country to withdrew from a union of two
countries which previously united. This happened between Egypt and Syrian
in 1958 and now this two countries remain brothers within the framework
of the Arab nation. Former Pakistan of 1947 became two Islamic states
Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is a high time that Somali politicians and
intellectuals must not confuse issues, and the minds of the Somali people
and the international community. On the pretence that few people from
Somaliland in the political councils in Mogadishu will change the
historical and political decision which Somaliland took.

All the political, historical, anthropological and psychological
instruments I used to analyse this matter, tell me that no force on
the earth will change the direction in which Somaliland took as long as
Somaliland population adhere to the political decisions they took in Burao
1991, in Borama 1993, and in Hargiesa, 1997. Now the logical strategy, I
believe for Somali intellectuals, particularly those who care for the Somali
people is as follows:-. To accept the fact that, in the place of the
former Somali Republic now there must be two sovereign separate Somali
states, which each will have its vote in the International forumss, such as
the UN, the Arab league and the OAU. Let us use this potentiality to help
economically and diplomatically other Somalis in the Horn of African too
where they are. Let us work on a wider vision and strategy that brings
closer together all peoples and nations in the Horn of Africa.

Let us positively use the collapse of the unitary Somali government This
could create the possibility of a closer co-operation between the Somali
people in the Horn and the other peoples and nations who often see Somali
irredentism as amount to their destruction. At the moment we are living in
post-modernity and globalization era where old concepts like nationalism,
and even nation state are critically re- examined and where peace, respect
of human rights and co-operation among all peoples are encouraged.

Mohamed-Rashid Sheikh Hassan.

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