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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): General Discusions: Archive (Before Oct. 29, 2000): AL-CAALAM AL-CARABI Part II
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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 12:05 pm
Salaam lil jamiic ..
whats up people .. limaa al hudoo'a al mufaaji ././
why so quiet , i am getting the feels like a ghost town in here ..hmmmmmmm..
its is soo quiet that i feeel like screaming, to break this silence, let me tell you this.
Let me tell you what i am doing lately ..
i am buzy kicking some jewish butt .. excuse my language .But actually cursing is what i do best sitting and watching these bloosy jews stepping on us slowly.
But here is one issue we can discuss about ..and i want everyone and anyone to join ..alright.

Okay ....
First of all ..
Do you think a war will start soon ?
Looking at the middle east ..and their corrupted presidents ..and the how the west and east are interdependent..... i doubt that.
But i have seen many presidents supporting war of them is el malcoon sadaam .
And you know what? ..for the first time .. i agree with him.
I support war .. bigtime.
I joined el muthaaharat ( rally) here in toronto ..and i have seen the jewish flag being burned down a couple of times....i have never screamed at the top of my voice " laa ilaaha ila allah " . or allahu akbar before... at that moment ..i felt goood .. damn good .I myself was ready for violence forget about those palestinians whom are being attacked in their own mosques . BLOODY JEWS .. i repeat bloody jews.
Then i wondered . What are we doing ?
You think just screaming and vandalism will change anything. Maybe it will make a difference ...but its very minor .

I am not supporting the fact that palestine is the land that should be freed from the jews, its enough they sold it to them the first time.
No .. i support that mosque that is ours muslims . I believe there should be a war ..not palestine / jew war .... but a muslims vs kufaar war.
I want a khaleefa .. i want a revolution to restore khilaafa ..
i believe in khilaafa ..
i want to over throw all these corrupted presidents whom follow no islamic shareeca .
I believe in a muslim Army.
Will there be one ?

I saw them fighting 50 years with stones ..and i see them today ..fighting with the same stones .
Where are those muslims?
Where are those 1.6 billion muslims ?

Saudies sending money ... but where is the army.
Egytians killing and shuting people up ..... where are the morals ?...

What do you think guyz ?

Trust me .. i am that close in going for jihaad .. who is with me... lol..

Salaam ..from the angry Dunya

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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 12:15 pm
Dunya, What a great topic on uprising, yet a sensitive occasion to all Muslims all over the world. I have agreed on most what you said except the fact that blaming the Palestinians for selling their homes to Jewish settlers. It is a disaster to rush to judgment especially if it comes from a Muslim point of view. Many Palestinians were forced to sell their homes to those pigs, some were looking for their children futures, who wouldn’t???? Though, I admire those who stayed in their homes without fear and intimidation from the sons of Pigs and monkeys. I loved what I have seen so far from those brave Palestinian young men. I just pray that this uprising will continue against an aggression lasted over 50 years. Three fucking Jewish soldiers were kidnapped, and the next thing the white houses along with the entire United nation were standing on their toes..Wow. Meanwhile, over hundred Palestinian dead for the past week or so, and no diplomatic movement to stop those Pigs. Every Arab country must over throw its leader with no exception, starting with the Hypocrite Xosni Munbarak, the king of Beer, king Fahad, President of Iraq, President of Yemen, President of Libya, and the list goes on and on. The first one is so cowered to the point where he is trying to calm the situation despite of the atrocity being committed by those Pigs, the second one is a complete disaster to the world ISLAM, he sent an airplane to left those who injured to be treated in Saudi Arabia hospitals..Wow, that was kind of him, what a moron. Here is Saddam Husien trying to stir things up, luckily this time against a Jewish state, here is the president of Yemen Ali Saleh claiming if he was a neighbor to Palestine, he would have given the Palestinian weapons and life ammunition to defend themselves, meanwhile, he let Jewish to visit an area which they claimed their ancestor used to live in it, what a hypocrite, here is Sultan Gaboos who never allowed one single Palestinian live in his country, yet a Jewish embassy is present in his territory, here is Mocammar al gaddafee saying let the uprising rise more, and let the people die, we have over 300 million Muslims, let one million die, fee setteen dahia, that is exactly what he said. Despite what I dislike about the last three leaders I have mentioned, I can at least give them a credit to their point of views, what Saddam Xussien, Mocammar Al gaddafe, and Ali Salex said was good, but away short of what needed to be done. Al Quds will never come to Muslim in a peace deal, because it was taking by force, it is that simple. War is the answer and the only language that Jewish understands. Muslims need a leader such as Hitler to repeat what he has done to them, they are doing it to our Muslim brother and sister now anyway. Their propaganda of the holocaust is old, we must renew it to them, but this time, we are the oppressors. Some of us Somalis say things like, who cares, or something like we have a problem of our own, but brother and sister, you need to remember that this is the first mosque where Muslims all over the world used to pray face it instead of Mecca now, and gradually became the third mosque after Mecca and Madina. So, the least you can do for these brother is making ducaa to them. My Allah grants a paradise for those who were killed, and victory for those who are still fighting.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 12:21 pm
I strongly believe that all muslims will unite their word...
I strongly believe that second Salaheldiin al-ayubi and Suleman El-Fatih is coming.
I strongly believe that Umah laa ilaah ilaa Allah
will again be feared...
I strongly believe that the Kufar will be back to their dark ages...
Because i believe in ALLAH.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 12:27 pm

