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Dumarka! Dhambaal Deg Deg Ah!

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (May 2000 - August 2000): Dumarka! Dhambaal Deg Deg Ah!
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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 10:38 am
Nabad iyo Naxariis Ilaahay Korkiina Ha Ahaato

Waxaa ka soo yeertay dhinaca Carta iyo shirka Jabuuti in dumarka, haweenka, bilista, hooyooyinka iyo gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed ku yeelan doonaan boqol 100 xubnood qaybta MAANDEEQ.


Dumarka Soomaaliyeed waxay yeelan doonaan sad u gooni ah oo u dhigma kan ay qaateen qabiilo waa weyn.


ISaaaq iyo dumarka Soomaaliyeed waxay helayaan sad siman.


Majeerteenka mudug iyo bari waxaa ka sad badan haweenka Soomaaliyeed.


Haweenka Soomaaliyeed waa qabiil iskii u madax banaan miyaa?


Gabar Soomaaliyeed oo ku abtirsata reer Qaroon oo u dhaxday reer Quule hadhow toona tirsan mayso miyaa?


Cabdullahi Yusuf iyo Cigaal iyo gabanka Caydiid sinaanta dumarka iyo raggay yeeli oo Caashay u sad buurin miyaa?


Haddii aan sidaa la yeelin dharkay dhigan oo diracay madax saaran oo sidoodii bay dhihi rag ma tihin baa?


Anigu ma garan e ma qaybtii dharbaaxadii dhafoor dhurwaa ku dhacdiyo dawaco taladeed baa?


Ii jilci sidee xaawaleey 100 xubnoon gooni ugu heleen?

Miyeena bilcantu abtirsiinyo lahayn?

Bilis Xaawo may tolkood wax la qaybsadaan?



Caraweelaa ka adeegi oo rag dhufaani.

Ilaahayow Noo Naxariiso

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 11:19 am
,,,,,,aha aha aha haha aha @@@@@@@@@@@@@@Walaalkiin Qosol weeye duulka haynugu kaakicin yenaan ajo inaga dhoobeyne!!! Dhegtaan kuugu sheegay oo ismaynaan arag Wallee Caraweello halakan ka dhaw,,,,Oday Biiqna aanan loo ogayn,,..

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 01:41 pm
ilaaheey ha inoo wada naxariistee,
akhbaartan halkeed ka keentay,
oo maxaa inoo cadeeynayo in,
in ay sax tahay,
ka dib waynu ka doodi karnaa,
oo aan ka wada hadli karnaa,
oo aan is weeydaar san karnaa,
waa sida ay ila tahay.

nabad iyo caano

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 02:23 pm

Haddii aan xisaabey tiroyinka qoraalkaaga kale ku qoran, raaga waxaa la siiyay 915 xubnood, maxaa ku jaban dumarka dhamaantii haddii la yiri 100 xubnood haaqaateen si eey danhooda gaarka ah, ee aan raaga priority uu aheen ee ku hirgashadaan?

Naag kugu la tol ma aha soo hore looguma maah-maahin?? Amay 100 xubnood ee haweenka la siiye ee sura galisaa ineey haweenkaa isu keenaan qabiilo aan waligood isku imaadeen??? Yaa og, aduunkaan isbadaley, wax walba waa suuro gal haadii waqti la siiyo!!!!!

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Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 02:56 pm
,,,,,,Hadda maxaan lahaa!!!!!Weykanooy soo Caga dhigteen!!!!!!!

,,,,,Suban wax badan baanad wax soo qorin, Waa Salaan iyo Bogaadin dabadeede, maanta Ninkii Walaalkeen ahaa meel xasaasi ah buu ina qabtay meys tiri Inkastooy Anigu iigu muuqatay sagaal boqol iyo hodhodhoda in loo sinaa rag iyo Dumarba oo uun magac Qabaa'il wax lagu qaybsanhayay!!!

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Friday, June 30, 2000 - 04:12 am
Nabad iyo Naxariis Ilaahay Korkiina Ha Ahaato

Suban walaashay waayo magacaaga ma arag oo waxaa iigu kaa dambaysay waagii NSYL ee ma bad qabtaa?

Anigu waxaan qabaa in qof kasta oo Soomaali ah oo garaad iyo garasho leh gudan karo waajibkii la saaro iyadoon loo aabo yeelin lab iyo dhedig toona.

