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The two lesbian`s name is : Ismahaan Awil (21) and Fahiya (19)

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (Before Mar. 13, 2001): The two lesbian`s name is : Ismahaan Awil (21) and Fahiya (19)
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Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 05:11 pm

Women In "Death By Stoning Case" Imprisoned

UN Integrated Regional Information Network (Nairobi)
February 22, 2001
Posted to the web February 23, 2001
The two women sentenced to death by stoning in Bosaso on Monday are being held in the main prison in Bosaso, the commercial capital of the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, northeast Somalia, humanitarian sources told IRIN on Thursday.
The women, Ismahaan Awil, 21, and Farhia (no last name available), 19, were sentenced to death by an Islamic Court in Bosaso during a closed session for "unnatural behaviour". Local sources said they are not being allowed to communicate with anyone but relevant authorities. No date has been set for carrying out the sentence. UN officials and human rights groups have been apprised of the situation.

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Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 05:17 pm
Somalia: Women sentenced to death by stoning
NAIROBI, 21 February 2001 - Two women have been sentenced to death by an Islamic court in Bosaso, the commercial capital of the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, northeast Somalia, local sources told IRIN. They were taken to Bosaso Islamic court on Monday, 19 February, where they said they living together as "man and wife". The court subsequently sentenced them to death by stoning for "unnatural behaviour". The court session was a closed one, and reporters and the public were not allowed in. The sentencing has been reported in the local and international press.
Local sources said the arrangement between the two women became an issue when one went to the Puntland authorities to complain that her partner had "mistreated" her by refusing to pay for medical treatment. The women - whose names and ages were not released by the court - are being held in detention to await their fate. When and whether the death sentence will be carried out is unclear, the source said. One of the convicted women returned from north America two months ago and started living with the other woman one month ago, in the Rahiid district of Bosaso.
UN sources told IRIN that the sentence and punishment had not been
officially confirmed, but that the appropriate departments were taking
action. The source said that the UN was opposed to the death sentence "as a matter of principle" and that stoning to death was "inhuman treatment".

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Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 05:24 pm
IRIN, is an unreliable source of information that works for Moryaan intersts. Unlike other journals,newsmakers, IRIN is never able to substiantiate what it writes. Irin's funding is contingent on daily reports and updates from selected countries. The workers of IRIN inorder to secure their employment have to come up with any kind of reports and spin.
Recently they reported :Canabalism, invasion of Monkey and now lesbianism --->all in Puntland. One needs to critically question: Does tabaloid type news and strange things only happen in one region of Somalia i.e. Puntland.
It is clear that there is a not-so-covert attempts to smear Puntland. BBC, IRIN, and others are implementing Moryaan sponsored propoganda against the people of Puntland.

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Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 05:31 pm
Beware of propoganda and the smear campaign of the mooryaan and their tools for propoganda i.e IRIN, BBC and Africaonline plus the mogadishu based paper that serve the intersts of the moryaan.
________________READ THE TRUTH__________________

Maxamed-deeq Cabdulqaadir
Sahan Bosaaso.
21 Feb. 2001

Garsooraha 1aad ee maxkamadda darajada 1aad ee magaalada Bosaaso Sh. Maxamed Cabdi Awaare ayaa beeniyay warbixin ku saabsan laba haween ah oo isku guursaday Bosaaso oo maxkamaddu ku xukuntay in la dilo.

Garsoore Awaare oo aan fiidnimadii 21ka bishan kula xiriiray gurigiisa ayaa ii xaqiijiyay in aan haba yaraatee waxaba ka jirin warkaas, isaga oo ka jawaabaya su’aal ahayd maxaa ka jira wararka sheegay in haweenka is guursaday maxkamadda la hor keenay oo aad xukunteen "Adeer arintaasi waxba kama jiraan, annagu ma arag, meel lagu hayana ma maqal, meel lagu xukumayna warkeedaba daah".

