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Are you a Kun-fu fan?

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (May 2000 - August 2000): Are you a Kun-fu fan?
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Saturday, August 12, 2000 - 07:57 am
I luv kung-fu movies, not one of those stupid Jet Lee movies(they are so westernized) but the real Kung-fu, you know where there are masters and students, and most of the actors are from mainland China not Hong Kong. Does anyone share this interest with me? If so just let me know the names of the movies you watched so that I can rent them myself?

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Saturday, August 12, 2000 - 01:01 pm
Everybody is kungFu fighting, those guys are fast as lightning......

my favourite was Chin Chang Ho..

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Saturday, August 12, 2000 - 08:19 pm
Mine is Chun Li

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Sunday, August 13, 2000 - 12:52 am
Mine is Hua kua feng

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Sunday, August 13, 2000 - 01:29 pm
I asked you for the names of movies, not for a bunch of Chinese sounding names. This is turning into some kind of a game, hey if you guys don't have anything to say, keep your two-cents worth to yourselves. Pleeeeeeeeeeease.

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Monday, August 14, 2000 - 12:07 am

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Monday, August 14, 2000 - 06:34 pm
sheko-loko-ban-go-she is the one I like the best.
that movie was the one the actor is always drunk and can't fight before getting drunk first.

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Warta suuqa

Tuesday, August 15, 2000 - 02:12 am
AjaajA. @ LOL.. Shekolo..

Hyena warkiisa isiiba sxb.

Warta suuqa

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Tuesday, August 15, 2000 - 03:31 am
,,,,Ar filinkii afarta tuug,,,Kii Laylee labada gacan laga goonaayo,,Filinkii oo Gacmaha dabka la gashanaayo,,,Kan Calooleey ii Laylii ay Kaabo laadaraha ka yihiin oo Ciyaalka madaxa laga goonaayo,,,Ho chi mien oo Generaalka eh ii Laylii oo la tababaraayo,,,Warchi Suuqchi,,HebelHu tien mien,,,NeefHoo kah niincha,,,

NeefHoi Kah Ninje nih

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Warta suuqa

Tuesday, August 15, 2000 - 05:44 am
LOL @ Neefoow,

Rarki masoo dajisay sxboow.. Aniga rugtaydii ayaan kusoo noqday ee ogoow. (Cudnaa ilaa qawaacidinaa Saalimiin yaa Khaaluu).

Warta suuqa

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Tuesday, August 15, 2000 - 08:33 am
,,,,,,Kharaja wa lam yacud!!!!!Baan ka baqanayee haddaad reerkii halkoodii u soo rogtay!!!!anigu rarkii dhigay bil sharaf wal ammaan,,,waana kula soo xiriiray akthar min sitiin marrah,,,wa lisah istanih,,,reer Kangaroo ,,,kangaroo baan sugahayaa walaale!!!!!!!!!!!Guur doona waan ahay ee neefoowkaniini bal soo gaadh abtigiis!!!!!!

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Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 12:49 pm

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Thursday, August 17, 2000 - 02:03 pm
lol at Neefow kaniini ..
Daxaktini ya akhi

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Friday, August 18, 2000 - 05:33 am
Dunya with all due respect sis, post in english
and same goes for Neefow Kaniini(whatever that's suppose to mean)

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Friday, August 18, 2000 - 06:00 am
i forgot the name of my fav chineese star

hey i know........

it sounds exactly like the sound of quater coin falling on a cement!

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Friday, August 18, 2000 - 03:31 pm
aJaaJa Neefchi kaniinmin.

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Friday, August 18, 2000 - 06:34 pm
To sweetgirl ,
Sure sis , english is not so bad. ;-)

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Sunday, August 20, 2000 - 12:35 pm
can yas right in english

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Warta suuqa

Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 04:45 am
Khaaluu Neefoow,

Yaa akhii anaa bactadirlak waayid waayid waayid... Cashaan safraatii asbaxat katiira halyoomeen.. min fadlak cadnii fursa waraax tashuufnii zayil cawaayid insha Allah.

BTW how is business doing in your city!!

AjaajA Hebel, warkaa keenbo macalinka.

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Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 05:10 am
,,,,,Al xamdulilaah,,,,,,Wa raqmak mashquul geer caadi,,,,Khaaluu abtii kaman Mobil bitaacak mashquul,,,,,,,,

,,,Business not good these days I dont know when they come back,,,,,I mean the fall ,,,schools,, hope xoogoo lacag,,,..

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Warta suuqa

Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 05:24 am
lol @ Neefoow.

