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BBC Somali Service is corrupted!

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): RA'YIGA DADWEYNAHA - Your Opinion: Somalia: Archive (Before Sept. 16, 2000): BBC Somali Service is corrupted!
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Friday, September 08, 2000 - 07:08 am
Re: Unfair Recruitment Process (by Somali Section of the BBC World Service)

Dear Sir,

We are writing to strongly complain about the
recruitment process and recruitment criteria of recent staffing for the Somali Section of the BBC World Service. We would like also to request the relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate this matter and give due consideration of our concerns listed below.

We, the undersigned, are all staff of the Somali Section who have been working for the service for a considerable period and at present hold Guaranteed Minimum Contracts (GMC's). At the beginning of this year, the newly nominated Chief editor of the Somali Section, informed us that it is his policy to create three long term contract posts which the present casual staff (the GMC's)will be given due consideration in the recruitment process. He also hinted that after the recruitment of these three posts the employment of the casual staff/GMC's will be terminated. Thus, we all got encouraged to newly apply and contest for the posts which most of us did. However, after we were told that the Section hired three inexperienced close relatives of the Chief editor of the Somali Section, we were alarmed and felt that the recruitment process was cunning but futile exercise just carried out to conceal the agenda of the Somali Section Chief Editor.

We also feel the result was a foregone conclusion even before the shamble recruitment process was carried out. Listed below are some of the reasons that raised our suspicion of the fraudulent recruitment process.

First, we believe that the recruitment process was not independent and fair. This is because the Somali Section Chief Editor has played a major and dominant role in the whole process of recruitment. Most of all, this became apparent in the interview process. The interviewing panel consisted of the Somali Section Chief Editor himself and the Head of the Africa Service only. There was no representation in the panel from the recruitment and personnel departments. We also believe that the recruitment procedure was breached by even in the notification of the results.

Our suspicion of the schemes of the Somali Section Chief Editor was raised even before the recruitment process when it was rumoured that Mohamed Mohamud Mohamed, a close relative of the Chief Editor, was a Somali Section producer in-waiting.

Secondly, some the Standard Written Test and Interview questions were circulated among some of the prospective candidates even before the test dates were set and all the candidates were informed. This raised our suspicions that it has been leaked to selective candidates.

Thirdly, there were certain "probe" questions in the Standard Written Test that favoured certain candidates than others and we believe had ulterior motive in the screening of the candidates. One of the questions asked was to write six lines about the importance and news value of Farah Weheliye Sendico. Mr Sendico is a paternal uncle of one of the selected candidates, Ms Amina Muse Weheliye. (Some of the other candidates did not even know who Farah Syndico was).

Fourthly, some of the selected candidates worked in the factional Aidid radio in Mogadishu and in the eyes of most Somali audience have taken part in the incitement of hatred and civil war in Somalia as well as the violence against the United Nations Peacekeepers and lynching of independent journalists in Somalia. We believe this will greatly damage the reputation of the BBC World Service.

Finally, we believe that the process of recruiting three candidates from the same clan as that of the Somali Section Chief Editor solely on merit is unconvincing. This is because all of them are inexperienced in Radio Journalism and we believe that it hard to accept they have beaten all GMC's candidates who have worked for the BBC for long periods. It is our conviction that the process of recruitment was fraught with uncharacteristic breaches of procedures and was based on nepotism on the part of the Somali Chief Editor. The laboured explanation of the Head of the Africa Service, Ms Kari Blackburn, was starkly unconvincing to say the least and did not do any good to our confidence towards her. In view of these concerns we request the urgent attention of this matter and to redress the shortcomings of the recruitment process.

We think that it will be wise on the part of the BBC World Service and Recruitment department authorities to invalidate the recruitment of the selected candidates, which we believe were selected not on merit.