Garsooruhu waa uu sii waday hadalkiisii oo waxa uu yiri "wax daran ayaa warkaas sheegay, anagana waxaa markii noogu horaysay Taleefan nalagu soo waydiiyay anagoo maxkammadda joogna su’aalo ay ka mid ahaayeen Naagihii is guursaday ma maantaad maxkamadda saaraysaan? Maxaad ku xukumaysaan iyo kuwa la mid ah, ugu danbayntiina anaga laf ahaantayadii ayaa inta shaki na galay waxaan teleefano u dirnay dhamaan saldhigyadda magaalada, si ay noogu sheegaan haddii ay hayaan wax kiis ah oo arrintaas la xiriira, iyaguna anaga ayay nala yaabeen, marka adeer arinkaasi waa been, aan waxba ka jirin oo aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn, Ilaahaw ha inagu keenin hadana waxaas iyo wax la mid ah toona" ayuuna garsoore Awaare hadalkiisii ku soo afjaray.

Sidaas oo kale waxa aan booqday inta badan saldhigyada Magaalada isla habeenkii waxaana la kulmay qaar ka mid ah madaxda danbibaarayaasha saldhigyada Bosaaso kuwaasoo dhamaantood ii sheegay in aysan haba yaraatee hayn wax war ah oo ku saabsan naagaha la sheegay in ay isku guursadeen Bosaaso, maxkamad ay u gudbiyeena aysanba jirin.

Mursal oo ahaa danbi baaraha saldhigga Biyo kulule ayaa yiri "warkaasi waxa uu ka mid yahay warar aan sal lahayn oo ay faafiyaan dad aad xumaanta u jecel".

"habeen markaan dib u dhigay, habeen labaadna uu ku soo celiyay C/shukuur Yuusuf Cali (Tifaftiraha Wargeys cusub oo dhawaan laga soo saaray Bosaaso oo la yiraahdo War ogaal), oo nooga soo warama Buntilaan ayaan sii daynay warkaas.
Tifaftire Nerro
Ugu danbayntiina waxaa ii suuro gashay in aan khadka isgaarsiinta Taleefanka ee Magaalada Muqdisho kula xiriiro Tifaftiraha Wargeyska Qaran ee ay BBC-du warkaas ka xigatay Qaasim Nerro, waxa aana waydiiyay sida uu warkaas beenta ahi ku helay, kuna faafiyay isaga oo taas ka jawaabayana waxa uu Tifaftire Nerro ku jawaabay "habeen markaan dib u dhigay, habeen labaadna uu ku soo celiyay C/shukuur Yuusuf Cali (Tifaftiraha Wargeys cusub oo dhawaan laga soo saaray Bosaaso oo la yiraahdo War ogaal), oo nooga soo warama Buntilaan ayaan sii daynay warkaas, anoo rumaystay in uu yahay xaqiiqa baahday, mana rumaysnayn in nin wariyenimo rajo qabaa uu sheegi karo been taas oo kale ah, waliba si aan u dhawro amaankiisa, maadaama warkaasi ahaa mid xasaasi ah waxaan qarinay magiciisa, laakiin hadda qarin mayno, warkana cidda aan ka helnay waa cadahay" ayuu yiri Tifaftire Nerro.

Mar uu ka jawaabayay su'aal kale oo aan ku celiyay oo ku aadanayd waxa ay haatan yeelayaan waxa uu yiri "waxaa waajib nagu ah in aan akhristayaasha qaran ka raali galino warkaas aan salka lahayn isla Beritaba, go’aanka kaas xigaana waxa ka tashan doona masuuliyiinta wargeyska si wada jir ah"

BBC-da qaybteeda ururisa wararka afafka qalaad ku baxa ee la yiraahdo BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; ayaa bishan 20keedii shabakadda internet-ka dariishadda ay ku leedahay ku daabacday warkaas oo lagu turjumay afka Ingiriiska ciwaankiisuna ahaa Lesbians sentenced to death in Somalia (naago isku guursaday Soomaaliya oo dhimasho lagu xukumay) kaasoo ay ka soo xigatay sida ay ku muujisay qoraalkeeda dariishadda Internetka ee wargeyska Qaran caddadkiisii soo baxay isla 20kii bishaan.

waraysigii Sahan ay Dr. Gaagaab kala yeesheen war been ah ee sheegayay in la afduubay isaga iyo marwada madaxweynaha Buntilaan
>> Akhri halkan

AN OPEN LETTER to the BBC World Service and the BBC Somali Section Leadership
>> Check Media Watch

