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BBC sidee ka yeelaa

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): RA'YIGA DADWEYNAHA - Your Opinion: Somalia: Archive (Before Sept. 16, 2000): BBC sidee ka yeelaa
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Monday, August 14, 2000 - 03:55 am
Sida aad ogtihiin BBCdu waxay ahayd idaacada keliya ee wararkeedu dhex dhexaad yihiin ee laga heli karo warar aan cidna la jirin oo madax banaan. Waxaase soo baxday dhowaanahan in idaacada sharafteedii hoos u dhacday sababtuna ay tahay wariye yaashii oo u kala burburay siday Soomaaliya u kala burburtay. Qaarkoodan ay muuqato inay idaacada ugu adeegaan dan qabiil ama gobol khaas ah.

Markaan ku soo dhowaado, waraysigii shalay uu la yeeshay ninka layiraahdo “Adan Nuh Dule” madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka la baxday Puntland, wuxuu ahaa sharaf dhac iyo ceeb u soo hoyatay BBC oo sida muuqata aan lahay “Riqaba” ama Censorship. Wuxuuna ka cadhaysiiyey dad badan.

Adan halkii uu C/lahi Yusuf wax ka waydiin lahaa ayuu waxii uu oran lahaa u laqimay (ama u sheegay) markuu yiri “Dadkii dawladii hore ku jiray ayaa dawlada cusub ku jiri doona ee maxaad ka leedahay”, markaasuu isagoo aad moodo inuu ilowsanaa cabdilaahi uu kula booday oo halkaa ka galay.

so anyone who believes that the BBC is against the peace process of Somalia, can send a protest e-mail to the following e-mail

Abdulrahaman Hariri – Saudi Arabia

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Die Hard Somali

Monday, August 14, 2000 - 04:43 am
Brother Abdirahman: Anoo waligey BBC dhegeysan ayaan hada dhegeystey kadib markaan qoraalkada arkay. Runtii waa free press ninka la wareysteyna figradiisa ayuu dhiibtay. Runti waaye waxaa sidaan noo galay waa dowladii Af weyne waxa hadda dowladda noqonayana waa isla dowladaas oo u qalanta maxkamad in lala fuulo.

Ma waxaa BBC-da ku haysataa figradda uu dhiibtay ninka la wareystey?

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Monday, August 14, 2000 - 09:38 am
Waad salaamatihiin..
Intaas kadib, waraysigii [Aadan Nuux Dhoole] uu waraystay [C/laahi Yuusuf] wuxuu ahaay mid aan qurux badnayn anigu waxaan sugaayay in uu waydiiyo waxaa shirka jooga dad ku jiray dawladaada ama kayimid qabiilkaaga, laakin Aadan waxow yire waxow waydiiyay wax aan faa,iido lahayn oo ah waxaa shirka jooga dad ku jiray dawladii Siyaad Bare, taas oo loo arkay in aysan BBC laanteeda Soomaaligu ay san cadaalad ahayn,, tan kale markay waraysanayaan dadka way kala duwanyihiin.. Aadan Nuux Dhuule, haba yaraatee waxba ma uu waydiin C/laahi Yusuf xalay. Waxaad moodaa in ay isku fifrad yihiin.. BBC-- Somali be fair..

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Tuesday, August 15, 2000 - 09:59 pm
Die Hard Somali,

I agree with you that Siyad Bare caused lot of problems to Somalia and eventually urged the people to destroy their country with their hands, but Afweyne was nightmare and its all over now, he is now in front of Allah’s judgment, so we should not waste our time on past event or incident, if we are good people we should think of our future and the future of our children, not “waabaa waxaa jirey” which is “laa yusmin walaa yuqnii cani Juuc”.

Bro. let me set you straight, anigu ka ma soo hor jeedo saxaafada madaxa banaan, waxaana kuu sheegayaa in Somalida maanta joogtaa aanay tii Afweyne xiligiisii joogetey la mid ahayn. Dalka Soomaliya, waqooyi iyo koonfurba waxaa hada ka jira wargeysyo, idaacado tira badan iyo televisiono aan cidna hoos tegin, qaarkoodan ay si toos ah u weeraraan nidaamada dhulkaas ka jira, oo ay ka mid yihiin Jamhuuriya, Qaran, Sahan iyo kuwo kale oo badan.

Hadaba BBC –London ma waxay xoriyadeedu tahay in marba ninkii carooda ee qalooc wada ay mikrifoon hoos dhigto oo ay neefta ka sii dayso oo uu umad dhan mustaqbalkeed waxaan waxba ka jirin ka soo qaado, taasi waa “Qaybiyoo u tali” ee xoriyada saxaafada ma aha…….

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Die Hard Somali

Wednesday, August 16, 2000 - 04:14 am
Brother Abdiraman:
First, you insulted me by replying to me in English when you initiated this thread in Somali. What would you do if I didn't have the slightest clue of what you've written here in English?