Awaiting your prompt response, we remain Faithfully yours

1. Shamsa Abdillahi Ahmed Signed

2. Mustafe Abdi Hussein 'Shafi' Signed

3. Mohamed Omer Ahmed 'Hydra' Signed

4. Suleiman Hussein Barkhadle Signed

5. Mohamed Abdi Ali Dualeh Signed

6. Mohamed Hamud Sheikh Signed

7. Abdinur Sheikh Mohamed Signed

8. Jawahir Suleiman Elmi Signed

9. Abdullahi Hassan Fadal Signed

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Friday, September 08, 2000 - 07:31 am
I feel sorry for these betrayed Somali BBS workers. Thanks to net and free speech, you can fight back by telling your story to the world.

Let's know if you need us (public) to send complaint e-mails to the head of BBC.

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Friday, September 08, 2000 - 10:39 am
Dear complainer(s): This is not somalia, and i know what you are insinuating here is that, some clan members have been given favoroutism. However, I feel some what buffeled by that. Moreover, how could you justify that you(supposedly other clan)were not qualify equally. In addition, if you the "reporters" are trying to make us believe you have been discriminated agains by another somali(another clan), then why do you think view scattered refugees across the globe would make a change. Therefore, let me cut to the chase. Are you suggesting that you (non-•••••) have been given the pink slip because of your background(clan). Why do i get the feeling you(all) sound some what a retired grandfather over-driven with indulgence. Nevetheless, i get one thing to say to you, "if you can't take the heat get the •••• out of the kitchen." If i can recall non of you(undersigned) are university graduate, or educated enough to compete in a real world. so have your moms issue you(all) a "ceelgaab" certificate.

Get a life

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Friday, September 08, 2000 - 11:21 am
Salaan ayaan u soo gudbinayaa inta doodan ka qeyb-gashey,waanad ku mahadsan tihiin sida saraaxada leh ee aad fikradiina u soo bandhigteen, inkastoo aanu jeclaan lahayn in aan afkeena hooyo adeegsataan mar haddii macaamiisha boggani uu soomaali u gaar yahay, runtii amuuruhu wali nooma kala cadda, inkasta oo dadka magacaantooda la soo taxay ay yihiin dad la aamini karo, balse wali waxa loo baahan yahay hubsiimo arimaha lagu wado, tan labaad waxa naga su'aal ah wali arintan ma kala hadasheen ciddan aad eedaynaysaan, sidaa daraadeed waxaanu wali u baahanahay in bal dhinaca kalena wax aan ka maqalno, waad mahadsan tihiin,

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Runta Xaaji

Friday, September 08, 2000 - 11:33 am
Somalis say ohintu orgiga ka ween! Why are you fuming you if are not part of the BBC corruption? These people have a valid point and u started badmouthing them coz they blew a whistle on your uncle who thinks he can play clan politics in western world!

Smell the coffee dude and stop defending that clan minded uncle of yours.

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Sheik Ali

Friday, September 08, 2000 - 01:16 pm
Somali far waaween! Are u defending that corrupt guy because of your clan affiliation? If not can you explain why you are so harsh to these people who just told us about how they have ben treated?

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Abdulaahi yare

Friday, September 08, 2000 - 03:42 pm
Waxaan aad uga xumahaey maanta in shaqaalaha BBcda qaar kamida iney ingiriiskooda halkan kamuujiyaan balse waxaa iswediin mudan imtixaan magaleysid hadee maxaa kugu kalifey qorida afkaqalaad? Hadaan wax kairaahdo taadi marki tababar loo fidin jirey dadka reer waqooyiga ee dagan Whitechapel iyo nawaaxigiisa oo midkastana heesto shahaado uuna faan moodo inuu kahali karo idaacada sidaas darteed walaal soomaliya oo dhan ayaa beeskeedu yahey qabiil wax dhibna mageysan ina Garaad. Hadaba ka shaqeynta idaacada bbcda wax qiimo ah malaha ee waxaa iga talo ah inaad ilaah kacabsataan oo aad iska deysaan qabiilka iyo isku dirka bulshada umadeena, walaal hadii caawa laigu tuugo kahadal idaacadaa marna madooneen sabatoo ah waa burburkii dalkeena.

