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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): RA'YIGA DADWEYNAHA - Your Opinion: Somalia: Siyaasdada Guud - General Politics: DAD AAN SOMALI AHAYN OO RAARIIKDA REER WOQOOYIGA BEEN LOOGA SHEEGEY
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Tuesday, January 02, 2001 - 07:35 am
Waxey aheyd bishii december ee lasoo daafey 2000. Qof aan Somali aheyn qaarada aan ku dhaqanaheyna ku dhallan waligiina aadin ayaa waxaan is waydiiney meesha aan ka imed.
Waxaan u sheegey innan ka imid Somalia intaa kadib wuxuu ii sheegey laba arimood oo iga yaabiyey waana kuwan:
1. wuxuu yidhi reer woqooyi ayaa tahey sababtoo ah buu yidhi si kala duwan ayey ugu kala hadlaan luqada looyaqaano ingi. kuwa reer w. iyo kuwa reer k. ahi.
2. Hadii aad reer w. tahey hadaba waxaan tahey isaaq waa ta labaad ee uu ii sheegey.
Aninten oo noqotey tii ugu cajaa ibka badneyn waxaan ugu jawaabey been bay saaxiiibadaa kuu sheegeena waxaanse kaa codsanayaa innaad iska illaaliso oonad qof kale oo Som. ula tagen arintan oo kale. Hadab arintu waxey tahay ma xaqbaa in aan shisheeyaha uga sheekayno waxan oo kale. Midina midka kale oo xuxuuqdiisa aaso. Tani waa tu dhactey laakiin kuwo kale oo aanen ogeyn ayaa jira.

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Cabdi Case

Monday, January 08, 2001 - 12:06 am
Khadarow, saaxiib ma hadda ayaad ogaatey nasabxumida reeraha soomaalida qaarkood gaar ahaan kuwa aad carrabka ku dhufatey in ay dhilladay arkaanba ku yidhaahdaan Isaaq baannu nahay, allow ceeb astur, alla wuxu dhaqan xumaa. Waan hubaa Soomaaliya hadday ka gi,i lahaayeen in Somalidu liibaani lahayd.

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Monday, January 08, 2001 - 12:13 am
Horta idinku miyaad tagteen Hargeysa, Burco ama Berbera, maalintiiba immisa jeer ayaa ilaahay iyo nebiga lagu caayaa, sida ay macsidu uga jirto, saaxiib waxa ay had iyo jeer yidhaahdaan way nagu dheceen, waa wax ay iyagu galabsadeen( cadho alle). Xitaa saqajaanimadii ayey usii gudbiyeen illaa iyo koonfur. Markaa saaxiibayaal ceebtood maahee waa caadadood.

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Odey somaliyeed

Monday, January 08, 2001 - 12:19 am
Saaxiibayaal wallee laysla arag nimankan kolley ma wada aha oo dad badan oo sharafle ayaa ku jira laakiin qaarkood gaaladaa xitaa ka cawdu billeysata, waxay ku faanaan wax aynu ka yaqyaqsoonno, waxay caadaysteen nacaybka walaalahooda soomaaliyeed.

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Monday, January 08, 2001 - 09:11 am



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Tuesday, January 09, 2001 - 03:22 am
To: Caynaba, saaxiib anigaad igu sheegtay inaan cabbaye, adiga ayaa mindhaa soo kabaday, sideed ku ogaatey inan dhulbahante ahay?, haddiise runta la sheego qofka runta sheegaa miyuu cabbay?. Waa runtay haddaba waan ku celinayaa dulmigaad gasheen iyo kibirkii unbaa laydinka gooyey.

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Tuesday, January 09, 2001 - 03:27 am
Car nin reerkaas ah oo fikrad ama dood wanaagsan isku difaacaya arka, siday dadka ka xoog badan yihiin bay cay kusoo gelayaan, war wuxu waa jaad xun. Ma gar qaataan, lagama gar helo, mana gasho gartu kamana baxdo, afka unbay ka caytamaan, yay la nasab yihiin waa suntii ayaxa.

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Tuesday, January 09, 2001 - 03:29 am
Saaxiib, wadaamagoo, waa tolkee sidaa ha u caayin ilaahay baa sidaa ka dhigaye.

