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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Women's Forum: Archive (Before Feb 2000): WARWAREEGAYEEY XAAFADAHA WAAN KA BAQAYAAYE..!!
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Unrecorded Date
Waan idin salaamay!! anigoo aan sida gabdhaha loo shukaansado aan baran baan waddankii ka tegey jaamacad baan galay,waxa xiriir na dhexmaraanba waa umado kala duwan xitaa carabi ku jirto,gabar soomaaliyeed hadduu xiriir na dhex mari lahaa maba arag...qalinjebiyey,waloow gabdhihii jaamacadda qaarkood ay igu soo qaadeen guur ,haddana I said to them "I am saving all my love for my somali sister". waxaan imid meel soomalidu ku badan tahay ..waxaan go’aansadey bal inaan dhaqso aan gabar aan nolosha la wadaago aan helo,ka dib maalin baan kulaney gabar aan islahaa waa ok , sheekaysaney gabadhii after diner gabadhii gurigoodii baan u soo dhaweeyey,doonayna inaan waalidkeed barto,aan soogalay gurigiiba...naa waa maxay ninkani ..kab,biyo kulul...aniga kabteey aawey..balaayo..soow na cuntaa..gabadhii maalinkii baa iigu danbeysey..mid kale baan bartey..waxay dooneysaa inay tuugotuugo iigu imaato..makaasaan iri naa naga daa suuqa madoow,haddaad xiriir dhab ah rabto "make sure".iyadiina halkii baan ku kala tagney..mid kale baan kula kulmay aroos ,si fiican bay iigu qosleysey..laakiin kuwaaba damcay inay ila dagaalaan ,maadaama her family and mine have problem in the civil war in somalia..balo kale dheh..waxaan doonayaa gabadh inaan cagahayga ku doonto,dabadeedna nolol la wadaago,wixiina complicated bay ila noqdeen ..war heedhahaya duulkan sidee loo fahmaa..?? warwareegayey xaafadaha waan ka baqayaaye..!!mar baan is iraahdaa balaayo soomaali ha u qaraabo kiisho ,kuwaagii hore taleefan ma u dirtaa iyagaa sida jinka u imane..!!horta sideen u fahmaa gabdhaheena ..!BAL WAX II SHEEGA ,XAGGEE CILLADDU KA JIRTAA!!!

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Mr nice

Unrecorded Date
To Ducaalr;

salaan marka hore, marka xigta "Illaahoow yay na nicin nalaguma karee illaahoow yayna jeclaan nalagama karee" ma ilawday maahmaahdii odhan jirtay.GOOD LUCK BRO.

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Unrecorded Date

Salaan ducaale

hore ayaey soomaali u tidhi HAWEEN WAXAY DOONAYAAN BAY DIIDAAN,Taas oo macneheedu yahay iyada oo ku jecel ayaanay kuu muujinayn ee adigu markiiba ha is dhiibin, Teeda kale ha ku xisaabtamin qabiil waayo xataa hadii gabadha qabiilkeedu ku neceb yahay hadii ay ku rabto cidna kaaba reebayso,Gabdha soomaaliyeed ma tix galiyaan qabiil ee waxay tixgaliyaan jacayl.
the last advice
Qalbiga kala bax oo jeebkaaga ku hubso

Waxa aan kuu rajaynayaa hadii aad talooyinkaa inaad heli gabadh soomaaliyeed,aniga taa i waydii

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Unrecorded Date
Ducaale aboowe macaan don't ever rush the good will come hopefuly.One day you'll find the one you chose to be with(your beautiful pride to be)the one you'll want to share life with.KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSS BROUTHER.

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Unrecorded Date

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Unrecorded Date
to ducaale!
Just easy bro come down on the floor again man.
The good will come hopefuly.just wait bro.
Anaa kusheegaya xageey cilaadu kujiirto.It seems that u take the first and the best(thats what u think)or is it because i have another view of love or what?(please tell me)Let me tell u something.
1. do not ever go to her parents because u want to!
no no no . that is wrong bro.because u said (waxaan donayaa inaan walidkeeda barto) have to ask her if she is ready or not.
3. you have to know the girl real good first
before you meet her parents
4.let her talk to her parents first.