Ugu dambeyn iyo dacwo haddii ey sax tahey oo tihiin shaqaalaha idaacada maxad adinkuba usimi weydeen dadka waa adinka sida xun u isticmaalo idaacada, Example anagoo dhan mataagersanin Dowlad isu sheega Carta hadana fikradeena maogolidiin teleephonadeena waa diidaan faxkeena masiideysaan odey laxireyna waad sheegtaan.


maadaama aad dacwad kasoo qorteen oo aad kaxuntihiin shaqaalhan laqaatey sideebaad ula shaqeyn doontaan? Ceeb miyeydaan u arag inaad kahadashaan shaqsiyaad dhalinyaro soomaaliyeed ah oo aad ku tilmaan taan qabiil iyo wax kale.

Farha Zindico is the most respected(Famous man) in Somalia. Waana shaqsiga kaliya ee iskuxirka bulshada isboortiga soomaliya wado hadi uu jiri qof aanan kaseyn then so be it.

Diinta halagu dadaalo,

Waaxaan rajeynaaba dowlad qeyrqabto oon carta aheyn.

Bye Abdullaahi Yare

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Friday, September 08, 2000 - 04:46 pm
Dhamaan waad salaaman tihiin akhyaartiinna ku saxeexan warqaddan dacwadda.

Ugu horayn, waxaan idaacadda BBCda ka dhegaysan jiray khadka Internetka ee uu soo duwo Dahabshiil, run ahaantii aadna waan u jeclaa inaan dhegaysto. Waxyaabaha i xiise gelineyeyna waxaa ugu wayn dadka ka shaqeeya sida ay warka u sii dayn jireen. Waxaan jecelahay inaan idiin sheego intaanan waraaqdan arag ayaan ogaaday in ay wax badani iska beddeleen idaacadii oo ay soo xumaanayso. Waxaan dareemay in la keenay dad sidaad sheegteenba ah 'inexperienced' oo aan haba yaraatee shaqadan waxba kala socon, run ahaantii inta badan waxay ku hadlayaanba ma fahmo - siiba labada nin ee cusub ee shaqaynayay beryahanba.

Qolyihiinna mudduciga ah siiba kuwa u dhashay Somaliland ama Puntland waxaan idin odhan lahaa idinkaa isu gaystay waxa idinku dhacay waayo dalkiinii iyo dadkiinii ayaad danbi ka gasheen, waxaan ka wadaa qoutes-ka sida 'Jamhuuriyadda La magac baxday...', 'Maamul goboleedka isku magacaabay...' iwm, iyo weliba barnaamijyada ka soo horjeeda siyaasadaha maamulada aan kor ku xusay.

Laakiin waxaan talo idiin siin lahaa, meel fiican ayaad ka abbaarteen ee 'don't be defeated'. Wixii caawimo ah ee aad anaga amaba dadka reer Somaliland iyo Puntland uga baahataan diyaar ayaannu idiinla nahay.

Qolyaha Maamulka gacanta ku hayana waxaan odhan lahaa:-
1. Saaxiibayaal meeshu Soomaaliya ma aha, haddii aad shaqo xayaysiiso oo aad shaqaalayso dad wada cad-cad maxaa dhacaya, waxa dhacaya 'you are not an equal opportunities employer' and YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH IT. You cannot employ three of your cousins and get away with it my friend.
2. Haddii la idin kula heshiin waayay idaacadda yar ee BBCda, sidee ayaad u rajaynaysaan in Dawladda aad dhisateen la idin kula heshiiyo...IMPOSSIBLE!.

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Saturday, September 09, 2000 - 01:23 am
Most of Somalis know that Cc Somali section is corrupted institution and was not founded to give benefit to Somali listeners around the globe, the reason was to divide Somalis,instigate violence and hatred and social unrest among Somali people which have worked over the last 50 years for the benefit of British Imperialism.

