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Arabic jokes

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (May 2000 - August 2000): Arabic jokes
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Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 05:05 pm
Maraa kaan fii waaxid saceedi dakhal el xamaam waa macaah sulaam .
Gaalulo .. bitacmil eeh bil sulam yaa humaar ,
gaal calashaan il reeha titlac.

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Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 06:16 pm
,,,,Shinuuh yaa bit? ma inti daayir taguul leenaa haadiy nukta? Cajiib!!!!Gulta calshaan alriixa tidlac,,,,,Diih maa nugda ,,,Jiib Nugda Calashaan nitxik,,,Fihimta yaa bit!!!!~~~~~~~~~

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 02:37 am
marra kaan waaxid saciidi biyakul biyad alyusra
fa gaaluuloh alshaytan biyakul macak,fa raax xatta sum fil akal.hahaahaaha
dunya xassa anaa muta'akkid inti cirifti anaa miiiiiiiinnn?

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 03:52 am
Tabcan jamaaal ..
Nuktaa helwaa bishakl ..
gibtahaa minein .. ahahaah

Ya sudani ya neefow .. cayiz nukta xelwa.
tayeb ..
Mara kaan fii waaxid amrikii waa britaani raxuu el saxara for camping ... raax macaahum waxid siceedi for guide. Taahuu , waa daacu ayaam ..
lama ticibuu , el amrikii waqac cala haja , laqaa misbaax ...kanat wiskhaa fanadafhaa ...
talac minuu waxid cifreet ..qaal ..shubeik lubeik cantar bin ideek .. kuli waxid feekum cinduu umniaa .. raax el amrikii qaal .. wadinii baladiii tacabt, wazahiqt ..pooof rax amrikaa .
Door il britaani ..qaal ..wadinii baladii cayiz artaax ...pooof ..rax britaania .
Iga door il saceedi ....rax aaaaal kilaab xaysiibunii liwaxdii ...rajuchum ya cantar.

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 04:01 am
mara kaan fii waxid saceedi ..
rakab el qatr lii awal mara , waa macaax sactuu il gedidaa biyitbaahaa bihaa .
Dakhal il qatr ..waa xataa iidu bara il shubaak ...qatr thani mara qatruu waa khalac iiduu ..raax aaal .. il sacaaa ya ibn el kalab.

Ya neeefow biti lama tibitak , yaa zol. Mukhak naashif cumrak maa xatifham nukta ..bayin.

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 04:37 am
yaa bintii daah nukda xilwa,imaa Neefoow:mush muquhu naashifa,caiz axad ya fahimhu bil hadaawa.
imaa anaa nukdatii cala dariiq ha toowsalak bil waqtil mu naasib.

ee daah yaa raagil anta dalacta saciidi asiil bedel xamaraawi asiil,qud baalak min nafsak anta walad dhayid wa calaa niyaatak,kam nooc minal fuul akalta anta?
ha kuu macaanaato,anaa waraa ak wa zaman dhawiil.
nabad iyo caano

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 04:55 am
heyyyyyyy dunya!!!!,,,,this is're sooo funny,,,,,,,,just wanted 2 drop u a line so i did...take care baby boo....
Mahito :-)

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 07:39 am
Salaam ukhti matty ..
Drop in some of your jokes ya xababtii ..
cause i always loved them ya ukhti el cazeeza.
Daxakinii showaya .
You know the address ....
take care mahito.

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 10:10 am
xamar dayow afkasta isku daydeene idinkiyo odaygaas neefoolaha iyo midkan jamaal la magac baxay hadaanan chines ku soo qorin waad arki doontaan laydin kari waaye .
waa inoo tahay soo siyaar garoowa.
hi hu haah


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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 10:34 am

Where is the joke i was expecting one. Next time read the title before you post anything. just teasing you.

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 11:36 am
kamal sxbow ha ku dhumin meeshan rag aa isherdihaayo hadii kale........

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 01:09 pm
Aaluu liwaxid masri "wecel"fasa'l maa macnaa wecel fa'aaluu loh "kariim"fa'aal dil macne kida int wecel wa'abuuk wecel wajaduk wecel.

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 01:17 pm
Fii waaxid min zamaan sa'al Al-imam caliyibnabii daalib fa'aal "lam takun fitnah walaa khilaaf fii cahdi abii bakr wafii cahdi cumar falimadaa fii cahdik wafii cahdi cusman"fa'jaab cali "kaana abaa bakr wacumar yaxkumaani amthalii ammaa ana fa'axkumu amthalak washatana baynii wabaynak"

wa shaaf cali yow waaxid yastaqfirullah bisurcah xataa maa yukmil kalimatil istiqfaar fa'aal loh yaa rajul inahaadal istiqfaar nafsoh fii xaaja ilastiqfaar taanii.

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 01:21 pm
Wa mara waaxid kaan yuxaawil ixraj ilimam ashafici bisu'aal fasa'al "hal yajuuz xakuljild filxaj" fa'ajaabal imam nacam fasa'al ilaa mataa yajuuz"faqal shafici "ilaa antad hara cidaamak

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Friday, June 23, 2000 - 01:23 pm

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Saturday, June 24, 2000 - 01:00 am
Xaaji mim,

soo deeybo shiinees,jabaanees inta ba sidii loo ciyaaro aan u ciyaareeynaa,adi karanbo haddiin kugu dayno af fircooni?

kumi iyo taano qaado ee iska bax waanawareerisaye.

nawad iyo caano

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Saturday, June 24, 2000 - 05:37 am
yaa xamardaye
ashkurak jiddan calal mujamala,bas icmil xisaabak
low jareet waraaya xa titcab lia'nno anaa shabaab
wa inta shayyib haahahaahaahaha.
nukta xaqiiqiyya
kaanat ayaamal xarb beyn north wa south yemen.
wakanu yaxarabu bi sawariikh skad(scud missile).
fa waqacat scud fi ixda mabaani fi sanca.
wa dammarat albeyt.ajaa saaxibal beyt wa sa'al
eesh haadaa? fa qaaluloh haadaa scud qiimatoh nus
milyoon dollar...faqaal;yaa rabbi ma yarsilu waxda
taniya(another scud) calaa beytii altaani.haahaa
jamaaal4(xamarawi asal not sacidi asal)