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Unrecorded Date
Hi there, genderly lovely room!
Greetings to the maamulka especially SHOOBTO!
Ducaale, dhibaatadu dhinacee u badantahay?
Talo dhab dheh!
Advice #1:
Sida aan kaa fahmay, gabdhaha waxaa ku lug leh dadka qaraabada ah mararka qaarkoodna "tolka" sidaa arooskiiba. Marka, anigu kugulama taliyeen sug ilaa aad ka heshid gabar aan hooyo iyo aabo iyo so-called TOL midna leheen (very unlikely to find one), ee waxaan ku oran lahaa, xaafad wareegga u badso, Dhuumaashow dhinacaaga ka gal:-)
Advice #2:
Gabdhaa rabtid si kastaba regardless reerkoodu siday la rabaan, cidna ha uga heybeysan ilaa ey ku diido iyadu.
Advice #3:
Make sure inay ku rabto intaadan reerkooda oodda uga qaadin. Besides, reerkooda bul allaha siiyo. Haba aadin inay iyadu ku weydiiso maahee. Remeber, if she wants you, they want you too and vice versa!
Advice #4:
Ha la yaabin dadkooda, waa waxaan dhaqan iyo caado u leenahee [in kastoo u baahan wax in laga bedelo si shaqsaa haddii kale jabney].
Advice #5:
Make sure you meet these stadards or else, canjeelo ma ku quraacaneysid:-)
Duqa nasiib wacan!

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Unrecorded Date

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Unrecorded Date
wacan oo wanaagsan..and thanks fikradihiina qiimaha leh....cilladeydu waxay ahayd i was going to be nice ,honest and also romantic...may be i read lot of love books...and be nice as i could to my somali sister..go outside together freely but honest, try to know her good side and weak side..and know whether i could eccept..and even know her parents before i make my mind....but i confused no one dare to go with you freely i don't know whether there is lot of cats around...SUUQ MADOOW...,haddaad wiil gayaankaa ah raacdo intaydnaan is guursan ka hor ma ceeb baa..hadduu wiilkaa yimaado gurigiina iyaduna ma dhib baa ..warwareegayeey xaafadaha waan ka baqayaaye..?? ummana arko gabar aad gurigeeda timid inay heshay viisihii ay kugu guursan lahayd...!!! thanks a lot

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Unrecorded Date
Hi all,

thanks sharaf, that is kind of you. I hear you.

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Unrecorded Date
to ducaale

ilaahay ha kuu fododiyo amin!


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Unrecorded Date
Hi Guys!

Bro don't complicate the things,you find difficult to get along with a somali girl,so let it be,forget about them and back to the others,bro i call that nepotism of marriege,they are all the same so choose the one you understand.


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Unrecorded Date
to daahir.

walal maxaad utidhii (they are all the same)
how can u say all of them if u dont know all of them. (Mr everything knows)
Do u know all somali girls or?
As a matter afact u do not know ME
so u cant say we all the same bro.

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Unrecorded Date

Macalinka Daahir
bal gadaal iskugu noqo oo fiiri hadalka aad tiri
ilaahey bini aadamka markuu abuuraayey shantooda farood isku mid kama uusan dhigin oo faraha islama eko so as the people walaalkiis dadkaan alle abuurey wax xun iyo wax fiican waa kujiraan wiilasha iyo gabdhahaba, marka lama dhihi karo wiilashaa wada xun ama gabdhahaa wada xun

ee macalinka haddey macalimad kugu qarxisey anagaa kaa maslaxeyneynee naga daa qarxiska iyo eedda aa nawada saareysid sey kaa noqotey? ee malagu xumeeyey noosheeg

horaa loo yiri

in the midst of great Joy do not promisse anyone anything, and in the midst of great anger do not answer anyone's letter

marka xanaaq ku haayey maa nagula fara baxdey waayaabee? mise waabsi waaye?

To: Bro Ducaale iska sug iskana samir walaalkiis

everything comes to those who hustle while they wait. marka iska sug aboowe kheerkaa soo daahee

sidaas iyo nabad gelyo wixii aan qaladana raali

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Unrecorded Date
to dhammaandadka qorayaasha waxaan jeclaan lahaa in soomaali lagu qoro sheekooyinka ama hal is dhaafsiga waad salaamantihiin by shabba

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Unrecorded Date
Amran said "in the midst of great Joy do not promisse anyone anything, and in the midst of great anger do not answer anyone's letter "

Walaal Amran: Aad iyo aad ayaan kuugu mahadinayaa maamaahdan aa meesha kusoo qortay. Waa cashar wanaagsan (at least to me). Mahadsanid.

