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The last thing we need as Somalis is something called Salad to

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (Before Sept. 29, 2000): The last thing we need as Somalis is something called Salad to
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Honest Somali

Saturday, August 26, 2000 - 06:13 am
Lead us to the 21st century. I have no idea what are the intentions of Djibouti president, but in my humble opinion, he isn’t doing it due to his love of Somalis. I think that he is trying to gain personal wealth from western, and possible Arabs countries. I guess these western countries who hosted us as refugees are getting tire of our asses, and they need a solution by any mean necessary to clean their homes from our consistent corruption. Having said that, I don’t think what so called Abdiqassim Salad Hassan will change anything, simply because he was one of the old regime. As a matter of fact, he worked with Siad more than anyone else for God sake. The only condition to form a successful Somali government is to get ready off all those who worked with the son of bitch Siad Barre.

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runta yaqaan

Saturday, August 26, 2000 - 06:42 am
Mr honest somali runtii,waan kugu raacsanahay
waana wax jira,cid ale iyo ciddii ku lug leh xukuumaddi siyaad barre haddii ay hogaanga qabtaan
waxaan aaminsanahay in burbur labaad imanayo,sabatoo ah waxaysan aqoonin wax la yiraahdo xukunka oo la wadaago,oo waxay u qaataan
kursiga granted,ciddii ka hadashana waxay lagu riddaayaa god oo uusan ka waaqsan weligii...sida siyaad barre uu sameyn jiray.marka ilaahay ha u gargaaro somalida ku hartay dalkii....

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Saturday, August 26, 2000 - 11:01 am
Honest Somali,
Dear where have you been with this advice of your's.It is true that this somali country needs the young turks with fresh mind and blood.We do not need the old bulls who know the old dirty tricks coz they are going to dirtify the new fields.
This new government will be BARRE'S government but with a new leader.Everything will be done the same and actually there will not be any difference.
The only solution for a new government was to get people who have never been involved with the former government.
This president will choose a prime minister and belive me he will be a former collegue.The prime again will have the power to choose the cabinet and guess what,same old stuff will be chosen which will make up to the siad barree's grv.without him.The somalia will never arise till the end of the world.

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Saturday, August 26, 2000 - 07:45 pm
So what can you do? curse him or committing suicide? ahahahaha shut the f_ck up and mind your business if you have any.

We get tired of big-mouthed bastards like you who only criticize.


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Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 08:33 am
i Hate those who hate peace and unity of somalis no matter where there from. The men was elected by people from different clans.

The question is, did he had anything to do with the cival war like aideed,morgan,gani,abdulahi yusuf and shatiguduud, the question is no.

He is educated and he will force the islam law.

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Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 10:21 am
to those who don't want peace i have one THING TO TLELL YOU GUYS


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Honest Somali

Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 11:28 am
To all, I apologize if I sounded as a pessimistic individual, but our history has taught us to endorse such attitude. Some of you have agreed with me, others were opposed with an attitude which is normal when it comes to our people.
Runta, How do you want us to forget and forgive the man who created all the mess we are in today, mean while his family are enjoying themselves with astonish life style. If you can forget and forgive, then more power to you brother and I solute you for such approach.
Zein, I agree with you all the way, that was exactly my point.
Alipapa, first of all, you need to change your name to AliBaBa, since our Somali letter doesn’t include such an alphabet, as a matter of fact, we can’t even pronounce the damn thing. Now, to who exactly are you talking to???
Guilty, I also hate those who hate peace, but who are those men who elected Salad to begin with??. Do you know any of them, has your Clan elected anyone to represent them in that conference??. Don’t get wrong, Salad has nothing to do with the civil war, but he was only a member of Siad Mafia. Does that make him a criminal, I let you deal with such a question, by the way why couldn’t he enforce Islamic law then. Just wondering.
Hanna, Is that all you can offer????

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Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 07:20 pm
Asalamucalaykum everyone,
Honest somali: Bro that is your problem, we fineally have a government and you should be glad and Thank Allah for that. He can be whatever he wants to, no one cares except for selfish ignorant people like you. I bet the only reason you are upset is because he isn't from your tribe, and he isn't from mine either, infact i'm considered an other, but i'm not angry, so let it go. Besides a lot of somalis are suffering in somalia, they need this more than anyone, so chill bro. Remember "Our lives all lies within this present, the past is gone, the future yet unseen." So don't hate and be happy

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Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 07:36 pm
Spoken like a true New Age hippy-dippy disciple with the everpresent don't hate, don't worry, be happy mantra...

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Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 07:52 pm
PEACE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IS ALL WE NEED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SO PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>STOP BEING NEGATIVE.

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Monday, August 28, 2000 - 01:22 am
It is somalis back home that decide what is good for them.

