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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Women's Forum: Archive (Mar. 2000 - August 2000): KU; DHAMAAN NINMAN KA SOOMALIYEED
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Unrecorded Date
Waad salaaman tihiin
waan ogahay in aad soo wada boodi doon taan ee is ter tiibiya. maxaad mar kas to naagaha hoos ugu dhigtaan oo u caysaan, muxuu yahay dhibka idin hayta ee la caytamaeysaan? ma is weydiiseen maxaa dheriga karka ka keenay? ma kuleelbaa mise waa maser oo idinku inaad naag noqotaan baad doonaysaan

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Unrecorded Date
to.jiija taas waxaa lagaa yiri su aalxumi jawaab maleh qofkii keenay ayaana dhib kuqaba habluhu caynagama mudna umana quurno hadaad aragtay dhalinyaro kaftamaysa ma aha in aad run kasoo qaadid mise waxaad tahay waxkasta run moodo adigu hadaad yare inan ku waynaatay waxay ahayd in aad calafkaaga sugtid ee ma ahan in aad dhamaan ragga afla gaadaysid

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Unrecorded Date
Ka'ma aan jaabayo, sababtoo ahi, qulub baa ku helay inantaay, ee daawo isla gaadh


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Unrecorded Date
to wareer
marka hore aniga naag laqabo ayaan ahay, oo calaf igama maqna, ee hadaad iga soo horjeesatana micno maleh ee runta soomali waa diidey,been ayaana leysku sheegaa, fiiri meelaha, aqri waxay niman kaan qoraayaan adigaabo fahmi doono waxaan ka hadlaayo, hadii aadan adiguna sidooda oo kale aheyn. markaad aragto gab dhaha ayaa afka lagu soo taagaa oo wax nimanka wax ka sheegaayo ma'arkersid oo ninkasto wuu fiicanyahay naagahiina waawada xuumaadeen ayaad aamin san tihiin

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Unrecorded Date



caafimaad alah kusiiyo

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Unrecorded Date
Suaashan caqli yari iyo garaad la'aan baa kaa keentay baan u malaynayaa ee namaad weydiiseen haddii kale, waayo jawaabtu waa caddaan, dhalaankuna waa arki karaa. Walaaley horta adigu qof marwa ah baad u hadal eg tahay laakiin gabdhihii badanakoodu waxay noqdeen qudhmuun faasukhay oo habeen iyo maalin gaal iyo Jamakaan ay ka dhaansadaan, sharaftii Soomaaliyeedna dilay. Nacas daanku geerash le'egyahay baa intuu kuu yimaaddo ku odhanaya saaxiibtay waa Soomali. Tooray ma la dhacdaa baa i qabata isna wuxuu isleeyahay malaa reerka Soomaliyeed waabad xiddideen. Xaafad East London ku taal waxaan uga guuray dumar Soomalaiyeed oo lagu haysto oo aan mushmushaaxooda u adkaysan waayey marba dhinac loo wato. Iddinkaa ragga noo jebiyay maraad durufleyda raacdaan iyo maraad raggaan halganka kula jirno noo soo dalabtaan 999, intaad naga xigsataan. Qurbaha waa ka socdaa anigu, illeyn dumar inooma joogee. Shaqa fiicana waa haystaa laakiin manfac ma leh haddaanad reer ku abuuri karin meesha.

Gabagan ila eega, Ina Cabdille Xassan oo si runna wax u inshaari jiray weligii:

Naagaba dumar qurbaan ku nacay dabin alluu qoolye
Waa waxaan dadkeeniyo ahayn dowladddii nebiye
waa cadaw dagaalamahayiyo duul shisheeye ahe
Waa doxorayaal aan xishood dooc ka garaneyne
waa waxaa kobtii diiqa iyo dowyadaas mariye
Waa waxaa dalaadahaa bannaan lagu dukhuulaaye
Dawgii walbeetaba wata jareer dacayda laalaadin
Darmaduu u fidsaday doofaarku diinta kaga saarye
Dhalfaduu gaal ku diisay bay cudur ka duugteene
Waa wada dabrima diisan iyo dalab-sikiireeye
Waa wada dahaar siiban iyo daba dhurwaaleye
Waa wada dumbulo foolxuniyo madax danduulleey e
Waa wada dameer gaaban iyo daaman baqalleey e
Waa wada calool daas iyo dacay gafuur weeyne
Wixii ay dareemaanba waa dooxanahayaane
Darbaal icecream iyo keeg bay damug ka siiyaane
Inkastay durduurtaan nacfiga kama dafaayaane
Diihaal hunguri waa wuxuu doy ka dhaadhicine
Inaan diintu sii waarin bay dacawedeysteene
Doqoniinaday la ciyaan duhur dharaareede

