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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (Before Sept. 29, 2000): THIS MESSAGE IS FOR MO /SOMALI SIS
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L.A. Girls

Monday, September 11, 2000 - 02:05 pm


what is my level? Adult level of course.

When I read your postings you remind me of the traditional saying:
A donkey with a load of books is still a donkey.

why did I say that?
this is why:
I asked you a questions and them warned you about your answer. you did not get it . let me refresh your memory for I am sure you have forgotten what you read as soon as you read it.
I said" Not every man knows the answer, except those fortune enough to have met a great teacher!. And I doubt it if you could be counted amongst them."

did you sit an contemplate about what I meant by a teacher? or did your small and dirty mind come up with the easiest of answer and told you I meant by a sex partner?

No dear heart, What I meant about a teacher was Your mother, your culture, your religion. They are the greatest teachers of all. but like a donkey you carry what they taught you and never put it to use.

Your Mother I am sure taught you to respect women.
Your culture taught you never to bring such subjects in to the public.
Your religion, Ah your religion the teacher of all teachers, teaches what the other two taught(mom and cult.) you, plus be patience with your wife , never turn your back on her until she is satisfied, and to never say what the rest of people will not like to hear etc.......

I ask you to STOP! on your tracks right now and use your brain!.
one more guidance from a sister: Silence is golden !

by the by the answer to the question I asked you was to say nothing.

Somali Sis:

Sis I have at most respect for the Somali men.
and I would never say they don't know how things are done in the bedroom.
what made me so upset was just the way certain men talk about Somali women.
After all, the reason we were circumcised was because of them , and then they come here and insult us. that I see it as adding insult to an injury, literally!.
Other then these few fools ,I have no bone to pick with them(Som. male).

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 02:11 pm
LA girls, well said. Bravo!

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 02:13 pm
waxaan la yaabey meeshaad akhridaba waxaa ka buuxa wax uu sheegey MO iyo wax ka daran.
Ka waran bal maad clean garaysaan meelaha ay furteen qabaa'ilka in lagu caayo? huh?
Like DHulbahante muxuu yahey. majeerteen waa kida iyo Haabaar gidir baan kana sameyey.

waad ku mahadsantehiin intaad ka tirtirteen. normaly ma soo galo ilaa an ka cadhoodo doqon hadlaya waxuu ku hadlayo garaneyn ,dadna wax u geysanaya.waxaad idinka codsan lahaa inaad tirtirtaan kuwaan soo magacaabeyna iyo waliba kan aan dhigan hadaad doontaan.

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 03:39 pm
walaalayaal anigoo welli sii wada mowluuceygii baan waxaan dhihi lahaa in dadkii hore ay aad inooga wanaagsanaayeen xagga galmada oo hataa waqtiga la isugu tagayo waxey ahayd habeenkii saqda dhexe oo feynuuska la isu gaabsan jiray oo aan gabadha ama qofta dumarka ahi aan cowradeeda la arki jirin oo ninkana xubintiisa galmada ayan xaaskiisa waligeed ayan arki jirin oo qolkoo mugdi ah sidii iyadoo la is dabagurayo ama uu tuug reera gurigood u soo dhacay uu ninka naagtiisa iyadoon ka warqabin maxalka saxiixa ah oga tagi jiray ama gudaha ha ku hubsado ama banaakiisaba ha ooga daadtaan oo ceeb bey ahayd inuu ninka ka codsado in naagtiisa hataa ay labada xubin ay isku aaddiso oo haddii ay gacanteeda ay gaadhanna xubinta ragga gabadha ama xaaska todoba goor bey iska dhiqi jirtay sidii iyadoo najaasa taabatay ama eey iyo doonfaar ay gacanteedu taabteen maalinta cad lagamaba wada hadli karin arrin ku saabsan galmada oo ninka haddii afkiisu ay soo dhaafto wax ku saabsan arrinka galmada waxaa loo qaadan jiray inuu khasiis yahay oo aanan waxba isku falayn haddii gabadha afkeeda uu soo maro wax ku saabsan arrimmaha galmada iyana waxaa loo qaadan jiray sidii iney tahay qof sharmuuta ah oo aan waxba ka xishooneyn Habeenkii markii ay shanqarta yaraato oo dadka dariska ahi ay wada seexdaan oo ilma iyo cunnug dhaqdhaqaaqayaa aanu jirrin dabadeed baa odayga ku soo gudi jiray xaaskiisii uu iska yeelayo sidii tukke meel sharqan badan wax ka jeedaalinaya iskana ilaalinaya bal in dadku ama iyada xaaskuba ay ku soo baraarugto oo ceebtii ahayd ay gondahiisa ahaato buu soo yara taaktaaksadaa oo si xirfadi ku dheehantahay faraqa guntiinada (hadda maahan gadhxirka) dacal yar ka qabtaa oo yaraha jiidaa sidii guntin sirikheed la furayo, buu haddana inta soo dhawaado oo duluca gorgoraduna meel baasoo la qabtuu leeyahay buu gacanta ku doondoonaa isagoo iska ilaalinaya bal in gacantiisa gaadho bowydyaheeda ama meel jidhkeedaasi ka mid ah si ayan u soo kicin ama ayan ugu qaban waxan uu xadayo, duluca kolkuu dabciyuu waxoogaa si aayar ah dhinac isaga soo salaxaa sidii inuu dhinac jiifo oo ku dhaqaaqaa inuu guntiinadii kor u soo guro oo gorgoraddiina gabbi ahaan isugu keenno meel aanan xuduntiina aanan gaarin kana saraysa inanta bowydyaheeda iyo baryaheeda, intaa kolka odayga xaal u marayaa waxaa qufax iyo riiraxyo ka wareega islaan inanta Eedadeed ahoo ,Darrinni ay u taal labada siriir dhexdooda ku qabsan qolqolka dhinaciisa shishe waa meeshii ay ashhuumadu yaaleyne, beryahaanba reerka ku marti ahayd oo sidii iney wax la socoto ama ay leedahay waaryaaya maxaad sameyneysaan, is rogrogta oo neef neefsata , buu odayga wuxuu usugaa labaataneeyo daqiiqadood intay xasaradu kala dagi oo dabeed shaqadii mar labaad bilaabaa oo casharkii halkiisii ka wadaa iyo dulucii inanta uu sii yara gujiyo bal iney wuxuba meesha ka baxaan, Isagana si aanu waxba la socon si is yaraha qaafin ah macawiista ilkaha ku sii qabtaa oo waxiisii oo iska diyaar ah u maxal raadraadiyaa oo iyana haddeey soo kacdo waxeey iska dhigtaa sidii ay welli hurdo xoog badan ay ku jidho ayba riyooneyso intuu ka dhameysto,
oo kolkii uu dhameystana si degdegsiiya ahi u qabto halak isaga sariirtu u tiilay oo labaduna ismayan arag subaxii oo waa laba qof aanan waxba sameyn oo sharaf leh aanan waligood waxba sameyn oo wixi waxaas sameeyana waa wax ceebeysan ,

