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Do the Somalian Women Knows What love is ?

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Women's Forum: Archive (Before Feb. 16, 2001): Do the Somalian Women Knows What love is ?
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Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 02:25 pm
Naaaaaah they don't but they think they do if you want to complete answer ask me and I will tell you why they don't know what love is. I am waiting ur answer plzzzz feel free no insult just be honest.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 03:27 pm
UkMan9 am not going to insulate HOWEVER what you said about somali girls and love is true to a certain extent,Love is something holy something should be felt not talked about like most of the somali sisters like to do,Specially the new generation they spend alot of time trying to analyze love they often confuse it with lust and come up with conclusions such as Mr RIGHT or that imaginary prince ona white horse who'll sweep them of their....

Somali girls need to look for those good hidden qualities in their men NOT generalize not judge them by the western worlds standards

I have a question for the Ladies,

}are we becoming more of a material-girl?

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 07:09 am
Cajiib in nimanka somaliyeed na yiraahdaan hadaan dumarka somaaliyeed nahay jacayl ma naqaan waa wax lala yaabo sababtoo ah annagu haddaan hablaha nahay waxaan eeda saarnaa wiilasha oo aan garanayn waxa romantic la yiraa midkaad aragtaaba inuu qol madow ku geeyo oo dharka kaadhigo ayaa maskaxdada kaga jirta bal sidee baa loo jeclaan karaa qof waxaas ku fekeraya. hadaaaad rabtaan jacayll wiilaloow be honest and bright.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 07:26 am
Walaal Siciida horta salaan iga hano salaan ka bacdi.
walaal hadaan fiirino xaga romantiga bal aan ku waydiiyee iiga waran ma inan somaaliyeeeed ayaa garan how to be a romantic? the answer is nooooooooooooooo waan kuu jeedaa hada madaxaad ka ruxaysaa noo the aan ku jawaabay bal aan qodobadaan yar eegno ka bacdina adigu xukun somalidu waxay tiraahdaa caaqil cadowgaa ah waa la marag gashadaa
1) Marka wiil soomaliyeed uu gabar ka helo isagoon mugdi kaga jirin ayuu soo abaaraa oo usheegtaa wuxuu ka rabo ama uu dareemayo xaggeeda. markay intaa maqasho ayey gafuurka kor utaagtaa oo haday rabtay xataa cirka madaxa gaysaa kuna jawaabtaa sorry aboowe ama walaal waan buuxaa oo ninbaan wada soconaa ama waxay ku jawaabtaa hadda sheeko uma soo jeedo (ogow waa ninkay rabtay iyaduna ay sifiican uga helayso)ilaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu mid kuu qalanta ku siiyo.
2) mida labaad waxaa idinka dhaadhacsan in lays xawaajiyo haddii kale cid idiin rabtaa ma jirto
3)waxaa kaloo idinka dhaadhacsan in hadaad wiil usheegtid inaad ka heshay uu ku moodayo inaad wax dhimatay tahay.
4)waxaa kaloo idinka dhaadhacsan in meel kasta nin taagan yahay oo ay sidii roob la dhacdii idinku soo daadanayaan.

waxba yaanan hadalka sii badine haddii aad ka dhigtaan waxii romantiga abuurayey wax sharaftu kaaga dhacayso sidee baanu idiin jeclaanaynaa.
waxaan illaaway markay ugu jawaabto jawaabahan kor ku soo qoray ayuu isku dayaa inuu daba joogo ilaa ay haa ka tiraahdo markuu daalo oo quusto oo inan kale la sheeko bilaabo ayey tiraahdaa waa yahay markaasuu sii jeestaa illayn waa nin quustaye hadaba idinku ka jawaaboo yaa danbigaa iska leh?

