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Islam or tribalism

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Women's Forum: Archive (Mar. 2000 - August 2000): Islam or tribalism
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The Equalizer

Unrecorded Date
Although bringing up and discussing about this highly controversial and very emotional topic may alienate some of you, yet I believe firmly that the time has come to trash it out. Some of you might feel disgusted or even irritated at what I’m about to write. But, that is alright, for all I’m after in writing this topic is to bring to light some of the most hideous cultural brainwashing that most of the Somalis have been subjected over the centuries. I do know that some of you are of the opinion that this kind of topic is considered taboo in our Somali culture and it is best left hidden in the closet. To make a long story short, I believe that when it comes to tribalism, Somalis are blindfolded by their emotions and they put aside the most sacred Book that we cherish so much, namely the Holy Koran. As a matter of fact, some of us are even prepared to go to hell just to show their strong allegiance to their clan. What’s more, the chieftains of these clans are illiterate and can’t even read Somali let alone Arabic. So, what kind of leadership do you expect from an illiterate chieftain who doesn’t know a thing about religion. All their expertise are based on what their abysmally ignorant and illiterate forefathers taught them. Don’t jump in to accuse me of not being a Somali. I assure you I’m a genuine Somali; however, that shouldn’t prevent me from discussing this kind of topic in public. Let’s face it, what I’m trying to get across here is far greater than you and I. I’m trying to call you all to your senses and to go back to the straight path of Allah. Let’s cling together to the rope of Allah Almighty and let’s put aside our differences. Let’s also stop being assimilated by those Westerners whose whole objective is to lead us astray. Be mindful of their mischievous plans and take only what’s beneficial for you such as education. In a nutshell, I’m calling you to get rid off of all your illiterate chieftains and to go back to the path of righteousness and justice. You may not know this, but I assure you it is indeed best for you and for me if we only knew it.

May Allah bless you all and show you the straight path of eternal bliss and justice!!!

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Unrecorded Date
>>All their expertise are based on what their abysmally ignorant and illiterate forefathers taught them. Don’t jump in to accuse me of not being a Somali<<

Those "illiterate forefathers" had more wisdom and courage than you can ever imagine. You are the one who seems ignorant here,, you assume that they were dumb just because they could not read. !!

Our beloved Prophet could Not read or write when he was given the first revelation of the Quran !!

Just because one cant write does not mean that they are smart. Just check how much trash has been written by ppl on this site,,, (Kinky Girls comes to Mind)

You can have all the degrees in the World,, but if you are an idiot, that would only make you an idiot with a degree.


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The Equalizer

Unrecorded Date

Did I touch a nerve??? Sorry, but I won’t stoop myself to such a low degree as to bandy nasty and unbecoming words with you. Sorry to disappoint your ego, brother. If your real intention was just to attack and read between the lines, then I must inform you that won’t work. What’s more, I’m not here to waste my time over nonsensical and baseless arguments. However, if your real intention is to exchange ideas in a civilized manner, then I will be more than glad to do so.

For now, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your real intention was and still is the exchange of ideas. After all, that is the whole purpose of setting up this site. Having said that, I would like to go back to what you wrote in response to this article. You mentioned that Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h) himself was unlettered. That’s an axiomatic statement and as such it is indisputable. However, to adduce such an example just to cover-up the inconceivable and self-evident ignorance of the Somali chieftains is flagrantly unfair. By doing so, you are comparing apples to oranges, and consequently, your whole argument becomes weak and untenable. Of course, every sensible and believing person agrees that Allah has elevated the wisdom and intellect of all of his messengers, including Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h). That’s the reason they were given the status and admiration they had and still have among the Muslim believers. Nonetheless, that doesn’t imply that the Somali chieftains have that same status. On the contrary, the Somali chieftains are the ones responsible for all the havoc and destruction that took place in Somalia. They are the ones that instigated and brought about the break-up of Somalia. So, I ask you how on earth do you compare these ignorant chieftains to our honorable Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h). This kind of mentality clearly proves what I’ve been saying all along. That is, the majority of the Somalis are ready to go to hell to standby their mischievous chieftains. For more details, re-read my previous posting at the top.

I guess this will give you enough to dwell on for today and hopefully when I come back next time you will have eventually come back to your senses and will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

As usual, I will conclude my treatise by urging you all to cling fast to the rope of Allah and bend towards the path of righteousness and justice. May Allah bless you all with the light of truth and strengthen your faith in Islam (Amen!!!).

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Unrecorded Date
Good work for Equalizer and Papa...we are finally beginning to understand the importance of exchanging ideas. First, I agree with Equalizer that we - somalis are totally loyal to and worship clan than our religion. Somalis are willing to die for their clan than social justice and fairness.
Furthermore, we hardly separate clan interests and religion - they are fused together - the result, clan interests/politics dominates over religion. There is a danger - no wonder, Allah cursed us - and we ended up killing one another and destroyed our home lands. Second, I disagree with Equalizer - as you stated that education is about knowing how to read and write in other foreign languages such as arabic as mentioned. But you are entitled to favouring one education aspect than others - obviously you are biased towards AngloSaxon version of education which values reading and writing. Do not forget that we have an oral history endowed with rich folklare, storytelling and literature. And finally, I agree with you equalizer that if we do not change our approach - meaning worshiping clan than Alah - we will all perish in Jahana - may Allah save us from hellfire.


Keep the good work. We can learn together by exchanging ideas. :)


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Unrecorded Date
I would like to give much thanks to the Equalizer for poking where it hurts. I would to remind all of the somalis that Tribalism is not in our genes it a tool for convience. I also belief triblism is coming to an end.

I have proof and I think many of you out there can relate.

We are all aware of the political conditions in somalia, Thus is'

At the begining of the civil war Isaq were exterminated from their hometown by mainly Siyad Barre while using Darood as a cover.

In the Southern side •••••• tried to drive off Darood.

In the South •••••• (Haawiye) was split into factions untill they start killing the second cuasin or half brother from the mother side while saving the other brother from the dads side.

TEN years latter we can all see the wars are not triblism but a tool to power.
People used to thing all Marehan were powerful and rich. That was not the case, only few were closer to Siyad. The "koofi Guduun" were not somali haters they were just ignorant , hungry induviduals. Go to Minneasota, Ohia and Indianpolis and talk to the remaining of the "koofi Guduud". where they are carpet cleaners and cab drivers. Not the jobs are bad but that all they could find because they wasted there time guarding the big satan Siyad.

The next group to loose will be those still fighting in somalia and abroad for sake trabilsm. Give them ten more years and they would not find carpet cleaning job because the world is on a gear for digital expolration and genetic manupulation. Just this thought make me sick and ashamed becuase my brothers, sisters and many of my relatives are still fighting a lost battle for the sake of tribal illussions created by self serving, blood sucking, weesels whom I share last name.

I would like all somalis to take this oat

I swear not to identify anyone with a tribe
I swear not to aid anyone to futher trblism
I swear not to harm anyone for the sake of their tribe.
I swear not to brag the misery of other people.


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