Abwaankii Cali Dhuuxna(My uncle, god bless his soul) waakii yidhi

Naagaba dhankii loo legdiyo dhinac ma diidaane
Dhedigaanshahaa lagu arkiyo dhiiga caadada e

Markaa anigu waxaan is idhi dumarku maskaxba ma lahoo hadba kii keeneeya ayaa hogaanka u qabta.

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Unrecorded Date
dhamaan salaan'


ninyahwo dumaarkii waaba kaa joosankari layihiin bal noo sheeg shaqsi ahan wax ay ku geysiteeen?

mida kale wax iskula har dumaarku mar waaku dhaleen marna waa kula dhashteen wadan guursan doontaa waad dhali doonta.marka ka waran haddii aad dhasho gabar eya arkto sida dumaarka u liideyso waxayba oranlaheyd aabahay qali maba leh
marka dumaarka oo dhan ah isuu qaldin kuwa xun iyo kuwa fiican waa leyihiin marka maha haddii aad aragtay dhinci xuma waxaa ku dhimaan dhinca fiicna markaas hadla danbe oo dumaarka xun lagam maqleen wanaagooda moyee.
marka saxiib is qabooji wax yaabo badan baa ku dhimaan nolosha inaad aragto inta aad noshaya .
haddi aan kugu xadgudbay iskay caafi waxaas oo dhan adiga keenay.

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Warta suuqa

Unrecorded Date
Jiijo Xaaji,

Aan war kusiiyo widaayeey;

Iska hor imaadka ragga iyo dumarka waa arrin soo jiri jiray Zaman hore, lagasoo bilaabo abkoow aadan iyo abooto xaawo, dib u yara milicso taariikhda bani aadamka. Taasi waa mid, midda kale ragga mawada aha sida aad u malaynayso oo waxaa jira ragga qaar madaxa saaraya dumarka oo qiima iyo qadarin u yeela.

Hadaan u soo laabto ninkaan gabayga, geeraarka iyo baroor diidqda isku daray, adeer aduunyada waa is badeshay qarniyadii mugdiga ahaa ee uu horseedaha u ahaa adeerkaa Cali Dhuux waa lagasoo tagay ee dumarka "Degrading" ku sameeyay. Adeer Dumarkii tageen oo waxaan ku jirnaa year 2000 inan ku caqliyeysatay waxbarasho, xornimo, isku filnaan, shahaadad sare, career objective, personality, quality, business oriented, technlogy influence, family stability, women issue, leadership partner and so on, ayaad rabtaa inaad u celisid casri aan ka socon karin meelaha ay joogaan. Kuwaas waliba waa kuwa sharafta leh ee raba inay reerahooda iyo dhaqanki Soomaalinimo ku dhagganaadaan, diinna laga yaabe ineey kaaba badiyaan, bal ka warran dumarka lagu tilmaamo Feministaha hadeey kugusoo baxsadaan qiyaamahaaga ineey kicinaayaan shaki kuma jiro, (Wallahi ayaan ku dhaartay) hadii aad waxa aad soo qortay wali sii aaminsantahay iska dhaaf dumarka kalee kuwa aa dhashay uga cabso ineey isbitaalada waalida kugu soo tuuraan. Ee waxaad yeeshaa adiga is badel (Sidee xeera lagu xagtaa ilkana ku nabad galaan) waa inaad adugu nookhadihi doonta noqotaa hadii kale hogaanka maanta waa lawada wadaagaa rag iyo dumre ee barri yaan lagaala wareegin. Ka baxay.