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Saturday, June 24, 2000 - 09:00 pm
jamaal4 + dunya,

is ma cuu daah,
kaana waaxid saciidi,lamaa yanaam bi ya xud taxta ra'suhu maclaqah,calashaan ya alib xilmuhu.
GAX GAX GAX GAAAAAAAX,eesh ra'yukum?

kaanad imra'a xaamilah,alahaa walad kamaan,carafat al mar'al xaamilah li fi badhnahaa binti,wa qararat ta samiihaa ASIA,walad haa raaxa AL- madrasa,wa ustaad sa'alahu eeyna taqic ASIA?

nabad iyo caano

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Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 12:23 am
tadakarta nukta xilwa ismac yaa raagil,

Waaxid Saciidi,xadhaa gidaam al televisiyoon SALADA,wa sa a luu naas,leesh xadheeyta SALADA gidaamil televesiyoon? qaala calashaan yadlac

limaadaa saciidi ya'khud wiyaahu sukar,lamaa ya saafar qurba? calashaan qurba murra.
ah aha ahaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

ishbacuu anti wal carab,wa idxakuu mithla maa antum caaiziin,al-dunyaa yoomeeyn.

nabad iyo caano

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Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 02:43 am
miin alcarab haadaa yaa xamardaye??????

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Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 05:34 am
Xamardaye + fahad + jamaal

Daxaktuuni ya gamaca ..
That was hilarious .
Tell me more when you remember.
let me tell you this one .

Mara kaan fii waxid mareed jidan, fa raax laa ductoor minal el saceed for check up ..
El doctoor aal irjac bukraa calshaan tishoof el nateeja.
Farajac el mareeth thaani youm ..
el saceedi (doctor) aal: Ya rajil cindi lak khabar xelu wa khabar say'e.
Mareeth aal: Iish il khabar il xelu awal ?
Doctor : xatciish kamaan 24 saaca.
Mareeth : uu shou el khabar il say'e ?
Doctor : Niseet aqulak em baarex.

cala ra'e xamar .. qax qax qax qax

Salaam ya somaal

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Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 05:51 am

mush kulunaa carab yaa jamaal(arbaca)?
anta boowdiyo gaab?
anta macaawiis gaab?
anta daan dheere?
sidii qaad loogu gurahayay.
bi sharafii dalacta carabi,
ba khaaf minak al xiin,
calashaan in aan dhulka wax ka soo qabsado,
ah gax gax ah gax ah gax gax gaaaaaaax.

yaa bintii na siixa minii, lamaa tadxakii shiilii cilgah min bu ak,calashaan eeh..............

nabad iyo caano

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Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 07:35 am
wa inta ya xamar
naseexa minii ya ibn al cam ..
sheel el QAAT min bu'ak lama tidxak ..
calashaan eeeh ......


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Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 10:45 pm
ceeb yaa xamardaye
xanasii'li bacd walla eeeeh?
wabacdeen kunna xamaraawiyiin,eeh gaab boodigaab?
xanaqabyal cala bacd walla eeeeh?
anaa muta'akid inta bitihazzar....sax?
mafiish nukta alyoom??caamil idraab????

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Monday, June 26, 2000 - 11:25 am
Dunya lol....

idaa shiilta qaad min bu'ii,
man yabniilii nus il cimaaraat li fil balad bi leel?
wa man yahdim bi nahaar cimaaraat li baneeyta bi leel?
inti binti xalaal,daxaktiini,ashkurak.

mush ba hazar,
ba khaaf minak yaa xamaraawi.
qaliinaa na kamil al yoom al idraab,
maa fiish nukta.

nabad iyo caano

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Monday, June 26, 2000 - 03:07 pm
mara kaanat hunaak waxdah masriyah walahaa walad saqiir fakaanat bitxaawil tifkhar sadiiqathaa bi'no cindehaa walad daki,smart yacnii wakaanil walad saqiir jidan fasa'alathu ibni eesh ya'ti bacdal alif ,calshaan ya'uul baa fa'aal kuluxuruuf ta'tii bacdal alif

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Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 11:34 am
Alcarab acraabi, low jaa' min Qahira ow min Sancaa, yakhizin ow ya'kul fuul.

If you wanna joke why don't ya go to the Ila Qosol page. Yaa carab futo cad, intiina kalena waa intii uu soo tarxiilay miyaa, oo ka qaraaban jirtay Kilo Sabca iyo Saxiifa. Maad afkiina ku sheekeysataan miyaydaan luqad lahayn.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 11:36 am
Khayoo maa iltilak laa taxkii haay lahjee miyat alfa maree? khaadraak.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 11:42 am
Ninkaagan soomaali isku sheegay:
1-maxaa cadeynaya inaad soomaali tahay.
2-maxaa ku baray kiilo sabca iyo saxeefa.
3-Qoraalkaaga maxaad ku bilowday,waa adiga naxariis ka raadinayo afka soomaaliga.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 03:50 pm
mase ogtahay in somalidu carab tahay luqadeenuna ay tahay luqada carabiga iyo somaliga fiiri lahjadeena somaliga 80%waa kalimaad carabi.

wadaniyadu ma'aha somali lala baxo ee wadaniyadu waa aqoonyahan yaqaan dadkisa iyo luqadiisa,umana baahnin canug ay france ama westernka soo naas nuujiyeen.

finally waxaan uga digayaa dhamaan maangaabka adiga kula midka ah ee aan kala saarin biyaha iyo budada in ay afka ka daayaan mujtamaca qiimaha badan ee somaliyeed ee carbeed hadii kalena waxan ka qaadi doona tallabo waafaqsan dastuurka jaamacada carabta ee lagu ciqaabo khaa'inul wadanada.