Al-Jawaal Al-Naqaal Al-Maxmuul Al-Khalawi asagaa hada ugu roon ee hal mar igusoo gariiri yaaqay.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 02:59 pm
lol.... you guyz are funny ...

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Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 01:58 pm
Sweet Girl have you seen Fu Sheng temple or any of the Fu Sheng movies, they are funny and I thing you will like them. Also see the old Bruce Lee Movies they are the real Stuff.

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Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 07:31 pm
The best Bruce Lee movie ever made was Fist of Fury. Never heard of Fu Sheng Temple, in the movies I watched the good guys were always from Shaolin Temple. Any ways thanks for the suggestion.

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Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 11:17 pm
waraa neefokanini been haka sheegin filinkii leyli
labada gacan malaga gooninee..hal gacan lees ahaay weliba sababtii looga gooyi ma xasuusataa??
ballan aas gali inaas gacanta iska goohaayo hadii laga badiyo dagaalkii aas la gali laadarka.markii laga badiyeyna gacanta aas iska gooyay..saaxibkiisna wilcaado waa la dilaa ultimo.
dhaxda aalaga kala goohaa maahinooooooooo.

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Friday, August 25, 2000 - 03:08 am
,,,,Xatarmuut maa ku gashi adigana!!!!!!!aha aha

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Warta suuqa

Friday, August 25, 2000 - 06:56 am
Maya shaneemo Nasar aan u mudaa @ loooooooool.

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Friday, August 25, 2000 - 09:05 am
,,,,Shineeemo Xaawo Taako miinoo ama Shineemo Africa!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahaha ahahahaha ayahahahah

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Friday, August 25, 2000 - 10:25 am
Nasar shimee jabaanees laga daarine?
Warta Nasar deris aa eheedeen see qatif u geli kartaa?

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Friday, August 25, 2000 - 05:18 pm
dabaalooshin...shineemooyinka nasar,xadramud,
iyo afrika hindi leeba laga shidi jiray...
filimada westernka iyo asianka waxaa laga shidi jiray cinema xamar,missione,ceelgaab,banaadir.
inaa kooyti tihiin lee ii sheegteen.
besides cinema xaawa tako intee eheedne???
tii wardhiigleeyaaaa????????
shineemadaas wartasuuqa leen ku ognahay...

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Friday, August 25, 2000 - 05:46 pm
Excuse me I asked you guys a simple question, not to recall the "good old days" at Xamar jajab, you guys need to get a life.

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Warta suuqa

Friday, August 25, 2000 - 10:44 pm
Shaqo ma noo haysaa adiga yaaqay aniga kolleyba shaqa la'aan aa i dishay?

Neefoow, loool, Ayadoo loos iyo jicib farqaha lagu wato ka waran hee, walax xumoo shiika ahna lasoo laaleeyo warkeeda ma isiin kartaa.. Xabiibii fartiintii ayada ahayd waan helay laakin waxaa i hortaagan darbi kulul oo holac ka kacaayo.. markaan soo damiyo ayaan kuusoo sheegi doonaa insha Allah.


Saaxiiboow waagaan shinoomooyinka gali jiray (40 sano ka hor) aan ka daawan jiray Al-Nasar Kun-Fu anoo Tusbax dheer qoorta iiga laadlaado iyo cimaamad subag badana ka shalwihaayo kaba gooma ah oo bus badan wato oo waliba iskaalshaha xamaaliyaasha oo riigma riigmada leh iigu jiraan ilaa iyo shanshada agteeda, funaanad cad oo labada kilkilood jaalo ka noqdeen oo cariiri igu ahna wato, oo markaan sii jeestana maradayda cad ee baftada ahna nuurnuurayso saan feero ugu waday heer cali falaaxeeyga laga arko eey ka gaarto, ka waran hee macalinka xariif weeyn ma aheenoo yaaqay.

Jamal4, Gacantii kuu taagneeyd shimee dajisay adiga? mise inta dhiriki ka badatay eey wardhiigleey gaartay.. iska jir hee mugoo ani waa kuu digay anoo saaxiibkaaga qaaliga ah..

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Saturday, August 26, 2000 - 02:29 am
,,,,Kadib kolkii la doortay Madaxweynaha baa waxaan telephone ii soo diray Nin aanu saaxiib ahayn oo deggan Amesterdam haatanna ku sugan magaalada Carta, Jabuuti.

