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I wonder what am going through...????

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (May 2000 - August 2000): I wonder what am going through...????
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Unrecorded Date
walaalyaal,this is my first and best place to tell
you what i went and going through,waxaan muddo aan
Dhaweyn isku arkay inaan Dadka aan ka ordaayo,especially dadka badan,waxay socotaba,i lost my family,friends,and everybody i do care...not because i don't wanna them,but this thing inside me keepin me away from ..waxaan u tegey pscologist,nothing but telling me something
called Social Phobia..which i never heard before..
bro and sis waxaan dalkii ma jireen maxaase lagu daaweyn jiray....please help me guys i lost my job
and friends and can imagine how hard it is to be this situation...please if you can contribute me anything worth treatable please ha iga hagranin....all i need from you is talo.

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Unrecorded Date
Social-anxiety-disorder Or S.A .D Or "sad"

Waa cudur jira wuuna jiri jiray wadankeenii balse waxaad moodaa in aan big deal laga dhigi jirin, daawana wuu leeyahay, hase ahaatee waxa ay ku xidhantahay xanuunkaagu heerka uu gaadhsiisanyahay, Pysichiatrist would evaluate you and tell you where to go from there, sometimes they would give a pill that makes muscles & nerves to relax. Marka walaal your pain is our pain and we hope you feel better insha'allah.
Aniguse waxaan kugula talin lahaa (1) Diinta akhriso Ilaahayna talasaaro.(2) self esteemkaaga kor u qaad (3) dadka u arag friends not enemies.

And take a deep breath and relax.

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Unrecorded Date
Walaal Dhibane. Sida uu sheegay Muxammad cudurka loo yaqaan Social Anxiety Disorder wuu jiraa, cuduro kalana wuu asaasi karaa sida Deppression. Waana cudurka sadeexaad ee ugu wayn adduunka marka loo eego xagga maskaxda.

Anna waan qabaa ee ila soo xidhiidh:

Haddii kale waxaa jira mailing list aad u wanaagsan oo aniga i caawiyay:

Websitekan akhri:

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Unrecorded Date

Sheekada gaalka ha maqlin waxba kama jiraane. Quraan sheekh raadso kugu akhriya. Anaa ku idhi dhakhsaba waad ka durdurin doontaa.

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Warat suuqa

Unrecorded Date

Runtaa waaye in Quraan la isku aqriyo, laakin in badan waxaa wanaagsan in la kaalmaysto aqoonta uu ilaahay inoogu dhiibay dad aanan muslim ahayn. Marka ha u arag inuu qaldanyahay qofka u taga Dhakhtarka gaalka ah.

Teeda kale, Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa (Dab haduu dhaxamoodo maxaa lagu diiriyaa?) Ka warran hee dad wadaada ah, oo Quraanka dusha ka haya, ee diintana ayagu dadka ugu yeera ee hadana uu cudurkaan ku dhacay!!!. Oo ayagan xageey aadaayaan marka? Yaa kuwaas Quraan ku aqrinaa? Labaduba waan u baahanahay.


SXB. walaalaha sideey kuu sheegeen yeel, ha dhayalsan sheekadaada, mar kastoo aad isdaaweeysaa the better for you. Ilaahay haku caafiyo.

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Unrecorded Date

cudurku waa cudur jiro,somalia cudur la yaqaano ayuu ahaa,qofki qabo cudurkaas waxaa la dhihi jiray waa la sixray,waa la bilaabay oo xaalkiisa ma fiicno,waxyaabo noocaas ah,waxaase daawo looga dhigi jiray intaba badan in la gubo,oo labada qumaash ayaa laga gubi jiray qofki qabo cudurkaas,waana aragnay dad badan oo laga gubay,tan labaad oo daawo looga dhigi jiray waa QURAANKA,todoba wadaad iyo macalinkooda ayaa todoba maalmood quraan saari jiray 114 ta,walee qaarbaa markiba ka boodi jiray,calaa ayi xaal aduun maanta horay ayuu u maray waxaana kugula talin lahaa meel kasto iyo wax kasto oo ay daawadaadu qasho haka caajisin ee is daaweey.
caafimaad qab ayaan kuu rajeeyay.
nabad iyo caano

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Unrecorded Date
Dhibane, diintu way ku caawin kartaa (way ku qaboojin kartaa), laakiin waa inaad dawo kalana raadsataa. Isku day inaad mailing listka is qortid. Gaalo way u badan yihiin dadka ku jiraa laakiin Gaalo uun meesha kuma jiraan oo waxaa kaloo ku jira Muslimiin Carabta dagan iyo waliba Canada, Afghanistan, Pakistan, iyo USA. Illaahay muu odhan Quraan uun isku daweeya ee wuxuu yidhi cudur kasta dawo waa loo heli karaa ee baadha!

Xagga dawada. Waxaa lagu daweeyaa dawooyinka kala ah Kloponin, Paxil, (, Prozac, iyo kuwo kale oo badan oo loo wada yaqaan (SSRIs), laakiin waxay wax kuu tari karaan inta ay dawadu jidhkaaga ku jirto markaas wax badan kuuma tarayaan (laakiin qof kasta si bay ugu shaqeeyaan, way dhici kartaa inay adiga si wanaagsan kuugu shaqeeyaan).

Dawada ugu fiican waa therapy (6 week gudahood ayaad ku bogsan kartaa). Therapyga waxaa la yidhaahdaa Cognitive Beharior Therapy ama CBT oo loogu talo galay Social Anxiety Disorder. ( Ogoow haddii aan loogu talo Social Anxiety Disorder way kaaga sii dari karaan.

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Unrecorded Date
Hi Dhibane,
Also, check out the American Psychological Association Help center site. It contains many useful information.