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Unrecorded Date



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Unrecorded Date
hadalkaygii dad waa qoonsaday oo haddaan meesha ku salleeliyayna ha layga raalli ahaado cafna waa idin weydiistay. Si guud ahbaan u hadlayoo waan yara illooway in gabdhahoo dhami ay u qaadan karaan weerar sharaftoodii lagu soo qaaday. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Warta Suuqa adna warar fiican baad soo jeedisaa inta badan(albeit in a laboured and pompous way). Hadalka aad sheegaysoo dhana waxba kama qabo inay gabdhuu heer walba culuunta ka gaadhaan, horumar shaqo tiigsadaan, xornimo kastana helaan. Keliya waxaa dhibaato keentay sida qaar ugu degdegaan inay baabi'iyaan tiirarka dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed. Sheekooyinka aan hayo halkan kuma soo koobi karo buug saddex volume ah maahee. Markaa waxaan kaga hadhay rag iyo dumarba eed waa la leeyahay ee aan ku dadaalno sidaan isula shaqayn lahayn haddii kale aayatiinka waa inaan la mid noqono gafuur-culusta arligan loogu yimi. (Baby mother iyo sheekooynkaasu amay caadi noqdaan, hope not).

Abwaankii Cabdilaahi Muuse wuxuu yidhi:

Is taageerid bay laba gacmood tamar ku yeeshaane
Tiska waxa la qaadaa hadday tiirisaa biddixe
Haday midigtu keligeed taagantay taxar ma goyseene

Adderkay kale Jaamac Kediyana wuxuu yidhi isna, illeyn raggana ceebtooda waa in la soo bandhigee dumarkana guushooda loo qiro e:

Raggii waa saxalsan yahay
Sifihii loo raaci laa
Qof suureeyaa ma jiro
Xilqaan isma saarayaan
Maqaaxi bay siman yihiin
Munaafaqaday subkaan
Sowd beenay ku hadlayaan
Cidlay saylaynayaan
Waxay sahaminahayaan
Sagaaraan ka cabbi karin!
Hadday soo xoogsadaan
Wixii ay soo heleen
Ciyaalka ma siinayaan
Balwado silicay barteen
Sigaar iyo qaad xunoo
Malaha sixir loogu daray
Ayay kula sii socdaan
Hadhowtana waa salcaan
Masuuliyad saaran bay
Ka seexdeen oo dayacan

Haweenkii waa sondolo
Sumcaddoodaa u wayn
Ciyaalkii bay sidaan
Siqiirkay korinayaan
Waayeelkay wax siinayaan
Ilaahay baa u saqiray
Tirada boqolkee la sugo
Sagaashan waxaa ku jira
Sax howshoodii u wada
Ilaahow saatirow
Abaalmarintooda sii

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Unrecorded Date
Naag wa Caruur cag weyn.

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Unrecorded Date
Kamal, what is your mother's shoe size? Mean no disrespect, just curios.

Markii aad rabtaan inaad dumarka liidaan, waxaa soo qaadataan maahmaah uu oday reer baadiya ah sameeye markaas ka dhiigtaan inay tahay aayad quran ah!
Ceeb alaha astuuro, nin Somaali wuxuu ku tooran yahay waa la yaqaan!

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Unrecorded Date
to jiijo
kaalay adiga hadii halkoo ku xumeeyay maxaa dad ka oodhan isugumid uga dhigee.
Kaalay naagihiina somaliyeed maxaa raga isumid ugadhigtaan .

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Unrecorded Date

Naagaha qof hoos u dhigay ma jiro, ee marka sariirta la tago xataa hadaad iska kor marisid mar walba waxay rabtaa inay hoos jirto, ma aqaan wax loogu sheegay.

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Warta suuqa

Unrecorded Date
Salaam to All,

Hiijo Xaaji,

Walaaleey waad ku mahadsantahay commentigaaga, inkastoo aan hubo rag Soomaaliyeed ee aniga iga fiican inay jiraan, laakin mushkiladda jirta ayaa waxay tahay hadii dadka wanaagsan oo qudha la isku aadin lahaa ama ay isku calaf ahaan lahaayeen, kuwa kale isma dhaqdeen, marka waa xikmad ilaahay in dadka badankiisa ay isku dhafanyihiin oo la isugu aadiyay dad wanaagsan iyo kuwa kale, sidaa daraadeed waa in la isu sabraa oo hadaan la isu dulqaadan reer ma dhaqnaadeen.


