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Raggii soomaalido inteey ka baxeen

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (Feb. 2000 - May 2000): Raggii soomaalido inteey ka baxeen
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waa yaab21

Unrecorded Date
walaalaa waa yaab raggii somalido intee kabaxeen kuwe goobta ahaa inteey kabaxeen war ku waan arkay waa kuwo qaad cune iyo kuwo diskutaag aada iyo kuwo ku dhihi saxaabtinimo waxaad ka qabtaa iyo kuwo taabashado ka soo horeso iyo kuwo aan ogo´leyn in la is sheegto iyo kuwo cunaaya lacagta guriga yacni lacagta lagu kireseyta guryaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! war intey ka baxeen gobtii

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Unrecorded Date

meelahaas aad soo sheegtay,
iyo meelo u dhaw,
iyo meelo la siman,
iyo meelo ka fog,
ka fiiri waa arkeeysaahe,
u dadka isku wada mid miyaa?
haddii koo kaa xumaaday,
oo caanihi ilmaha kaa cabay,
kuwo fiican waa buuxaan ee jarso.

nabad iyo caano

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Unrecorded Date
to 21
some are taken
some are on reserve
n' some just don't know better!

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Unrecorded Date
Mich....which gategory are you...

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waah waah wataa cagabooreydii asalkaba.

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Unrecorded Date
on reserve........i think....

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For who...Aliens

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Unrecorded Date
To: Waa yaab = Waa amankaag = Waa fajac 21..

Maanta jimlo in lagu qaato ay ragii joogaan tafaariiq waa dhamaatay..
so are you a hotgirl...? that don't get enough of it....?i think i got something for you, take this for for snack.
..and one for later in the night..and let me know
any changes that will occur...

and i forgot to tell you that the prescription is free plus free re-fills anytime you ran out you can have more.....hadii cun-cun aad iska dareentid ila soo socodsii daawadiisa waa haayaa.


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Unrecorded Date
,,,,,,Waar Axadku mawaanu Eebahii ka baqanayn,, Gaw sow digaan Xadgudbay!!!!talo waa la dhiibtaaye ma heedhkan bey idinla gaadhay !!!!

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Unrecorded Date
Dear Sisters:

Waatan nabaddii durugtey horta ya isku keen dirayy
Danbigaa yay iska leh. Summadisa yay tahay. Yaa dabinada dhigay. Ya dooxay Caashaqa.

My sisters you are right we Somali men can never be Romantic and thank Allah for that. We are not Romans or of them(Romantic). Rather, we are the remnants of old: the blessed houses of Nuuh, Ibrahiim, Ismail,Isxaaq,Yaqub (SAWS, most importantly we are muslims, the children of Islaam, and we are of the family(all of us spiritually and some of us literarily)of the Supreme of the creation of ALLah...Muhammad ibn Abdillah (SAWS)...
We are the people of the right hand...
The morning star that rises with sun... unappreciated in the dead of the night.

We branch from the same stem. Left and right..the two pieces to a puzzle... male and in life and companions in this journey...

Blessed and plenty is your treasures, untouched. Whose key to unlock we hold...Happy before we were and happy on return we shall be.

The tough is the last leg...But near is our destiny...and blessed is our end... rest but a little....However alluring, its green pastures exotic its inhabitants.....Only a fool forgets God's promise now and only the wretched can be lost.

For everything that glitters is not Gold. Our hard shell(somali Men) protects a softer side that will one day break out of the shell to dazzle the eye. So look inside!! before u judge a book by its cover....

Season's change and rains have come and made green these cold Northern slopes...But still they contain not the diamonds that lie plenty in your barren rocks;

Heed my advice my sisters don't be fooled and leave the oasis seeking after a mirage in a place where predators lurk.


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Unrecorded Date
no.....just Marsains

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Unrecorded Date
To, onkod..
walaal erayadaadii runtii markaan aqriyey jirkaa i dubaaxey, ma garan karo sababta, gaar ahaan kuwa ugu ah "waa tan nabadii durugtaye horta yaan isku keen direy" runtii waa su'aal aad iyo aad u wayn,,jawaabtuna waatan,,!!odeyaal ay ka dhamaatey oo caqli iyo cilmima moodey in dhiig la daadsho diin iyo iimana aan lahayn ayaaan isku keen direy...iyagana illaaah baa ka jaraaya,.