Appellant - Employees of the BBC Somali Service vs Defendant
>>Check Gaashaan Column

BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom
>>Check website

Ma aha markii ugu horeysay ee ay wakaaladaha wararka ee caalamka oo dhan laga akhristaa ama laga dhageytaa ay faafiyaan warar aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn oo naxdin, ceeb iyo niyad jab ku ah, wadaniyadda, Amniga, sharafka, diinta iyo dhaqanka dadka Soomaaliyeed, iyadoo markasta wararkaasi yihiin kuwo ay bixiyaan dad Soomaaliyeed oo mararka qaarkood u bareera sheegidda been ay la tahay in ay cid ku xumaynayaan ama ay ku riixayaan degaan amaba ay qaarkood ku raadinayaan in ay ku helaan dhaqaale iyo sharaf; tasoo dhanka kalana dhaawacyo waaweyn u geysata ilaha ay wararka siiyaan oo macaamiishoodu kala laabtaan kalsoonidii wareed ee ay ka qaadan jireen.

Sahan Information Center "Bosaaso, Buntilaan Soomaaliya

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Friday, February 23, 2001 - 01:48 am (Financial Times)

Lesbians sentenced to death in Somalia
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Feb 20, 2001

A court in Somalia's northeastern city of Boosaaso has sentenced two women to death after finding that they had lived together and engaged in "cultural perversion", the Somali newspaper Qaran reported on its web site on Tuesday.

The two unnamed women, who had been "married for some time", will be executed by firing squad.

The court found that one of the women, who had spent time in "America", had brought back a "gadget to facilitate coition".

The woman treated her partner to "anything a bride would desire" but the latter had accused her of failing to pay for medical treatment when she succumbed to "an illness caused by their relations".

The newspaper noted that the case was the first in living memory in Somalia.

Source: Qaran web site, Mogadishu, in Somali 20 Feb 01

/BBC Monitoring/ © BBC.

World Reporter All Material Subject to Copyright

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Friday, February 23, 2001 - 02:46 am

Police in Puntland have denied a story widely reported in Somalia that two women were sentenced to death for being Lesbians.
According to Mogadishu newspapers, the women were reported to have been found guilty of "exercising unnatural behaviour" by having a lesbian relationship.

But police in Boosaaso, where the sentence was reported to have been passed, say the case never came before the courts.

The Qaran newspaper in Mogadishu has now printed an apology to their readers.

It had been reported that hundreds had packed the court in the northern coastal town.

But no official confirmation was ever received from the Puntland authorities.

Puntland declared itself autonomous from Somalia in August 1998 and has since set up its own administrative infrastructure.

Somalia's first government in nearly a decade was appointed last year, but the authorities in Puntland are opposed to it.

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Friday, February 23, 2001 - 02:47 am
ewwww!!! "facilitate coition?"- oh my god that is disgusting.

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Friday, February 23, 2001 - 05:04 am
Ten years have Mooryaan been raping, looting and sodomizing children. Never has IRIN and the news organizations it feeds talked about these issues. PEOPLE, ASK YOURSELVES WHY????????


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Friday, February 23, 2001 - 04:32 pm

Kismayo City, Southern Somalia, February 23, 2001

Somali Transitional Government and Mogadishu Businessmen With Some News Media Groups Determined to Destabalising Stable Regions of Somalia

Kismayo City (southern Somalia), February 23, 2001 - Conflict Monitoring Officials of "Bay Centre for Conflict Prevention" (BCCP) have reported to the Centre's security team today that Somali Transitional Government, Mogadishu bussinesmenn, Mogadishu media, BBC Somali section, IRIN agency (Integrated Regional Information Networks) and certain Somali website groups are involved in developing news items aimed at the destabilisation of Somalia's stable regions.

According to the recent Media Monitoring Project carried out by the Centre's monitoring team, it has now become obvious that the common ground shared by Transitional Government and Mogadishu businessmen is to broaden and accelerate the pace of their economic interests in Somali civil war, and to promote Hawiye clan hegemony in the country. None of the two has a social and political agenda aimed at the promotion of national reconciliation and justice among Somalis, and improvement of Somali people's livelihoods. The Media Monitoring Project also indicates that a number of Mogadishu news media such as Qaran, internet websites like Hiiraan and Somalinet, and BBC Somali Section have become a major instrumental in helping to frame and distribute the new context within which interests of Mogadishu businessmen are perpetuated and Transitional Government's opportunistic policy is daily encouraged and mounted.