N.B. jaamacada carabta waa aalad ay yahuud isticmasho mana ka tarjumto rabitaanka shucuubtena carbeed

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Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 04:35 am

saaxiibayaaloow waxaa dhacday in iskoolka sheeq suufi aan bilaabay bas koo oo masri ah aa basaajo nasiiyey maalintii labaad ee aan iskoolka tagno aniga iyo sedex kaleeto oo carabiga uu u gooyey bas masrigii intuu carabi daldalay uu waxuu yiri shukran yaa awladii markaasaa meeshii laga rabay in aan dhaho cafwan baa waxaan iri bukran lolol

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Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 04:56 am

Nin hurda ayaa tahay, haddaad soo jeedi lahayd waan kula hadli lahaa. Waxaa ii muuqata inaad seexatay waagii uu Radio Muqdishu dhihi jiray "Anaa Jaamac"

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Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 06:59 am
jamaal4 & duniya,

Anaa waqafta al idraab,ismacuu yaa carab:

mara kaanuu bi yalcabuu lucba,waaxid amriiki,wa waaxid ingiliisi,wa waaxid thaalith masri,ayi waaxid bi yaquul kalmad UF,bi yadlac minal lucba,
fil qurfa saqiira xadhiinahum khanaaziir kathiira,
wa kulu waaxid min hum ha yadkhul li waxduhu,dakhala al amriiki,maa is taxmila cala riixa, wa qaala Uf, dalaca mina licib,wadakhala al thaani ingiliisi, bac shuweeya qaala UF,wa huwa kamaan dalaca mina lucbah,al thaalith wal a khiir al saciidi daqala, awal maa dakhala al khanaaziir qaaluu UF UF UF UF.......

yaa suumaali,
haddii aad dhibsatay isaga tag qolkaan,
haddii kaleh intaad wax soo heehaabaneeyso,
il biriqsi yeeykaa gaarsiinin, kuwaan waa caraboobeen ee ka leexo waa iga talo.

akhadta doosh baarid walaa saakhin?
yaa zool isxa wa qaliinaa na shufak,
idraabka jooji.

nabad iyo caano

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Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 07:28 am
Daxaktinii moot ya xamrawi ya bitaac el idraab..

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Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 04:45 pm
wax carabi ma aha waxaad ku hadleysaa, ee somaligiina isaga noqda. hadey dhab idinta ka tahay iigu soo gala

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xamardaye&carab bi akmilihaa

Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 06:55 am

rag faanay waa ri is nuugtay,
baashaalka dhinacaada ka soo raac,
haddii uu san ku cajabinin,
al-baab ya fuut Jamal,
wa khud waraa ak.

nabad iyo caano

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 06:57 am
Waaryaadhehee kuwii cadcaddaa baan u taag weynaye saa waa kuwiina madmadow oo sheegatada ah. Haddaba wax la shegtaa badane carab yaanyow maxaa la iskaga dhejiyaa, mise sheekooyinkii khayaaliga ahaa ee siyad Baree ayaa weli dhegeha idinkaga qufulan. Waar ordayoo shaqo yeesha.

Maandhow cayaayirka iga daa carabi waa naage

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 07:26 am

Duf ku bax, maxaa carab ku daba dhiga.LOL

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 08:41 am

duf iyo darxumo ku baxe iska daa ninka Somaliga ah, ma carab baa ku wasi jirtay, maxaad ugu naageyneysaa, mise carab is mood baa tahay.

Just shut up

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 09:56 am
Ow shut up yourself luggoyo and look at where you're standing MR., get your stinky, chicken leg out of our Arabic room because ha carab ban nahay, do you have a problem with that.
Waryaa dhagayso.. we are somalies as unfortunately you are ...but a person who has more is better than a person who has less.
We have 2 languages , 2 cultures and alhamdulilah for that .. ..illahay muxuu iri "be content with what you have for thats the key for happiness".
We are content and proud of it and we show it, so beat it.

Ismacuu ya kamal, fahad,jamaal wa akheeran wa lasa aakhiran xamardaye.

A Saceedi was visiting Cairo when a POOR person asked him to give him one pound so that he could ride the bus. The saceedi insisted that he only had a twenty pound bill. Don't worry, said the man from Cairo, I can give you change for the twenty.


Mara waaxid Saceedi entered an appliance store and said to the salesman, "I want to buy that TV." The salesman said to him, "I don't sell to Saceedis. Angry, the Saceedi left, determined to by the TV. He waited three days, grew a beard, and then entered the store again. He found a different salesman and said that he wanted to buy the TV. The salesman said, "We don't sell to Saceedis. Even more angry, the saidi went home, shave, put on a dress and makeup and entered the store as a woman. He asked again, but got the same answer. Puzzled, he told the salesman, "I've changed my disguise three times and gone to different salesmen, how did you know I was a Saceedi?" The salesman said, "Sir, this is a Microwave."

For a change .. english in not that bad ..]
Salaam ya carab.

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 01:28 pm
yaa carab,
tas taxaquuna haay nukta bac da camal shaaq.

Marra waaxid Saciidi ishtaraa tv,wa lamaa wasala beeytuhu,wa walaca tv,shaafa al mudiica nus jismahaa(qaarka sare oo kaliyah),zacala saciidi,wa raaxa ishtaraa thaani tv,naf sa sheey,raaxa wa ishtaraa ilaa sabca tv,wa xadha foowqa bac dhihim,naas is taq rabuu wa sa'aluu leesh sabca tv xadheeyta foowqa bacdhiihum?
ah ah ah aaaaaaaaah,gax gax gax gaaaaaaaax.
maa xadish ya rud cala shatiima,
haddi kaleh weey sii wadi wasaqda.

nabad iyo caano

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 01:34 pm

Microwave ha,,, that was good one,.. More please..

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Friday, June 30, 2000 - 02:03 pm
More is comin your way
Ismacu ya carab.

There was once a police officer who was assigned to patrol the desert at night. Every night, a priest would take his motorcycle and travel from the monestary to the city. This would wake the officer up every night and the officer wished to put an end to it, but the priest had his documentation and the officer could do nothing. But the officer tried to reason with the priest; he said, "Aren't you afraid, of traveling alone in the dark in the desert?" The priest said, "You see, I have with me here the father, the son, and the holy spirit." The officer responded, " 4 people on a motorcycle, citation you bastard, daa mamnooc ya ibn kalb."

A Saceedi went to the doctor and told him that his eyes hurt every time he drinks tea. The doctor, knowing the man was a Saceedi told him to take the spoon out of the cup.

Enjoy ..
xacmil idraab till the rest writes .
Anaa mush suuq nukat..just kidding..
Salaam ya carab

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Friday, June 30, 2000 - 02:28 pm
It was announced that two Internet companies, Netcom and Yahoo, will merge to form one company. The name of the new company will be called
"Net-n-Yahoo" !!!

By the way ,..
this is a joke ..
saxabt idraaabi ..