It reached the position now days where no one even trust what Cc Som/section broadcasts about Somalia and people just laugh how they create unfounded news or un believable fiction.
May I suggest this Bcc somali section must be stop to broadcast as it does not do any good thing for Somalian people
Finally those Bcc workers have a point and if such corruption took place must be investigated without delay


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Gar-soorka Gudaha

Saturday, September 09, 2000 - 12:00 pm
waad salaaman tihiin , runtiin waa dood aad u siixo leh, waxanaaney ka dhalatey warqad sida muuqata ay qoreen kuwo ka tursan wariyayaasha BBC-da ee laanta somaliga, hadalka ruuxba meel u qaad ninkastaana waxa uu dhiibtey fikradiisii, waxaan se ku faraxsanahey in badi la adeegsadey afkii hooyo,dadka u qaba in af-shiyeeye oo lagu hadlaa uu sharaf iyo cilmi-badnaan yahay jaahilnimo xoog leh ayaa heysata ee taa ha ogaadeen, tan labaad waxaanu ka codsaneynaa shaqaalaha kale ee laantu inay iyaguna figradooda soo bandhigaan , amuurtana ayaan waxba la sii weyneyn dadku waligii waa is-qab jirey garna waa lagu kala bixi jirey, masaladuna mid qabiil iyo goboleysi u baahan maaha waayo anigu inta la eedeynayo iyo in mudiciyiinta ahba si fiican ayaan u aqaanaa, dadka magacyadooda la soo qoreyna maaha dad qabiil isku raaci kara, marka hawlaha cagta ha loo dhigo, mahadsanidin

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Saturday, September 09, 2000 - 03:27 pm


Marka ugu horreysa waxaan salaan u dirayaa qofka isku magacaabay Gar-soorka gudaha anigoo ku faraxsan sida uu u deggan yahay una doonayo inuu nin waliba gartiisa siiyo.
Waxaan aad uga xumhay in aan maanta ka maqlo shaqaalihii BBC da laanta soomaliga erayada qoran qaarkood oo runtii aniga ila yara hooseeya iyo weliba qaar ka tirsan dadka wax ka qoray beyjkan oo isla markiiba taageeray cabashada walaalihii dacwoonayay.
Walaalihii dacwoonayay ma habbooneyn in aad xagataan walaalihii imtixaanka iyo interview gaba idinla galay, dabadeed la qaatay, laakiin waxa qummaneyd in idinka oo aan caroon aad ku sinnaataan maamulka xafiiska.
runtii aniga oo ku nool dalka ingiriiska waxaan aad ula fajacsahay sida ninka heysta laanta af soomaaligu uga dhaadhiciyay Ms Kari Blackburn in ay u eexdaan dadka qaraabadiisa ah.
Runtii waan jeclaan lahaa in nin kasta oo la dulmo la garab istaago,laakiin waxaa ii yara muuqda madmadaw ka ifaya qoraalkii dacwaddiinna iyo jawaab li,ida su,aalihii uu idin weydiiyay Gar soorka gudaha ee maxaad jawaab u heysaan?
Walaalyaal ma lihi mas,uulka BBB da qeybta af soomaaliga oo ah ninka laga cabanayo ma sameyn karo musuqmasuq laakiin managu qancin kartaan?
runtii qoraalkiinnu wuxuu iila yara eg yahay dhambaal aad u diraysaan Maamulka sare ee BBC World Service,qeybta xafiiska shaqaalaha, inkastoo aad yara tuhunsan tihiin in aan dib loogu noqon doonin qadashadii walaalaha la qaatay.
Waalaalaha cabanaya waxaan xasuusin lahaa in shaqo kasta leedahay calaamaad gaar ah oo lagaa weyn karo, walaalayaal dad baa xusay aqoontiinna (eligibility) waxaan idinka ka codsan lahaa bal in aad soo bandhigtaan tariikh nololeedkiinna(CV)iyo wax allale wixii kale ee xoojinaya cabashadiinna, si aan u ogaanno aqoontiinna iyo waayo aragnimadiinaba.
Walaalaha soomaaliyeed ee ra'yigooda dhiibanaya waxaan u sheegayaa in reer hebel baa qabsaday naga burburisay dalweynihii soomaaliya,haddii ay sii kululaatana laguma kala baxo reer hebel, ee waxaan rajeynayaa in aan aad uga fiirsan doonno waxa aan sameyneyno ama aan qoreyno.