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Monday, August 28, 2000 - 06:10 am
The long journey to restore stability to a torn nation has started on the wrong foot. By choosing a former Siad pocket boy as leader is indeed a sure guarantee that the country is on the road to another era of disaster. He was blind to the crimes of Siad, he was a member of the ruling Mafia, so how can a Man who is so blind to justice be a leader ???? how can a Man who committed crimes against humanity be a leader ? He has too many skeletons in his closet, he is a criminal and has No right leading a Nation.

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Monday, August 28, 2000 - 06:15 am
Thanks folks who participated hammering on these big mouthed bastards who only concentrate on negatives. Can't they see this president was the choice of people?.
Again, thanks all optimists up there for they stand. Keep on hammering those motherfuckrs who only destroy what we get in hardway.

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Monday, August 28, 2000 - 07:02 am
official anouncement from Abgal they said "Somalis have signed peace of paper 91 that we are the president and haber gider said no today somalis signed the same peace of paper for habergider and we said no, somalis u either get new person or the war continues for another 10 years." this is how somalis are reasoning so guys i advise you for the time being to stay away from this mess. ilaahow inoo gargaar!!1

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Monday, August 28, 2000 - 08:57 am
Asalaamu Aleeykum

to:Honest Somali

xiligii dawladii hore xilibuu ahaa
xiliga madax weeyne maxamed siyaad bare lawaayayna xili xun dheh.

2 xili waxaa markhaati ah oo jawaabaya shacabka.

adiga waxatahay oo kaliya nin jiran oo ku qarwa siyaad bare oo dhintay habeenkii laakiin i aamin ninkaas waa dhintay ha cabsan nafta xasili wali waad aamin la dahay!!!! ciil aad marxuumka u heeyso asii aadan waxba cid ku yeeleeyn ayaa nasiib xumadaa aakhirana laguu cadaabi.waayo qofka xasadka ah oo caloosha ka jiran xasad dartii ama ciil walaalkii muslim ah dartii waa ehelu naar.waa kabaxay

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Honest Somali

Monday, August 28, 2000 - 05:02 pm
Homesick, you are absolutely right, Somalis back home are the one who decide, but not those in Djibouti only.
Realdeal, well said. I couldn’t say it better.
Alipapa, I respect your opinion, but only when you have one.
Elmi, I agree, it is quite mess, but others see it as an opportunity for cash from Anan " the idiot of the UN ".

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Mr Cool

Monday, August 28, 2000 - 11:31 pm
There you go! Try to help a Somalis and they think that you must have a profit to gain from it. What the president of Djabuti did was an act of compassion. Instead being grateful he gets accused. But then again I am not surprised. Most of our people are like that. If you are a true Somali, you won't complain but pray for our country!

AdiQasim Salad Hassan is the most appropriate person for this seat. Just because he worked for Siad Barre doesn't make him a murder or anything else. It is now a fact and God knows how much I hate to say this... that only Siad Barre was smart enough to handle the Somalis! It is just so unbelievable that this stupid war keeps going on and on, taking innocent life’s and keeps ruining our true next Somali generations.

The only thing our people should be concerned about is only how to get Somalia back and not to fight about whom is appropriate or not. Cause the truth is, always our people will have something to say about anyone that will. Lack of support that is what we have! And I believe we will never be able to gain that!

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Thursday, August 31, 2000 - 08:39 am
this is your president speaking:
sit down please..thank you....thank you....
sit down please.....thank you...
NOW! .....

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Thursday, August 31, 2000 - 10:04 am
Mr Cool
Well said sister. I couldn't say it better.

Hadaan qabi laheyn dad badan oo sidaada u niyad fiican,mar hore ayaan dhismi laheyn

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Thursday, August 31, 2000 - 11:43 am

Waxaa cajaaib ah dadkiina taagersan dawlada cusub xageed ku nooleeden waqtiguu Siyaad Bare nolaa wadankana hayey. Ma ku qanacsantahay nin shalay aan kaxanuunsan in reer waqooyi la laayo oo ay qaxooti ku noqdaan wadankooda inuu maanta dantiina ka fikiraayo.
Waa nin anigu figrad ahaantayda Dantiisa fiirsanaayo oo maanta awooda jabhadaha haduu haysto u isticmaali lahaa siduu ku heli lahaa madaxtinimo.

Dont be cheated fellas

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Friday, September 01, 2000 - 07:43 am
To: Real deal you said This guy has a criminal record. Can you please tell us where he commited crimes against humanity and when.
Those of you who said he was part of Siad Bare's regime, don't forget the so called regional leaders have all worked under Bare's regime.

As homesick said the ppl back home are the ones to decide what is good for them.

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Mr Cool

Saturday, September 02, 2000 - 09:12 pm
Thank you sister.

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