Each night when Ali would eat with his wife and two sons at home, his wife would prepare the same meal: Cous-cous. While this was Ali's favorite food at the time of his wedding, he had come to detest it, having been obliged to eat the same thing for twelve years. But he was a man who kept his own counsel and so he had never complained about his wife's monotonous selection of cuisine. But one night, he snapped. She laid the steaming plate before him saying, "Ali, your favorite! Cous-cous!" He grabbed the plate, lept up and hurled it out the window. But then his eleven year old son, Ahmed, picked up his chair and threw it out the window also. Ahmed then followed up by quickly tossing out his silverware.
"Ahmed", shouted Ali, "what are you doing?"

"I thought we were eating outside in the yard, Dad."


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Monday, July 03, 2000 - 01:52 am
nugta baikha ha ha ha

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Monday, July 03, 2000 - 04:29 am

Naa carab waxba kuuma galine ma ku cuni jireen, oo waxaad ahayd kuwa ka qaraabta muwaladiinta markay Sucuudiga ka soo laabtaan oo afar xabo oo carabi ah intay meelahaas ka baawsadaan, iska dhiga inay fahmayaan oo markii af carabi lagula hadlo yiraahda "NACAM' xataa haddii uu yiraahdo, gadaal aan kaa qabanaa, illeen carab meeshaas waa laga raacaye.

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Monday, July 03, 2000 - 07:06 am
Maxaa ku baray in carabta gadaal laga raacay?

waa ceeb in aad inanta caaydo,qofwalbo xur buu u yahay wixi cajabiyo in uu ka hadlo,so, orodoo soo hel meel aad sheekada iyo kaftankaba aad ka miisto.
Miyeeysan hablo kula dhalanin?
Miyaadan hablo dhalin?
Miyeeysan ku dhalin?
waxaan filaa in aad ka noqoto.

nabad iyo caano

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Monday, July 03, 2000 - 07:45 am
,,,,Ma lisa gaaciddiin hinna,,Khaliik dixik yaa XamarDaye,,Bas shuuf bacathtaleek rasaa'il bituuc al qaraam,,,,Nukud abuu Cubeyd!!!!!

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Monday, July 03, 2000 - 09:33 am

Profanity and cheap insults are not welcomed here. If you are seeking for attention you come to the wrong place. Take your little brain and go somewhere else. You are disgrace to all of us, may I suggest course 101 on behavior.

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Monday, July 03, 2000 - 10:10 am
aryaa xamardaye aaway aa ku hayaa asna meeshaan aas saciidi fiiqis ku juraa ,
aryaa hee dhaha mahaan walax aan saciidi ahayn maba fadho ma is dhehdeen.
ar aaway carabtii kale bal i sii suga aan usoo wacee.


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Monday, July 03, 2000 - 10:36 am
waa ku arki waase khasaaro,
tacab shiidle tacabkeeyni,
wadaan leen soo jiidoohaa,
markiin kor keeno biyaba ma ku jiraan,
maxaad ka tiri taas,kor aa inoo ballan ah.


kun jeer,ku aamus,
ha hoo, anta qulta nukta xilwa.
qaliinaa baashir aqul nukta xilwa
anaa kamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

nabad iyo caano

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Monday, July 03, 2000 - 12:32 pm
Xamardaye iyo Kamaal

Adinka ma carab jacayl aa u caaynaysaan ninkaan, idinka idin lama hadlin, gabar baa af lagaadaysay, wuu u jawaabay, maxaa idin soo dhexgaliyay. Carabta waxaan ka sii necbahay kuwa u naageeya.

Luggoyo, waa kugu raacsanahay halkaas ka wad saxib, anaa kula neceb carab iyo wixii ay fadareeyeen oo dhan.

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Dunya carab lover

Monday, July 03, 2000 - 06:00 pm
to Xaajow and lugooyo

Dadkan dhexgalaya waa walaalahay and they are more man than you for sticking up for their sisters...And if you ever call them "naago", you better watch your back MR, for they are more men than you are "Cow look alike grass/Qaat eater (no offence to xamardaye here), good for nothing , proud for nothing somali, niman ismoodaya." Why dont you act like one, cause some woman normally sit around and do nothing but talk just like you guyz do ,sit around in makhaayadaha taking about other people and other cultures, you men have low self-esteem for criticising other people's culture....and now your calling other men whom deserved to be called GENTLEMEN "naago" cause they stick by their sister.I feel sorry for you people, cause you need to go to a school to get two diplomas in resposibility and in being a real man.

Logooyo ... i see your jealous because you dont understand arabic. Yaa xaraam ..mantu kuluku kida ..min baraa hala hala wa min guwaa yiclam allah. Oooops i wouldnt think you just understood what i said, maa kukorin carabaha, but i was and maan i have a degree in arabic so is every arab somali here, cause we dont sit around like you do in north america, we learn.
And hey .. " Nacam atakalmul carabiya waa anaa fakhoora behaa ya gazma,oooooow i see i know more than "NACAM" and my vocabulary is hell more than yours in somali cause the profanity your using means you cant go beyond that.

We learned to respect and stick for eachother against any bully, rascist or a discriminator, unlike somali men as yourself who think they are superior to other people.You think low of any race even your own, because of your kind we dont have a country to get back to .. bloody rascist and clanist.You are no better than an Arab or a non-somali, cause you are all the same for Allah.

Thanx akhi kamaal and akhi xamardaye ..
And hey .. i realized english is baaaaaaaad .no more jokes in english ... thanx anonymous, taalcaa min bu' ak zayil sukar, they say el saraaxa raaxa.

Nabad iyo ishtaa bil casal...

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Monday, July 03, 2000 - 11:59 pm

ayamaan caayay?

dira diraale,

dabka dhig.

nabad iyo caano

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Tuesday, July 04, 2000 - 08:32 am

Since you hate Arabs next time before you click on this page read the title it says Arabic Jokes. That means, this page is designated for those who enjoy Arabic culture and literature. When Dunya created this folder she had no clue that uncivilized jerks like you will participate, and bother his fellow Somalis just because they know extra language.
Xaajoow my brother, it is really unfortunate that we share the same flag and country.