I would like to learn arabic very much,please dunya will you teach me how.I know little bit and als i know the quran very well,so yaa xabiibtii teach me ok.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 12:33 pm
Xubi, Xabbak BORS woo cenak GORS. Nexan mosh fadeyeen lelkalam alfadee, we are talking about serious issue here.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 12:50 pm
*****IAM SO DAMN HAPPY TO SEE ISREAL ****************
*WHIPPING SOME ARAB ASS *****************************************

########It's TRUE#########

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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 01:51 pm
lol @ waleed

dabaa yaa waleed hadrout caalaa wadani bee eeh???


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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 05:34 pm
Dunya be careful MAD MAC is a DIA agent who has been sent to infiltrate the Somali community. I think he just but you on the suspected terrorist list. Be careful when you try to cross the border into USA.


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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 06:43 pm
Nusharika alma'saa macal ikhwa fii filistiin wanubashirhum immaa bitaxrir alaqsaa wa'immaa bishahaada.

Baqiya tadkiiru anna qadiyat alaqsaa laysat qadiya filistiniya walaa xattaa carabiya innahaa qadiya islamiya dowliya tantadiru kulu muslimin.

Wafii hadal maqaam atawajahu nidaa'an ilaa qaadat alcalam alcarabi walislami li'iclaanil xarbi calal kayaan asahyuuni waqadcil cilaaqat liquwal mu'ayada lahu bimaa fiihaa U.s.a.

Innal intifaadal jadiida athbatat bi'nnal itifaqat wal mu'tamarat laysat siwaa xabrun calaa waraq wa'nna bimaqduri adhfaal alaxjaar taxriir maa cajazat canhu dabaabat syria wasilax aljawil isra'ili,wa'afdalu qudwa mujahidii xisbullah aladina ajbaruu silax aljawil yahuudi bilfirari fii junxi dulaam.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 07:18 pm
it is true that this issue should be handled on islamic and national level...but can u tell me how? i heard a proposal of getting rid of the "rotten-heads"....but on analyzing such a project on cost-benefit basis....i wouldn't vote for it....Another Idea!!! (Fahad)

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Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 12:39 am
biggest mistake was when palestinians allowed those jews to settle in their land.
if only history couldbe rewinded back a little.
aaaah thuma aaaah thuma aaaaah....

xamarawi asal is helpless.