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 08:42 am
Siciida,,,,...horta waa beentaa haddii aad u qabtid sidaasi...waxa aanan aqoonin romantica waa iniga...oo aanan kacsanba,,,oo xanjo calashadda. maxaa keenay qol mugdiya?..aniga oonan siilka ka liifin maba waso gabadheyda. nalka waa cadaan oo waa in aan meelwalba ka arkaa jirkeedda...gaar ahaan..siilka....ka waran sidaa ma laguu wasaa adiga siciida, mise laguu leefaa siilka

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 09:26 am
ar subxaaaaankoow sxboow lover sidaa inaa noo gashaa oo waxaas aad soo qortid xaq miyaa ma waxaad rabtaa in habluhu ama dumarku naga adkaadaan ar ninyahow soo noqo oo wax ka baddel waxaad qortay hadaad gabadhaada wax u leefaysid dhib ma leh waa adiga iyo sidaad wax u aragtid laakiin nagadaa yaan laynaga adkeene ha ku sii tiiqsan Siciida wax ka sheegeeda.
mida kalena waxaan arkay dumar badan oo jinsiyada kala duwan leh u malayn maayo inan xagga sariirta uga fiican hablaha soomaaliyeed inay adduunka ku nooshahay mida kalena haday xanjo calashato waxaa wax ma tare ah ninka markaa faraha ku haya looooooooool
oooooooooops did i say that he he he he kaftan

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 09:36 am
Do u guys always generalize?? U complain of us...trying to search for that western traits in u.....while ...u guys... concieve the same thing about us... Material... girls.. u called...equaled us to hoes...bitches u named us... what is going on....where is the descency...where is the respect? Not every somali woman is a hoe... not every somali woman is a bitch. We have assimilated to uncivilization. The world... is moving faster than light...while we somalis r busy....degrading each other...Don't take ur anger on us... when a single somali girl.. ruins ur life. NOt every woman is responsible... or participated in that call. So pls.. brothas....stop all this hatret.. n let us joing developing, nurturing.... n...shaping our future as a nation not as individuals.. I am sick n tired of all this hatret I sense whenever I log in here. I feel.. ashamed.. n disgusted.. I tried to avoid... n enjoy the criticizm...but its getting out of hand now.. so pls.. stop this!

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 09:41 am
UkMan9 walaal waxaad sheegayso waxbaa ka jira oo habluhu iyagoo raba ayey hadana wax kale sheegaan waa hadaan runta sheego. sababta kaynaysana waa aaminaad xumo aan raga somaaliyeed ka qabno oo markuu wax kuu sheego aadan kala garan karin inay run ka tahay iyo in kale. marka maxaad dumarka ku rabtaa haddii aad u wada badateen beenaale iyo shabeel naagood. aan idin aaminee beenta daaya.

hey lover haday runtaa tahay oo aad wax layfayso maxaa keenay inay xanjo calashato taaaaasi waa sidii UkMan sheegay nin gabadhuu la joogay xanjo calashaynayso wax buusan isku hayn (dickless.
lover wax iskula har oo dooda ka qaybgal si edaabi ku jirto.
waxaan ku idhi UkMan raga aad sheegayso soo lover ka mid maaha. loooooooooool.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 09:55 am
Oh lord Hibo u miss understand the whole thing poor girl we r not haters we just ask one simple q which is do the Somaliwomen knows what love is so plzzz stick with that topic then we can replay ur script. and by the way muslim ppl (i mean real muslim) r more advance the westrn world.
Hibo i think u r bright girl and wise one so plzz answer the q and i will to replay.

hey Hibo check out True love and tell me what u think about my poems

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 10:00 am

Don't waste ur time. These guys know that all woemn are not the same. They are either trying to chat u up or they just wanna keep going round in circles.Here are some things u should know about Somali girls.

1) We might be Somali, but we are also human ok! Yes we know what love is and yes we have feeling!

2) Don't generalise all of us. There are girls who have grown up with kaafir people and they do bad stuff. Call them whatever u wish but don't call all girls these nast names cos were not all bad girls!

3) If u really know what love is urself then what are u doing here? Where's ur peoptner?