Ninyohoow iga raali ohoow hadaan kuu gafay ama aan hadal qalad ah ku iri, inkastoo hadlka aan usoo jeediyay ragga soomaaliyeed laakin usluubka ayaa wuxuu u ekaa inaan adiga kula hadlayay. Teeda kale waa runtaa walaal eeda waa lawada leeyahay rag iyo dumar, laakinse dhaqan ahaan mashaakilka waxa muujiyay waxa ay tahay innagoo u aragna inaysan dumarku qaldami karin, balse raggu haduu balaayo kasto iyo qurun kasta uu dhex dabaalanayo waxaa la oranayaa waa (Dirac dirac dhalay) waa (daanyeer daanyeer dhalay) waa nin rag ah. Waxaana laga yaabaa maskiinta guriga ku sugaysa ee afka gaaban, edebta badan raaliyadda ah, caruurteeda korsanaysa hadeey qalad yar gasho inuu qiyaamaheeda koco, marka dhaqankeenu waa uu daba gadisanyahay mararka qaarkood mana aqaano meesha uu nagasoo gaaray, gaalna waa aragnay, muslimna waa la dhaqannay, ee xageebaa rageena laga heestaa?

Dumarka waa feefh qaloocan ayaa laga abuuray sida diinta islaamka tiraahdo, hadaad toosi istiraahdana feedhtu waa ay jabi, jabkeeduna furiin, hadii kalana waa inaad sideeda ku wadataa. Marka hadaan sidaa u ogaan lahayn ama aan is fahmi lahayn rag iyo dumar, waxaan filayaa dhibaatooyin badan ma imaadeen.

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Unrecorded Date
To: Kariima

Walaal maxaa ku qaaday ood odayaashaa macbuudka u xerooday waa hore ugu xadgudbaysaa sow gef maaha waxaad ka tidhaahdaa? Runtii gabayga Sayidka anigaa ku falfalaaday oo balaayyo kale ka buuxiyay ee dumar oo dhan umuu gabyayn. Kan kalee Cali Dhuuxna waa halheys weyn run badanina waa ku jirtaa. Ogow gabayaaga Soomaliyeed, siiba kuwa murtidoodu waarto, waxay isku darsadeen maskax iyo garasho aad u xad-dhaaf ah, aqoon ay u leeyihiin dhaqanka, iyo fahmo weyn ooy u leeyihiin dabciga bani aadamka(Insight into human nature). Tan waxay kala wadaagaan maansooleyaasha waaweyn ee dunidoo dhan.

Bal ila eeg intan:

"Shakespeare is above all writers, at least above all modern writers, the poet of nature; The poet that holds upto his readers a faithful mirror of manners and of life."

And of Euripides(Greek dramatist 485-406 BC) it was said that every verse was a precept.

Although I would not go so far as to say that our poets' words are like an "aayad quraan" or even a precept as they claim for Euripedes, It is clear that their output is informed by the Universal Human Experience, common humanity, customs, traditions and axioms. Above all they are invigorated by the poet's unique insights into his environment. When the poet renders this in a pleasing and elegant literary construction, the result is invariably a timeless poem that continues to bury its undertakers and dismissive critics(You, Kariima for axample). And indeed that is the very purpose of poetry: To instruct by pleasing or agitating.

Naagaba dhankii loo legdiyo dhinac ma diidaane

Why did I write this particular passage? And how accurate is it given that I claimed that Somali poetry is the progeny and mirror of common humanity? are these the misogynous rantings of an ignorant and backward nomad? Or the product of a highly refined and penetrating observer of the human condition?

The answer is obvious and Cali Dhuux was merely describing the most basic underpinnings of Darwin's theory of natural selection. Darwin's empirical observations were that the female of any species gravitates to the dominant male, a process through which the female hopes to increase the viability and survival of her progeny. A process which enivitably involves a degree of submission and complaisance -on the part of the female- to the will of the dominant male.

Now one can argue that we are in a new age which has swept away the old paradigms but there is a great deal of truth still to be found in the words of the old brute and women are still, even in this enlightened age, partial to men who are wealthy, succesful, and indeed all powerful. If you doubt me ask yourself why an intelligent young woman like Lewinsky would prostrate herself at the feet of that wretched, inbred southern farm boy Clinton. The answer is obvious: The all-conquering aphrodisiac of power.

So the gauntlet has been thrown all men of Somalia: hurdada ha laga kaco gaalka iyo yuhuudka iyo addoonka waa inaan tartanka laynaga dheerayn oo nacalada haddaynaan qoorta ku soo dhegin oo xoolahana eeynaan ka meersan wallee meel cidlaa inta laynagaga tagaa dumarkeenuna inagu qosli doonaan markay habacsanaan inagoo meelaha la wareegayna ina arkaan. Dhegtii dhimataye ragow meesha ha layska qaado.