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Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 04:41 pm
Aktubu hadihi sudhuur wal'alamu yactasiru qalbi xaysu abkaanii mowqif aduwal alcarabiya izaa'a maa yaxduth fii ard filistiin.

Qasafat almarwaxiyaat alisra'iliya albinya taxtiya lishacbil aczal fii dafal qarbiya wadamarat almadarisa wal mustashfayat muclinatan alxarb ashamila didal carab wamutaxadiyatan calaa damiiri milyar muslim,walakinal ad-haa wa'amar anna mubarak wacarafaat dhalabaa min baarak iiqaf xarb walcowda calaa maa'idatil mufawadat.

Wa innal mudxika filqisa anna carafaat wamubarak taraxamaa calaa jundiyayni yahudiyayni maataa fii yadi ummahaat shuhadaa'a,wahunaa nas'alu limada laa yataraxxam majlisal amni cindamaa yamuutu akthar min 100 shaab filistini,limada kulu hadihi daja aliclamiya calaa irhabiyayni wa'ayna kaanat alkamirat cinda istishhaadi akthar min100.

Inna maa yaxduth laysa xarban bayna quwatayni mutakafi'atayni innamaa huwa saxqun wa'ibaada lishacbin aczal,wa'innanaa fii xaaja ilaa quwa tuciidul mucaadala calal insijaam.

Waljadiir bisu'aal limada iqtasaral carabu bitankiir wahal hunaaka rada ficl carabi,walimada tatajanab isra'il qasf mawaqic xisbullah fii xiina laa tataradad li'saxqil filistiniyin.

Linujiib asu'aal akhiir inna isra'il mudrika tamaman idaa maa ashcalat xarban calaa xisbullah fa'inna xisbullah lan yaqifa maktufal ayadii walan yaktafii bitandiidi watankiir,bal inna radda xisbullah sayakunu acnaf mimaa kaana calayhi, xaysu bi'imkani xisbullah tadmiir mudun isra'il ashimaliya bisawarikhih walan tataxamalal isra'il alxarbi min jabhatayni,ammaa binisbati lifilistin fa'ina qiyadat isra'il tuxawil ifhaam alcarab wacarafat bi'anna cindahum khiyaar thaani idaa lam yatanazaluu canil quds wa'nnaha laa tubali li'ayi baladin carabi wa'anna quds hiyal caasimal abadiya waqayr qaabila litaqsiim li'isra'il.

Wa'akhiran Maadaa bacda Mowti camaliyat asalam??????????????
Inal mandhiqa calaa shafaa xarbin jadiida wa'inal intifada ashacbiya lan tatawaqaf wamahmaa qasafal caduwu wadamara falaysa bimaqdurihi iiqaafa thowra shacbiya wasowfa tadfacu israil thamana hadihil ibaada,baqiya anaquula inna silax anawawi laa yaqdiru biradcil intifada wa'inna jiila taxriir balaq ashudah falan yakuna mufawadat wasayuxarar filistin biquwatil iiman wacaziimat ashabaab.

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Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 05:01 pm
Inna isra'il khuliqat fii qalbil caalam alcarabi xattaa takuuna cownan lilIsticmar lituxaqiqa masalixal qarbi filbiladil carabiya wal islamiya.

Isra'il hiya akbar qaacida caskariya lilistimaar alqabr famadharathaa wamawanihaa xaadira listiqbaali alasadhil albaxariya waljawiya li'amrika waEurope,waqad ta'amarat England waFrance maca isra'il fil ictidaa'i thulathi calaa misr caam 1957.

Isra'il tahdiidun mubashar lilcarab fii kuli waqt bal wujuduhaa yajcalul caraba yukhasisuuna alqism alakbar min mizaniyatihim lil jayshi,wakana bi'imkanil arab lowlaa wujud-haa badl hadihil amwaal fii shu'uuni tacmiir wataclim watasnic waziraca.wahuwa sababu kulu maa tucanihil carab minmashakil wakhilafat.