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 04:47 am

Waad ka doqonsantahay intaan ku moodaayay, waxaad tiri "check the page before you click" bal doqonyahow meesha ma waxaad ku aragtaa "Arabnet" mise "Somalinet" xoolo inaad tahay taas ayaa ii caddeyneysa, ee intaad bacaaaaaac dhihi lahayd iska aamus aamuskaad ku roontahaye.


Naayaa, naga aamus annagu carab ma nihine oo waxay ku bareen kuuma samayn karnee, illeen faro xumeynta noocaas ah Somali laguma yaqaanee, edeb yeelo oo ragga afkaaga dheer ha ku taagin, haddaad carabi ku caytantana kamaba diiro saa waaba af carabiye.


Marba dhinac ha idiin rogto, mar ha idin dhahdo af ingiriis ha lagu qoro, marna carabi ee iska daba socda idinku.

Waa ka baxay

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 05:29 am

I was talking about this particular page idiot. I think we are having language barrier here. I will ignore you from now on, so hit the road and look for someone in you level.

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 07:19 am

miyaan kuu soo dacwooday?
miyaan wax kuu dhimay?
miyaan is naqaan?
afkaada iga xiro inta aanan wax xil leh kaaga oowdin.

colaad iyo dhiig

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 07:53 am
So xamar ..
Any jokes .. wallah badeit el idraab thani ?
Leih ya cam ..

Kamaal ..
yalla ... these people are in our ignore list so to hell with them.
Il baab yifawit jamalein ya lugooyo. So hit the road jack.
By the way ,, you said " rag " in your comment ..i think thats a typo. ;)

Mara kaan fii waxid saceedi qaacid calaa al ard biyutukh fil hawaa .. galoolo bitacmil eh yaa rajil.. gaal balcab ataari.

Mara kaan fii namlatein banu beit fii ard ..
ijaa el fiil qaal .. itlacu min ardii ..
el namletein aalu .. tayeb , yala nitcaarik ,weli yifooz yakhud el ard ..
el fiil al : laaa mush mumkin .. ana waxid wintu ithnein.

Salaam ya carab ..

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 08:22 am

gax gax gax gaaax,
walla daxaktiini,

idraab, laa maa fiish idraab,
fii xarbi, maa shuftish toowqiicii?
dhowr nuktadood cala dhariiq yaa bintii,
usbur caleya shuweeeeeeeeeeya,.
calashaan asakit al ciyaal.

nabad iyo caano

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 08:57 am
Saceedii, for the first time visits Cairo,
he goes into washroom and pulls the flash,
and water starts pouring he gets scared.
Rushes out and he takes taxi to his village.
His friends start asking him how is Cairo.
He replies "zamaanhaa khirigat"lol

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 01:20 pm
War anakaa balaayo aragnay, war labo nin oo naagi hoggaaminayso oo hadba dhan u wadato illeen kaama leexdaan,

War Lugooyo, ma yaabtay anigu yaabaye, horta naagta la hadli maayo saa waaba naage, ee labada caran ee daba dhareeraya ee raggana ku aflagaadeynaya carab darteed, war waxaan idin idhi, maad tagtaan meelaha carabtu isku khaniisto haddaad saa u jeceshihiin, dulli alla maxay labo dulli yihiin oo jaahilnimadii intay ka badatay u haysta hadday af qalaad ku hadlaan inay ilbax yihiin, war bal horta kiina barta, markaa ku kale ku dara.

Lugooyo, nabadeey saxib

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 02:30 pm

Dunya,,Xamardaye,, here we go again,,, another freak !!!!! just put him in the ignore list!!!!!!!!

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 05:06 pm
LOL..LOL.....ooooooooooooooooooow yeah .
I can see maa cinduhum shughlaaana .

Kamaal .. daxaktiniii ya akhi. More jokes plzzz.
Xamardaye .... sakit el ciyaaal yalla and dont keep me waiting,if you need a babysitter just call me.

Salaam ya carab.

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Wednesday, July 05, 2000 - 07:35 pm


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Thursday, July 06, 2000 - 12:21 pm

Mara kaan waaxid soomali yacmal fisacudiyah fakaan yaqsil sayaarat,faltagaa waaxid thari cindo maal faqasl sayaarto wabacdeen raax ilal madcam calshaan yagid some food wa'akhad dajaaja mashwiyah fawajad gudaamo bolis yas'al al-iqama fa'aal laxdah fasawaa loo idajaja calshaan yukhrij il-rukhsah minalboket faraax yahrab washurdiyo yaxmil idajaaja

By the way i can't watch these narrow minded people visit our room and xaar on it please if you don't speak arabic "falaa taxsud fadlulaahi calaa ikhwatik,and imagine how nasty is some one who's abusing some body becouse she's open minded

any way dunya sorry about everthing from "asufahaa'a" and we're really proud of you and your patiant keeb up,i forget to say kamaal wa xamraawi keef kum idraab caam walaa khaas

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Saturday, July 08, 2000 - 02:09 pm
hi dunya ican see that you are doing a good job ..i like most of the joke and i am the number one joker.. this one is 4 u..
waxeda xoorma maca ibnaha raxoo all shorta(police) fa gall lahaa all shortii ay kedmaa fa galat aywa zougy (husbend) thaac fa gall lahaa all shortii awseefii zougik fa galat zougy regaal taweel we xelow we labese badlaa xelwaa fa gall lahaa ibnahaa mama hatha mush aboyia fa galat auskot begebo lana waxed axlaa men abouk.. hahahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhhahahhahahahahhhhahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhhahahhahahhahahahhaI LOVE IT DONT U..

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Saturday, July 08, 2000 - 06:41 pm
tamara .. fahad ...and suhaair
These jokes are hilarious ..
Now i really dont regret opening this page .
Welcome to the club suhair

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Sunday, July 09, 2000 - 05:15 pm
Kidbat carrafah

kaanat hunaaka waxda carrafah bas tazcum anaha carfah bilmustaqbal walqayb faraaxat ilaa waaxid muflis faqaalat lah:idaa maa tusawwinii riyaal waaxid bakhbiruk can mustaqbalik fadaxak waqaala lahaa yaa miskiinah low kunti tacrifiinal qayba lacarafti ananii laa amlik xataa riyaal

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Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 08:39 pm fahad
People .. shuwaya shuwaya calaya ..
you want me to get a heart attack.
They say il dexk biyitawil el cumr.
Laakin kidaa mush sexii khaalis.LOL

Mara fii waxid sacedi youm cursuu, xab yacmil leila xamra ..walac fil shagaa .

