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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): RA'YIGA DADWEYNAHA - Your Opinion: Somalia: Archive (Before Nov. 8, 2000): THE LONELINESS OF OGADEEN
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Thursday, November 02, 2000 - 09:55 am
Since Time: Ogadeni people has been suffering for unknown cause. The Ogadeeni clan has been ill advised by un-educated sel direct elderly people. For example, it is known fact that the Ogaden clan has always been tri-angular tribe, meaning that, they have been wondering between three countries, Somalia, Ethipia, Kenya. Although, they are corageous tribe, but they fail to ask themselves, why are we not settling in one of these countries. For instance, The bloody war between somalia and Ethiopia was caused by this clan, yet they have been fighting in both sides, eventhough, the somali government led by a man whose mother has been non other ogaden. This clan failed time and again to pick a place and stay. Furthermore, this clan, who is largely uneducated and overwelmingly nomads expect the whole world to be simpathic for their on-going strugle. However you put it, this clan is in crash road, because somalia existed long before the ogadeeni tribe came from far and away. In conclusion, somalia needs to wake up and realize that this clan would never contribute to somalia from constructive point of view.

Like the rabbit in the duracel battery commercial, they are going, and going, and going, and going, and going......

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nin qiiroodey

Thursday, November 02, 2000 - 11:44 am
ogadeen must be united with Garxajis and then....

remember "far kaliya fool ma dhaqdo".......we have to one to defeat amxaaroooooooo.........they should not fight alone..........

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Aga awoowgaa

Thursday, November 02, 2000 - 11:58 am
Aga iyo markii awoowgaa la gubay
Ugaas iyo markaad awliyada caydo
Adoon ogayn markaad aabahaa xamato
Dhoodaan amarkii ku dhiciyo soo amakaaga ama ahan

Sayidkii markuu gaalo ku yiri Ogaadeen ha ii dirin iyo markii Raage Ugaas lahaa nin ugaas walaalkii yahoo eeday baan ahay waxa ciil abwaanadaa biday waxay ahaayeen Ogaadeen Absame.

Ka soo guur oo soo gaar xiliga maanta ah oo bal daalaco xaaladda dadka ku abtirsada Ogaadeen Absame.

1- Meel kasta oo ay joogaan waxay isu haystaan qaxooti. Ha ahaato Qari Jiqood, Qabri Dahar ama Qoolaayda Afmadow.

2- Waxaa ugu jaahilsan kooda PhD haysta.

3- Waxay iska eegaan kooda wax gartay.

4- Aan dagaalano mooyee reerka ha la dejiyo diide.

5- Bu'aale iyo Badhaadhe inta u dhaxaysa ee hodanka ah way ka qatan yihiin. Hadana RRA baaba sheegatay in ay u taliso Gabyowna qalinkuu ugu duugay.

6- In ay daasadda u qaadaan nin kale mooyee diide in ay iyagu wax is bidaan. Gabyow--Cabdullahi Yusuf baa maqaarka u sida, Jeesna--waa siduu reer Caydiid u dabo galay ma soo noqon, Bile Rafle isagu reer xididkii oo waa wax ka dhigay buu ku dabo lumay. Admiraalkii ina Cismaan ahaa haddii gabanidii geela la joogay gawrac ugu jiiday.

Aniguna aan kuu sheegee nin ugaas walaalkii yahoo eedan baan ahay oo sidii Raage Ugaas baan "af dhabaan dhaw aayar ninkaa aamusaan ahay."

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Tuesday, November 07, 2000 - 12:19 am
Waad faallayseene, caqli kale keena!!!!

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