Anon., the X.

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Mr Nice

Unrecorded Date
To Ducaale:

Let me give you a good advice, If you wanna have a respect toward woman.1- you have to be strong. I mean, first respect yourself. 2- Second Love yourself . And finaly, this one is very important be hard on woman. Means don't trust them let them trusted you.Believe me, woman love and respect guys who are hard on them.It shouldn't be this way, but remembar life is not fair.

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Abkeey doolli diloow

Unrecorded Date
ducaaloow ku fahmay!!waxaa hore kuu soo maray the little romance of university live ..tii kuu baxdaba ku qabo ,every thing is nice and sweet..expire time markii la gaaro laad dabada kaga xawil..and you don't have any resposibilty..marka waxaad dooneysaa inay gabdhu iska soo bro time is changed ,the standard are not the same...waa ku jiidayaan intay doonaan..illeen waxay aamminsan yihiin xiriirka aad la yeelaneyso the first paragraph inuu guur yahay,meeshuna soomaalia ma aha illeen suuqa waa ku they get many choices while your choices are limited...ducaaloow haddaad adkeysan weydo ka rog oo laba saar ..duulkii hore waa lama huraan illeen iyagaa dhib yare ,noloshuna waa inta aad faraxsan tahay...
i qaban maysaan miyaa!!

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Unrecorded Date
wacan oo wanaagsan!!

waan wada akhriyey dhammaan fikradaha kala duwan ee halakan ku qoran:I have this one for everyone!!
Gabdhaha somalida in ay sidaa noqdaan waxaa ugu wacan waaliddiintood khaasatan aabayaasha ,marka macallimiinta gabdhaha inooga daaya marna inaad tiraahdaan sidee loo fahmaa marna aad tiraahdaan gabadhayda ciddii la hadasha oo aan aniga ka raalli ahayn biyo kulul ayaa wejigiisa yaqaan!!(haddaadan adigu gabae dhalin berri ayaad dhali !,aniga weli waa sugaa!),tii tiraahda aad dookhaada ku socotid waxaa la oran way hallawday,tii kale oo ciddoodu siday rabaan yeesha waa sidee loo fahmaa.yaakheeyow dhibaatadu waxay ka socotaa annaga haddii aan nahay raggooda!!

Oomaar.iyo is arag dambe!

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Unrecorded Date

Akhiyaarta Salaan Kadib

horta Mr. Nice I think I would say you were wrong ur statement of (naagaha ninka dhibey jecelyihiin) kaalay naagaha calqi maleh miyaa sidee qof u jeclaan karaa meeshii udaran??

Teeda kale gabdha

1. sow bini aadmi maaha
2. sow xuquuq malaha
3. sow qalbi damqada malaha

maxaa kalifey in ayada qoorta looga istaago ninkana madaxa lasaaro?

maxaa keeney in ninka lasharfo naagtana la liido?

dooli diloow walaalkiis waan kaxumahay inaad tiri naagta wad wad intaad wadi karto kadibna darbo kucab???? waayaabe meeqa masaakiinaa darbo kusoo cabtey??
walaalkiis su aal? adiga walaashaa inta lawad wado oo laxumeeyo kadibna laad lagu qaado majeclaan leheed? hadaba ogow gabadha hala xumeeyo aad leedahay waa walaashaa oo kalee ama midda aad dhashey ama aad dhalidoonto. Koley aniga wiilasha soomaaliyeed hala xumeeyo marna madheheen

oomaar ur point was well made bro I agree with you 100% I wish dadka iney sidaada aaminsanaan lahaayeen sababtoo ah dhibka meesha uu kaimaanayo iyo meesha uu kusocdo ayaad taabadey xaqiiqdii thanks

byeee wixii aan qaldeyna halaga raali noqdo dhamaantiin dhalinyaro....