Ina baqaa'a isra'il marhuunun bibaqaa'il isticmaar walidaa qaaluu wulida liyabqaa.

Min maslaxat alqarb(isticmar)antatawasaca isra'il li'anna maslaxatil isticmar antakuna qaacidatuhu akbar wa'awsac.

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Thursday, October 12, 2000 - 06:20 pm
Innal carab harwaluu waraa'a salamin kadib lam yakun illaa maslaxa isra'iliya,waradiya carafaat an yakuuna xaarisan li'amni isra'il muqabila suldha laa suldhana lahaa'walow ana carafaat acdhaa fursa waaxda lil intifaada waljihaad wallahi laqalabatil mawazin walataxararat filisdhin.

Inal caduwa sahyuni mudrikun tamaaman bi'nna xammas qaadira calaa darbih walihadaa tajidu yusalixu carafat liyastakhdima silaax dida shacbih wadita ayi intifaada.

Inna suldhat carafat ajhadat akthar min 200 camaliya tafjiriya lixamas dida isra'il waqaamat tasfiya jasadiya fii sufuufi shabaabil jihaad wastowlat kula silaax xammaas waxarakaat aljihaad wasallamat abdhaal xammas lilMusad wabadala carafat kula maa yamliku litanaama isra'il Aaminatan mudhma'inatan calaa xisaabi shacbi filistiin almuslim.

Hadaa ilaa maa yucdhii carafaat min tanasulatin sakhiya waka'anna filstina min miirathi jadatih,irtamaa bisadri amrika wal fatikan xattaa taxmiihi min isra'il watanazala can 80%min xuquuqu shacbil falastini waradiya an aybqaa shurdiy isra'il wakulu hadaa lam yashfachu amaamal Major general Ehod Barak fa'amar biqasfi baytihi watadmiiri mucaskari shurdhatih allatii lam tabkhal juhdan litankiili shabaabi xammas wa'adhfal alxijara.

Tilka kaanat nihayat XAMMAMAT ASALAAM walatii shuyicat juthatahaa masaa'al yawmi bacdamaa asaabat madfaciyat F16 al isra'iliya.

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Friday, October 13, 2000 - 02:56 pm
Salaam to all first ,
And i Thank waleed for opening this page and many other things, i lost
Kaan laazim yacni tuxut kalaami al awal
I agree on all of what you said.
Yislam lisaanak fahad.
Now let me discuss some issues with you guys.

I am blaming the goverement for selling the land to israel and it might not completely be the people's fault. Laakin ya omar , they know better than trusting the jews.
How can anyone trust the jews? Like jamaal said.
That is the consequence of not following sunat el rasool calyhi al salaat wal salaam.
Even God told us about their hypocrisy.
Didnt you see what happened in uxud.
I agree , they are fighting with their hands their teeth and i hope they are min el shuhada'a , i hope they become the matyrs that they wanted to be and enter paradise.
But will this last .
They are dieing and they are getting less and less in number.

I see a war coming up , if it started, it will start a world war.We are living in a global village.The whole world will get affected.
And if a world war starts ,do you think the arabs will fight, i doubt.I doubt any of those middle eastern countries will fight the jews, simply because of america.
They are so interdependent and a war will just hit them on the ground, and i dont think they wante to start all over again.
I guess they learned from world war 1 and 2.

True, 100 palestinians die , its like stepping on an ant. One jews soldier dies ..the united nations tuqooom wi tinzil ...there is an uproar.
Why ?
Because they think we are the attackers while they are the ones that put fuel on the flames.
To look like the good guys ..and america ofcourse..the saviors of every conflict.The hero of every battle and the opposite is true. They are the organizers.

Those bloody united nations whom did nothing since it was created, are just trying to extend the period of this conflict between the jews and the arabs ...just to kill and continue killing until there will be no one to fight them.
America is trying to hold back the other arabs and forbid them to start a war, so those palestinians can lose their land one day .
They waited 50 years ..another 50 and thats it.
El quds will be theirs.

