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The best posting on Somalinet ........ Have you seen the one that you like, please share with us.

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (Before Jan. 23, 2001): The best posting on Somalinet ........ Have you seen the one that you like, please share with us.
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Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 10:50 am
Hi everybody,
Here are some posting on the Somalinet which I consider the best I have seen on this site. If you have seen your favorite please copy it and paste it in this page, so we can share it with you, but it should be really a good one….

Happy New Year


Title: If we are to go back to Somalia with or without choice, what are the positive things you are taking back to our country in terms of education,experience etc?
By Awale, August 20, 2000

Assalamu Aleykum

I'll take back more honesty and more sensitiviy toward to my peaple and my country. I gained education, but I also learned to be humble and hard worker.
I have also managed to learn more about the SOCIAL CONTRACT (and I believe that those things which cannot be divided, we can enjoy it in common) & HUMAN EQUALITY (Each person is as important as any other, and therefore everybody to count one, nobody for more than one).

I feel that I am more sensible and able to be trusted by the people, and able to understand feelings, problems and diversity of the peaple than I was 10 years ago. I got to know more about the art of the reasoning and the social, political and legal philosophy.

I fully comprehend if man is to develop wholesomely, fulfill his needs (biological, social, intellectual, cultural), he must do so within social matrix.

I digested that the basic objective of the STATE is to prepare persons for a life of liesure in which man's highest good can be realized. A good GOVERMENT is one whose rulers seek the health, comfort and happiness of the people, whereas a corrupt goverment is one whose rulers devote themselves to private gain instead of public welfare.

I consistently recall that the good society depends upon the honesty and moral goodness of its persons, and good quality persons depend on the character of individual citizens. It is not necessarily the system of society itself which creates evil social condition, but its individualls who populate it.
Good peaple produce a good state, while corrupt peaple engender corrupt politics.

I believe that anyone who knows the right thing to do will do it. Wrong actions are committed only out of ignorance. A person fails to do what is right because he does not know what is right. No one will deliberately choose to do what is wrong, for an evil deed is always harmful to the self as well as to others. If people (Siad Barre and current Somali warlords) knew the real consequences of hating,lying, cheating, corrupting and other bad things, how damaging these activities are to themselves they would certainly avoid them.

I describe Justice as result of harmonious cooperation among individuals. Justice prevails only when each person assumes his responsable part in the society and contributes to it according to his good quality talents. Injustice results when each person vainly attempts to do what he has no talent, training, ability and right to do.

I learned to be a rational person rather than an emotional person (people must learn that they cannot trust their emotions in important matters, especially if they are decision makers for the society).

I support the art of moderation in all things. Extremes are always bad and non fair toward to others, especially to those who are poorer, less intelligent and powerless than you.

I strongly believe the fact that I am an educated person is not the matter of being smart or having better genes than the non-educated people, but it is simply matter of that I was given an opportunity to go to school and to learn things by my parents. Therefore if I let every Somali child to have the same opportunity that I had, he or she can be like me or even better than me. So why don't fight for our children to have that chance? And after all we know that they are our future.

The most important thing that I achieved during my exiled period is that I got rid of QABIIL. Alhamdulilah.

And a lot of other positive things that would help our society...



Title: Are the Somalis Capable of Change?
By: Abdi-Rizak M., October 27, 2000

You have asked me to be more specific in defining what I termed the Somali problem. It has never occurred to me that anyone would be under any delusions about the existence of such problem. But since I believe that your query was of a genuine good, I will try to be specific and will attempt to make the case for change.

Perhaps one never understands the value of sickness unless he becomes sick, not that sickness is good but that it teaches us what it means to be healthy. One can never see the Somali problem unless one sees the wounds and the scarves of the Somali people. There is a Somali problem because our society is devoid of all the vital values which are necessary not only for the re-establishment of our state but the real progress of any state we may have. There is a Somali problem because our people cannot even come together to discuss the most basic thing of all: that the lack of government is the mother of all misery in our society. There is a Somali problem because we all think we are right, yet we are all wrong. The lack of state, the tribal system that eroded our very identity and polluted us, the very cause of our demise and the essence of what is wrong with all of us; the fact that the system we held so dear indeed failed us and made us monsters of unknown sort all constitute the Somali problem.

There is Somali problem because even those of us who seem to see the wounds are only entertaining ideas, but do not wish to sacrifice anything. We seem never willing to take any step that may bring forth change, and we always resort back to the status quo. There is Somali problem because those of us who say we get rid of tribal affiliation, that we sincerely do not care what tribe the others are, never seem to get rid of that identity. Our generation, the post-civil war generation, all seem to agree that tribalism and clanism lost their vitality and proved to be failure yet are doing nothing about it. The misery our society is in testifies to the existence of the Somali problem. The bad dealings within us and with others, the rudeness of the majority of the Somalis, the constant bicker we are involved, and the overall misbehavior of the Somalis constitute the Somali problem. The political, socio-economic and psychological problems we had constitute the Somali problem. The deeper you look at the Somali picture, the grimmer the picture gets. The more you look at the Somali picture, the more it becomes clear how steeped we are in ignorance and in denial of our own wounds.

At this crucial and bewildering juncture of the Somali history, the failure of our system and that of the ideologies we held demands that we change. The experience we had and the Jahili system that runs through our blood vein demands that we change. We cannot solve the Somali problem unless we change. It is essential for us to have new leadership, to change totally from within and outside. We must erase our ideologies and our thoughts and replace them with new and totally fresh ideas. This, I believe, can only undo the wrongs of our past history.