Runtiina hadalka qadhaadh aan meesha ku bilaabay wuxuu ahaa polemic aan kiiska iskaga yara waalayey runta anba waa ogsoonaa in ragii dayacan yahayoo, oo dee waan xanaaqay markii meeshii i hafeefanaysay lay damqay.

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Unrecorded Date
Lol Xoogsade, runtii hadalkeegka wuxuu ku socoday ninka mah mahda qore, ileen Somaali waxaay aaminsantahay inee "Somaali been maahmaahin!!!"

I can not explain to you what it is like to live in a "Man's world" to be always the antithesis of what is exalted in society; to be forced into a reality that appeals to a selfish patriarchy.
But, then I look and listen, and all I see and hear is hollow, 'has been', full of hot air.

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Unrecorded Date
Kariima tell the truth please: you have been taking a lot of Women's Studies courses, haven't you? Sis,those lesbians are dangerous, so watch out. I can't decide which is more dangerous their depraved and deviant sexual practices or their concerted campaign to destroy the trust and goodwill that exists- or should I say used to exist- between the sexes.

But on a more serious note, if it is not too big an imposition, I would like you to explain to me the obstacles you have faced as a woman trying to make her way in a Man's World. What were the biggest obstacles? were they educational, professional, career-related, familial? Have you had these adverse experiences at home(Somalia) or abroad. I really would appreciate it if you could share these experiences. It would make for pleasingly instructive change from the usual meaningless banter and jousting to which we have grown accustomed at this forums.

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Unrecorded Date
Xoogsade, when you espoused your ideas above, I did not bring up the courses that you took in literature, so I don't uderstand why one aspect of knowledge has to be pointed out.
Look at it from this prespective. I don't beleive in re-inventing the wheel; so when I want to read something, I want to be able to relate to it, so if prechance I find a book that empathizes with my experience, then I read it. Incidently, I have never taken a women studies course, maybe now is the time eh!!
I don't understand Somali guys fear of feminism??
Not every woman who speaks her mind is a feminist or a lesbian!!!!!
You want to know the obstacles of Somali women.
Think of these words:-
- Invisibile
- Unacknowledged
- Marginalized
- Underappreciated
- Disposable

Have you ever witnessed a conversation between a deaf and a mute? When a Somali woman speaks, Somali men are deaf; and when they speak, they expect the women to be mute!!!
And the dikri is "dhaqan shisheeye dooni meeno"


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Unrecorded Date
"Yet your desire shall be for your man
and he shall rule over you"

GENESIS 3:10-13,16

I basicly found dat segment in da Bible and I thought it will sound cool in dis topic.

Note- ladies don't get's me and ya know how I respect ya freaks...ooops sorry


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Unrecorded Date
to kariima
adiga gadaal maa lagaa gelayaa mise
waa ku raacee waxeey jiijo dhahaday mise
yaa caqli shakshuuko marka look before you said some ting.

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Warta suuqa

Unrecorded Date
Ciise Rooti, how about this;

Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because of they support them from their means. Therefore, the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard" Surah Al-Nisa. Verse # 34

Isn't this verse is wonderful as family observation.

Look at the differences between the two words

Quran says; Men are "protectors"

Genesis said; Men " rule over you"

Walaal Ciise, kalama jeedo waad qaldantahay ee waa just comment, waayo nolosheeyda ayaan waxay ka caada yeelata wax kasta oo aan arko inaan bal raadiyo muxuu Quraanka kariimka ah ka yari.

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Unrecorded Date
salaan loodhayahay qacdhaha kuligiinba Itink destorying the dignety of the ladies is bad oll thuoth same of them they coll cheap and clean so yuo must know what the reality is that is my boint to warta yuo were here wile im thinking yuor in diglow what thehel yuo are

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Unrecorded Date
To: Kariima
Salaama Calaykum walaal