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Unrecorded Date

you are very welcome,any time!!Amran M,
sow horta ilama aad arag in haddii aanahay ragga aan ku sifowney"hashu geela iyadaa cunta iyadaana cabaadda".

waxaan idiin sheegi sheeko ka dhacday meel aan wax ka baran jirey:
markii hore meesha waxaan ku joogney afar wiil oo soomaali ah,dabadeed ayaa waxaan maqallay in gabdho soomaaliyeed ay waxbarasho u imaanayaan jaamacaddeena,markaas ayaa rag inaga mid ahi waxay yiraahdeen in gabdhahaas meeshan yimaadaan ma fiicna,waxaan weydiiyey sababta aanay u fiicneyn,markaas ayaa la'iigu jawaabey waa in la ilaaliyo oo dhibaato ayey inoo keeni,aniga waxaan soo jeediyey in gabdhahaasi ay annagoo kale yihiin,ayna xaq u leeyihiin wax kasta oo aan annagu xaq u lee nahay,xitaa hadday rabaan in ay samaystaan saaxiibo waddankay doonaan iyo jinsiyaduu doonaan iyo diintay doonaanba ha ahaadee as far as it's their choice and they are happy in that way.

tii iga raacday waaba la ogaa oo anigii ayaa la'igu soo jeestey oo la igu yiri qurun ayaad tahay.waxaan rumaysnahay in gabdhahayagu ay gabdhayaasha kale la mid yihiin oo iyaguba ay rabaan in ay xor u noqdaan go'aannadooda laguna tixgeliyo.marka in aan marna niraahno lama fahmi karo oo xor maaha marna sidaasoo kale la sameeyo wax is raaca maaha!!

Oomaar.iyo intaas.

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Unrecorded Date

Salaan kadib

waxaan hilmaamey

Annox adaa in badan mudan walaalkiis

oomaar runtaa waaye walaalkiis wayna kaa qaldanaayeen raggii sidaa kugu dhahay qof xuquuqdiisana in ladafiro uma keeneyso ceeb iyo xumaato.


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Abkeey doolli diloow

Unrecorded Date
sister amran i am sorry i don't mean that!!!
horta aniga wax i sii laada mooyee waxaan laado weli waan sugayaa ..utuntaana way igu gaaxatey...
way oo way ..kol uun soow wax laadi maayo!!!!
halkaa ha i dhaafin

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Mr Nice

Unrecorded Date
To Amran:

A/alaykum sis. Gacaliso I never said gabdhaha hala laado, ragana dusha hala saaro. Walaalkay Ducaale oo calaacalaya uun baan waaninayay.Tan xigta, I never told "woman that I love them".And Iam always fortunate to get the best one in town.So Iam trying to give him little bit of my games.You may disagree with me,believe me, it will work for Ducaale If he tries.

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James Alone

Unrecorded Date
La taliya wiilka dhaliinyaroy( du,aale wali waa soo taagan yahay.


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Unrecorded Date

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Unrecorded Date

Dhalinyaro Salaan kadib

Mr. Nice waan ku gartey walaalkiis laakin the game you play over woman is not only you all the somali guys believe your idea of not to tell a woman that you love wiilasha soomaaliyeed oodhan baa aamisan fikradda ah


koley wiilaloow waxaad qarsataan way ku qarsadaane xisaabta kudara teeda kale gameka aad u sheegtey bro Ducale daaqad baad katuurtee ma aadan daryeeelin lol lol

tan kale aniga amran ahaan ninkaan jaceylkiisa iisheegan bacaad cidluu kudhegenyahay aan aamisanha nabadeey heee

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Mr Nice

Unrecorded Date
To Suban:

Why sis?

To Amran:

It's ok to let your wife know that you love her very much, however, I don't believe Inaad markaad dumarka shukaasanayso inaad isu jilciso.

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Unrecorded Date
Mr. Nice, I found your comments a bit harsh and I was curious if it was because of where you live. No offence intended my brother.

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Mr Nice

Unrecorded Date
To Suban:

Don't worry sis, you could say what ever you feel like, I will see it as an opinion.

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Unrecorded Date
To Mr. Nice,

I wonder brother if you are from Nugaal, because you sound like one from that area.


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Mr Nice

Unrecorded Date
To Araweelo:

NO sis but very close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way magacaa idilay.

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Unrecorded Date
Mr. Nice

You play a fast and loose Game, but I might add an admirable game. You are right, come on strong on women and it works both on Somali women which I have been very fortunate to date a lot and others which I was ..... don't wanna get into that. By the same token some Somali women play the game quite well, have many boyfriends who shower them with gifts and attention. I must it's a popular game and only the strongest survive after all it's jungle out there.

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Mr Nice

Unrecorded Date
To Anon:

Don't you think Iam strong with my above statements, just kidding!!!!!!!!!.I kind a agree with you except the fast,loose thing!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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Unrecorded Date
Mr. Nice:

I am glad you agree, you are very realistic man and I suppose you are talking from experience.