In conclusion, I believe that our consciousness calls upon us to change, that this change must cover every aspect of our life from personal morality to the political ideologies that are dear to us. To me, the question is how much are we willing to sacrifice—if any at all, and are we capable of changing?
Abdi-Rizak M.

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Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 03:02 pm
Are those guys still around? Nice to hear from thoughtful brothers.
Burhaan please help me to get their emails.

Sanad Wacan oo Wanaagsan

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Monday, January 01, 2001 - 02:19 pm
Mine is in somewhere in Somalinet forums, but I couldn't found it............ But I agree with you that those 2 are good writings....

Also the one I wrote in last year was an excellent one, but I don't even remember what was about it..... Happy New Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaar

Smile!!! help to live long.......


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Friday, January 05, 2001 - 01:16 pm
Title: Could anyone help me with the answer????
By Troubledchic, December 14, 2000

Was it the Chicken, that crossed the street, or was it, the street that was crossed by the Chicken?
Please help, No Insults.

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Friday, January 05, 2001 - 03:57 pm
GhettoGirl & Sparkle

Three Types of Somali Men

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Tuesday, January 09, 2001 - 03:39 pm
Abdiaziz and Awale
Nice postings and nice topics, guys keep up the good job,

The looser

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Sunday, January 14, 2001 - 04:57 pm
This is my favorite. Actually what I liked is how sensitive is this guy Dr.Som..
Jazakumulaahu Kheyr

Title---Gudniinka fircooniga iyo dhibkiisa
In Health section
Date-- Unrecorded

Salaamu Caleykum

Waxaan aad ugu faraxsanahay mawduuca xasaasiga ah oo runtii ah mid in ummada Soomaliyyed ay ka doodo ku wanaagsan.

Arrinta gudniinka waa fal Kufaarnimo ah marka laga reebo kan Suniga, oo ay ila tahay ineeysan habooneyn in Gudniin lagu magacaabo waayo confusion ayuu dhaliyay maadaama kan Suniga aysan jirin cad la goonayo ama wax la tolayo, balse diinta fareysa darteed ay dadkii kuwii kaloo farcooniga u adeegsanayaan in diinta ay fasaxday.

Waxaan ahaa Medical Student kolkaan bilaabay inaan darso waxa keenay in xaasaskeena, hooyooyinkeen, gabdhaha nala dhashay iyo guud ahaan dumarka Soomaliyeed ku qasbay inay sidaa bani'aadanimada ka baxsan ugu xanuunsadaan...CAADADA, ISU-TAGA, DHALMADA, IWM... .. Markaan soo xaqiiqsaday in ay Jaahilnimo kaliya dhibkaas dhalisay, misna diin dhankeedana kufaarnimo ay tahay, runtii aad ayaan u Calool-xumaaday.. Sababtoo ah waa Adduun ku Silic aaqirana Suaal kuu taalo...

Marka wallaalaheen ragga ahoow gabdhaheena wax dambi ah oo ay leeyihiin ma jirto, iyagoon gaarin caqli lagu garto dhibka uu leeyahay gudniinka ayaa hooyooyinkeen gudeen. Hooyooyinkeena Jaahilnimo ayaa u geeysay, ee sidooda kale dadaal uun bey ka aheeyd. Marka waxaa loo baahan yahay in gabdhaheena aan dhinac is-taagno, fahamno, xannuunkooda la qeybsano, kala hadalno sidii ubadkeena dhibkaas looga badbaadin lahaa, una sheegno in aysan ka walwalin inaay wax ka maqan yihiin.

Gabdhaha Wallaalheen ee halkan aqrisanayoow , wallaalayaal waxaa la idinkaga baahan yahay loolan weeyn inaad gashaan si dhibkii la idiin geeystay aysan ugu dhicin carruurtiina iyo inta muslim ah ilmahoodaba..

Waxaa wali jira dad joogga Europe iyo North America oo raba inay ilmahooda gutaan ha u qaadaan Africa si ay ugudaan ama dhuumasho iyo Sharci daro ugu gudda wadamadeey joogaan...Marka waxaa loo baahan yahay in dadkaas la wacdi galiyo loona sheego dhibka ka dambeeya.. haddii ay wali dhaga adeegaan xataa loogu hanjabo in la dacweeynayo haddii ay ilmahooda gudaan... Shaqsiyan ani sidaas waxaan ku badbaadiyay 3 gabdhood oo Africa in loo qaado la rabay si loo soo gudo balse aan hooyooyinkood u sheegay haddii ay sidaa yeelaan in aan Poliska u tagi doono una sheegi doono abuse ka ay ilmahooda ku sameeynayaan.. Dadaal badan kadib Alla mahadii weey ii suurtogashay inaan ka dhaadhiciyo, war galiyana gudniinka Sunniga oo ay ugu dambeeystii isaga ku sameeyeen caruurtooda..

Marka wallaalayaal wiilal iyo gabdhaba Ilaahey halaga baqo, hala dadaalo, meel halaga soo wada jeesto, Jaahilnimadana halala dagaalamo.

Soomaali haddaan nahay ilaah ha isku keen soo uruuriyo, naxariistiisana hanoogu deeqo..



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