Revolution is the only solution.


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Friday, October 13, 2000 - 03:45 pm
Allah yisalim lisanak yaa fahad jazakallhau khayran i really loved your maqaal please more thank you

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Friday, October 13, 2000 - 03:53 pm
Dunya, Who is Omar...Yacnee lazem al fadayeex..Cal gool al mathal...Elly aakhed caglek yethannaboo...Eah daa Marrah Fahad woo marrah Omar..Yatra meen Omar daa...Keda akaltee Fahad laxma woo rametee cazma...Momken Waleed yekoon saceed alxaaz woo teftakeree ismoo xatta laaw
Hakima, Fahad, Jamal, your responses are awesome, and I really enjoyed reading them. But Fahad, this is the first time I seen a Somali guy with such a name, it resemble oppression if you know what I mean " King Fahad ". As all of you know, Albagara alddaxika Xosni Mubarak agreed to have a summet between Arafat, Barak, and Clinton. I just pray from the bottom of my heart that some one will blow all of them while they are in a meeting. The media these days trying to equate the 12 years death while he was behind his father to the two Jew soldiers who were mopped by angry Palestinians...What unjust. These days an Arab blood in particular and a muslim blood in general is worthless, this is indeed the worse time for Muslims all over the world, there is one Muslim in every five people in this world, yet we are the weakest. If just those shiekhs shut the flow of Oil, I guarantee you, America will bow down to its knee into submission. No American accpet to pay $10 or even $ 20 per Gallon, and that in case they have what so called reserve. In 1972, King Faisal raxemahoo Allah did that, result was devastating for Americans, their lives stopped completely. Need to stop here, becaue my blood is boiling already.

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Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 09:36 am
Kheybar khaybar yaa yahuud
jundu muxammad sowfa yacuud

bidhuul bilcard xammas bithuzil ard

laa salaama walastislaam

falastiin islamiyee falastiin islamiyee

laa amna walaa amaana lilyahuud xataa yartaxiluu wahum saaqiriin.

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Saturday, October 14, 2000 - 09:43 am
Isra'il qudda saraaniya yajibu isti'asalhaa minal mandhiqal carabiya,walan yakuuna salamun walaa amaanun maadamal yahuudu yaxtalluna ard filistiin.

Wa 'idaa lam yujdi silaaxal jayshil carabi can isra'ila shay'an fa'innal intifaada satuxarir filistiin wa'inal ummal iuslamiya musacadat ikhwanihim fii masjidil aqsaa.

Walaa yakfaa ilmusacadat idhibiya wala tahdiidat alkhalijiya wacala duwal alcarabiya iclaan alxarb calaa isra'il.

wamal faa'ida waraa'al qimmal carabiya idaa lam tatajaawaz qaraarathaa atandiid watankiir.

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Monday, October 16, 2000 - 03:36 pm
Ijust want to thank Miss Dunyaa for creating this room...keep up the good work yaa sis dunyaaaaaaa.

xamarawi is blessing dunyaaa

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Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 03:49 pm
bacd salaam wa taxiyah
aqadimlukum maxsubitkum fulah, dana gireet wara ku liqayit ma nafsi itadhac. il muhim la'eetkum wilii yis al maayitohshi. awalan ixib ashkur kul il ikhwa wal akhawaat ili sharku fi tasis il safxa il hayla diyaat. ama al aati oqniya lil xilwiin wal xilwaat

xilwiin min yoomna walah wa quloobna kuwayisah
wa ba'adim axla sahra wamacaha miit misa
ya lil dhawil shuwaye cal suxbal xilwa diyah
il qali caleena qali il qali caleena qali
il qali caleena qali wala cumru xayitnasa
xilwiin min yoomna walah walah wa quloobna kuwayisah

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Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 03:02 am
hiya deyat alfannana almasriya almesh-hoora fulla shakhseyyan???hala beeki wa marxaba.

elxamarawi beyiqaddemlik axla marxaba ya axla fulla

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Sunday, October 22, 2000 - 03:54 am
lol @ jamaal4...

