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Ina Ibrahim Cigaal muxuu ku diidey dowladda cusub ee Somaliya udhalatey

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): RA'YIGA DADWEYNAHA - Your Opinion: Somalia: Archive (Before Sept. 16, 2000): Ina Ibrahim Cigaal muxuu ku diidey dowladda cusub ee Somaliya udhalatey
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Tuesday, September 05, 2000 - 01:30 am
Waxuu rabaa in uu xagga dhaqaalaha ku gumeysto.
Wuxuu ka baqayaa farsamo yaqaanada reerkoofureed ee guryaha udhisa in ay ka tagaan. Yaa wax u dhisaaya? Guryihii waa wada qabyo!

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Tuesday, September 05, 2000 - 01:55 am
Ina cigaal wax mago aansho ee umada reersomaliland
ayaa wax go aamisa.
Waxaanan leenahay Soomaalidu markeyheshiiso ee ay
dolad dhisato hanoo yimaadaan anaga markaa
hadii aydoo nayaan in laiskudar soomaaliya iyo somaliland waa iney yimaadaan Hargeysa oo halkan
looga taliyo 5/soomaaliyeed oo dhan.
Markaa haheshiiyaan oo dowlad sida yada oo kale

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Tuesday, September 05, 2000 - 06:41 pm
Hadii aannu nahay ••••• waxaannu ku diidnay,
Horta waxaa dib u soo noqday kuwii aannu tobanka
Sano la dagaalamaynay guryahayagana qabyada
Ka dhigay.
Ee horta adiga ragii kaa dhintay hakuu

soo Celiyaan.
Midda kale qaladkii 60kii ayaannu
dib U saxaynaa kii intaa dhib ka qabaa isagaa
Cirka roob ku og.

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Wednesday, September 06, 2000 - 12:41 am
ina ibraahim waa garac colooshiisa ka fakara dadkana ma fahmaan ha ogaado in aanay aduunka laga qaabili doonin hadii uu rabo dowlad maxaa loo qaabi li layahay waatan soomaaliya markey yeelata madexweyne loo wada saxiixay miyuuna ogeyn markey soomaaliya xornimada qaadaneysay in aay saxiixeen inaysan waligood qebsami doonin taas ha ogaado qofkii raacana waa qof qabiileysta ahbye

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Wednesday, September 06, 2000 - 02:44 am
If you do not know why he refused i can help you my friend. On 1 July 1960 two separate and sovereign territories - Somaliland ( a former British protectorate) and Somalia ( the former Italian Somalia) formed a political union that was officially named the Somali Republic.

After ten years of bloodly and brutal civil war between freedom fighters SNM and the late dictator's army, Somaliland regained its indepence on 18 may 1991. Since then Somaliland has enjoyed peace and significant economic growth. It has restored all the basic infrastructures with little help from the internatinal community.

Somaliland has a house of parliament, very strong army, police is working, the economic is growing. However, my friend what you have in mugdisho is wardlords, fight, fament and full of choac. I suggest you have close look your people and learn from somaliland.

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Wednesday, September 06, 2000 - 02:53 am
to s/lander,
waxaa la ogyahey in ina Ibrahim Cigaal uu radinayo in lacagta mucaawinada ah ee Somalia loogu talo galey in uu rabo in Somaliland qeybteede la siiyo. oo aan loogu darin somalia. madamacsanyahey Cigaal in uu qeybta xaqa ay u leeyihiin qabaailka kale uu siiyo mase Isaaaq kaliya ayuu rabaa in uu wax ugu taro?qabaailka kale ee Somaliyeed ma ku qanacsanyihiin arrintan??!!

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Wednesday, September 06, 2000 - 02:56 am
Ka soo qaad Somali land wey go'dey, oo waa la aqoonsadey. Somali galbeed iyo Somali NFD malaga yaabaa in ay ku deysadaan oo iyagana is xoreeyaan oo la aqbalo adduun weynaha. meeqo waddan ayaa Somaaliya kila noqondoontaa? 5 waddan oo iskuaf ku hadla! UN malaga yaabaa in ay naga aqbasho mase waa riyo kaliya?