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Saturday, September 09, 2000 - 08:24 pm
qof waliba waa ka dheregsan yahay in qoraha
warqadda uusan ka mid aheyn shaqaalaha bbc'da
uuna ku been abuurtay dadka uu magacyadooda
qoray oo aysan qaarkood beryahanba is arag
iyaga oo fasax ama howlo kale ku kala maqan,
mana jirto sabab ay shaqaalaha bbc'du halkan ugu
soo dacwoodaan waayo xafiisyo sare oo laga
maamulo ayaa jira,

qorahan warqaddan soo diyaariyay waxaan dhihi
karaa waa khabiir ku takhasusay abuurista
fidnooyinka lagu hoobto oo galaafatay dad fara
badan oo ka fiirsi la,aan halkan ugu soo daatay

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Sunday, September 10, 2000 - 05:12 am
dhammaan waad salaman tihiin aniga oo ah garsoore ka tirsan golaha garsoorka gudaha oo loo xilsaarey arintan BBC-da, waxaan codsanayaa in ciddii arintan xog-ogaal u ahi naga caawiso si aanu goáan u gaadhno, ciddii garta iska lehna aanu u siino, gaar ahaan shaqaalaha laanta ayaanu ka sugeynaa warar faahfaafsan, mahasanidin, waa Samaale, GGG Hollamd

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Sunday, September 10, 2000 - 08:21 am
The BBC is Somali service is an extremly corrupt institution.Lately things became worse when somebody from the clan who wreaked havoc on Somalia took over the place.BBC london has been the last vestiges of the diminishing British imperialism.The group is balatantly baised against certain Somalis.If you listen to their commentaries and the people they interview, you will immediately sense their naked bais.

BBC london became a party to the interclan warfare in Somalia.Meanwhile, they just became a mouth for the vicious warlords who eliminated Somalia from the world map.These clan interest group clique that took over the place rarely covers the good things Somalis are doing around the glob.

Last year they refused to cover an international conference on Somalia we held in Ottawa,Canada in which we publicly complained to the BBC leadership.If we were one of their favourite warlords or the break away Republic of Somaliland, i am sure they would have covered us.

Therefore, i am suggesting for all peace loving Somalis for justice and equal access to join a petition drive to shut down the BBC Somali service.I also beleive it is about time to come up with an alternative media out let for Somalis.

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Sunday, September 10, 2000 - 01:59 pm
Waryaada maanaa waalan buu yiri mise Cadan baa laga heesay? Nin baa kor wuxuu ku qoray inta aynaan qorin bal aan ka yara fiirsanno. Mid kale ayaa yiri arinkan waa laga been abuurtay, horana waxaa loo codsaday bal dadkii dacwadda qoray in ay xaqiiqo kale ku soo lifaaqaan. Iyadoo halkaas maraysa sheekadiina qaboowday baa mid geeso leh yimid wixiiba cagtuu ku dhuftay. isagoo iska dhigaya nin gar leh ama xaqa la duudsiiyey buu caro horuu qabay boggan kula raftay oo raftay. Bala ku sidatay ninku waaba i jiiray oo na jiiray kuligeen. bal idaacad kale abuur aan aragnee dadka aad qorato oo lagu sheegi doono dhexdhexaad.

War dadku waa kuwan kuwa kale maleh, ee sideen u heshiinnaa. Haddii idaacad kale oo kharaj fara badan uu ku baxo (eeg miisaaniyadda laanta Soomaaliga BBc-da) yaa ka shaqeynaya? kuwa ceeb ka saliin ah oo aan cidna eedeyn ma laga helayaa Soomaali? waa maya BBc-da waxaa eedeyn jirey Xukuumaddii hore, hadana waxaa eedeyn jirey hogaamiyeyaal kale oo ka danbeeyey, qofkasta oo Soomaali ku hadla oo waxa uu rabo ka maqli waaya waa u eedeysane! yaa ugu danbeeyey kii ay isxaanka u sameynayeen oo durbaanka la garaaceen oo beenta Carta la buunbuuniyeen, waa kuma Ismaaciil O Gele. Kanna waxey ka diideen in shir uu abaabulay oo saxxibadiis iyo ilma adeertiis ay isku baheysteen ay dicaayad u sameeyaan. Hala wado. BBc-da idaacad u dhiganta hala furo yacni colaad aan u qabno awgeed.