Sorry if I offended you with that women's studies crack. It is just that the word "patriarchy" set the alarm bells ringing. And yes it is true I have taken some English lit. courses covering Shakespeare and all the others but then again doesn't one have to take those kinds of courses to gain a modicum of literacy if not literary achievement. But what will surprise you is that I have taken a WS course and believe me it was an experience I am not in hurry to repeat. Well actually I only went to one class. I was the only guy in the entire lecture hall and right away I was focus of the hateful gaze of some 150 ladies. Indeed the fact I am black may be the only reason I emerged unscathed-inflicting damage on an afflicted minority may have offended their politically correct sensibilities; A white guy might have been roasted alive. Having resolved to weather the baleful glances of my "classmates" I turned my attention to the professor who started her lecture but not before regarding with an expression eloquent with loathing and contempt. The lecture(diatribe, really) that followed was the most shockingly bigoted and polarising disquisition I ever heard up to that point, and was something of an end to my age of innocence. Needless to say I did not return for an encore.

It is not that I hate or fear feminists, radical or otherwise. It is just that I find them completely and utterly tiresome. They are so conformist(yes, really), earnest and rigidly dogmatic while preaching the gospel of choice and freedom. This they share with their fellow-travelers in the victim culture such as the black civil rights crew who have set up in academe a mirror of the WS we talked about called the African-American Studies programs peddling dubious historiography laced with a generous helping of some activist agenda.

It is true that the early feminists, like the early civil rights campaigners, have done a wonderful job of securing the rights of their "constituency", but somewhere along the way the fights for equality evolved into some kind of an ideological struggle where problems had to be invented in order to find solutions.
Steinem, Dworkin, Wolf, Greer and Faludi et al have given the movement its ideological underpinnings but like all movements it needs foot soldiers which are to be found in their thousands on college campuses with their eager malleable minds. The same goes for Dr West and the rest of the black studies gang. Fact is these academic agitators have absolutely nothing in common with you and me and the millions of people in the world going about their business trying to better their lives. They belong to that most despicable of groups whose incestuous membership respects no boundaries of gender or race or geography, or even that most artificial of distinctions,the party political affiliation. Call them the cognitive elite, the rational elite or what have you they are all the same and are animated by their lust for power, such power commensurate with the following that they can command. The foot soldiers are mere pawns in a political game and their lot is forever unchanging. The masters are the evil triangle of academic, business and political elite. The only change is in the fortunes of the masters pulling the strings, fortunes whose fall and rise depends on the dexterity with which the strings are pulled.
For me feminists are like the person who lost his faith but found his reason. That reason is an ideology that opresses women as much as it liberates them. Personally I would recommend to anyone to think for themselves because the wholesale approach cannot and does not work. It is the height of intellectual laziness to go a lecture hall , imbibe the "effluent" coming out of some teacher's mouth or read a dubious book and launch yourself on the world armed with your reason. And more than anything else it is beyond me how the condition of the western man or woman can be the blueprint for the social development of their Somali counterparts. Is this not a process that involves a degree of compromise? Moral compromise?

Whither Islam and the Somali diaspora?

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Unrecorded Date
Hi Xoogsade,
I am glad that we are on the same wave length!
If I understood the gist of your writing; that while being an elite is okay; being an elitist is not! I am with you on that.

I would like to point out that it is important to be aware and critical of the source of knolwedge, the type and style of analysis one uses in reaching decisions etc. However, one can not just broad paint and dismiss the proponents of civil rights etc. Issues of racism, classism, gender, religion etc compounded by access to power and funds have derailed a lot of ideals of justice, fairness and equality. My philosophy is let us learn from these experiences; take what we can use to benefit us. Let us learn from the experience of others, since we are incapable of coming up with our own solutions!!

The only problem here is, does the "us" have common interests and goals?

We are straddling (sp?) two cultures, traditional and western. Men, as usual want to have their cake and eat it.....when it come to women's concerns, the 'lament' is:
"dhaqan shisheeye dooni meeno!!"

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I am starting to get paranoid about this phrase "Dhaqan..." that you keep repeating. I feel you are about to spring the trap after I go after this juicy morsel you keep throwing at me. But I will go after it anyway.