I don't listen to BBC, therefore, I cannot comment on their position on this Somali peace process. However, I was told that BBC took part in DJ conference's popularity by giving the DJ president unprecedented live interviews and public feedback.

History is the most important element on any continuing event. You cannot build a future without fully understanding the history. History on any given thing gives people the chance to understand what they are dealing with. One example would be if you go to a new family doctor today. The first thing they will do is general check-up including question about medical and health history. Likewise, if your TV breaks down and you take it to the repair shop, they I'll ask you what happened just before it stopped working. They'll also ask you if you had other problems with it prior to that total shut-down. If you go to a political scientist and ask him to forecast Somalia's political future, the first thing he would do is to study Somalia's history, recent and old.

Now, you said let's not talk about history. This is very interesting indeed. Let's say we do just that and Somalia gets a new government made up by Siad Barre ministers. Now, tell me what's preventing these same people who destroyed Somalia to do the same again? I am sure that one of the first bills to pass the parliament will be immunity to all Siad collaborators and other warlords who added salt to the injury. Did you ask yourself about who chased Somali government from Mogadishu? It was not Aided or any other warlord. It was the public who couldn't bear with that infamous government and took arms to the streets of Mogadishu. Now, those same criminals are coming back to power!

Why did we have the civil war in the first place if we are going to embrace the same people after ten years of civil unrest and total destruction?

Back to the BBC, Media in general talk to the people they are interviewing before the actual interview, and in many times have some kind of agreement. Maybe they talked to him and agreed on what to/not to ask.

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Sunday, August 20, 2000 - 12:59 am
Dhageysta walaaleyal I am in London if you mean since yousof Garad took over BBc is changed i strongly agree with you because he is given all the opportunity to Habargidir and also employed lot habargidir staf world wide although bbc was always based on qabil it gets worse.


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Saturday, September 09, 2000 - 03:29 am
waligay ma dhageysan BBC qeybta somaliga
waxaan dhageystay marki u biloowday shirka jibouti.
waxaan ka naxay(la yaabay)sida uu u sheegay madaxweynaha cusub wariye u jogay BBCda jibouti
oo wuxuu yiri:madaxweynaha cusub ee somalia waa nin ka tirsan beesha ••••••/habargidir!!
maxaa keenay qabiil meesha?
maalintaas wixii ka danbeeye waxaan go'aan ku gaaray in aanan mar danbe dhageysan BBCda qeybta somaliga.
waxaa dhici karta in aan qaldanahay.
somali inta ay leedahay beel iyo qabiil waxba ma sameysan doonaan
tolow ma dhici dontaa in ay joojiyan qabiil!!

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Saturday, September 09, 2000 - 11:15 am
Fikrada ay dadka Soomaaliyeed ka heystaan laanta af-soomaaliga ee BBC-da iyo sida ay gunteedu tahay waa laba aad u kala fog,waa meel qudhuntay oo runtii khatar weyn ku heysa dadka dhageysta ee ku mamay dhageysigeeda, haddii la eego tayada shaqadeeda waa mid maalinba maalinta ka danbeysa ka sii darayasa, maanta oo ugu dambeysana beenalaashii meesha ka quuqleyn jirey dhexdooda ayay ka taagan tahay ee yaan dhammaantood waxba laga qorin, inaba ma qadariyaan qiimaha dadka dhageystayaasha u ah, khaladaadkoodu uma muuqdo, dhexdoodana isma qabtaan ee midkasta waxa u muuqata maslaxadiisa gaarka ah. mahadasanidin

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Saturday, September 09, 2000 - 01:19 pm
muddo qiyaastii lix sano laga joogo ayaan bbc,da
ka dhegeystay, qof ka mid ah dhegestayaasha bbc,da
oo waraaq u soo diray kana codsaday ineysan
sheegin magacyada qabiilada marka ay ka waramayaan
dagaallo ka dhacay waddanka soomaaliya, taas oo
uu dhegeystuhu ku tilmaamay iney bbc,du rabto
iney sii huriso dagaalada, hadaba seynab max,d
jaamac oo berigaas joogtay ayaa akhrisay
jawaabtii dhegeystahaa loo diyaariyay oo runtii
aniga i qancisay iyada oo tiri, dhegeystow ma
waxaad jeceshahay inaan niraahno dad iyo dad kale
ayaa isku dagaalay gobol hebel oo soomaaliya ka
mid ah,

isku soo duuboo waxaan ula jeedaa qofka ka
hadlaya howlo saxaafadeed isagoon qalin iyo
buug u soo qaadan waa sida qof aan wax qorin
waxna akhrin oo yiri kmistary ayaan sharaxaad
dheeri ah ka bixinayaa,

ugu dambeyn qof walowba danahaaga iyo caadifad
qabiil ka sokow is weydii maxaad ka taqaan saxaafad

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