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Sunday, September 10, 2000 - 03:00 pm
Aniga oo ka mid dadka xiiseeya dhageysiga BBc-da sida Soomaali badan oo kale gudaha iyo dibadaba, muddo dheerna dhageysanaayey barnaamijka Af-ka Soomaaliga, waxey ila tahay Abdinuur Sh. iyo Xaydara mooyee inta kale ee magacyadooda la soo tacxay in aan la oran karin waa dad idaacad caalami ah u qalma in ay ka hadlaan. Ma aqaan kuwa cusub Laakiin maxaa qabiil loogu bedelayaa haddii nasiibkoodu uu noqday. Haddiise aad hore u ogeydeen in gudiga imtixaanku uu ka koobnaa Tifaftiraha iyo madaxa qeybta Africa, maxaa uga caban weydeen? hadii aydnaan ku qanacsaneyn in cadaalad la sameynayo? Hadda markii natiijadii ay soo baxday maxaad u dacwooteen? Soomaalida waqooyi markii ay idaacaddan xirteen lama dacwoon jirin ee maxaa hadda qabiil loogu bedelayaa qaadashada shaqaalaha? Waxaa ila tahay mar kale in la kala xishoodo oo sumcadda aan leyskaga ciyaarin.

Waan ka xumahay in eedeyntan micna darada huwan aan ka dhex arko magacyada wariye Abdinuur Sheekh iyo Xaydara oo lagu qadariyo heybadooda weriyenimo.

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gar yaqqan

Monday, September 11, 2000 - 06:01 am
ku: BBC da
ka: garyaqaanka

Waxaa idin dhihilahaa haddii aad tihiin dadka saxda ah ee halkaas ku qoran, iska daaya qabyaaladda. waayo dad badan baa marka ay waxey rabaan waayaan wexey ku andacoodaan waa na la cunsurey, waa nala midab takoorey!! and so on!!
u badda la doodda in imtixaanadii laidinka qaadey aad ku dhacdeen. sababtaad ugu dhacdeena aydaan garaneyn. taasi waa waano. tan kale waxaad qaadataan mishaar ilaashada shaqadiina si aysan shaqo la áan idinku dhicin. Ixtiraama ninka soo saaraha ah. haku xasdina cilmiga Eebbe siiyey iyo awooddaba.
Taasi wexey aheyd orraahii aan dhihi lahaa kuwa wax soo eedeeyey.
waxaan dhihi lahaa kuwa la soo eedeeyey: war Alla ka baqa ma uuliyadda waa laydinkula xisaabtami doonaa Aakhiro, ogow in aad tahey qof masuul uu saaranyahey, dadkana in aad tihiin collegea. Ha noqof sida kuwa qalbiga ka jirran. Ogow ninkaad isfahamtaan oo aad dar Alle ku saaxiibtaan in aad tihiin walaalo. Nin xil qaadey eed qaad. ku samir dhib kasta oo dar Alla kugu soo gaarta.
Taasina wexey aheyd midda kale aan kuwa la eedeeyey ku dhihi lahaa.
Dadweynaha waxaan ku dhihi lahaa:
Ittaqi Allah heythu maa kuntum, watbacil sayiattal hassanah tamxuhaa, wakhaaliqi naassa bikhuluqin xassan. sadaqa rasuulu laah.
Ha is oran laguuma jeedo ee qor waxaad doonto, waayoo waxaa ku arka Allah sxwtc. Isaga ka baq. hasameyn been abuur, waayoo waqtiga waa qaali haska luminina, u adeegso internetka si siriyoos ah oo run ah oo aan cayaar ku jirin.