Galmada casrigana dib ayaan idiinku soo gudbin doonaa .

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 03:49 pm
War ninyohow beerka boogi kaa iftiintaye naga jooji waxan xilka leed soo qorayso goor iyo ayaan. Maxaa dumarka baaradooda iyo galmootin iyo waxaan shirka la keeninoo dhan aad noogula meeraysanaysaa. Jooji camal-gumeedka.

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 04:01 pm
MO its abivious that you realy sexualy frustrated
who ask you for graphig details
no wonder you were talking about S/womens private
parts wich is also one of the part you came out from

yaase saan kuugu sharaxay iney waagi hore saa la isugu galmado? sariiraha maa u hoos geli jirtayna

xishood waryaa waxaad wadid ka daa forumska no
body wants to know how ppl do it
and respect your mom and sisters

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 04:11 pm
LA Girl you have to you have made more than ever determined to further raise this issue.
First thing first I totally and passionately condemn you for your dictatorial tendencies.
Silence please tell me i did not hear that, silence did actually read that, silence over my dead body the individual is sovereign.

Culture lets tackle that. Somali culture like any other culture is not perfect. Culture is not fixed it changes with time and lastly all cultures have good and bad in them so please do not ever call for silence for that which is apparently criminal.
As for my mother she is known for her frankness and that is obviously in-breed in me for she taught me to think freely and not to be restricted. Had human beings not stood up and break ranks from the culture of silence then slavery, colonialism and fasciasm would have been norm today.

You see norms in a particular societies is a mechanism of control and you should be able and see through it and chose to uphold the good and fight to change the bad ones.

I respect women so much so that i fight and refuse to be silent on the violation of their human rights. I say this because most somali girls have no choice on where their genatles should be butchered or not. Therefore please stop to impose your narrow views on everyone.
your call on somalinet to restrict on what it presented is quite parthetic and reactionary and typical for those who are taught not to think for themselves.


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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 04:15 pm
it was not me who wrote that somali piece i cant write somali it must a stupid MO wannabe. I dont even what he chatting about.
Please Mr wannabe stop trying to me Mo.

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Monday, September 11, 2000 - 04:17 pm

Shirkada CocaCola dabadeeda miyaad deganaan jirtay markaad yareyd? I knew a Luuna back then? Apparently it is the italian version of Qamar...

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Tuesday, September 12, 2000 - 04:12 am

For the sake of healthy exchange of ideas and opinions please do not use other persons chosen name that defeats the aim.
Thank you.Mo

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boy puzzled...s cratching head and hand palm unde his chin ..gazing at the sky!

Tuesday, September 12, 2000 - 05:24 am
Hold up!

"That defeats the aim"?/??????

What sort of phrase is that?It is phrases like this that inspires me listen to whiney houston song">>"I wanna ruuuuuuun fromm youuuuuu" and also makes me wanna rush to catch my next esl class.

Please.Rent..a grammer!!

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Tuesday, September 12, 2000 - 07:03 am
L.A girl-you lost me sis. I don't remember being in a discussion with you about having a thing against somali guys. Either someone is using my nick or there is just a huge old misunderstanding-if this is the case, kindly jog my memory, i must have somekind of memory lapse!

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Tuesday, September 12, 2000 - 03:11 pm

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somali sis

Wednesday, September 13, 2000 - 11:00 am
LA Girl

Sister thanks for your respond........but do you know what? I Search that page and could not find a gain....I just came across when I was searching some thing please sis can you Rimind me....what was the Head of that Page? the way I never laugh as much when I Read your massege.and I bet no one get the Answer..or do they sis.?..please let me know...and whats more sis you right THe "MEn" are the reason we has been burcher....yet they are the ones who crisise us...I don,t not know when as a women we never get our fair share in this world........may be just may be........the other world Insha,
pease sis
and how is LA?

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