Keep your thumb to button


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Mr Nice

Unrecorded Date
To Anonymous:

Thanks! without an experience! I wouldn't be talking to you. what do you mean by keep my tump to button?ii jilci.

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Unrecorded Date
Means, keep bringing up controversial issues and challenge people, so we can debate.

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Unrecorded Date
I agree totaly with mr nice nice that women will love you more when you be hard on them and that is fact and no one can denied it , it happened to me that once i loved and respected but nothing came out but when i become careless she is changed and start to become very very serious

i am not saying that women are less intelligent but that is how they behave and no one have answewr for that

though i am sure there are few elements beleive that they have an answer for everything
so please go ahead let us share with you

but personally i decided to love a woman but to be loved if she canot love me she leaves cos i will get another woman who will love me as i need
this soi 21 century where there are proportion of 1 man to 6 woman

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Unrecorded Date

let me coreect the last paragaraph

but personally i decided NOT yo love

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Unrecorded Date
My,My,My,my!my!! Mr Nice and Shaper are n't you full of yourselves.!
Maybe you never dealt with a LADY in the past .No self respecting woman would take that kind of treatment .What you always end up must be the left over of GENTLEMEN.

Unit then.


I don't want nO SCRUB ,A sCRUB is a guy that can't get NO LOVE FROM ME. ;-)>

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Unrecorded Date
I believe self-confidence plays a role here in the relationship between 2 couples. And in the wake of lacking it, repeated conflicts araise from all horizons. Words like "tough", "Hard on whom", "cheat", "family advocate", and so, are some examples that are very familiar to all.
Well, I don't know if I'm speaking to Mr-nice or to Shaper indirectly but this was a reseved thought from long observations.

I'm curious and hence want to find an answer for what would be the impact of such acts on the realationships as a whole? Who's the prime beneficairy of the two?How hard can you be on your best friend/wife/husband? are you going to deflect their focus from reality? Show them your man/womanhood? what's the limit? and what do you get in return? did you say respect? and finally, since mutual understanding is the key factor of the relation, what would you offer besides being hard on them?
Well, the greatest respect that anyone may achieve comes first from him/ need to demand it from others period.
Sorry, no conclusions:-)

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Unrecorded Date
Hello all,

magac, you made me laugh and sharaf, you made a good point. I think magac said it all, needless to add any more.

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Mr Nice

Unrecorded Date
To Magac-maleh:

Yes, indeed Iam full of myself bro.I was born
being full of myself.Because I love myself morethan I love anyone else,and that's what matters.If one doesn't love his/herself then He/she cann't love must come from within us,in order to love others.Remembar,I never said"don't love your wife or show that you love her".What I was talking about was "shukaansiga".Marka ugu horaysa ee la is baranayo.

To Sharaf:

Good point.Don't you think you are out of the topic bro? Did you read what I had just stated my above statements? Remembar,let's discuss the issues not the personality.No offense intended.

To anonymous:

thanks,Iam with you know.

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Unrecorded Date

Well said, Self confidence plays major role in a relationship, "overlooking the petty things" but trying to define, how one arrives in this state "Lack Of Confidence" is to define Human Nature.

I also agree that the measure of respect one attains comes from him/her --- again this goes back to a certain degree Self-Confidence.

*************Burning Spear******************

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Lady Magac-maleh

Unrecorded Date
Mr. Nice,

Since my earlier mgs"SCRUB" has abvoiusly flow over your head .I will leave it at that.(closed)

To love oneself is an admirable thing ,I do agree with you(after all charity starts at home). that is not what I had problem with .it is the part of being hard on woman that you said earlier I was disagreeing .
what is true is the first impression is how we normaly remember people . for example the first night the man and woman go out on date . what they come out with in conclusion that first day is the reason either to go with each other or to dump the other and move on to someone else. so if you don't act as gentleman ,I don't thing it will reach to the point were she becames a wife to love . it is importan that first stage of courting, a woman should exprience the kindness and Gentleness of a man and vise versa.


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Mr Nice.

Unrecorded Date
To Lady-Magacmaleh:

I Ignore people like you,I don't have time to weste.

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Unrecorded Date

Shaper Two Questions for you bro:

1. Why would you be hard on someone that wants to share a life with you I mean in the future?

2. Who gave you that unrealistic......unreasonable......unacceptable idea of being hard on woman will give you her love????????????????????????????????