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Unrecorded Date
Ma waxaan ka hadleeynay Dumar iyo Rag,
maxaa inoo keenay siyaasada na,
Dumarkii ayaa doon doonayaan ragii wanaagsanaa,
sidi ay ku heli lahaayeen inta hartay ayaa
taladood loo fadhiyaa.
sideey ila tahay labadaan moowduuc isma qabtaan,
mana isa saarmi karaan.
haddiise qalad dhacay halkaa halooga haro.

nabad iyo caano

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Unrecorded Date
Mudane Onkod!
Judge judy says Dembiga is all yours "keligaa"

Nimanka Soomaalida mxaa u diidey in ay Romantic noqdaan aboow??????What U mean thank Alah for that ??????????
Wa bilaahi towfiiq ----->

Michigan (*_^)

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Unrecorded Date
War raggi soomaaliyeed ee wanaagsanaa Dagaaladii Soomaaliya beey ku dhamaadeen, waxaa qurbaha jooga waa inta fulayada ahayd ee soo carartay, fulayna nin lagama dhigtee Gabdhoow Jamaican-ka iyo Cadaanka guursada

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Unrecorded Date

Erayga u fiirso macnaha hoos yaal. Romantic- wa wixi Rome ama Romans ah ama ku lug leh. Macnaha hoos yallana noo ma cuntamo. Waaynu isku leenahay gubaabada, is dareensiin, caqlacelis iyo wada tashi. Haddise an raggiini idin deeqin ooyd iskaashanayn amse la'iskab ayn, oo hammigaagi nalaga hogaansaday dee eedl'i is xag-xagl'i ba wacan ku guur.

Lakiinse EEBE iga dhigay ehl sabar iyo dhaqeh xalaal, kana so jeedda Aw barkadleh iyo Isir aan yuug iyo yamayuug Eeray u Sawiray Eebbena iga digay aan daba kaca waa saancadlaga qaad. Oodda soo jabshe yay lumin tolow...Yaan dhugeyn dardaar Rasuul(SAWS)...iyo qiridd Kitaab oo daba wagleyn. Wuxu dumiyo ama u kor dago...Iyo wuxu dulmiyo ama dalow ka ridow oo u digasho ugu daaro... Maheen aan laga sugin Samixad iyo Camal Salaxa ama Samatabixin... sugo...Inuu Sakimiyo ama u Salamiyo daa nin Sareeye Inkaray... Sixir buu wada iyo dhaqan khariban dhaxalkii Iblis.

Ku wii Romance doon aw Romans-ka ka ra'dii.


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Unrecorded Date
girl kill your tv

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Unrecorded Date
^#$%^ %# $ () (%^ ^ ^^ () ( ya'heard saturday.

Onkod my human translator is broken.....untill i can get it fixed i am counting on you to tell me da meaning of what these earthlings are talking about.......but bro be sure to write in Marsian language.

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Unrecorded Date
LOL Michigan ya freaking Animal go easy on Dude Onkod....ya hear?

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Unrecorded Date
Dear Joohin:

Waxuu hadalkaygu si gaar ah kugu taabtay waa dareen wadaag aynu wadadhaxalnay ee isku keen xidha. Si kala hadaan u idhahdona Asal ama asaas wadaag ba dhala dareen wadaag iyo hoos isu fahamka.



Do u not understand Somali or English or you silly like that!


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Unrecorded Date
to michigan
cadkaii gedka surnaa dawacdi cunlaheyd caalwah u hef ka siiyaya ceykoodi noqate cudarka ma isku ogtahay ninka cadil caqli siiyay sida ONKOD
maxa lagu carooday fanaka cawdu bilahiye cuqdad baa idinka buxda
waryaa onkod ma romitic baa shegataa ku daalen somali?

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Unrecorded Date
ABBI Madaxaa kor alaha ka yeelo balaqaana hoos.
Runtu kuu daldalan.

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