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 10:31 am
You all are puch of balony loving, tale wagging, truth chattering sons of a-holes. How dare could you think view "afqadhmuun" will be able to assume they can shut down BBC. Think again, I honestly believe most of you are puch of wusses. To make long story short, BBC was there long before your(all of your)granfathers were having difficulty distinguishing btwn good and bad. Most of all, for that guy who is complaining about a little known meeting in Ottawa, Canada. I have a news for you, "bring all of your warlords and see if you can take on the British." Here you are bad mouthing about their country's media. If you don't like why don't you keep your cheap comment loaded with a broken enlish to yourselvs.

Get a life

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 11:11 am
Puch ? I cant find that word i the dictionary, Is it a new word ?

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 11:15 am
Halkan Waa Been Been Cii....... London,

Lies.. Lies dish it out !

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 11:47 am
Dear All,
Please try to exchange polite and healthy opinions between yourselves. It's boring to see the way you portrait our good name on the net. Opinion is an opinion. Put yours properly.



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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 02:07 pm
First of all, I feel very sorry for you guys!
In kastoo aanan midkiina aqoon qof ahaan, but this is very fundamental problem for our people. And if it´s true what u telling us (because its very defficult for me to believe, that this happens in a place like BBC and u people working so long time in this branch, you should know your rigths and opligations like every single working person in western world. We who are living in europe and use to work - expect that u are capable of defending your rigths, becouse we are not living any more in "the jungle world, where the `survival of the fittest`was the law".

As i said we are dealing with a very serious problem - if your complaints are true. For me it sounds very sad, primitive, uncivilized and disgusting way to treat employers. I dont care what kind of education he has these guy, the sow called "Sendico" or what ever he used to be in the old somali regime, but one thing is sure - he doesn´t have the right to "hire" or even to "encourage" one of his closest family memebers as long he is the chief of this institution. That is the principles in this side of the world we are living. (Not even talk about to hire persons who was involved in the somali civil war - and worriest of all those who was making the criminal "propaganda" for Aidid. They don´t at all have the rigth to work a institution like this.)

It is not a question about who is right - who is wrong. It is a question about what a good leadership is. And if he did that -than he is far from being qualified as a leader of such important institution for our people. Still i have defficulty of believing what u telling us, becouse it sounds very amatour way to do things and u guys - u should be better to know your rights and how to deal with problems like this.

Finaly - though i still don´t believe this history, but if it is - than I give u guys a very good advice - you have to fight like hell for your rigths and show this "old fashion and nepotist guy" that he is dealing with wrong people. Couse he does not deserve to be a chief aditor for this institution. You can caunt me - if you need me.

By the way - that little "arrogant" guy - who thinks that he knows every thing and insulting people like that way, you think that "you learn how to play the cards now? No, baby there is long way to go for you - and you are the one who is feeling the heat behind you. As a brother and more wiser than you `gadaal ka gaar`- i give you a good advice - never ever insult human being again, otherwise you know what - u get what you deserve. Have a long kiss good night. Can you feel the heat know. We in denmark call people like you "røvhul".

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 03:43 pm
To: so-called Somali

Wake up the sun has been set on the old cunning fox-the British.They are nothing but, a third rated power still living the illusion of the old British Empire that used to extend over four continents.

We are in the dawn of the 21st century, the age of the information super high way, the era of instant information across the globe.Therefore, the place has to shut down for two reasons 1-It is a very sleazy, corrupt and outdated institution that outlived its usefulness.2-It has been taken over by blatantly baised combination of radical clansmen and interest groups.

meanwhile, there are many other emerging Somali media outlets in a number of places around the world.Therefore, we are urging all peace loving Somalis to start a BBC shut down petition drive in their areas.The havoc one stubborn warlord wreaked on our country is still fresh in our memories.We can't afford another clannish warlord at the helm of a once important media outlet.