Despite my attempts to draw you out you never clearly stated what these women's concerns are that are so cavalierly dismissed with this phrase. But if the phrase is ill-used by a bad husband or father as cover for his personal failings it does not discredit the idea itself. Ideas after all are not responsible for the people that hold them. I personally agree with it for the simple reason that there is not much of a "dhaqan" in the west for us to incorporate. The cultural growth of the west has been in inverse proportion to its sientific and technological growth. It is a wasteland where such concepts as duty, deference and obligation have been replaced by self-idulgence and rebellion that takes the form of a cold hedonism that has celebrated sexual experimentation and the drug culture. This drug culture has had a deeply corrosive effect on language, manners, education and the upbringing of children. I know you will raise qaad but qaad is not even in the same league.
Unrestricted abortion, easy divorce, radical education, sexual equality, homosexual law reform are realities we live with in the west daily. The family is disappearing. Life, born and unborn, is cheaper than ever. Millions of women, willingly or not, abandon their children to the care of paid strangers at daycares everywhere. Sexual tolerance led to demands for legal and moral equality between homosexual partners and married couples. An ethical person is not the one carries himself with dignity and behaves well but the one who adheres most closely to the politically correct orthodoxy.

The sad truth is however that Somalis have abandoned their authentic culture a long time ago and what we are trying to preserve is a diseased post-colonial compromise of a culture that was foisted on us by our well-meaning grandfathers. But even this mishmash is preferable to what is on offer in the in land of the infidel.

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Salaama Kariima
Salaantii baan kaa illaaway, sorry

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xoogsade sxb horta rageedii ayaa tahay, aana kuu saxo cali dhuux wuxuu yiri since i am great fan of cali "naagaha hadba dhankii loo rogiyo dhan diideyn". marka sxb duulkaan naga daa shartooda ilaah ha na mootiyo. i have recorded BBC interview with english-man who studied our language and he was comparing xigmada ku jirta into kuwa kale. this is what he said "somali literature, is absolutely number 2 if not number 1 in this world", tani waxey kuu sheegeysaa hadii waxa dhaqanka yahay la raaci lahaa in maanta wax naga xumaadeen aysan jireen. iyo in ragii gabyi jirey ee somaliyeed ay ahayeen raga indheer garata ah. waa ugu walee naag somaliyeed oo halkan waxey doonto ku soo qorta in ragaasi aysan oran karin waa reer baadiye, ma jameekan hala seexdo ayaa reer magaalnimo ah hadaba? waa in dhaqanka la ilaaliyaa. xoogsade kuwan lama qancin karo. nin ingiriis ah oo literature-ka ku dhereya ayaa wuxuu yir "women are pyscho-chameleon" marba meesha ay joogaan kan ku taabsado ayey raacaan. ragiinan moodey in aqoontu tahay hala tago dhaqanka waa qaldan tihiin. gabdhaha somaliyeed intooda badan waa dameeri dhaan raacdey.okay. let me now give more constructive logic argument: okay somali ladies lets say you have decided to be jareer! fine, whenever we ask you why? you just keep on saying somali men are losers. hohoho ask the society you live with these blacks are loosers too. in london for instance which i have ever been for only 3 days business days for seminar, i have noticed where the somalis live and where the jameekans live are the same and within the white community they are loosers! so what is happening here? going from one looser to another? come on, be realistic, saying no to your brother and yes to jareer. the point is clear if you want be f*ck by looser then f*ck with somali looser, otherwise wait the successful somali, dont disgrace us front of these f*cking ugly niggers, which nothing links us either do culture, religion or color. we r different period. i hate seeing those somali girl f*cking with others alaa maxey dhulaka nala galeen ilaah dhulka idinla goo waa naceebeyseen, xaaran xaaran dhashey. waan caytamey waa ogahay laakin idinkaa iga keeney. umadii nin ma ceebeeyo naag baa ceebeysa like it or not. and we r to accept this fact. for god sake, hadaad sex rabtaab somali ha idin waso why jameekan, tii kale ilaaheeda ka baqeesana gurigeed guur xalaal ah ha ku sugto.

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Xoogsade, waan ku salaamey, tii horeyna waan ka qaaday.

Bro, I agree with you about the many western ills that you mentione above. But you failed to mention the double standards in our society.
We are living in different times at diferent places, it is imperative that we recogonize that there are many new challenges for the family.
Back home , men were the breadwinners and women were the home makers. Because of circumstances, many men are unable to fulfill their role as breadwinners. On the other hand, the women continue with their role of home-maker and some-times have the oppurtunity to work.
As you know, in the west we don't have our extended family around us for support etc. Each nuclear family is on its own. Raagii somaliidda qaarkood waxaa laga layahay, war hadeedaan shaqo haniin, xaaskaaga ka caawin guriga iyo caruurta.
Somali man is capable of sitting at a coffee shop for 4 hours, while his wife cooks, cleans, shops at supermarket and pick up the children from the bus-stop. When, this guy come home, he expects to be served like he is the guest of honour!!!!!