Mara waxid saceedi ..maratu khalafat taw'am ..raax calshaan yidawar cala el ab il taani.

Mara waxid saceedi rax il qaahira ,sa'al waxid .. il sacaa cindak kaam .. rax il taani aal arabaca wa nus ....raax qalu ... eeh il balad il kadaaba dii ... min el subx kuli ma as'al il saca kam ...yuqululi tawqeet mukhtalif.


Salaam ya carab

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Thursday, July 13, 2000 - 01:22 pm

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Friday, July 14, 2000 - 12:24 pm
Lol lol that's funny DUnya suhair more please

Marra kaan saciid yatzawag min waxdah masriyah wabacdil curs raax wazogtu ilaa beetih calaa matni ximaar fawaqafl ximaar faqaal asaciidi haadihii waaxdah wabacda qaliil waqaf faqaal esaciidi wahadihi thanya wabacda qaliil waqaf fastakhrak bunduqiyah faqatal faqaalat cariisatuh:yaa liqalbin qaasin cindak lima qatalta hadal miskiin faqaal esaciidi hadihii waaxdah.
ikmil min caqlik

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Friday, July 14, 2000 - 12:27 pm


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Friday, July 14, 2000 - 10:11 pm
halla yaa gamaaca,suhair wlc ya akhti i loved your joks khusuusan al akhiira lidunya hahahahaha
dunya i don't know how you look like but atkhayaltik hahahah.
fahad ama inta lu'da yaa akhuuya,viva to this page
kaan fi waaxid suceydi kaan raa'ex ila alqaahira faqaalat sowjatuhu(yaa mutawali khud hadihii alkalsoonaat al tinteen walbashum lama inta raa'ex ilal qaahira)the second day when mutaweli dalac al qidaar ila qaahira fagalas qudaam ma'a warafac his feet on his seat,than mutaweli shaaf al mar'a alidii gaalsa qudaamahu her eye become so wide open and her face become red, fa aal mutaweli li sit (ee ya sit dana cidi mino itneen)but yaa gamaaca mutaweli nasa ilbas alkalsaan HAHAHAHA WASIT KAANAT SUHAIR HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA.

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Friday, July 14, 2000 - 11:17 pm
tamara and suhair
nukaat bitaackum baikhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
takhallinaa nakhjal min qira'athaa.
lan wa lan aqra' nukaat bitaackum taani marra.
xacmil idraab juz'i min qiraa'athaa.

xamaraawi khush nahi he(xamarawi is not happy).

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Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 12:39 am
Jamaal 4,

Jamaal dar alla ku dag idraabka inaga la her,
ee bal tan iga qabta:

marra, Husni Mubaarak bitaaca Masar, ayaa wuxuu qado sharaf ugu wacay madaxda carabta oo dhan,
ba da' yu wa zic raiis mubaarak qadadi, firaaq oow
DIIK,ayuu qeeybinaayay, kulu ru asaa ul carab acdhaa waxda, waxda (mid mid),lamaa wasala cinda raiis SADAAM, acdhaa 3 diikaat, so SAADAAM, sa'ala
raiis Mubaarak, leesh aad ii siineeysaa saddex diikood oo inta kaleh aad u siisay xabad,xabad....
Mubaarak qaala, daah(hal diik):diik u mak, wa diih(hal diik):diik abuuk, wa kan saddexaad,diih kamaan: diik diikak.....carab oo dhan adiga ayaa ugu hunguri weyn.........faq faq faq faq,,,,,,,,,faaaaaaaaq.

nabad iyo caano.

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Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 08:23 am
To suhair and tamara
Allah yisaamxekum .. you guyz hate me that much i know your kidding .. its okay ..
but how come we make fun sacaydaas and we dont put our selves in their shoes .. its okay if you joke about me.
Maqbool ...

but hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .. i should have put rules and regulation on what jokes we can tell here ..
NO DIRTY JOKES I MEAN... thats what jamaal el raabic cashar is trying to say ... tislam ya malik (mush faransa laakin xamar )
But not the american way of jokes which is far more than dirty .. but ololol the carbi way of dirty jokes .. disgusting ones i mean ...
lets be different .... i was reading the ila qosol page and there were some somali dirty jokes ....... made me sick wallah.

to fahad .. Allaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ..
yislam lisaanak ya ustaathana ..
i love your ashcaar ... i would love to hear more..

Xamaraawi .. you turned into a deek yourself .. lol.. tufaqfiqu mithlal duyooki ya ibn el cam ...... good joke..

My well is dry now .. i got no jokes ..
but when i do .. i promise it will be a clean one.

Jamaal abo arabaca .. bala idraab .. ixnaa mush fii balad diimoqraatia ya akhii .. yaacni el kul ismac kalaam el xukoomaa aaaaaaa ...inta xatacmili il shuwayiteen bitoocak ili itcalimtuu min bilaad el afrang waa mac donalds.. laaaaaaaa.
Irgac laa aslak waa faslak ..waa guthoorak ya bitaac ardii bilaad el bunt wal bitroool to be continued

Salaam ya xukooma

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Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 11:23 am
tamara that was my lucky day lol only joking
ill get u soon ya tamara all xum...??? lol sis.

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Monday, July 17, 2000 - 08:34 am
there was this newlyweded couple the morning after there wedening night the new wife prepared the breakfast for her husband and woke him up saying:honey its breakfast time wakey wakey baby
he said:i dont need no breakfast i can have u for breakfast and he started having sex with her until he fell a sleep around launch time she did the same thing made him launch woke him up and he responded in the same way he did in the morning he said:i dont need no lauch i can have u for lauch and they both got busy doin it ,the husband went out and returned around dinner time to find his wife sitting with her legs wide spread open infront of the heater he assumed that shes sick or something and asked her what she was doin
she said:warming your dinner.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 11:12 am
BUT NO COMMENT? hahahahahahahahahahhahhahaaha....
soory i know it is a dirty one but i had to laugh

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The Teacher

Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 05:21 pm
This is really getting funny. I don't usually read the forums, but whenever i do, i'm sure this is my spot. Despite the fact that there are alot of stupid ignorants who can't hide their jealousy and yet have the nerves to comment about what they envy. I sense a strong undercurrent of racism (and hypocrisy) in the criticism aimed at this page.