4)Love is a special thing, we don't wanna go through bad relationships, so for the sake of our religion most girls want to wait for that special someone.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 10:51 am
poor girl sweety we (somalianmen) blves our somalianwomen r the most respectable women in the whole wide wolrd and we do cencerily respect them although we have some brainless guys but we do still love them and respect them, and Allah knows how much i love our girls as the somalian singer said ( Marka guudka loo dabo timaha gadafta loo xiro, tirsadaan gu qaangaar gayaankoodu soo baxo wada hadasho gudidu laga geeyo guunyada. waa gaari nolol wacan lagu soo gar daadshee gobsanaa hablahayagu) to me as a UkMan when i look at somalian girl and she smile for me, Allah knows what my heart feels on that perticular moment.
so plzzz Sweet Queen dont make us fools and brainless ppl. If u know how to be a romantic tell us so and stop talking about wasting time and bala balaa balaaaaa balaaa.
oooooooooops did i say that sorry kuuseey SWEET QUEEN if i say some thing bad.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 11:10 am
UkMan9 sidaad u hadlaysid waxaad moodaa inaad debate ka wax ka taqaanid. waxaan ku leeyahay waxaad ka tagaysaa inay jiraan hablo soo abaara wiilka markay ka helaan qaarkoodna jab ayaa ka qabsada oo waxay istiraahdaa mar danbe nin ha ku oran waan kaa helay. in cirku ku soo dhacayna ayey la noqotaa markay jawaab aan meesha ku jirini ka hortimaado. hana ka tegin in habluhu xishoodaan ayna ceeb la tahay in ay ku tiraahdo nin waan kaa helay ee runtii waa naqaan si loo hantiyo nin oo jacayl loogu abuuro.
UkMan9 waa markii koowaad oo aan cid u jawaabo inta badan inta badan waa akhriyaa iska dhaafaa laakiin maanta hadaladaadaa igu kallifay inaan soo dhex galo sababtoo ah waa clean debate i hope it goes that way.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 11:26 am
Safiya waa kugu raacay waxaad tidhii walaal dee malaa nimanka soomaaliyeed way ka daboolantahay in habluhu ka xishoodaan in ay nin ku yiraahdaan waa ku jeclahay ama waan kaa helay isagoon kala hormarin. dee UkMan9 annagu hadaan nahay dumarka soomaaliyeed waa naqaan wax jacayl yahay laakiin ragu ma garanayaan qiimaha jacalyku leeyahay. haday garanyaanse jacayl ma waxay u haystaan Sex iyo wax la mida. ka soo jawaaba hadaad niman tihiin jacayl aan wasmo ahayn ma taqaanaan hadaadd niman tihiin.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 11:45 am
Safiya waxaad moodaa inaad UkMan9 aad ka heshay, sidaad u tidhi hore wax uma qorin baan ka gartay iyo amaanta yar ee aad raacisay.
Safiya iyo Deeeeqa waan ognahay in gabdhuhu xishoodaan laakiin in markiii wiilku usheego dareenkiisa iyo inuu u kulul yahay inay is xawaashiyayso miyaa siduu UkMan9 shaygaba waxaay ila tahay in habluhu wax la qabtaaaaan markay arkaan nin ay ka helayaan oo shabaakad u dhiganaya.
aniga tobigaan runtii wuxuu iila egyahay topigii ugu horeeyey oo aan so far lays caayin. fiicnaan lahaydaa inuu sidaan ku sii socdo waxaaba laga yaabaa in dad badani iska bartaan oo sxbo qiima leh nowdaan.
well done UkMan9 they way u handle it without insult keep it that way .

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 11:50 am
Hibo bad tember cool it is sis this is just debate and no one say anything wrong about somalian women. if u r romantic girl Hibo let us see how see it and inlight us ur ideas.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 12:19 pm
my dear sisters aad baan ugu faraxsanahay dhiibashada raýigiina aad ka dhiiibateen topigaan. time to hit

safiya iyo deeeeqa adduunkaan wuxuu leeyahay so many different things, one day u r up next day u r down. u will never get the way u want all the time and lot of things needs to be strong. if one guys reject girls desire does not mean that when ever a girl asks a man some thing that he must to obey. that is not fair to him cuz he may not like her, he may have a feeling for some one else.
anyway the very basic thing of this debate is when the somaliwoman wants that person who asked her to go out with him why does she tries to make such a stupid justifications.

and be side be know men r the same as the woman in certain things they also afraid rejection too.

marka gacaloooooyin sheekadu maaha gabdhuhu jacayl ma yaqaaniin e waa maxay xawaashka isu mariyaan markay arkaan ninkay u dhimanayeen oo tusay inuu rabo.

hey Safiya is that true this is the first time u wrote some thing oh lord am shaking here loooooooooooooooooool tnx but be ware am xuuuuuuuuux and i wink some times like this (~_^)

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 01:24 pm
loooooooooool UkMan9 dont wink for me ok am wadaad and i dont like ilejebis.
question UkMan9 or all the somalimen who will open this debate room
have u ever met a somalian girl who said no to man of her dream?

and this is for the somalian women common girls let us hit them these guys who thinking that we r nothing and we dont know what love is help me out dont just read and go.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 01:31 pm
Hey farax i will say this to u, u watch too much movies wake up boy this is reality we somalian women dont dream that white horse staff like that. But every person loves to get Mr or Mrs right get that boy.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 02:10 pm
heyyyy brothers n sisters hi n happy valentine'sday to all of ya...