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Cabdi Case

Tuesday, January 09, 2001 - 03:43 am
To: fagadhe&wadaamagoo, saaxiibayaal Isaaqa nimankii ugu caqliga badnaa waanimanka bayaanka soosaarey, ee ku eedeeyey Ina Cigaal inuu xaqii Somaliland uu cagta hoos mariyey, waa 189 nin oo wax kasta leh xitaa culimo ayaa ku jirta sida aan magacooda ku arkey, ma maqasheen waxa ay sababta ka dhigeen in ay xukuumad gooni ah u doonayaan, waxay yidhaahdeen waxaa nalagu sameeyay isir-tir(ethnic cleansning), saaxiib caqli xumidooda bal waxay ku hadlayaan eeg, may Isaaq bay u hadlayaan mise soomaalida waqooyiga degta taasi waxay kuu caddeynaysaa in ay soomaaliland-nimadu ayna dhab ka ahayn oo ay rabaan in dad ka sharaf badan ay ku magacaabaan dad laga tiro badan yahay, oo ay mar walba munaafaqnimadii lagu yaqaanay ay afka ka sheegaan isagoo uusan uurka ka jirin, waxaan kula talin lahaa qabiilooyinka kale inay ka feejignaadaan siyaasadda foosha xun ee aan qarsoonayn ee rabaan inay kula dhaqmaan dadka walaalahooda ah.

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Tuesday, January 09, 2001 - 09:32 am
aniguba waan arkay gabadh yar oo iskadhala oo taqaana, waxaad kahadasheen, hadana dad badan oo wanaagsan oo wali soomaalinimada jecel ayaa kujira. cidii isaaq wax kasheegtaaba ma dhulbahantaa!!!!. waqooyi waxaa degan qabiilooyin farabadan oo kale oo aan taageersaneyn cigaal iyo soomaaliland.soomaalina waa wada ogtahay qofka xabishiga ah ee hargeysa joogaa inuu xaquuq badan yahay qofka soomaaliga ee aan isaaq ahayn ee hargeysa jooga.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 02:17 am
Wixii Isaaqa wax ka sheegaba waxay dhahaan waa dhulbahante, wallee odayga habarta wax loo saar.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 02:23 am
To: saaxiib dhuloos waa runtaa in amxaarka Hargeysa joogaa uu ka fiican yahay Isaaqa, laakinse maxaa ka dambayn horaa sayidku u yidhi:

markaa aakhirka amxaaro unbaa wasi doonta, gurmadka ugu horreeyana, Dhulbahante ayaa u fidin doona sidii la arki jiray.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 02:26 am
To: Fagadhe saaxiib, waad iga qoslisay ma maqal gabaygan hadda ka hor.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 02:31 am
Inay munaafiqiin gaalada u shaqaysa ay qaarkood yihiin ma maqlayseen kii xalay aay bbc-du waraysanaysay waa Cabdi-Majiid oo soomaalidu u taqaanno been.jiid, alla ku cadab war wuxu indha adkaayee.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 02:33 am
Runtii illaa labaatan qof ayaannu ku joognay halkii ay bbc-du ka daarraydoo, afkaannu gacanta wada saarrey.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 02:41 am
Saaxiibayaal wallaahay wax laga shaqaystaa badane, nafta haddii layga qaadayo wax sharaftayda, diintayda, dalkayga iyo dadkaygaba wax u dhimaya kama shaqeeyeen. Marka ilmuhu dhasho waxaa loogu duceeyaa kii dalkiisa, dadkiisa iyo dadkiisaba anfaca alle ha kaa dhigo, xaggee bay ka martey ducadii. Waa ninkii hadda ka horna yidhi qolo wadaaddo ah, ayaannu ka raadinaynay xaggaa iyo soomaaliya si aannu u laynno, goormaa wadaad la dili jiray?, sawtii inta lasooryeeyo laga ducaysan jiray.

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Habar Jeclo

Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 03:10 am

Dhulbahantaw afka ku ciil baxa walee, Caynaba sidii ayaa wali loogu wasaaa gabar Hagar Aadan ah, adna halkan baad ka niic niic leedihiin.

Ana ticktku waa ii dayaar, inan dhalafo la dhaco walaashaa dhulkiinina kula dhaco, idinkuna ku soo dhici waydeen saw guunimo ma aha..