Waxaan hubaa in xaaladda maanta ay haboonaan lahayd in dumarka ama haweenka ama gabdhaha loo dhiibo talada.

Markaan saa dhahana qawm baa waxay la soo boodi "dadkii haween talo saarta way lumi" oo Axaadiis bay la soo bixi oo gaalnimay nagu xukumi.

Kuwaas waxaan ku dhehe "bal qaboojiya, seefta galka u daaya aniga iyo Ilaahayna ha na kala dhex gelina." Isla markaasna waxaan xusuusin hawlihii haweenka Muslimiintu soo qabteen taariikhdii Islaamka ha ugu horayso Hooyadeena Casha oo isu taagtay in ay colaad qaboojiso dhiigga Muslimiinta joojiso.

Suban gacaliso dooduse halkaa ma aha iyo haweenku waxa ay qaban karaan ee waa sidan:

Bilis Xawo miyayna abtirsiinyo lahayn?

May tolkood wax la qaybsadaan oo jareer haddii soddon la siiyo may shan haween noqdaan?

Haddii aad tiraahdo "Naag kugu la tol ma aha" maxaa diiday in reerka ninkeeda ay wax la qaybsato?

Haddiise aad ogolaato in Xaawalay xaq u yeesheen gooni in ay isu taagaan maxaa diidaya:

In wadaadadu yiraahdaan culumaan nahay oo caamo wax la yeelan mayno?

Maxaa diidaya in qalinle yiraahdo waxbaa qoraa oo qaybtaydaan qaadan?

Maxaa qorile iyo qabqable loo quuri?

Si xuquuqda dumarka loo ilaaliyo isla markaana looga faa'idaysto aqoontooda, dadaalkooda iyo dadnimadooda soo ma haboona in la yiraahdo:

Qol walba qaybta ay heshay boqolkiiba shan iyo toban (15%) ha noqoto haween.

Haddayna taa imaan waxay noqon doontaa in boqolka xubnoon ee haweenka ay qaybsadaan haween hadhaw ku abtirsan doona dhawr qolo oo keli ah markaas baa reer adoogay sidoodii INYOW dhihi doonaa.

Xaasha ma diidina in gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed ee maanta 150% ka raganimo badan yihiin rag ku sheegga da'dayda ah.

Ilaahayow Noo Naxariiso

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Saturday, July 01, 2000 - 08:36 am
Walaalkiin iyo NeefowKaniini salaan iyo bogaadiin iga gudooma maanto ee tahay 1 luulyo.

Walaalkiinow, waa ruuntaa oo haadii qabiil wax laguu qayaabsanaayoo, dumarka qabiilkoodda in lagu xisaabo weeye. Qoraalkeeka hore waa iska kaftaan, laakiinse ruuntii aniga war uma haayo sabaabta ama xikmada ka dhambeeysa 100 haweenka la siiyay. Kolley, aniga fikrad ahaan waan ka soo horjeedaa in aan instituionalize gaareeno qabiil.

NeefowKaniini, sidaan hore kugu sheegay, markasta qoraaladaada aad bay iga qosliyaan.
Waxaan maalin dhoweed ka helay sida aad uugu fasiirtay qof soo weydiiyee wax uu yahay "Tababaree" oo aad ugu macneeyse "Barbieri" Lol@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@waxaad ka iloowday laakiin inaad uu sheegto inay barbieri yaasha ee isticmaali jireen "Brillantino Linetti" oo timaha dhalaalisa lol!!!!

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Saturday, July 01, 2000 - 10:14 am
,,,,Suban Salaan Dabadeed Inadeereey ma xasuusataa *Paradiso Perdutto*.....

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Saturday, July 01, 2000 - 12:50 pm
Never before, so few has decisively manipulated and set the agenda of
Somalia. Never before, a farce of consistency and commitment wielded such a
might and fear on the outcome! Allot is at stake! Doctrines are in stake!
Crocodile tears of world commitment and donor fatigue are at stake! Most
important Somali Future is at stake, in the believe, that if we don't come
up a government we would perish and disappear from the planet.

