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Ila taliya walaalayaal.

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Women's Forum: Archive (Before Dec. 16, 2000): Ila taliya walaalayaal.
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Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 12:03 pm
Waxaan ahay wiil Somaliyeed oo ku nool state ku yaala dalka Maraykanka,waxaan ahay guur doon stateka aan ku noolahayna gabdho Somaliyeed kuma noola. I am 27 years old college student,I have been living this state almost five years and still I haven't gotten any chance to meet Somali girl. Brother and sister I need your advice.

Thank you.

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Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 12:31 pm


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Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 04:12 pm
I need the same help as brother ahmed i also live in small canadian town and have not had the chance to interact with my somalian queens infact i have not been with somalian girl romanticly.


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Saturday, November 18, 2000 - 05:03 pm
Unless U living in NO-MAN'S LAND.....U cannot possibly be serious. U will find somali girls in Cuba and Tibet.......and U talking about the states.......????I find that molto hard to comprehend my friend. If I were U, I would Immigrate to Cuba.....atleast U can get Halwo Hillal there...

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Saturday, December 02, 2000 - 07:30 am
KHALID i know you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he aint •••• dont •••• with him please

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Sunday, December 03, 2000 - 11:44 am
Ahmed waan ku salaamay waana macquul in aad raadinaysid gabar somali ah, lakiin waxaan kuu la talin lahaa saxiib in aadan ka raadin internetka sababtu waxy tahay way kugu kibraysaa hadoodina waxay kugu wacaysaa (911) marka waxaan ku dhihi lahaa in aad ka soo guursato dhulkaani somaliya halkaas ayaan lagaa rabin background check hadii aad somaliya aadid cidna kuma oga in aad gaaska cabdidi iyo qaadka iyo mirawaanada marka saxiib xakaa aad ayaan ku dhihi lahaa, ilaah haku lakarabgalo.

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Tuesday, December 05, 2000 - 07:03 am
Asalaama calykum,

To Abshir,
Aboowe imisa jeer ayaa 911 laguugu wacay, ilaahay haku caafiyo. Hadaadan waxba u gaysan xaaskaga 911 kugu ay wici mayso wax iskugu waca oo soomali ahna maba jiraan.

To: my two brothers,

Have you ever heard of a states called Minnesota, California and the city of Toronto? If you have not, I suggest that you check them out, (niman la'aan baa ka dhici rabto.LOL.) I think it is better to meet face to face instead of computer. you never know what is behind the screen.

Good luck to you all.

Your true sister Anisa

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Tuesday, December 05, 2000 - 07:34 am
Anisa: I couldn't say any better... way to go sis... lol..
Abshir: meeqo jeer aa 911 laguugu wacay plss.. tell us.. i can't wait to hear...U must be one hell of an abuser....damn...

T-Girl.. .lol.. Xalwo hilaal in Cuba.. masha alaah.. Did Castro resign I wonder?.. Last time I heard it was a communist country!

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Tuesday, December 05, 2000 - 09:45 pm
Asalaamu Caleykum

I been in Toronto and now live in MN and was looking for a soul mate for a while. May be it's not time or may be the future wife didn't born still. It's possible that I was fooling around with wrong sisters and didn't get real and went the right place. I think you sound to be an expert so tell me the places that I should meet. I have seen couple of school mates but they are reserved. You know they say women are like parking lots, the good ones are taken or reserved(like u) and the handicapped ones are leftovers. And, I don't think 911 is an issue, let me share this with you. Nin soomaaliyeed ayaa xaaskiisa ku tiri 911 ayaan kuugu wacayaa, wuxuu yiri oo 911 maxey suubinayaa markaasaa la yiri gurigey kaa saarayaan, wuxuu ugu jawaabay tartiib hadaan aniga boxo maxaa dhacaaya, waxey tiri waa sidii la rabay. Ninkii dharkiisii ayuu aruursaday wuxuuna u wacday saaxiibkiis si uu ride u siiyo wuxuuna saaxiibkiis ku yiri "Ninyahoow xaaskaa marti ku soo dagtay marka kaalay meel hebla i gee, waana waqti dambe." Gabadhii markii ay aragtay ninkaan inay dhab ka tahay tagitaan mar haduu tagona uusan soo laabaneyn ayey irida ka hor istaagtay markuu alaabtiisa gurtay waxey tiri meel aad aadeysid ma jirto ee halkaas fariiso, wuxuu yiri maya waxaaba jirta inaan boxo intii 911 guriga iga saari laheyd. Gabadii iyo asaga oo saas u doodaya ayaa ninkii uu wacday oo saaxiibkiis ahaa irida soo garaacay, markaasey xaaska iska laadlaadisay oo ay tiri walaaloow la hadal inuu buxuu rabaa waqtigaan. Ninkii ayaa dhexdhexaadiyay laakiin wuxuu yiri waan joogayaa laakiin ogow in 911 aysan aheyn wax la isku xuuxsiiyo balse ila hadal ila xaajow hadaad xaq sheeganeysid iga gar bax miisna igula xisaabtan ee ha igu guubaabin 911. Marka ragoow ogaada dumarka inay u dhaqmaan hadba saad ula dhaqantaan. Hadaad qaad kaga mashquushid inaysan ayudana aheyn midii aad horey u taqiinay hadaad tahay hebelkii reerkiisa dhaqan jirayna, 911 adigaaba ka fac weyn in laguugu woco. Ogowna intaad Alle ku xiran tahay in reerkaadu kuu caafimaad qabo maalintii macsidaada badatona reerkaadaa ka garan xaal inuu faraha ka baxay.

Dhalinyaro, dhulk iska qaada.

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Tuesday, December 05, 2000 - 11:18 pm
faarax----------->nin wanaagsan

911 iyaga ku dhib qaba waayo nin la'an ayaa ku dhacaysa.........hablayoow is bahd qabta oo wax kasta hadal iyo af ku dhamaysta....maalin kasta oo aad ninka'aga isqabataan hadaad 911 oo yhiido ada oo aaye oo single mother ku dhambayen.

ramadaan kariim

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Wednesday, December 06, 2000 - 05:36 pm
TO: Faarax,

Brother it is not because I am an expert, but it is just that my brothers are saying they could not meet any somali sisters. I swear I feel like I am in mogadishu when I am walking down the street here. It is just so beatiful, besides that, I would have agreed with them if they said that they could not find a women who is ready or they could not find the right one, but they could not see none is not something that I can listen, you know.

Hope you all will find the right ones one day. Sure she is somewhere in the world and please make your check lists shorter because nobody is perfect in this world.

Ramaadan wanaagsan dhamaantiin.

Walaashin oo yaaban,

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Thursday, December 07, 2000 - 12:57 am
ku dhamaan dadka halkan wax ku qoray waa su'aal da'a wayn oo madaxa daalinaysee ma maantaad keenteen in aad afkeenii hooyo ee qaaliga ahaa aad ka faantaan mise libaxnimaa la mooday?????????????

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