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Habar Jeclo wase

Wednesday, January 10, 2001 - 03:19 am
To: Habar Jeclo, waa hooyadaa baan u malaynayaa midda lagu waso Caynaba, waligiinba gabdhaha la qabo ee idiin dhaxay idinkama ammaan helaane, maxaa haddaadan dulli ahayn keenay gabdhaha, ma gabdhaa halkan lagu hayey, haddey af noqotana kaa adki, hadday addin noqotana waad i taqaannaa.

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Thursday, February 08, 2001 - 09:08 pm

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Friday, February 09, 2001 - 07:05 pm
Soomaaliyey bal ila eega warqadan hoos ku qoran.
Waxaa la yaab leh sida iidoorku ay weli u aaminsanyihiin gaalada iyo yuhuuda. miyaanay xishoon marka ay la hadlayaan dadkii(darawiish) xoreeyey ee shalay ka eryay gaaladii Ingiriiska?
Car ha sheegaan dadka degan Somaliland ee la gumeystay ee aan ka ahayn iidoorka? runta aynu isu sheegno oo taariikhda yaan been laga sheegin.
hadiise cuqdadi idinka buuxdo, iidoorow iska hadla!! Black Americankuba hadalka iyo cayday ku cuqdad baxaane..

Subject: Liberty: Somaliland: Letter: From Pres Mohamed I. Egal to PM Rabin

Text of the letter sent by fax to former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin by President of the Republic of Somaliland Mohamed Ibrahim Egal.

Republic of Somaliland
The Presidency
Our Ref: SLR/PO/ISPMI/7/95
Your Ref: .......................

3 July 1995

His Excellency The Prime Minister
of Israel Mr Yitshak Rabin
Hakirya, Fax No. 972 2 513 950
Jerusalem, Israel.

Your Excellency

Establishing Strategic Partnership with the State of Israel

In my capacity as the President of the Republic of Somaliland, an admirer
of the state of Israel and the courage of its people, please accept my
compliments and my people's profound felicitations to you, your Government,
President and the people of Israel for their tenacity, strength and
resourcefulness which had finally constrained its adversaries to make peace
with the State of Israel. I have the honour of representing the people of
Somaliland and its nascent state in this opportunity for seeking to
establish amiable and strategic links with the State of Israel.

It is important to note that our two nations have had strong links since
time immemorial. Indicative of such historical links, stretching well
before the advent of Islam to this date, is the influence of the Hebrew
culture in Somaliland and how Jewish legends and their mystical powers are
widely acknowledged and homage paid to them. In addition, the people of
Somaliland are appreciative as they have an indelible memory of the fact
that Israel was among the first three countries who recognised Somaliland
after it declared its independence from Britain on 26th June 1960, alas,
that independence lasted no more than four days as Somaliland entered into
a voluntary union with the UN Trust Territory of Somalia on 1st July 1960,
in the hope of creating Greater Somalia.

Exactly, thirty five years later, the dreams of Greater Somalia are
discredited and disavowed. It was under the union with Somalia that
Somaliland found itself a pathetic captive within a ruthless, destructive
and hostile state. Indeed, it was this union whose culmination was the
tyrannous and repressive regime of the late Siyad Barre which brought
about the enormous suffering, starvation and destruction in which the
world had witnessed and came to notice, too well, during the past five
years or so. The people of Somaliland have renounced such a union in May
1991 and reclaimed their independent sovereign entity, and nothing will
make them reverse the decision to extricate themselves from the captivity
of Somalia.

The vice-president and the Foreign Minister of Somaliland have, recently,
paid an official visit to Eritrea and while there met H.E. Ariel Kerem,
the Ambassador of Israel in Eritrea, who furnished them with valuable
advice and suggested that I, the President of Somaliland, should write to
your Excellency, as the Prime Minister of Israel, in person, informing you
about Somaliland's eagerness to establish an ex parte relationship based
on strategic partnership with the State of Israel and sharing with you
about my government's concerns and fears vis-a-vis the alarming menace
emanating from the expansion of Islamic influence in our strategic region.