This is a show of a lifetime, history in the making in front of our own
eyes. Somalia per se becomes a lab of international experts, a guinea pig of
conflict resolution doctrines; the vagueness, ambiguity and confusion of the
agendas are a pillar of conflict resolution, in addressing to satisfy the
different and diverging contenders. This is a main pillar of pretension, in
the view that all the contenders might picture their interests in the
agenda, if it is vague and ambiguous. Theoretically the only documental
agreement that can satisfy both contenders (Eg. Israel and Palestine) has to
be vague. To make them at least come to the same table, they both has to
sign a vague document each can see it's own interest! And when they come to
the table the mediator or facilitator is needed to twist the hands of the
participants. That is why most of the time each would interpret differently
the same document, they both signed! The reliability of the vagueness hinges
on the honesty and sincerity of the mediator or the facilitator, or in that
matter, the believe, that diverging contenders might find a neutral
facilitator! Conflict resolution experts have found one for Somalia, in the
name of Jabuti! Every Somali bought the Idea that at "Heart" Jabuti is
Honest and have no ulterior agenda beside stable Somalia!

But what happens, when some of the competing contenders didn't not see their
interest; in the "Pillar of conflict resolution"?
Easy! In the minds of experts they can solve this by picking and imposing a
representative to a contender. The fluidity of the Somali clan structure
might support this goal; culturally any member of that clan can represent
the clan. Delegates had been based to clan memberships, and every Puntlander
can represent a Puntlander legally and rightfully. By the time Puntland
elite and delegates accepted a clan representation, Puntland state
government has lost its shaky ground!

Conflict resolution experts have set in motion the mechanics of their lab;
A) They have a neutral facilitator, Jabuti
B) They have all the divergent competing contenders of Somalia; Clan
C) And they have the means and theories to test in realization of the
illusive common goal of all Somalis; State.

After the end of the cold war, the advocates of conflict resolution have
lost almost all their clients and become out of work. All the precious
studies were based on resolving conflicts that inhibit cold war influence,
all the consulting firms has to be closed. All dissertations have to be
Conflict resolution experts who haven't seen a check a while are feasting
the Somali debacle!
But conflict resolution doctrines have another much adored pillar; "Civil
Society". This pillar's argument was based on assumptions of the existence
of an established and institutionalized state. There are two arguments:

A) The course a state takes is largely influenced by its "civil society".
B) The impact "Civil society" has on the course of state is largely
dependent, on the role state institutions allow for the Civil Society to

The first one states that "Civil Society" can unilaterally influence the
course of political actions a state takes. Or in Somali case, "Civil
Society" can unilaterally create a state. All cold war veterans have adopted
this theory with the encouragement of western states. Poland of the eighties
was case in hand; Somalia is in the process of making this theory, "You

The other one argues, civil society is powerless. It only plays to a large
degree the role government institutions allow. Case in hand is the American
civil movement. Even thought, to a large extent "Civil Society" was
relentlessly advocating the rights of the "Negroes", they didn't have impact
before government institutions flexed their muscles in favor of the
movement. Somalia is also a testing ground.

Like a vulture that doesn't care which Caracas would be the next meal,
conflict resolution experts have found "El Dorado" demand for their
expertise from Bosnia, Asia and to the Horn of Africa. It is unfortunate
that Somalia becomes a statistical footnote for the conflict resolution
experts, but that is the reality!!

Now we know the building blocks of the experts. So far their strategies in
implementing their doctrines were fiercely successful. But do we know where
they are heading!!

The outcome of Jabuti would be a big child of conflict resolution experts
and would be called "Somali government". But what kind of a government! The
effectiveness of the outcome depends on; First the influence of the
delegates on the ground and. Second the hand that rocks the rolling chair of
the state, Donor money, not Jabuti government.


Another cycle of influence peddling and new alliances would forge. If the
process continuous as it is now and every thing is based on clan delegates,
the alliances would be based on clan; Eg. H/Gidir-M/Saleeban a déjà vu of
the 60's, which would have a very bad consequence.

In the other hand if Somaliland and Puntland administration participate the
process, delegates on these regions would be based on districts,
participation would be inclusive and alliances would be based on
regionalism; Puntland and Rahenweyn land VS Central and North or North and
Northeast VS South

La arki doonee!!!!!

Walaakiin Mudaneh
Wabilaahi Towfiiq

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