Firstly am sick n tired of hearing blaming thingy, guys blaming girls , n girls blaming boys.

U konw people am old enough n after all those years how come i don' see somali brother or sisters saying that they happy with what they got, i don' get it why we don' see each other n we a more satisfy with other race, like i see alot of dudes dating white chicks they seem happy so romantic, he cooks cleans , take care of his lady like he suposed to n he'll be appriciated everything she does for him... that is when he's with white chick...
when he marries somali chick here it goes, he comes from work he says "nayaa qado makarisey" naaii soo gur qado"

well i recond those worlds r more like slaving her ...

he she coming trying to be westernise, war bax karso maanta dhan i was taking care of the house n kids, .. well what kind of care is that, she didn' even cook for the bloody she've been watching too much movies....

well am somali girl n am proud to be one, n raced from family who respect each other.. but am telling u guys somalis we don' respect one another..

I recomg the whole problem is that we wants to be more westernise but we can' get there still...
the guys goes to work he wants when he comes back ready lunch or dinner n his wife to be there says honey how is your day n i missed ya, those kinda things... n the wife wants someone whose there for her who helps her with the kids n the house thingy...

but if they both work take the kids to child care, go to work come back do things together...

n gor god's sake respect each other we can't complain 24/7

am out take care yall...

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 02:20 pm
yeah am back againg so

This is crasy yall

u know this place am in guys don' admid their feelings, n girls acts top shet,,lol..

why don' we say all we have the feeling of love but some of us don' know how to use it that is all

luv ya all

By the way how come everywhere that is about only ladies page there is atleast one somali brother no offence or hard feelings but that was a crousity ...

i this this kinda page is only our privasy as girls n we supposed to talk behind your back guys or talk about period or out other things that we supposed to
byeee people...

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 07:54 pm
salaam walaalayaal


I'm speechless,was it something I wrote that triggered your anger?
If it is am so sorry my sister and I mean it walahi,am touched in a big way it was just a know me better my second wife lol
walaalo don't let any one including me farax let you down OK.

this is the only page were we can find refugge from haters let's not spoil it plus I like the debate and I intentionally wrote what I wrote to attract positive critisim from you ladies.


lol naa maanaa Tv'gaba daawada I enjoy the company of faaraxyaasha in the local mafrash also my canbaro keeps me company at times of need.

well,xaga debatka hablaha soomaliyeed waxaad moodaa(qaarkuud) in mar allaalah iyo markaad tiraahdu naa waan kaa hilay inaay samada oo dooli duunto lol dib dambana oo arki maysid gabadhaase ku daysay

bal aritaas kaa soo warama

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Friday, February 16, 2001 - 09:36 am
Yasmin and farax am really loughing soo bad loooooooooooooooooooooooool ahahahahahahahahahahaha

Yas and far u guys make me really lough this is getting interesting i never knew somalian guy and girl can be this wise and in the same time funny.
Yasmin that is really good point. I wish if the all somalian girls can talk like yasmin she is so cool, am still loughing looooool call me idiot if u want cuz I lough too much but, what I read was so funny.
yasmin me my self and I blves there is no one I mean none as same as the somalian girls they r the best and I love them very much. some times I pray and say to my self ooh am so lucky cuz am somali and am the only guy who can get them I mean only Somalian can get them ixixixixixi I mean it though.
but there is still some thing which, really piss me off why cant u somalian girls tell us how u feel about us when u r inlove with us, dont u think we need to hear ur feelings as much as u want, dont u know we need to hear nice words from ur mouth, damn that is what we missing from u my pretty somalian girls.

hey yasmin u r wise woman and am winking (iljabin)at u (~_^) be carefull am on u looooool
ooooooooops did I say that.

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ice tea

Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 06:30 pm

why don't you shut the F*ck up

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Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 10:36 am
Ukman: I did read ur is nice...though I didn't comment on it... I didn't misunderstand bro...u did... where I was coming from...was all the topics...that we read...which degrade us( somali women)...