As I am sure you are aware, at the height of the cold war Somalia's
strategic geographical location was acknowledged by both sides
(East/West). Today, however, although the West had won the cold war and
the threat of communism appears to be vanishing in many parts of the
world, we, in the Horn of Africa, are being threatened by a more sinister
and pernicious enemy in the form of encroaching Islamic influence. It
would be true to say that the State of Israel and its people are, perhaps,
more aware and alert of such threats than most other countries, and know
how perilous and pestilential the spread of Islamic influence would mean
for the entire region.

The political upheavals which have been taking place in the Horn of Africa
and the lack of stability in the region could be aggravated further if the
influence of Islamic Fundamentalism is not curtailed or contained very
soon. Somaliland's concern is reinforced by the growing influence of the
Saudis and the pro-Islamic Yemen, particularly ever since it had crushed
and defeated the South Yemeni's courageous attempt to forsake or renounce
its union with the north. Discovering that Eritrea is not interested [in]
to act as an Arab satellite, both Sana' and Riyadh, as well as Khartoum
(not to mention how pariah states like Iran and Libya are meddling into
the internal affairs of my country), are now directing their efforts to
force Somaliland to forfeit or withdraw its independence with the
intention of installing a pro-Islamic Somali state (under a federal
Somalia). This will most definitely render the control of both the north
and southern coasts of the Red Sea to pro-Islamic regimes, with the
exception of Eritrea and the miniature state of Djibouti which has no
significance leaving the whole region to become a bed-rock for Islamic

Your Excellency, my government firmly believes that owing to this region's
strategic geopolitical importance as a result of its propinquity to the
oil routes and the narrow Babul-Mendeb entrance, as well as its proximity
to the Gulf, the Middle East and the access to the Indian Ocean, it will
be highly deleterious if such a strategic region falls almost entirely
under the dominion of pro-Islamic regimes. Needless to say that this
should be a portentous eventuality which will in turn adversely affect the
national security of the State of Israel, and that of other countries in
the Horn of Africa who are trying to recover from years, if not decades,
of both man-made and natural disasters i.e. civil wars, military coups,
draughts and famines, etc. In addition, since countries in the region are
not politically stable the encroachment of Islamic influence will most
certainly have a destabilising effect. For instance, in Ethiopia with its
various nationalities and particularly with its large Muslim population,
the expansion of pro-Islamists in the region would act as a tinder-box
with the potential to enflame the entire region.

Although the people of Somaliland are over 98% Muslims, they are,
nevertheless, averse to adopt an antiquated Islamic Sharia Law as their
way of living and governance. In contrast my government intends to make
Somaliland a beacon of democracy and oasis for stability in this region of
upheavals and turmoil. But this is unlikely to happen in the present
climate, as we are ranged against by strong and powerful Islamic proxies
whose primary aim is to put out such an illume of hope. A foretaste of
what will happen if dark forces of Islamists will succeed in their pursuit
of bringing in a passé or an out-moded system, could be seen in Mogadishu
today, where a de facto administration from a coalition of Islamic proxies
and minority tribal groups headed by not so long ago UN/International
fugitive warlord General Aideed, where Islamic surrogates have been
infringing people's human rights with impunity; people are being stoned to
death for committing no crime other than fornication; and limbs are being
chopped off for petty crimes such as mugging and burglary in a barbaric
inhuman and uncivilised manner. My government has, in lieu of imposing
Sharia Law on our people, just completed the draft of a new secular
Constitution which is very liberal and mundane, for I am conscious that
Sharia Law does not reflect the needs of my people who are aspiring to
become a modern society.

