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Flight 13,, the Untold Stories

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Women's Forum: Archive (Mar. 2000 - August 2000): Flight 13,, the Untold Stories
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Unrecorded Date
The Flight 13 stories will be heard for centuries to come, lets hear them,

What is the funniest flight 13 story you ever heard ???????

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Unrecorded Date
,,,,Dayaaraddii shanta boqol ee Soomaali wadday ee Oday gadaal fadhiyaa uu daaray radio-giisii si uu BBC-da uu u dhageysto ee geddi wixii dayaaradda saarnaa ay gadaal isugu yimaadeen si ay u dhagaystaan BBC-da ay dabeedna Dayaaraddii ay hawada dhexdeeda ay dheelisay oo si loo dheelli tiro ay gabar flight attendant-igii ahayd ay Radio kale ay ka shiday horayda hore bal dadkan gadaal isu buurtay ay horey u soo aadaan!!!

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Unrecorded Date
,,,,,Minnesota,,,Mineapolis waa magaala aan si aad ah aan u jecelahay baa waxaa laga sheegay nin aad u shaqa badnaa oo laba shift tummi jiray uu lacagtiisa uu ku xaseesan jiray meel giardiino (jardiino) ah oo kadib kolkii sanad iyo bar lacagta ku duuganaayay jardiinkaa in maalinkii dambe lacagtii ay ka raacday roobab iyo baraf xoog badan ee meeshaa ka dhacay,,,,...

Kaaga darankana lacagta aad buu ugu soo rafaaday oo xitaa wax kama aanu cunni jirin aanan ka ahayn waxa yar uu reerkooda u dirsado mooyaane.

Walaahi thumma walaahi waa sheeka dhab ahoo dhacday ninkuna wuxuu ahaa nin ka dib dagaaladiiba ka aammin baxsanaa Bangiyada iyo ribadooda!!!!!!!!!!!

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Unrecorded Date
,,,,,,Weysla Minasota oo aan aad u jecelahay baa waxaa dhacday in Wiil uu ka shaqeynayay Shaqo Subax telephone u soo diray uu leeyahay " I quit".

Subaxii dambe 3 maalmood ka dib buu shaqadiisii isa soo xaadiriyay oo dhiniciisii ka galay oo isagoo shaqeysanaya baa Supervisorkii arkay ee yiri "hey mohamed soomaanad quit gareyn shaqada waaxay shaqada aad qabaneyso." mise dhaar iyo inkiraad se uu haddanna leeyahay ma waxaad sheegeysaa telephone kii khamiista la idiin soo diray ee la yiri inaaan aniga shaqada ka fariistay waa beentiis oo anniga ma ahayn oo kolkii la weydiiyayna halkuu ku maqnaa 3dan maalmood wuxuu la soo istaagay inuu shaqa doon ahaa,,,......oo ninkii ilaa maanta waxaa lagu naaneysaa ,,,,It was not me,,,,,,

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Unrecorded Date
,,,,,Walaahi I Love Flight thirteen guys,,,ma ka warheysaan Flight thirteen guys iyo wixii kala qabsaday Alaska,,,,,,

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Unrecorded Date
,,,,,,Ma ka warheysaan Flight thirteen guys iyo wixii kala qabsaday Tiguanna,,,,EL PASO,,,

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Unrecorded Date

OOh men I love those flight 13 jokes,

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Unrecorded Date
war neefow i fahansii marka hore Flight 13.
waad ku bururtay waan kuu jeedaa.

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Unrecorded Date
Koox Qaxooti ah oo aan ku jiro oo aan saaranahay flight 13 ayaa waxaan Transit ku ahayn Paris, Airport-kii Paris anakoo fadhina oo ay tahay 5:30 am ayaan waxaan meesha ku cabeynay sigaar, markaasaan qof waliba markuu dhameeyo sigaarka ayuu wuxuu ku ridaa dust pin-ka, cabbaar ka dib ayaan waxaan aragnay bahalkii oo qiiqaya, waxaan is niri waa sigaarkii qiiqiisii dhib ma leh, mise wax yar ka dib olol ayaa bilowday, oo waxaa dab qabsaday qashinkii horay ugu jiray, mana naqaano fire extinguisher, markaasaan kala cararnay. Shaqaalihii ayaa yimid oo damiyay. Waa nala weydiiyay, yaa sigaarka ku riday, yaa og hee. Qof walba wuxuu u haystaa in France intii lagu xiro lagaga tagi doono.