Kolkaanu xoogaa is wareysanay oo uu iiga sheekeeyay Shirkii iyo sida ay wax u dhaceen iyo in isaga uu meesha ka soo helay Xubin Golaha Shacabka ee ku meel gaarka ahi baan aad ugu riyaaqay uguna hambalyeeyay jagada meesha uu ka soo helay si kaftan ahina ugu sii raaciyay !!!!! macallinka immisaa Land Cruiser baad meesha ka soo xasilisay!!!!, xoogaa kaftan ahi dabadii baan waxaan wareysi ugu dhaqaaqay bal iney asxaabtayadii kale ay meesha isku arkeen, markaasuu ii warrammay Hebel shirkii Sodare baa na isugu kaaya dambeysay, Hebelna Shirkii Qaahira baa na isugu kaaya dambeyysay Laakinse Hebel iyo Heblaayo iyagu waa ay joogeen oo waxayna noqdeen Xubno ka tirsan Baarlamaanka,,,Whoa Awguuriyo aan iri,,Markaasaan weydiiyay bal hadduu Hebel iyo Heblaayo ay is arkayaan Markaasuu wuxuu iigu jawaabay tii iigu cajiibka iyo qosolka badneyd oo wuxuu yiri " Maya walaahi Hebelna Canada ayuu aaday kadib kolkii uu jagadiisa helay Heblaayana iyaduna waxay qabatay halkaa iyo Australia, oo waxaa laga yaabaa inaan dhawaanahan aanan is arag oo Shirka kan xiga ee Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed baanu isku arki doonaa, oo aan u badinayo Nairobi, Qaahira, Addis ababa middood in lagu qaban doono"...Cajiiiiiiiiiiib iyo amankaag ma waxaan la ii keenin,,,oo maxaad tiri Shirkan kan xiga ee dib u heshiisiinta Soomaalida!!!!!!oo sideey wax u jiraan,,,,,ma anigaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa!!!!!!Sow tanaad Madaxweynaha doorateen!!!!!!Malaha wuxuba waa riwaayad!!!!!!isaga ayaan iri ka warran adigu hadda maxaad qabanaysaa se si sahal eh iigu yiri waxaa laga yaabaa week-gan dhamaadkii inaan halkii ku noqdo,,,Halkee ma carriggii,,,Carrigee inta igu yidhi buu yiri halkii iyo caruurtii oo Cayrtii baa islaanta lagu yara qabqabsaday iyo maqnaashaheyga oo halkii Amesterdam ahayd baa sii cagadhigan!!!!!!Waxan la wad wadana haddeey hirgalaan waanu arki,,,yaabaye kuwannee baas ee la wada doortay ma waxaa loo doortay Amesterdam iyo Australia!!!!!Suaasheyda iigu dambeysay waxeey ahayd Goormaad u malayn in shirka kan xiggee dib ushiisiintu Soomaaliyeed uu dhici doono,,,Jawaab sahlan buu hoosta iga gashoo iyiri "maybe next summer but i dont sure, Laakinse maccallinka Bal meesha iska soo xaadiri, ha lagu arko".....


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Warta suuqa

Saturday, August 26, 2000 - 05:44 am
Walee Nin iga farxiya adaan ka arkay Neefoowoow.

Bal hada waxaad yeeshaa ina abti, socdaalkaas uu ina Amesterdam ku tagay gogasha carta waa mid loo baahnaa kow dheh, anuguse ninbaan ahayoo waxaa i cajabisay xagga Australia iyo natiijada ka dhalan doonta, waayo dib u kulanka hoosaad ayaa iiga muhiimsan inuu hirgalo intaanan kii Somali wayn la gaarin. CAPISHE

Arrinu si kastaba ha ahaatee, soow wax la layaaba maahan in meeshii Carta ahayd ee hadda lagu kala kacay ay dadka qaarkiis doonayaan inay u socdaal tagaan oo heen heensiga ka gaaraan.

Bal hadaad nin iga naxaya tahay waxaad Hebel iyo Heblaayo iisoo waraysataa tubta ugu wanaagsan ee goobtaa lagu gaari karo... Jawaab suge..

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Saturday, August 26, 2000 - 08:04 am
Now this is what I call The Super HyperText Markup Language.
U guys should be in the Intelligence serves.
I did break the Codes but since IM an Ally I’ll keep it to myself for future usage.

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Warta suuqa

Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 05:42 am
Make sure hebel you keep it in safe hands bro.

Ariiroow Goradaase?

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Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 11:54 am
haye hee dhulka ha darbeen Warta lugtaa saas kaaga jebee.
Ani ciyaal xaafada aan ahaayee day ciyaal xaafadana taako ii kaladheerta ma aadaan ceeb waaye taas ii xumaato.
Waabsiga waa noo furan yahay.

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Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 12:57 pm

Shaneemo--Shaleemo--Shuun Dhaha, Yaqeey!


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