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Wednesday, September 06, 2000 - 03:07 am

Idoor waligiis haqeyliyo, walaahibuuna ugo'eynin inta dhulbahante sool iyo sanaag iyo togdheer wax kadegan yahay.

Shaleyna calankii so called somaliland waatii lagu gubey Laascaano.

Wiil Majeerteen

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Wednesday, September 06, 2000 - 05:42 am
to majeerteeni
Graadka xaalkiisu halkuu marayaa? waxaa halkaas ka cad in Ina Ibraahim Cigaal uu yahey in aan xaq dhowreyn rayiga qofka kale ee uu doonayo kaligii taliye nimmo. mala yaabaa in taasna uu ku soo bartey xukunkii afweyne?! war iska ilaaliya ninkan waa nin xun oo khattar ah yaan lacag loo dhiibin wuu idinkala gadayaa. waxa uu u cararayaa oo uu la xanaaqsanyahey ujeedadii uu lahaa baan suuroobeynin. Wuxuu damacsanaa intey koofur isku jeeddo dhul Isaac dhis. Burco, Berbera iyo Hargeysa. Wallaahi aniga raýigeygu waxaan qabaa siiya seddexdiisa magaalo badda hakula dhaco hadduu rabo!

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Wednesday, September 06, 2000 - 06:03 am
to majeerteeni

ma u malaynay saa in uu dhulbahante uu wax ka qadi
karo •••••?waa may.anaga is ka leh dhulbahante inta ilahay ka sokeeysa.waa afar inaan ooyaryar waxay naga qidiikaran ayaa iska yar

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Wednesday, September 06, 2000 - 06:33 am
Dear Dhoohaneyaal: First of all, Somaliland has been praised time and time again. However, the so-called Somalia doesn't exist any more. I can't comprehend how could you believe that, somaliland needs the support of either (••••••) or the rest. As a some one who was born and raised in mogadishu, niether would i ever want Somaliland to join somalia, nor somaliland mention somalia. Nevertheless, Somalia mainly (Majeerteen)is the most decietful tribe in somalia, because history shows that Somalia would never come together so long as majeerteen is among somalia. Moreover, the so called, "NEW PRESIDENT" wasn't he used be the shoes of the horibally diseased Siyad Bare. Somaliland Would never ever join Somalia rest assure. Somaliland is ethnically, calturally, spokenly different from the rest of somalia. I know what mogadishu is all about, thus as a some one who was raised in mogadishu, i don't ever want to go back, or associate Somalia ever again. Finally, Somaliland is doing economically, polically and emotionally very fine and don't need the mostly corrupted, emotionally broken and morally fucked up somalia.

Somalia, Rust in HELL

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Wednesday, September 06, 2000 - 06:56 am
...and how about this. yes, we agreed on you with somaliland has seceded and you are not part of somalia. Happy now?. then ask recognition for the international community and leave us alone and somalinet. Deal?


leave those guys alone they are suffering from *left out behind syndrome*. Believe me they are sick to the bones. You know what they did in new york--Un head quarters?. they mobalized all their losers and bums to protest A/qasim salad Hassan's presidency and somali flag being raised again in 10 years. one of the prostestant's board reads "Somali has no central government and a/qasim doesn't represent somalia". i wonder where is their somaliland agenda.


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Thursday, September 07, 2000 - 12:51 am
Very good Alipapa,
Iyagaa isburiyey. marna iyagaa dhahaaya Somalilader baanu nahey marna Somali weyn!!! waa wax cajiibah iney ka mudaaharaadaan daarta UN ka!! Arrintaas wexey ii caddeysey in ay ogaadeen in aysan soconeynin waxa ay wataan the so called Somaliland. U ffiirsada waxaan idin leeyahey cigaal waxaa u daran hunguri haddi jago ama lacag loo sheego mabdaá uu wato wuu ka bixi. oo midkale ayuu qaadan oo jeebkiisa iyo dantiisa gaar ahaaneed ayuu fiirsan.
waa sida aad u sheegtey Alipapa waa in laga aamuso. Somalidu wexey ku maahmaahdaa Gaffuur cawo ninkiisuu kuyaallaa. oo macneheedu tahey ninkii habeen mugdi ah xanaaqa oo gaffuurka taaga yaa u jeeda!!? isga uun baa is og!!!