I know cases of couple you got divorced because of such things as the husband not willing to help with chores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the big picture, many women did not choose to come and live in a western environment. They were forced to because of the stupidty of Somali men!

Xoogsade, I am not being harsh on you guys, but I am sort of tired of doing chores for married women who beg me to:
1. take their children to the doctor's
2. speak to school counselors
3. translate at social service office
4. pick-up milk and diapers for them.
(Their husbands are either at the coffee shop or sleeping).

Somali, walaal ma wadamadda Carabta baad degantahay? Raag badan oo wadamadda khaliijka degan oo fikraddahaaga oo kale qaba ayaan arkey!
Is it something in the water there that makes you guys so .................

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Miyaad u baahnaanlahaydeen Video Conference ilaa wixiinu dood ka badane? Ama maad E-mail isu dhaaftaan si markaa dooduba usoo af jarmato?

Save ya time ppl, time is Precious don't waste it.


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Intaad sheegtoo dhami waa run oo niman badan baa kaalintoodii ka seexday. Haddana ninka gurigii jiifa oon reerkii wax la qabanayn waxa laga yaabaa inay arrimo kaloo xagga psychological ahi ka hooseeyaan oo uu wax tirsanayo. Waa in kuwii la hanuunin karana lagu soo arooriyo hufnaantii iyo karti badnidii lagu yiqiin ragga Soomaliyeed kii kalee wax qaadan waaya markaa isaga meeshuu is dhigay loogaga tago. Marnaba ma fiicna in divorce lagu degdego oo reer dhisan la dudumiyaa cuqubay leedahay.
Anigu deegaankaan joogo intii awooday ah waan isku dayaa inaan ragga baraarujiyo oo waxaan dareensiiyaa sida ciyaalkeenu ugu baahan yihiin carbin iyo laylis badan oo joogto ah si ay dhaqankooda, afkooda iyo diintooda si fiican ugu ababaan. Waa dhibaato in barbaarintii basic ahayd lagu wada murmo.


Inaadeer hadalkaa sare ee gabdhaha meel ugaga dhacay wuxuu iska ahaa mid aan ka soo qaad lahayn oon sheekada xawaash uga dhigayee ma ahayn wax iga dhaba ama aan aaminsanahay. Inta gabdhood oo sharaf dunida ku joogaa ka badan inta yaree falalka xun ku kaca. Reerkii bay hagayaan, tacliintoodii bay kor u qaadaan, tolkii bay ka war hayaan oo arligeenii ku biilaan oo hawsha ay hayaan kuma soo koobi karo halkan. Inaguna haddaynu rag nahay la soco inagaa baahidu xaggeena ku badan tahay oo ninku hadduusan haysan qof dumar oo ka danbaysa wuu iska ugaadhoobaa maal kastuu leeyahayna dayac buu siman yahay. Isla markaana ninka ragga ahee qoysku u dhisan yahay waxa gala ficil iyo shucuur dheeraad ah si uu reerkiisa ugu hubsado nolol raaxo iyo barwaaqo le oo wuxuu ku danbeeyaa nolol wanaagsan. Ka aan weligii guursan isagoo odayaad arkaysaa isagoo luqunta laalaadinayoo hadduu doono isla hadlaya. Markaa gabdhaha ha aflagaadeyn walaalow shisheeye illayn maahee waana tiirkii nolosheena e.

Gabayga Cali Dhuuxna waa runtaayoo Sidan waa loo qoraa:
Naagahaa dhankii loo dhigiyo dhinacna diidayne

Naagaba dhankii loo legdiyo dhinac ma diidaane

iyo kaad kor ku soo qortay intaba waa arkay laakiin carabkaygu kaasuu u bartayoo hadda ma beddeli karo raggaan ka hayaana waa odayo waaweyn.

Ciise Rooti:

Inaadeer rabshad badnidaa ma inaynu mar kale is dilnaad doonaysaa. Gabadha dood caama ayaa noo socotay dadoo dhana khusaysa ee waxaan ku leeyahay inanta maskax baa ku duugane ka cibaaro qaado hadalkeeda, illaahayna ka bari gabadh iyadoo kale ah inuu ku siiyo.

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