Pro-Islamists are hell bent on spreading their influence & version of
Islam in the region, and are exploiting the plight of the people of
Somaliland. Islamists are the kind of people inspired by a boundless hate
who could even exculpate and excuse the crimes of the Holocaust. They have
scant regard of the dire needs of the Somali people. All they are
interested in is to have their way and are pouring arms and funds to
set-up a pro-Islamic regime in our country and establish more Islamic
proxies throughout the region. Their modus operandi is to take advantage
of people's predicament and impose unsuitable Islamic regimes upon and
unsuspecting people. Somalila nd is doing all it can to be a bulwark
against the spread of Islamic fundamentalism and sees this as an
international issue, thus would appreciate it if your Excellency would use
your good offices & enormous influence in the West, particularly in the
US, to alert them about the portentous/ominous situation developing in
this region, so that they would not remain hapless on-lookers while their
national/international interests are being threatened. I am absolutely
certain that those Arab countries noted above, as well as Iran, will
whip-up Islamic/Arab passion against Somaliland establishing amiable &
strategic partnership with the State of Israel and thus could use this as
a pretext to exacerbate our situation further both inside and outside
Somaliland. However, those countries need to know that my government is
not playing with empty emotions, as they often do, but playing pragmatism
and real politick for the best interest of its people and country. The
people of Somaliland have a daunting and onerous task to overcome their
Islamist adversaries and contain the encroachment of Islamic influence,
considering their strength, however, we are like David facing Goliath, but
then there were an overwhelming odds against Israel when it defeated Arabs
in three major wars. In order to surmount such an onerous task my
government needs the support and assistance of the State of Israel, not
only to defend our nascent state from the menace of pro-Islamist dark
forces, but also in terms of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of
this devastated country. In this regard my government has a number of
priority areas where your Excellency's assistance is pivotal to the people
of Somaliland, among these are: First, military equipment and counter
insurgency experts. Second, conducting plebiscite on the issue of
independence at the end of next year 1996 or early 1997. Third, relief and
rehabilitation aid as well as development advisers, petroleum and mineral
exploitation expertise. The people of Somaliland have full confidence in
their government and are absolutely behind me in this historic decision of
establishing strategic partnership with the state of Israel and I am
determined to see it come into fruition.

I have the honour to remain,
Your Obedient Servant

Mohamed Ibrahim Egal
Republic of Somaliland

BY Laasqoray

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Friday, February 09, 2001 - 10:26 pm
Republic of Puntland
The Presidency
Our Ref: PLR/PO/ISPMI/7/95
Your Ref: .......................

3 July 1999

His Excellency The Prime Minister
of Israel Mr Yitshak Rabin
Hakirya, Fax No. 972 2 513 950
Jerusalem, Israel.

Your Excellency

Establishing Strategic Partnership with the State of Israel

In my capacity as the President of the Republic of Puntland (Buttland), an admirer
of the state of Israel and the courage of its people, please accept my
compliments and my people's profound felicitations to you, your Government,
President and the people of Israel for their tenacity, strength and
resourcefulness which had finally constrained its adversaries to make peace
with the State of Israel. I have the honour of representing the people of
Buttland and its nascent state in this opportunity for seeking to
establish amiable and strategic links with the State of Israel.

It is important to note that our two nations have had strong links since
time immemorial. Indicative of such historical links, stretching well
before the advent of Islam to this date, is the influence of the Hebrew
culture in puntland and how Jewish legends and their mystical powers are
widely acknowledged and homage paid to them. In addition, the people of
Puntland are appreciative as they have an indelible memory of the fact
that Israel was among the first three countries who recognised Somalia
after it declared its independence from Italia on 1st july 1960.

Exactly, thirty five years later, the dreams of Greater Somalia are
discredited and disavowed. It was under the union with Somalia that
Puntland found itself a pathetic captive within a ruthless, destructive
and hostile state. Indeed, it was this union whose culmination was the
tyrannous and repressive regime of the late Siyad Barre which brought
about the enormous suffering, starvation and destruction in which the
world had witnessed and came to notice, too well, during the past five
years or so.

The vice-president and the Foreign Minister of Puntland have, recently,
paid an official visit to Eritrea and while there met H.E. Ariel Kerem,
the Ambassador of Israel in Eritrea, who furnished them with valuable
advice and suggested that I, the President of Puntland, should write to
your Excellency, as the Prime Minister of Israel, in person, informing you
about puntland's eagerness to establish an ex parte relationship based
on strategic partnership with the State of Israel and sharing with you
about my government's concerns and fears vis-a-vis the alarming menace
emanating from the expansion of Islamic influence in our strategic region.

As I am sure you are aware, at the height of the cold war Somalia's
strategic geographical location was acknowledged by both sides
(East/West). Today, however, although the West had won the cold war and
the threat of communism appears to be vanishing in many parts of the
world, we, in the Horn of Africa, are being threatened by a more sinister
and pernicious enemy in the form of encroaching Islamic influence. It
would be true to say that the State of Israel and its people are, perhaps,
more aware and alert of such threats than most other countries, and know
how perilous and pestilential the spread of Islamic influence would mean
for the entire region.