Now, u making me to think of writing somali
" Waryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" :-)

lol@ fulah...
"lil xilwin waal xilwaat...
al-aahyaa menhom wil amwaat" :-)
fulah...salute xabibti

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Monday, October 30, 2000 - 11:52 pm
ilaa jamiic asdikhaaii alqudaama waljidaad.
alf taxiya lakum yaa asdikhaa laqad ishtaqtu lakum jamiica xaqaa laakin zuruuf camalii waldiraasah kaana alsabab fii ibticaadi cankum fii alfatrah alsaabikhah walaakin wal xamd lillaah araa aljamiic hunaa bialf khayr walxis alwatanii walcuruubah fii dimaaikum waxiwaaraatikum walqadiyah almadruuxah hunaa aw fii alsaaxah alcaalamiyah alaa wahiya qadiyat alquds alshariif dunya haaza maa cahatuki bihi daaimaa alxis alwatani wamushaarakatuki fii almuzaaharaat la daliil calaa wataniyatuki alcaaliyah,istamirii daaimaa anti wakul mawaatin shariif yaciish fii al-canada.amaa sadiikhii alqhaali fahad ism calaa musamaa daaimaa fahad yaa fahad wataxliluka lil mawaadiic yuriid waqfah waqiraa,ah muta,aniyah liyastasiiq alwaaxid minaa haazihi almacaani walmacluumaat alqayimah taslim lil watan yaa fahad laa tacliiq suwaa alinxinaa.
amaa baqiyat asdikhaaii waleed saaxib hazihi alsafxah alqhaaliya shukraa laka yaa sadiikhunaa calaa hazihi almusaahamah taslam yaa axlaa waleed.
amaa alasdikhaa aljudaad fa marxabaa bikum fii alcaalam alcarabii raqam 2.salaam ya asdikhaa.

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Tuesday, November 07, 2000 - 12:58 am
ilaa jamiic alasdikhaa.
maaza hunaalika yaa jamaaca hal naseytuu alcaalam alcarabi walqadaaya almatruuxah fii saaxitnaa alcarabiya,ayna fahad dunya weleed waljamiic.
yaa asdikhaa alcaalam alcarabi huwa muftaax wahamzat alwasl beyninaa jamiica fa arjuu an takuunu jamiica bikhayr wasexa jayidah.
hunaaka mawduuc yashqhalnii wahuwa asbaxa min aham almashaakil fii mujtamicnaa alsoomaali alaa wahuwa alkazib,alkazib asbaxa silaax aw shaye basiit fii almujtamac alkabiir walsaqhiir walshaykh walcaalim maca an alrasuul sala allaah caleyhi wasalam nahaana can alkazib laa acrif limaaza haazihi alaafah almukhzilah muntashirah fii mujtamacnaa alsoomaali,tasawaroo kayfa an alkufaar laa yakzibuun walkazib min almuxaramaat cindahum naahiikum can alikhlas,maabaalikum wanaxnu muslimuun wahazihi alsifaat hiya sifaat almuslim,quuluu lii yaa asdikhaa maa alsabab lihaaza limaaza yuxalil kula waaxid alkazib cindamaa yakuun haaza fii saalixihi.
yaa jamaacah hunaaka man takhalasa min exdaa kilyateyhi xataa laa yacmal aw yashtaqhil ay shaye siwaa an yaxsal alicaanah min aldawlah yaa lil caar rijaal bi shawaarib jaalisiina fii albiyuut bixujat anahum mardaa wahum aqwaa minii waminkum faqad liakal alqaat,waljarii waraa alnisaa,haaza huwa maa yashqhalnii yaa asdikhaa,wa arjuu an ajid aljawaab alshaafii cindakum.sadiikhakum alqhaalii muhdiin.

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