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Unrecorded Date

Cindii akhbaar muhimah jiddan cashaanak, mumkin tibcatlii email waraax arud caleek fii nafsil waqt, tacrif yaa neefoow raax ticjibak hal akhbaar awi, awi, awi. Anaa bintizaarak. Matistagrabshi!! idunyaa dii yimkin yaxsal xaagaat kitiira awi, miin caarif?

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Unrecorded Date
,,,,,,Dhawaalli yaa Cammoow!!!!!

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Unrecorded Date
,,,,,,,,Warta Suuqa iska fiirihee ii jwb deg deg,,

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Waarta suuqa

Unrecorded Date
Waa soo tuuray ee warkaaga aan helo adigana, meeshi aan kuu sheegaayay warkeeda isii ma isku dheceesaa? mise laataacaleesh eey kugu noqotay?

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Unrecorded Date
Waryaahee.....Neef..Flight 13 iyo Tiguana maxaa isu keenay? mise waxaad ku jirtey kooxda ka soo gashay Mexico iyo agagaadhkeeda.


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Rough Ridder

Unrecorded Date
what the hell you people on about huh !!!!!!!!!!

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Unrecorded Date
What is flight 13?

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Unrecorded Date
Yeah what is that ••••?

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Unrecorded Date
Warta, howa inta kunt fi masr wala eeh.

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Unrecorded Date
Keinaan pays tribute to Flight 13

All ma ladies you know what I mean,

All ma soldiers from Flight thirteen.

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Unrecorded Date
aqyaarta hadii Flight 13 iyo fish chips la iskugu faataxeeyo ka warama, yaa soo haraayo

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Unrecorded Date
hi all;
it makes me sad to see some of feeble minded and weak ones here playing silly jokes on flight 13 people.

Believe me, although one may argue that flight 13 people are johny-come-late and they may do some goofy things, they are more productive than johny-come-early ones. Most of somalis who came north america in 70s, 80 are bums. If one wants to see what i am saying, all he/she needs is to go Harlem(new york), vancouver(BC) where on will find some somali looking bums who makes flee away.

And what about flight 13 people? May Lord bless them, where i live,they are the ones who runs business, they build mosques, teach children and do much more.

So People, let's stop this silly joke and vote for flight 13 people # 1 productive people in somalis in the diaspora. Shall we?. I rated flight 13 *****(five stars)


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Unrecorded Date
hi all;
it makes me sad to see some of feeble minded and weak ones here playing silly jokes on flight 13 people.

Believe me, although one may argue that flight 13 people are johny-come-late and they may do some goofy things, they are more productive than johny-come-early ones. Most of somalis who came north america in 70s, 80 are bums. If one wants to see what i am saying, all he/she needs is to go Harlem(new york), vancouver(BC) where on will find some somali looking bums who makes flee away.

And what about flight 13 people? May Lord bless them, where i live,they are the ones who runs business, they build mosques, teach children and do much more.

So People, let's stop this silly joke and vote for flight 13 people # 1 productive people in somalis in the diaspora. Shall we?. I rated flight 13 *****(five stars)


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Unrecorded Date
hi all;
it makes me sad to see some of feeble minded and weak ones here playing silly jokes on flight 13 people.

Believe me, although one may argue that flight 13 people are johny-come-late and they may do some goofy things, they are more productive than johny-come-early ones. Most of somalis who came north america in 70s, 80 are bums. If one wants to see what i am saying, all he/she needs is to go Harlem(new york), vancouver(BC) where one will find some somali looking bums who makes flee away.

And what about flight 13 people? May Lord bless them, where i live,they are the ones who runs business, they build mosques, teach children and do much more.

So People, let's stop this silly joke and vote for flight 13 people # 1 productive people in somalis in the diaspora. Shall we?. I rated flight 13 *****(five stars)


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Wednesday, September 13, 2000 - 08:49 am
soomaalidii 1980's qubaha soo gashay iyo dhalada waxa kala qabsaday yaa war u haayo?
eeg flight13-nada isla markaas eeg qurbaawiyiintii kee is odhanaysaan waa future fiican yahay?
waa qodob su'aaloo qof waliba siday tahay aan how qaato leeyahay
comments to neef
magacaagaan suluugay walaalkiis.loser.
adi maxaad haysaa aan ku su'aalee.see lacag la duugay baraf inuu adkeeyomaahee sidee loogu waayaa!

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