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Soomaliyeey waxaan donayaa in aan xisbi ka furo Soomaliya xisbigaas oo u horseedi doono xuriyada qofka ibna aadanka ah.

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): RA'YIGA DADWEYNAHA - Your Opinion: Somalia: Archive (Before October 29, 2000): Soomaliyeey waxaan donayaa in aan xisbi ka furo Soomaliya xisbigaas oo u horseedi doono xuriyada qofka ibna aadanka ah.
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Sunday, October 15, 2000 - 08:55 am
Soomaliyeey waxaan donayaa in aan xisbi siyaasi
ah bilowno Somaliya.
Xisbigaas oo noqoni doono xisbi u horseeda doono umada
Somaliyeed hor umar iyo barwaaqo xisbigaas oo
noqoni doono xisbi umada Soomaliyeed ka saari
doono walwalka oo ah in aay dhacaan wixii hore
ooga dhacay wadankeena iyo wax walba oo xumaato
ah oo ka dhicidoono wadankeena.
§ogu horeen qabyaalada waa ka mamnuuc waan
waa in xisbiga meel walba uu ku yeesho xarun
wadanka soomaliya gudahiisa.
Hadii aad xiseyneysid in aad ku nagu soo kor-
dhisid wixii fikrad ah iyo waliba in aad ka
qeebqaadani kartid hogaanka xisbiga.
waxaa igala soo xiriiri kartaan

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Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 06:09 am
I thank you very much for putting your openion forward. I have had the chance to read your message and i have to say you leave in different world. First of all, when you want creat a political party you have to have a government which the majority of the people want, secondly, there must be steple economic which run by the government which the people elected. This meeans to say that you can not enfluence the people through money. Thirdly, there must not individual like you who want to creat a new party everyday, the party must be make by the people collectively not individually. Fiveth, there must be clear and unmbigous objectives for what the party want to achieved.

For example, in Eritira, when the fighters lebirated their country, th government has brough a programe which stated that there won't be any party unless we re-build the country and educate the children. This is because if they would made parties their people would't be united as they are today. They would divide into parties which have their own self interest not the country as whole.

You are wellcome to replay.

My last point is that you need to think educating your people not a party which at the have self interest.

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Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 02:09 am
My brather I like your opinion.
Laakin waa in aad ogataa in siyaasad la aan
wax soconayo aan jirin siyaasada wanaagsan
waa tan u horseeda umada wanaaga kana saarta
Aniga waxa aan doonayo ma ahan in aan shaqsi
ahaan u sameyo xisbi ee waxaan donayaa in
aan umad ahaan aan u sameysano
Xisbigaan oo shaqadiisa ah in uu umada u
adeego , xisbi hadii ladhaho waa la sameynayaa
micnaheeda maahan in aad wadan xukuntid ee
waxaad ka qeebqadaneysaa hor u marka wadanka
hadii aan xisbi anan qabiil ku dhisneen laga
furo Soomaliya taas oo uhor seedi doonto
in lahelo rag isku fikrad ah.....
Waxaad ka hadashey Erateria in aay qateen
sharci ah in aan la ogolaanin xisbiyo badan
laakin maxaay keentaa in qofka xuriyada la
qado hor u mar makeento ee waxaay keentaa
baaba Erateriana maanta waxaay ku sugantahay
baaba waxa arintaas aay soconi karto waa wax
Soomalida waay soo martey hab noocas ah
waana soo aragney laakin maanta waxaan
adeegsaneynaa habab ka gadisan.
Wadankeena waa qani hadii lahelo Siyaasad
balaaran oo ku dhisan multparty

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Friday, October 27, 2000 - 05:40 am
TO Mohamed

I am very much appreicated your statment which i found today. First of all, i think you misunderstand my point which was we do not need political party in somalia today. Mohamed i see you are very intelligant man, but suggest that you have look at Macavela's book, he was one of top politicin in the Wester world for the last 300 hundrend years and he said in his books "very politial is a setf interst". In other if you become a political you will soon become "self interest. I am not discorreaging you to forfill your dreams but remember political party won't bring any good the sutation which existing in Somalia now.

What you need is divert the attention is to create peace, education eg to educate the people, economic issues and remove the people's mind from political issues which at end underminding everything you are trying to achieve.

Good luck to you

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