The principal intended-audience of their news release are international community, foreign News Agencies, and international aid agencies, with the view to hiding evil actions such as exploitation of public resources, confiscation of private properties and human rights abuse in Mogadishu and its surrounding.

The Media Monitoring Project has coded the coverage of the Mogadishu news media's and their partners into 8 topics, that is, business; politics; education; violence; health; human rights; arts & culture; and crime. It was found that there were more news items about human rights, crimes and violence aimed to destabilise stable regions like Puntland state of Somalia than any other issues. This did not only show the low coverage of human rights violation and of exploitation of public resources by Mogadishu businessmen in southern Somalia but also the lack of partiality in coverage of issues that concern whole society.

The Centre monitoring team has also found that the most common sources of misinformation and manipulated opinions in news reports about stable regions are drawn from two institutions, notably Mogadishu businessmen and transitional government to promote their interest and hide the negative impact of their activities on Somalia's livelihoods. BBC Somali section is principal actor in distributing the fabricated news items to its networks (both through radio and through the World BBC website). This research also states that the increase in the news coverage of BBC Somali Section's misinformation on Puntland and other stable regions was aided by Mr. Yousuf Graad Omar, the head director of BBC Somali section who is very close family-clan to the President of Transitional Government, Mr. Abdiqasim Salad. Mr Yousuf Graad has promoted his current power influence on the news release policy of BBC Somali Services by bringing considerable funds to the BBC Somali section through the sponsorship of some Somali news-reports from Somali businessmen and international agencies like Red Cross in Somalia.

Mr Graad also promoted his influence on the manipulation of news release by providing a special privilege to his clan reporters through training and employment, marginalizing other clan reporters' involvement, and establishing BBC Somali Section's relationship with Mogadishu-based-radio's. In effect, his clan reporters and his network are strengthening their manipulation of news release on Somalia, with special attention to creating social tensions in stable region like Somaliland and Puntland State of Somalia.

"Mr Graad maps out the news items, in co-operation with Dr. Jim'ala Human Rights Organisation and Mogadishu media's which in turn reports and release the news items to the International Community and international development agencies, with the aim of giving a dark picture about stable regions and of hiding evil actions in Mogadishu and its surrounding", said a Mogadshu-based reporter.

Dr. Jim'ala Human Rights Organisation, based in Mogadishu, has recently received financial grants from some international development agencies including the UN agencies, due to its claimed success in the facilitation of Somali peace process in Arta, Djibouti.

"The leadership of Mogadishu-based Human Rights organisation has actively, behind the scene, advocated for the interests of its Hawiya clan at Djibouti peace conference and it has never taken the lead in protecting the mass human rights violation by Mogadishu warlords and other rootless businessmen in Mogadishu", confirmed a reliable source. "The core activities of so-called Dr. Jim'ala Human Right Organisation are now the facilitation of social tensions and instability in stable regions of Somalia", according to a reporter in Mogadishu.

So far, the leadership of transitional government remains silence on feudal activities in southern areas and closely associates with the economic interests of certain economic-minded-groups in Mogadishu City. Mogadishu business groups have deeply benefited from the destruction of Somali nation state by forcing, expelling, moving and killing the original inhabitants of southern cities, and taking possession of every single thing there.

. BBC and Mogadishu Tabloids
SHASNA, Feb 22, 2001

. Warbixintii Sahan Newspapers
SAHAN NEWS, Feb 21, 2001

. Questioning the fairness
Gaashaan Column, Feb 14, 2001
In the light of the found information, the BCCP urges the leadership of transitional government, its business alliance, and Media groups associated with those two institutions to desist from creating social tensions in stable regions of Somalia, and from depleting the nation's scarce economic resources.

The Centre has raised its concern and is closely continuing to monitor the situation in southern Somalia.

For more information on this report, contact the Centre. E-mail:, Kismayo city, southern Somalia.


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