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Thursday, September 07, 2000 - 01:39 am
Waxaan la yaabanahay horta majeerteenku ma sida
Dameeraha ayuu u fakiraa.
Sababtu maxay tahay,
Saaxiib cigaal waa oday
Soomaalilander,shacabka somaliland baana doortay
Tallada shicibka ayaanu raaci.
Hadaba idinka haduu hal nin idin iibsan karo iska
Ilaasha ka beerka ayga leh ee hada nairobi ku
Soomaaliduna inaad sida naagaha u murantaan waa
Idin taqaan.
Ha is wareerin s/L waa ku deysay
Dibna uma arkaysid hargeisa with out bassaport

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Thursday, September 07, 2000 - 02:09 am
ku: madixiisa iyo dooraweynta idoor.

Hade dhulbahante waa taqaaniin oo hadu gacanta idiin qaado tii dogoble iyo ceeri kadhacdey ayaa idinku dhici doonta.

War maad iska qayshaanoo aad naagihiinaan kala timaha adag ee barkeda aad geliseen aad iska habeysataan, dagaal waad ogtihiin waxaad kuqaadi kartaan ayaaba iska yar.

Dariish Xaq ah

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Thursday, September 07, 2000 - 05:29 am
To Madixiisa.

there is one thing you and I are so sure, when it comes war or the battle field you know me better than anybody else, and you know it how I do it. Dhulbahante has defeated you and the british in the early 1900, and I had defeated you agian in year 1992. so when it comes to war I am who I am and you know that. in 1992 you people said that we are going invade and destroy in Lascanod and you know what happened to you. Lascanod still standing.
Dhulhanate are somalis and we r fully support the new government either you like it or not.Look you pple deal with it.

I am tired of you people saying Dulbahante, Look you people if you call your self Isaak don't call me Dulbahante call me ••••••• or I guess the name of dhulbahante is more powerful then you pple huh

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Thursday, September 07, 2000 - 04:33 pm
majeeteenku marka ragu sheekaysanaayo maxay ugu
ordaan cayda naagaha?
dumarku,1.waa hooyo.2.waa walaasha.3.ta aad
qabtid.4.sodohdaa.5.iyo dumaashida.
Dhulos wax kama sheegan dumarka.
Ee macna-yarow maxaa dhayda kaa lisay.



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Thursday, September 07, 2000 - 08:04 pm
I refer to you all well fare recepients, uneducated losers in N. America, with nothing better to do with their times than my qabiil is better than that and so forth, to an article that appeared on the magazine "Foreign Affairs" latest edition. This article, talks about the misery that Africa finds itself today and the cause of that misery, which is their visionless leaders. And imagine you people are supposed to be the future leaders of your countries (unless you intend to take welfare forever in N. America), then is is any wonder why Africa is the bottom of the world. Shame on You All.

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Thursday, September 07, 2000 - 10:09 pm
To Ahmed
Well done. Waan loo baahanyahey aqoonyahanno adoo kale ah. U jir oo u joog waddankaaga Somalia.

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Saturday, September 16, 2000 - 04:40 pm
It is clear from the discussion in this forums and others that, the Idoor fiefdom has been overwhelmingly rejected in most of the states that comprise the old north.According to unofficial opinion polls conducted in the north.More than 90% of the people of Awdal, Sanaag and Sool are against the so-called government.The only non-Isaak supporters of the neverland fiefdom are a handful of treaturous collaborators who receive some hand outs from Egaal.According to Thomas Jefferson,the governing can not rule without the concent of the governed.Therefore, a government facing that kind of opposition cannot be able to rule, and naturally it is an illegetimate government.

My advice to Egaal is if he wants to save his skin, he has to call off the Idoor dream land fiefdom immediately before it is too late.According to reliable news coming from the north.We all know what has already happened in Sool.Awdal is almost in an uprising state.That prompted Egaal to impose a dawn to dusk curfew on Awdal.

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