Mr. Nice Two Questions for you too bro

Gabadha aad shukaansaneyso markaad aad shukaansiga ula imaaneysey hadaadan jecleen oodan gabdhaha kadooran sababtee ayaad u shukaansanee maad banaanka kamartid hadii aad leedahay waan jeclahayna maad runta u sheegtid maxaad uga xaasideysaa jaceylka kugu jiro?

2. If you dont tell her that you love her do you expect from her to say
( I love You Mr. Love) when you never say to her that statement? if yes or no why? unbelievable guysssssssssssssssssssss..........


dameer aaba naga dhigteene dameerkaa markii ul lagu garaaco socdee markii laga daayana istaagee.....................................

No hardfeelings pple


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Unrecorded Date

let me answer your two Questions.. first of all i am sensitive caring person
but sis come on majority of the girls they don't like too nice guys, they prefer bit arrogant and some thing like that

personally i never hurt some one and i don't have intension to do so

but my point was that i had a few relationship and i have witnessed that they all have something in common that not liking too nice guys.

and when i am saying to be hard i just meant not to love too much till she does and when she does do love her.

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Unrecorded Date
Mr. nice thank for making it clear . now that you told me you ignore the likes of me(ladies) , your earlier posting makes a perfect sense . LOL could not resist this one..
..sooooory bro , you see since you sound as though you are a player I wanted to give you hard time and see your repply.I always enjoy the players how they wiggle out off any mess they created for themselves. but it is not fun if the person get please do forgive me if I bother you any.keep on believing whatever you like .I always say to each his own. I hope this didn'tcreated any hard feels between Us. peace :-)>!

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Mr Nice.

Unrecorded Date
To Lady-magacmaleh:

Nope, I don't ignore laddies.Second,I forgive you, you could say anything as long it makes sense and doesn't offend anyone. Feel free to say anything you have first ammendment.

To Ammran:

Gacaliso salaan iga hoo,salaan ka dib tii la shukaansadaba ma waan ku jeclahaa la yidhaahdaa adaaba war keenaye.Hadaba anigu jacaylka saa uma aqaano,jacaylka halka habeen ah.Amraneey kii kuu yimaadaba waan ku jeclahuu ku yidhaahdaa?

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Mr.Nice walaalkiis marka hore salaan

Aboowe aniga run ahaantii hadaan xaqiiqda kuu taabto haduu wiil igu dhoho waan ku jeclahay runtii I don't take it sereiously ilaa heer xad qof kasta oo dadka kale kamid ah uu dareemi karo in qofkaas ay heer xun kataagantahay Balse shukaansigaa labo kala ah qof hal habeen kula hadley iyo qof sheeko iyo xiriir idin dhexmarey relationshipkana uu idinka yahay mid dhab ah oo mustaqbal looga dan leeyahay but hey! hadaan runta kuusheego aniga waligey waan ku jeclahay in la i dhoho maahee horey qof kama dhihin anaa ku jecel laakiin waxaa xoogaa i yara qaadey ereygii ahaa being hard on woman can give you her love!

walaalkiis iisoo bari hee

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Mark Mr. Nice ma ogid miyaa in layiri

Habeen kaliya
Haye kaliya
Kuma Fulaayee
Horta Barooooo!!!!!!

walaalkiis marka ereyga dheel dheel maahan meelo dheel dheelna looma isticmaalo ee walaalkiis raali iga noqo yaahee you are Nice as your Name Mr. Nice
sababtoo ah intaa gabar maskiin ah been u sheegi leheed sidaas aa tiri markey xaqiiqda kaa gaarto lee u sheeg inaa jecejashahay soo bari hee intaas aan fariinka ku duugey maanteeeeeee!!!!!!

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Mr Nice.

Unrecorded Date
To Amran:

Hadii adiga aan aad kuu jeclahay oon kugu salalo kawaran!Just kidding, walaashiis gabar way adag tahay saan u dhaho waan ku jeclahay,maxaa yeelay,guur diyaar uma ihi gabdhahana been uma sheegi karo.maanta halkaas haday noo joogto maxaad ka qabtaa gacalka.

