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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Women's Forum: Archive (Before Feb. 16, 2001): YAA KHALADKA LEH !!
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Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 04:45 am
Hablaha soomaliyeed nimankooda maxay isugu taagaan?waxaaba jira kuwa dagaalama. Maalinta iigu naxdin badneyd waxay aheyd marka aan maqlay naag ninkeeda la murmaysay oo ku leh ninka, boqol nin oo adiga kaa fiican baan helayaa!!! waxaa tahay waad is ogtehee naga aamus!!! war xishoodki xagee ka maray dadka qaarkood?

Waxaan kaloo la yaabay nimanka qaarkood oo aad moodo loox meel taagan oo aan wax tar laheyn haba yaraate, oo siyaasad aysan cilmi u laheyn ka hadlaya? o qaat mooye aan aabe kala laheyn. Walaahi nimankaas looxyada ah iska daaye waxaan arkay nin doctor ah oo qaat raadis ah, intuu ii yimi bu yiri saaxibow geed qaat ah meelahan ma ku yaalaa, walaahi anigaaba ka naxay, xataa ninkii takhtarka ahaa aya sidaan ah.

Ummad badankooda xumaan isku raacay maba jiraan, ummad intooda badan xumaan isku raacday waa ummad burburtay.

Walaalayaal idinkana waxaad soo aregteen inoo so sheega si ay dadka waaya aragtinimo uga qaataan oo isaga ilaaliyaan xumaanta.

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Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 05:39 am
waar yuur baankuyiri!

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Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 11:28 am
Good, qisooyinka dadka ayaa loogu tala galay inay ku cibra qaataan si fiican ayaana yeeshay. Aniga hada wakhti fiican mahayo laakiin waxa aan maqlay inaan meesha ku qoro waan jeclaan lahaa. Laaiiin Somali matahay dad waxaas ku cibra qaadanaya?

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Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 01:47 pm



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Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 03:20 pm
fowzi salaan ka dib sual fiican ayaad nuu suu dhigtay rag iyo dumar khaladka waa la wada qabaa hase yiishee dumarkaa ka bad badiyey sii fiicana u kibray I tell you why.

before the civil war started in somalia there were hardly in somali women traveling,studying or even dating foreign men but somali men indeed did all of this and more ,they have experienced what it feels to live in a foreign land with customs that differ from your own,here is the difference somali men are genuine in though some of them picked up some bad habits now and then,such as drinking alcohol,but over all they have kept their culture within themselves and always went back badiye and married that reer badiye somali woman who can't even write her name!some of my relatives are a living proof of it Ph.D. married to a an absolute illiterate women,on the other hand you got somali women who fled the country after the civil war and it's been only 10 years down the line.look what we have already the scum of the earth calling them "cheap and clean":O!?.
what went wrong?
we have young women who watch too many soap opera's,romantic unrealistic movies'the bold and the beautiful'titanic,to name a few.and they demand to be treated like a movie stars,hello this is the western world and now somali men have these"OPTIONS">foreign women eager to please any faarax,so what the somali sisters need to do is stop complaining to much about somali men to somali men and also to their below the ground good for nothing except fuking<we all now who they are no need to name them>.
get your act together somali women or you will end up kissing and hugging you pillow cases by the time you are 30.

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