The political upheavals which have been taking place in the Horn of Africa
and the lack of stability in the region could be aggravated further if the
influence of Islamic Fundamentalism is not curtailed or contained very
soon. Somaliland's concern is reinforced by the growing influence of the
Saudis and the pro-Islamic Yemen, particularly ever since it had crushed
and defeated the South Yemeni's courageous attempt to forsake or renounce
its union with the north. Discovering that Eritrea is not interested [in]
to act as an Arab satellite, both Sana' and Riyadh, as well as Khartoum
(not to mention how pariah states like Iran and Libya are meddling into
the internal affairs of my country), are now directing their efforts to
force Puntland to forfeit or withdraw its independence with the
intention of installing a pro-Islamic Somali state (under a federal
Somalia). This will most definitely render the control of both the north
and southern coasts of the Red Sea to pro-Islamic regimes, with the
exception of Eritrea and the miniature state of Djibouti which has no
significance leaving the whole region to become a bed-rock for Islamic

Your Excellency, my government firmly believes that owing to this region's
strategic geopolitical importance as a result of its propinquity to the
oil routes and the narrow Babul-Mendeb entrance, as well as its proximity
to the Gulf, the Middle East and the access to the Indian Ocean, it will
be highly deleterious if such a strategic region falls almost entirely
under the dominion of pro-Islamic regimes. Needless to say that this
should be a portentous eventuality which will in turn adversely affect the
national security of the State of Israel, and that of other countries in
the Horn of Africa who are trying to recover from years, if not decades,
of both man-made and natural disasters i.e. civil wars, military coups,
draughts and famines, etc. In addition, since countries in the region are
not politically stable the encroachment of Islamic influence will most
certainly have a destabilising effect. For instance, in Ethiopia with its
various nationalities and particularly with its large Muslim population,
the expansion of pro-Islamists in the region would act as a tinder-box
with the potential to enflame the entire region.

Although the people of Buttland (Puntland) are over 98% Muslims, they are,
nevertheless, averse to adopt an antiquated Islamic Sharia Law as their
way of living and governance. In contrast my government intends to make
Somaliland a beacon of democracy and oasis for stability in this region of
upheavals and turmoil. But this is unlikely to happen in the present
climate, as we are ranged against by strong and powerful Islamic proxies
whose primary aim is to put out such an illume of hope. A foretaste of
what will happen if dark forces of Islamists will succeed in their pursuit
of bringing in a passé or an out-moded system, could be seen in Mogadishu
today, where a de facto administration from a coalition of Islamic proxies
and minority tribal groups headed by not so long ago UN/International
fugitive warlord General Aideed, where Islamic surrogates have been
infringing people's human rights with impunity; people are being stoned to
death for committing no crime other than fornication; and limbs are being
chopped off for petty crimes such as mugging and burglary in a barbaric
inhuman and uncivilised manner. My government has, in lieu of imposing
Sharia Law on our people, just completed the draft of a new secular
Constitution which is very liberal and mundane, for I am conscious that
Sharia Law does not reflect the needs of my people who are aspiring to
become a modern society.

Pro-Islamists are hell bent on spreading their influence & version of
Islam in the region, and are exploiting the plight of the people of
Somaliland. Islamists are the kind of people inspired by a boundless hate
who could even exculpate and excuse the crimes of the Holocaust. They have
scant regard of the dire needs of the Somali people. All they are
interested in is to have their way and are pouring arms and funds to
set-up a pro-Islamic regime in our country and establish more Islamic
proxies throughout the region. Their modus operandi is to take advantage
of people's predicament and impose unsuitable Islamic regimes upon and
unsuspecting people. Puntland(Buttland)is doing all it can to be a bulwark
against the spread of Islamic fundamentalism and sees this as an
international issue, thus would appreciate it if your Excellency would use
your good offices & enormous influence in the West, particularly in the
US, to alert them about the portentous/ominous situation developing in
this region, so that they would not remain hapless on-lookers while their
national/international interests are being threatened. I am absolutely
certain that those Arab countries noted above, as well as Iran, will
whip-up Islamic/Arab passion against Puntland establishing amiable &
strategic partnership with the State of Israel and thus could use this as
a pretext to exacerbate our situation further both inside and outside
Somaliland. However, those countries need to know that my government is
not playing with empty emotions, as they often do, but playing pragmatism
and real politick for the best interest of its people and country. The
people of Puntland have a daunting and onerous task to overcome their
Islamist adversaries and contain the encroachment of Islamic influence,
considering their strength, however, we are like David facing Goliath, but
then there were an overwhelming odds against Israel when it defeated Arabs
in three major wars. In order to surmount such an onerous task my
government needs the support and assistance of the State of Israel, not
only to defend our nascent state from the menace of pro-Islamist dark
forces, but also in terms of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of
this devastated country. In this regard my government has a number of
priority areas where your Excellency's assistance is pivotal to the people
of Puntland, among these are: First, military equipment and counter
insurgency experts. Second, conducting plebiscite on the issue of
independence at the end of next year 1996 or early 1997. Third, relief and
rehabilitation aid as well as development advisers, petroleum and mineral
exploitation expertise. The people of Puntland have full confidence in
their government and are absolutely behind me in this historic decision of
establishing strategic partnership with the state of Israel and I am
determined to see it come into fruition.