Take care bro.

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Unrecorded Date
bro and sis waad ku mahadsan tihiin,your remarkable advices,and again i really appreciated
the feelin you have for me....MJ and muxamed,xoogsade,waratsuuqa,xaali,xamardaye all of you,and especially mj and xaali for the web sites you pointed me out,it really helped me out.
waa runtiin Quraanka waa muhiim,oo illaahay baa kaalamkiisa ku yiri...Quraanka waxaan u soo dejinay inay ku caafimaadaan mu'miniinta(muslimiinta).haddana waa loo baahan yahay dhaqtar
in lala tashado,la raadiyo dawada meel kasta ee laga heli karo...nin bukaa boqol u teli,MJ waxaan ka xumahay i was out of town,i came back today,and i promise i will contact you as soon as i can...I live in Arizona(Tucson)...waxaan idiin rajeynayaa caafimaad Qab iyo nabad waarta....
Waa walaalkiin Dhibane.

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Unrecorded Date
Oh Dhibane great there is a good therapist in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Unrecorded Date

shaqadaan maa keenti yaah psychologist aa ar waxaas dhan ka baxee tahliil cab noo

anyway i have nothing else to say but not to listen to that sychos cuz what they tell u is a peace of s*h*i*t ok


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Unrecorded Date
macalinka mingis aa ku haayee dooro la qalay dhigeed ku qubeeso.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 05:38 am

My name is safiya and i am a third year student at university of minnesota:majoring in child psychology.Now i wouln't say i am qualified to give 'talo' but i could give you some insight on the reasonable cause of yoiur state.Child psychology: i believe is the core connection to adult psychology.your childhood is difinitely a factor.In my view i dont think you suffer from social phobia.Because you used to have social interaction before this development.And i am sure you fit this profile.
a) Extremely Shy person
b) Childhood scur
c) pesimist person
d) easily bored - I.Q high
e) Paranoia - and constant presumption attitude.
'you always imagine people are judging you -
or fear to-be you lock yourself in
your silent world.
F) and have a terrible secret you
DONT WANT the world to know.
Dhibane: this is very normal.Infact its just a phase of self discovery.traditionally somalis have dealt with this development through strong faith in religeon.They still do.Write me back-do you fit any of this profile i set for you?

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Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 08:53 am
Safiya, for your information, a perosn who used to have social interactions can become a social phobic. This can be triggered by any number of factors, trauma, stress, lost of loved one, or any number of unexplained reasons etc.
Look up why people become agrophobic.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 09:09 am

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Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 10:47 am

and for reference information: the example you have given are categorised in 'temporary disconnection of emotion'-it cannot cause a serious illnes as 'social phobia'-these examples are part of human life circle and are easily 'key word-easiny-'HEALED' with progress of time.Social phobia is moderately connected with the brains's part that is used to reason.But thats an interesting concept-i'll forward that to my instructor-maybe we'll have an intersting discussion.!Thank you!

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Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 01:53 pm
walaal safiya,waa ku farxay gabar somaliyeed oo ku
takhasuuseeyso cilmiga psycology,hase yeeshee tilmaamahii sheegtay waxaan ka soo galayaa,first
"Extremely shy person"and very scary to be judged
by other people,and i use to have a panic attack
which in fact disappeared after using "PAXIL" oo
Dhaqtarka ii soo qoray,but i still have some problems left untreated oo ah "NERVOUSNESS"especially markaan dad cusub ama
Somali ha noqdo ama ajnabi waxaan la kulmaa alert
"NERVOUS"oo definately iga dareemayo qof kasta ee
ila taagan ama fadhiya,walaal I love meeting with
people especially my people "SOMALI COMMUNITY",but
I still have these difficulties,of being nervous
markii hore waxaan ahaa qof jecel inaan la arkinba
sababta oo keentayna waa cudurkan"Social anxiety disorder" ama S.A.D....

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Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 03:28 am

walaaal maxaadsaaniid, waxaan umeeleynaya inaad - i just think you have to come ove ryour shyness behavior and try not to have paranoi feelings that you may constantly have.For example do not worry if you make a good impression on meeting new people just be yourself.I think a lot of the problem lies there:urge to be flawless in eyes of others!and you dont have to interact and be mr king of socialism-just have close neat friends and you'll be alright-again everything -is the mind.Control the mind and everything will fall into places.although am a child psychology student-its sort of my duty to believe in thge drug they prescribe-but i personally think only through therapy re-habilitaion would make a big difference.say-change habits-create new beneficial pattern of lifestlyes-bring some HAPINNESS TO YOUR LIFE-!!!!!!
off-psychology science-read quraaan- walaal daawoo bee kunooqoneysaa!!! good luck walaal~!

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Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 06:42 am
Sister safiya I want to thank you again for your
Tips,I never visited to Congnitive behaviour therapist doctor before and i was planing to go and see him,but not now.because i still taking this medicine "PAXIL",and really felt great,excpt
These "Nervousness".and i agree with the reading
Quraan and Salaad will get rid off every disease
God created,sister i have one you
Think there is a medicine to relax your muscles and nervousness,and if there is what is the name
of that medicine.because i tried to be myself when
am with people,sister believe me i even try to be happy and talk about the discussion,i could not.
Especially my face my Impressions comming off my
face are killing one around me is confortable with me because i can feel it from them.only the new people,but other friends am fine
with them,i mean old friends.please if you have any other techniques tell me,cause i can't go to job interview,I walk away from my other job "CHARLES SCHWAB & CO." because of meetings and
Discussions day to day.
Nice talking to you,hopefully we talk some more later on.and now am thanking you again for your help sister. bye now

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