This how they all are when it comes to reality.

mara kan fii waxed somali fi el fasli el carabi. El modaris a'al ikhbirni can el rixla el rooxtaha embarix. (raax rixla fi xadiqat el xayawaanaat)
el talmith (somali) a'al, Ana rooxt el ghaba, wa shoft el warabe. El warabe qaal Miyaw Miyaw,lol,lol

So to the all of the ignorants who know very well and aware who they are, we do not need to know your low comments from such a dark side of a disfunctioning mentality.
Our parents have worked really hard to bulid our future, literally, with just a blow of low comments of u, can't put a hole in our accomplishment. Whether it was mindless mischief or malicious destruction. I cannot understand the inconsiderance of the mute minded who yet claim to reach a high ground that is above beyond their imaginary.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2000 - 09:33 pm
the arab kings and presidents were holding a meeting so after the meeting they went for dinner ofcourse all the knives spoons and forks were made out of gold ,siyad barre wanted to steel them
having seen king hussien of jordan stealing some cultry himself he stood up and said:all of u stop eating now im going to preform some magic for ya grabed as much cultry as he can put it in his pocket and said :u can search for it now in king hussiens pockets.

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jamaaal arbaca

Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 01:21 am
suhair thinks she can fool us by using another name(imarati)and lodging yet another ceebeey tacaal nukta.nukaat btaacik macruufa yaa suhair.
from now on,my idraab will include(asaamiihaa almustacaara).

xamarawi bohot khush nahin he(xamarawi is very angry).

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jamaaal arbaca

Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 01:32 am
suhair thinks she can fool us by using another name(imarati)and lodging yet another ceebeey tacaal nukta.nukaat btaacik macruufa yaa suhair.
from now on,my idraab will include(asaamiihaa almustacaara).

xamarawi bohot khush nahin he(xamarawi is very angry).

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Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 01:45 am
jamaalarbaca or whoever the heck u r im imarati a man wheather u like it or not and if u dont approve of my jokes please skip'em when u see my name retard.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 10:19 am
la la ..
People relax ,its not a war of jokes here.
Imaarati .. welcome bro to our page, casaak tayeb.
Since inta min ahl el imaraat .. yakhi idiina some khaleeji jokes, i know maafi adxak minaha.
We dont want to hear the english jokes akhi, that all i have to say.
Yala salaam ...

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Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 11:02 am

caafaari caleeyk,

al wisaada xilwa,

wasadii beeynuhum,

casaak yas macuuk.

nabad iyo caano

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Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 11:43 am
casakey atyab ya dunnaya tislamiin ya bint al'am
from now on no more arabic jokes in english-i was just trying to be nice with thoese of us who dont understand arabic since some of them dont appreciate this service im going to discontinue it
kalaas qafaalna al dookana ya is some arabic jokes ofcourse can alsacayda tabcan whoa fee kherhom.
-mara wahid sacidi axwal matat omoh dafan abooh..tan tata tatam tamtam
-hassaniin wo mohamadiin raho ila amreeka wa ishtaroo shaqaa or beet fooq ixdaa naatixaat alsaxaab ala al tabiq alakheer hassanin wa mohamadiin awziin yarkabo al salalim xata al tabiq al akheer sacadoo wa sacadoo mohamadiin saal wasalna wala lisac ya hassaniin lisac qaal hassiniin sacadoo sacadoo lisac qaal hassaniin
xata wasaloo ila al tabiq qabal al akheer hassaniin qaal candi leek khabariin-news ya hassaniin wahid helow wa wahid mush helow qooli ya hassaniin qaal mohamadiin hassaniin alkabar al helow baqiilna tabiq wahid wa nowsal wal mush helow de mush cimaaratna ya mohamadiin.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 01:47 pm
You made me laugh imaarati..
allah ikhisak akhooy i was about to drop my cup on myself.. ..wallah you made my day..
that is soo funny ...

come on jamaal .. isnt this funny bil zimaa ..thanx for understanding ya imaarati ..
by the way .. inta abu dhabiani wala ahl dubay


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Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 05:49 pm
mara al shiekh zayed bin sultan al nihayan itasal fe shiekh al bahrian hathak al qasiir ticrafoonah
al shiekh zayid itasal feeh mara thania wa thaltha lama ragac shiekh al bahrian qaaloolah zayid yatisel feek tool alyoom itasal shiekh al bahrian fee zayed wa qaal:casa ma shar ya zayed shinhoo ele xasal
zayed:wala walashey bis cindi kandoortiin or thoowbiin qasaro cani baqiit actiik iyahom.

radan cala sualiki ya siti dunyaa ana min downtown abudhabi

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Thursday, July 20, 2000 - 05:37 am

I am choked here..... imaratii alaa yardaa caleyk.... more sacaayida jokes please please,,, you are hilarious brother...

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Thursday, July 20, 2000 - 12:40 pm
mara xato fel alsigin or jail waxid sacidii wa waxid american wa waxid min al japan for 20 sana
qalo lil sacidii otlub omniya or wish he wanted a cigarite al americii talab adawaat tasliix al sayaraat al japaniese adawaat computerat wa electronics-qafalo al zinzana for 20 sana........fataxo al baab bitac al amricii camal sayaraat woo japaniese camal computers wo cell phones tv's ...........lama fataxo baab zinzanat al sacidii this is what he had to say:feen al walaca ya awlaad al kalab.

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Thursday, July 20, 2000 - 03:00 pm
etniin sacieda raxoo london fa kanoo cayziin yerkapo all bus aboo tabeqeen fa all sacidii all awol qall le saxebo yalla nerkap fooq fa rax qall loh saxebo ya majnoon ma fesh sawaaq fooq .hahahaah imarati kiff all imarat walla zaman ana kont aishh fee alsharja.