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Mr. Nice saas iyo daacadnimadaas aan kugu ogahay macalinka thanks

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to.ducaale.saaxiib irimaha aad xustay aad ayay u saameeyaan ragga soomaaliyeed ee qurbaha ku raaga siiba kuwa waxbarashada u baxa,sababta ugu wacana waxa weeye dhaqankii soomaalida ayaa ka dhuma waayo habka guurka soomaalidu aad buu u adag yahay marka loo eego umadaha kale marka waxaan kugula talin lahaa inaad u samirtid guurka,kuna dadaal gabar soomaaliyeed sidaad u heli lahayd.


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Mr Nice.

Unrecorded Date
To Amran:

Thanks sis.

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to ;gorgor
aad baad u mahadsantahay waxaan filayaa ninka i fahmay oo qura inaad adiga tahay ,macalinka aad bay duulku u adag yihiin waxaanse hadda ka sii baqayaa inay guriga igu sii adkeeyaan,markii hore waxay ii ahayd "i am saving all my love for my sisters",sii degdegna waan lahaa maadaama "biological clock" ay qaylineyso..laakiin hadda cashar baan dhigtey oo waa inaan u kaadiyaa oo wixii "bankiino"fadhiya aan iska qabsado illeen waan daalaye!!

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Unrecorded Date
Waar Ducaale Baladu way nawada haysataa!!!!!!

Waxaad moodaa ineey cilladu tahay meesha aan joogno iyo mudada aanu ka maqneeyn dhaqanka soomalida. waxaana aad u baahan tahay inaad bal dib ugu laabato dhaqankii hooyo. aad na ka eegtaa wax walba dhinaca dhaqanka soomaaliga.

Keep looking bro. I hope you will find the one sooner.

Iga raali ahaada hadii aan qoray wax gaf ah.

bye now ZACK-Abaar

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Unrecorded Date
asalamu ca laykum dhamaan
keep looking every body i hope you will find the ans.wanu garawsanay inaad noo rafadeen xaawaley noo samarteen awlaad noo xambaarteen majecli cida idin af lagaadaysa balse waxaa layiri bada hal malay baa qurmiya ee dhalin yarada walaalihiin si sharaf leh ula dhaqma .
waa dhagayste jooga danmark

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Unrecorded Date
Hi sxb Talo iga hoo!! Nagaha waligaa been kula dhaqan runtaba kala xanaaqa markad naag Gurigoodana ha aadin maxaa kaga xidhan iyadaba haysaye ee beenta umiis cuna qofta hadhow iyadaa ku beryaysa adiga reerkodana iyada ka dhameenaysa wax kasta adiga aanba waxba sameen!! Taladaas qaado bro!!

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Andres maad kajoogtid macalinka?
maskiinkaas horta jar haka tuurin daacad ayuu u hadley ee waxaan ka yaabanahay qofka kuusoo akhriyey casharka ah runta waxaad ku waydaad been ku heli

lidnimo adey kula hadhaa
lilaahidu jid bey kugu ridaa
liibaantu waa gabadha mais afgarateen
hadii kalana Andres halugoynin maskiinkee leydha cab

Cabdikariin mahadsanid walaalkiis waan kugu raacsanahay in qofkii sharaf layimaada lasharfaa waa qasab

byee wixii qaladna cafis

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Unrecorded Date
waxaan dhamaan salaamayaa dhalinyarada soomaaliyeed meel ay joogaanba.waxaan ku noolahay Holland.magaceyguna waa yassin A Jama .waxaan raadinayaa gabadh soomaaliyeed ,oon xiriir wada yeelano.fadlan iga la soo xiriir e MAIL keyguna waa;

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Unrecorded Date
to.yaasiin. maxay tahay yasiin washaysi nimadan aad ina rag dhogorta uga fiiqayso, waa goorma goortaad si xishood laáan aha aad uga duugsnaysi goobahan aan looga baran calool jileec sidan aad wax u raadinayso oo kale, mida kale maxaa kaa si ah ,waxaan filayaa waxooga in aad mar ku dhufatay, waayo nooca qoraalka iyo emailka aad soo xoortay, waa wax shaki leh, lakiin madaama aynu xiniinyo wadaagno iga hoo talooyinkan, waa inaa alaarmi ah sos aad garaacado subixii markaad tukato salaada subax, ka bilow ilma-adeeradaa,abiyaashaa,haberdadaa,jifdaa, tolkaa, qabiilkaa,ka yaboohi masaajidada hollan oodhan, ogow inaadan haysan kala doorsho,macnu waa waxii alle kuu sahalo waayahay dheh, waad iga nixisee alle faraj ha kuu furo, idina aamiin dhaha

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