I have the honour to remain,
Your Obedient Servant

Abdullahi yuusuf Ahmed
Puntland State Of Somalia

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Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 04:50 am
To Laasqoray walaal waan akhriyay warqadii Cigaal uu u qoray Yahuuda laakiin waxaan doonayaa in aan ogaado meeshii aad ka heshay iyo sidii ay ku soo shaac baxday.

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Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 10:54 am
To: Asss-Qoray & DabaWiish

Labadiinnan ilma Doorood Daboole ma maantaa la shirtimaaddeen wixii awwowayaashiin ku fadhilmeen 6 sano ka hor.
Warqadda nimanka qoray, meeshay ku qoreen iyo magacyadooda waa la yaqaan oo waakii fashilmay ee ma XEELADIHII baa idinka dhammaaday maxaa dib idiin celshey.
Waxan filayey inaad tab iyo xeelad cusub la imanasaan laakiin nacnacdii 6 sano ka hor ad ku fashilanteen ayaad DIB ugu noqoteen illeen Reer Daboole ayaa tihiinoo DAbadaa caqliga laydinka gelsheye.

To: Cajiib
I heard the letter from the so-called leader of Buttland to the zionist leader. We want you to publish more letters and I will be on your side contributing some top secret Daarood documents that may hold their demise.
Keep up the good work and let us chase these fat-assed Donkeys and mules.

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Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 02:39 pm
TO: Drawiish,
Warqada waxaa helay Indian Ocean Newsletter, waana tan sidii ay u qortay Jamhuriya oo iyana ka soo baxda iidoorland.

Source:Indian Ocean Newsletter, Dec 2, 1995
SOMALILAND: Egal wrote to Rabin
In letter dated July 3 transmitted by fax from Hargeisa to then Israeli prime minister, late Yitshak Rabin, president of Somaliland, Mohamed Egal, proposed establishing "strategic links" with Israel. To back his suggestion, president Egal stressed influence of Hebrew culture in Somaliland's past and fact that present-day Israel had been one of first Western nations to recognize Somaliland's independence vis vis Great Britain, back in June 26, 1960, although this independence lasted only until following July first when Somaliland and Somalia were merged. Egal also underlined danger of expansion of fundamental Islamic movements into Horn of Africa. The president wrote that his fear would increase "if influence of Islamic fundamentalism is not curtailed or contained very soon" in Horn of Africa. He wrote that Somaliland's concern was reinforced by " growing influence of Saudi Arabia and pro-Islamic Yemen". According to president, "Discovering that Eritrea is not interested to act as Arab satellite", both Riyadh and San' as well as Khartoum are "now directing their efforts to force Somaliland to forfeit or withdraw its independence with intention of installing pro-Islamic Somali state under federal Somalia". This indicates he places Saudi Arabia and Yemen in same camp as fundamental Islamic states such as Iran, Libya or Sudan.
In bid to resist this pro-Islamic pressure which he suggested could "adversely affect national security of State of Israel", president Egal called for Israeli cooperation and hoped that he would be able to obtain Israeli aid in military equipment and counter-espionage experts, support in organizing referendum in Somaliland around end of 1996 or early 1997, humanitarian assistance, and rehabilitation aid, as well as development aid counsellors and experts on petroleum and mining operations.