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Thursday, July 20, 2000 - 04:58 pm
marra waaxid saqad mina daabiq thaanii fajaa'al iscaaf fasa'aluu eesh tabqaa faqaal kul shee' tamaam faqad wasaltul arda.
wawaaxid somali min baydhabo saqad min shajara faqaal"degoogiba sida karoon"
wataalith kaan yasrac camal fabacdama nazal minadaabiq tathakar"remembered"nadaaratu fanaadaa zojatu faqaal "idhraxii nadaartii wa cimaamtii fadharaxat anadaarah fankasarat faqaal laa tadhrax al cimaamah sa'arkab ana adhaabiq
wacindii saxib somali reer marka mudxik kitiir fashaaf filim amriiki jetli yaqfaz min dhaabiq caali faqaal"saxibow dadkaan hadii dhacaan weey is kaartenayaan lakin maalintoo aan dabaq kasoo dhacay bedelkii iskaartey lahay sii ilaah igu soo ridi aan ku imaadi dhulka cadiinta iga jabnti

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Friday, July 21, 2000 - 05:53 am
wala xata ana mutqarib liya muda taweela ya suhair bis asmac min al ahal wal asxaab in al imaraat tabaadalat.hathaak awal waa awal taxawal.

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Friday, July 21, 2000 - 11:43 am
Mara kaan fii waaxid Suudaani shaqaal fil Khaliij, samac in fii waaxid Amiid Kadii Sayaarah Mercedis Ayi waaxid yajaaamac.
Al SUuudaanii Raax cindal Amiir Minshaan yaxsal Sayaarah Mercedis,
lamaa Shaafal Amiir Qaafa Suudaani Waqaal:

"Amusileeg Tadiinii Carola."

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Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 09:39 am
marah kaan khamsah somaliyiin raaxuu fii al-madcam
maa ba'yacrifuush arabi kuways.
faqaal saaxib al madcam "haat khamsah waslah laxm"
lil xumaar duul!faqaal waaxid min al somalyiin"
waryaaya carab khaniisnimo baa la gu ya qaany ee waxaa yeeraysa(qabta oo wasa)darbiga dubada ku xajiya!!ahahahahhaha

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Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 04:20 pm
yaa jamaact alkheyr ismacuu .
hadihi waxda min ayaam siyaad bare lamaa kaan yuriid yusawii siyaasat altacriib...yaa khasaara maa kamilat aslan alqabi loo masawaa soomali kaan luqat ah soomaal luqat alquraan qadralaahu wa maa shaa facal.
almuhiim waxid soomali saaxib maxal xalaaqa yuriid yakatub lafita amaam almaxal bi luqa lacarbiyah fakatab bil khad alcariid:
maxal qadc alra's!
wal baaqi calaa dariiq.

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Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 06:52 pm
daxaktunii yaaa jamaaca ....
where do you get all these jokes ... dantu bank nukaat...
Now let me find my own way of making you guyz laugh ..
make sure you have real play ....
I know ..first i start with t.v prgrams..
now i have on real audio .. ok ok ok .. you can thank me later kidding .
But if you lived in the arab world .. you will know that eygptians have some kind of a show ..which a man tells jokes and then tam tararam tam tam tam ..
well its that....
check out this site ...
Then click on hear it ....
there is a list of jokes ... and you can hear him talk .... some made me laugh to death .
Yalla .. enjoy ya jamaacat el kheir.
And i repeat you can thank me later ,.,.make sure you listen to it . and have a lovely weekend.

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Friday, July 28, 2000 - 04:52 am
alif shukur yaa Dunya wa shabaab, aqriyay daxaktuunii, daah macluumaad muhima jiddan.

nabad iyo caano

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Friday, July 28, 2000 - 03:43 pm
fahlawat masaara !!maa adrii

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Friday, July 28, 2000 - 05:14 pm
Halla walla halla be alsomal al 3arab. Ladies & Gentlemen...Here is the latest joke from Egypt, I have sent it to a dear friend of mine, but she wasn't impressed by it, so I decide to see what you all think about it. Here it comes.
Xosni Mobarak cemel ejtemac taree maca jemec al wozaraa, bacden salhoom meen axsan ana walla Almalek Farog, galolo Da almalek Farog kan xaramee woo nahab al balad, danta axsan menno. Xosne gal tayeb meen axsan ana walla Jamal Abidinaser, galolo da jamal howa al sabab fee naksat 67, danta axsan tabcan. Xosne gal tayeb meen axsan ana walla Al sadat, galolo da alsadat kan cameel, danta axsan. Xosne gal tayeb meen axsan ana walla Omar ben Al khattab, Galoloo meen, Gal Omar Ben Al khattab, galoloo meen, gal Omar ben Al Khattab. Galoloo Da Omar kan jaban be yekhaf meen Rabbena, inta matkhafsh. Hope that you guys like it, woo salam leljamec.

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Friday, July 28, 2000 - 06:28 pm
waleed nutka qariiba wa cajiiba!! 3an fircoon aldaaqiya wa zabanaiyatahu.
alaa caleehim lacantulaahi wa lacanat alnaas ajmaciin ilaa yoom aldiin
tarakuu kitaaba laah wa waalu alnasaraa wal yahuud wa baacuu almuqadasaat wa jacaluu nisf nisaa misar raaqisaat wa rijaal mudminiin mukhadarata!!
calaa minwaal maata almalik
..caasha almalik

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Friday, July 28, 2000 - 07:37 pm
lol at waleed ..
i am very sure your friend was impressed by it and found it hilarious.. i couldnt stop laughing myself.

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Saturday, July 29, 2000 - 11:08 am
Dunya get life, what you mean lol lol cheap

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Saturday, July 29, 2000 - 11:26 am
Ya Somali, La yeekoon inta greet al nokta Dee kanat nokta wo bes, mafesh dacee lee tacseeb al zayed can al lozoom. I agree with you 100 percent though, this joker turned the majority of Egypt people to the lowest of the low. His real name is al Bagara Al daxika, and inshallah his time will come just like the idiot King Hussien, Xafez Al asad, al malek xasan, and of course Siad Baree. Kollohom Allah xajezlohom shogga mafrosha cala nar jahanam. You know what, Wallahee, I always become so happy whenever a president die, because it reminds the rest of the corrupted kings, princes, presidents that your ultimate path is one way ticket to Allah subxanahoo woo tacala.
Dunya, you know what, my friend laughed at the nokta today. She reminded me of al xomar when they asked him why are you laughing, he replied ooh, I just remembered the joke of yesterday.

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Unrecorded Date
waliid is the funniest i heard about misr wallah alla yikhaliik ya rajul please more

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