Faraax: lol @ second that how much u like me...that u consider me ur wife...not to mention...SECOND I need some cold water... I am steaming anyways bro...I am not mad.. n I wasn't mad... its just I hated the fact that Somali women r always responsible for anything that goes wrong....its not fair.

U wanted to know...if we know how to love....definitely... we do know...n romanticism....doesn't just come...its earned... if u play ur cards rite...n u treat ur woman rite.. I am sure she will treat u better...!!

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Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 10:47 am
This is a poem I wrote long time ago.....its called..........
~Defination of Love~

This can only be described as a soft soothing pain
That runs through ones body in a summers rain
Or when the warming rays of the sun burst from above
In the midst of winter, this feeling can only be love

A soft tender touch that seems to caress ones mind
Or that magical light that reflected from the beginning of time
Into ones deepening eyes, which follows its path to his soul
This emotion which god clearly missed, which we undoubtly stole

A savoring kiss upon the lips of a dreaming Cupid
An arrow in all directions, which finds a tear that lies, hid
Amongst the clouds of Heaven, and the softness of my touch
How love is not a word, because words don’t love that much

But how dare I even commence of understanding this
Stating it as a warmth, a touch or even a single kiss
When it buries itself deeper inside, hiding from reality
Where we kill our emotions for our sweet dreams of fantasy

How can ANYONE even start to comprehend the feeling of love?
When even ignorance has captured the purity of the White Dove
Soaring across the skies, you can smell it in the air
As an angel walks by, dragging its fire like a flare

What exactly is love, isn’t that what we’re all looking for?
The only meaning of our lives seem to be locked behind this door…

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Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 04:55 pm
Istaaaaaq furunllaaaaaaah Hibo God do not miss anything dear (This emotion which god clearly missed, which we undoubtly stole) he is the creator of all things.
Subxaanaka yaa rabi Oh God u r the greatest and there is nothing can be like u .O God u do not forget anything and u do not get tired and everything is under ur command. Yaa rabi
show me thee right way and forgive me from my sins Amin.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2001 - 08:13 am
ukman6 Loooooooooool....bro..u missed the whole...thing... Poems..bro.. r metaphores...don't let them mislead u... Subhana Laah.... I will never say...that...I know..God is the Almihghty!!.. loooooooooool... I still can't stop..walahi..u cracked me

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Tuesday, March 06, 2001 - 11:46 pm
aniga waxaan ahay wiil dhalinyaro, dhawr gabdhood ayaan wada sheekaysanay (macnaha jacel wada jilnay ) waxaan halkaas iiga cadaatay in somali girls aysan jaceylka waxba ka garaneyn, markaad tiraahdid waan ku jeclahay habeenkii maseexdo ayey buur dheer isisaaraysaa balkaalay adigu soo daji marka gabdhaha somaliyeed jaceyl yaan lala jilin inaad bartaan mooyee.

waxaana dhalinyarada kula talinayaa in ay iska kibriyaan oo aysan isku jilcin naagi cali malaha waa caruur oo kale

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Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 01:54 pm
Yo uk yaasmina is back

Ukman u r funny one minut aqwaan n netx minut jirri, n winking at kidding man hold your

See Uk man thatis what am talking about every persone is waiting someone else to make the first move , chicks waiting n sitting around n saying i know there is someone out there for me n waiting for that one , at the same time she know who she's in luv with n never do something about it.. cuz u know what somali girls think if they tell someone they luv them that person would think she is a biaajo or something, but hey we all know it doesn' work that way. i know there r some jerks out there if a girls approuches them talk about it the whole year through....

Ukman u know what i believe guys shoudn' wait for their lady to tell him how she feels about her first, may be u should go first n let her know what she means to ya n how much u luv her cuz u know how we r someli chicks we got this shying thingy which makes us differentfrom other races, which is something to be proud of n we r .. arnwe

Ukman to be hones am not afraid of anything n nothing stops me if i luv someone i'll go for it n see what happens but atleast i clear my chest n i got no regrets even if the relationship don' go right, at least u got to know the person..

well i know alot of people scare of the rejection thingy but heylife goes on so u move on too...

ukman am sure if u show your lady that u luv her n tell her too she'll say it back man

hey people let it out whatever u hiding when it's the right time. am out luv all...

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Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 08:11 pm


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Sunday, April 01, 2001 - 08:15 pm

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