I.O.N. - In same letter, which has been circulating in Arab diplomatic circles and of which The Indian Ocean Newsletter has obtained copy, president Egal spelled out that idea of asking Israel for assistance came to him following official visit to Eritrea by Somaliland's deputy president and its foreign minister. Egal claimed that when two men met Israeli ambassador Eritrea, Ariel Kerem, in Asmara he had suggested that Somaliland president write personal letter to late prime minister to inform him of Somaliland's desire to collaborate with Israel.

By Laasqoray


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Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 03:04 pm

Brother Drawiish, Egal gave an interview to
the BBC on February,2001,the interview was conducted by Roger Hearing of the BBC.
The following is an exert from that interview.

Monday, 5 February, 2001, 12:57 GMT
Somaliland 'here to stay'

By Roger Hearing in Hargeisa

"Mohammed Egal is the president of a country that does not exist.

Somaliland shows up on no United Nations maps, it has no representatives on international bodies.
It does not figure in treaties or agreements, it has no IMF loans or tariff barriers.


But there is frustration - since last September, Saudi Arabia has banned Somaliland livestock imports, claiming the livestock was infected with Rift Valley Fever. Thereby, Somaliland has lost one of the major planks of its economy.

There is anger too at new and expensive visa regulations in the United Arab Emirates, where many Somaliland merchants do business.

Somaliland has defined itself as part of the Arab world, but a comment in the government-owned newspaper Mandeer suggested that it might now be more profitable to look towards Tel Aviv.

In fact Israeli businessmen have been in Hargeisa over the past week. It is a link President Egal is not ashamed of".

By Laasqoray

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Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 04:43 pm
Laasqoray warkaan wuu cad yahay mugdi kuma jiro cigaal ninka la yiraahdo bakhtiga ayaa u banaan sidii uu aqoonsi u helo, run ahaantii waa duli duli dhalay waxaa iiga daran waxaan oo dhan dadka Cigaal wax ka sugaaya. Waxaan la yaabay oo kale meel kasta inta laga soo diiday Yahuud wax u raadso alla qurunsana wuxu miyaysan nasab ahayn,miyeeysan ogayn in Yahuuda iyaga qudhooda dibada laga taageero oo Maraykan uu meesha ku masruufo. War dhamaantii nabigeenu wuxuu yiri nabad gelyo iyo naxariis korkiisa ha ahaatee (HADDII AADAN XISHOONAYNIN WAXAAD DOONTID SAME),marka aan aragno in yahuudi aqoonsan doonto iyo in kale hada ka horna waan maqlay in ay Yahuud sheegteen oo Yahuudii ku kacan seyrtay ceeb intaas ayaa ugu filan haddii ay ceeb garanayaan.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 08:16 pm

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Friday, March 09, 2001 - 04:05 pm
qolada Isaaq waxka sheegtay kolayba daar-ood baa
adoo nin maskiin oo marka uu dhulka imaanayay
calooshiis u shaqaysta ahaa, waa Issq nin islaanimo geedka kaaga soo dajiyay adoo qaawan marka waa Aakhiro samaan hadaad maanta sidaa u hadllayso.Mida kale waxaa kuu sheegayaa yahuuda shalay ma ku gorgortami yahuudnimadooda maanta waa arkaysaa amarkutaaklayntooda laakiinse ma noqon kartid waayo caade qaate tiigsimaad ma leh ogowna isaaq inuu kaligii ahayn hadaad isu habar wacataan adinka iyo jabartiga xoolaha ee jida jooga

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Tuesday, March 13, 2001 - 04:57 am
abaay abaay aryaa sheekadaan waaba iidhineed
xaa tiri yahuuday utageen'aa
shartooda allaw namooti
ar dadkaanu waa dad dhintay .aryaa isaaq dadfiicanaan ku ogaahe xaytahay eeygaan xumoo umburyaakaha ah oo dhaladiisa latabarta ah
magaca idinka haleyhaa ma'iska qabataanoo
mase waxaa rabtaan tilmaanti aw idinku tilmaamay
ninki waalnaay ee ina cabdille xassan aa idinku rumoobee ar hadaa dhawdihiine ama ninkaas iskala hera ama qof wanaagsan madax kadhigta ...
marki horay figrad fiicanaan idinka haastay
laakin hadeer gadaalaan ulaabtay...

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