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 09:45 pm
KU: R.Checker:

Saaxiib, mar waxaad leedahay waa wax duugoobay oo laga tagay casrigan 21aad BBC-du, (a third rated power still living the illusion of the old British Empire that used to extend over four continents). Isla wax yar ka dibna, waxaad tiri ma awoodno in hey'adan warbaahinta ee muhiimka ah ay gacanta u gasho Dagaal ooge ("We can't afford another clannish warlord at the helm of a once important media outlet"). worlord" xageen kuu raacnaa. Soow ma haboona in aad hubiso qoraalkaaga inta aaBdan soo bandhigin.

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Just a thought

Tuesday, September 12, 2000 - 06:16 am
As a british TV licence payer I think I am disgusted the way somalis behave thinking in terms of clans in every aspect of their lives. If I were to receive any such complaints from former BBC staff I would not only put the piece of paper in the bin but make sure they are not involve in the insititution forever. It makes me wonder were they doing their duty when the were employees with such mentality? Why the tears now while when they were employed they have consistently propergated clan mentality?

Now about the other complaints raised by these ppl!
1) That a somali has played a dominant role in the process!!!!!! anything wrong with that? What is the work of the boss if he doesnt take the controls of his duty? I would say keep up the good work MR.

2) That the interview involved only 2 ppl. What is wrong with that? Have we seen Interviews conducted by one person? Or Dont they know how to use resources efficiently and what cost cutting measures mean?

3) Romours! oh nooo. So they mean to admit that they are involved in romour mongering? Can we ask where is the source of the romours if not amongst the complainers!

4) some of the test were distributed before the exam? LOOOOL. If I were the complainants what would stop me to use the distributed papers if they are in existence or how else did they know the existence of the leaked paper? Why didnt they report the matter before the test and waited until after the test?

5)Questions Favouring others? If Toni Blair were my dad and in the examination in political Science a test question asks to write the importance of Tony Blair to the Labour party, Would other candidates say it is unfair cause Toni Blair is my dad?

6) Now politics in play here. Aideed's Name? Oh NOOOO I ask myself isnt it the person's prerogative who he works for in his life? Lets talk politics now! What is the cause of the Civil war in Somalia? Is it Aideed? Hell No! It is the 21 year Military regime of Siyaad Barre and would I be Lying if I said Most of the complainants work for the Siyaad's Radios and TV? LOOOOOOOOOL

7)I wonder what is wrong with recruiting three ppl from the same clan. Can we know what is the statistics of clan composition of BBC employees? Is there any tribe that dominates? That question can only be answered by the clan experts namely the complainants.

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samale, GGG

Friday, September 15, 2000 - 11:24 am
salan ka dib, waxaan ka xumahey halka ay mareyso doodii dacwada ku saabsaneyd waxan u maleynaya inuu qofkastaa arkayo, in ay noqotay mid aan u qalmin inaynu qakhtigeena qaaliga ah iskaga lumino sidaa darteed doodani waa mid ku hubaoon in halkeeda lagu xidho. wad mahadsan tihiin

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Friday, September 15, 2000 - 11:45 am
I deeply apreciated for the clear and concise answer of the person used "Just Thought" to the complaints. The analyis he/she made is based on fair thinking and that is it, case is closed and dismissed.

No,No, I would like to request for the removal of all complaints from the BBC somali service. That is the best solution for the management
to fulfill their duties.

Thank you.

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Saturday, September 16, 2000 - 06:18 am
The BBC somali service over stayed its usefulness.It is high time to start an alternative news outlet for the average Somali.The BBC Somali service has been clearly the mouth piece of Habergidir and HaberAwal.We all know the irreparable damage those two unholy "Habers" have inflicted on Somali unity and the existence of Somalia as a unitary nation state.The man now at the helm has been an staunch supporter of the notorious genecidal warlord Aideed.The BBC Somali service has lost its objectivity long ago.Nobody believes to whatever the say.Moreover, the place is populated by ill-educated punch of losers.Most the employees are lowself-esteem street level clan advocates.Therefore,I am not surprised at all by the employment irregularities leveled at the person at the head of the BBC.The BBC has been and still is a party to the clan wars in Somalia.

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