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Maxaad ku talin laheed???

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Somali Women's Forum: Archive (Before Feb 2000): Maxaad ku talin laheed???
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Unrecorded Date
Salaan Dhamaan.
Arriintan bal ka warama:
Gabar Somaliyeed oo dugisga sare ka dhigtay magaalo ku taal Mareykan baa uur qaaday. Gabadha waa 19 jiir, lakiin waxaa uu qoran inay jirto 15 ama 16. Gabadha waxaa ilmaha ka dhaley nin Mareykan madoow ah oo 24 jir ah. Arrinta uurka markii la ogaaday, reerka iyo iskuulkaba waxaa la war geliyey boliska. Ninka waxaa lagu edeyee inuu galey dembi ah statutoury rape i.e qof u tagey qof minor ah. Nin, wuxuu yiri gabdha baa igu tiri 18 jir ban ah hay. Boliskii iyo iskuul waaxaa isku raceen gabadh inay jirtay 15 marki ee uurka qaday, haddana ee jirto 16 sano. Ninkii maxkamda baa loo qabtey; lakiin waa uu baxsaday.
Ninkaas hadda waxaa loo haysta 2 dembi 1. kufsasho iyo 2. Baxsad (fugitive).
Ninkaas haddi la qabto ugu yaran waxaa lagu xukumi 10 sano oo xariig ah. Ninkaas ma istahila in 10 sano la xiro mase maye? Familiga gabadha masuul ma ka saran yahay arrinta ninkaas heysato?
Maxay kula tahay?

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Unrecorded Date
Aniga waxay ilatahay inuu ninkani danbile yahay sababtoo ah sharcigii waddanka u yaalay ayuu laba mar ka booday. Ma ogtahay sharci walba inuu leeyahay cracks ama loop-holes ay ku dhici karaan dad masaakiina.

Haddii aad bani'aadanimo ka hadlayso, waa inay cidda gabadha dhashay ay qirato danbiga ay waddanka ka galeen iyo beenta ay da'da gabadhooda ka sheegeen.

Adi nin hal habeen la raaaystay gabar (sharciyan) da'yar ayaa ka hadlaysaa ee Canada waxaa ka dhacay nin 1963 lgu xukumay inuu qof dilay ayaa ayaan dhoweyd lasii daayey kadib amrkii baaritaan DNA ay cadeysey inuusan dilin. Hadaa rabtid inaa wax ka ogaatid sheekadan Internet-ka ka raadi David Milgaard.

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Unrecorded Date
Anon-X, waan ku salaamey.
Ninka wuxuu yiri, gabadha wax ii sheegtay inay 18 sano jirto, so he claims they were 2 consenting adults,so it was not a rape. However, the courts is going by the age indicated on the girls paper.

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Unrecorded Date
Suban iyo DATA oops! I mean Anon X :-) waa idan salaamey . suban walaal waxaad na soo hor digtey subject culus run ahaantii ay igu adkaatey inaan ka jawaabo. Ma waxaan nidhaahnaa nin dhan oo bini aadan ah 10 sano unan xaq u leheyn inaan ku dayno ,oo aan difaacno gabadha iyo reerkeeda si aan sharci iyaga loogu qaadan mise waxaan nidhaa ha is cadeeyaan oo booliska ha isu sheegaan taas ogey waxey u keeni kartaa legal problems oo ay ka mid yihiin iney
1-sharciga INS ay meel uga dhaceen oo been sheegan sidaas darteedna ay lumiyaan sharcigii ama warqadihii ay dalka ku joogi lahey. loona celiyo dalkii iyada kaliya u maleyn maayo tani inay ku ekaaniso ,but the whole family.Oo reer dhan meesha hadii ay dalkii uga soo carareen naftoo iney badbadiyaan halka lagu laayo .

2-iney booliska been u sheegeen oo waqti badan lugu lumeyey waxey dowladu ku xisaabtamisaa, sharcig jabintiisa ka sokow, inta saacadoo ee ninkii caseka hayey uu dowlada ku dalacey. marka waa lacag,iyo sharciga ood been u sheegtey aadna eedeysey nin aan eed lahey . kadibna lagu charge gareeyo criminal oo ay gasho jeelka

3- ninka oo markuu ogaado dib iyada iyo familgeeda u sue gareynaya . waayo magaciisii ayaa ciida la marmariyey siduu ku nadiifin lahaana waqti iyo lacag ku qaadanisa.

Marka Suban taani waa mi adag una baahan inaan fakir aad u badan . waxaan odhan lahaa iney la hadlaan lawyerkeeda oo wax walba u sheegaan .dont worry their secret is protected by Lawyer and client privilage. If he/she(the lawyer) talks about that to any one he will be sue and let them talk to him/her as candid as they could and see what his answer is . that is all I can say about this subject at the moment .
Until then....

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Unrecorded Date
Magac-Maleh: At least xoogaa isku figrad ayaan nahay:-)

Wuxu hadday mar sharci galaan waxa shaqeeya waa evidence - sidaa daraadeed ninkani "claims" inay u sheegatay da' weyn taasoo dhici karta inay beentahay sababtoo ah:
1 - Qofka markaa da'diisa weydiinaysid waa adoo ka shakisan - Isla markaa waa ogtahay qofku inuu:
a - Run kuu sheegi karo; ama
b- Been kuu sheegi karo.

Taasna waxaa lagu xaliyaa proof of age. Marka ninka sheekadiisa ah inay u sheegatay da' weyn mid run loo qqadan karo maaha sababtoo ah nin walba oo gabar ka shakiya isla markaana waydiiya da'deeda wuxuu simply u weydiin karaa ID card.

2 - Wax markhaati ah oo meeshay gabadhu da'deeda ugu sheegtay joogay ma jiraan. Taasi waxay ku tusi kartaa inauu sheekada samaystay. Kuma lihi ninku waa danbiile laakiin waxyaabaha meesha yaal ayaa ka dhigaya danbiile.

Marka sheekada ah ninku danbiile maaha mid aan kugu raaci karo maaha. Qof walba oo sharciga meel uga dhaca mamarsiiyo ayuu raadsadaa. Aniga kula hadlaya haddii la igu qaban lahaa qof minor ah waxaan ku andacoon lahaa she told me she is an adult and she looks like a grown up person!

Marka sidee ayaa ku ogaan kartaa in ninku sheegayo nothing but the truth?

Haddii aan xaakin arrintan ka ahay waxaan ninka marin lahaa lie detector haddii uu ku baasana gabadha ayaan ilkaheeda u diri lahaa in lasoo analyze gareeyo si da'deeda looga helo. Si dhib yar ayaa ilkaha dadka looga ogaan karaa qofka da'diisa.

Anon, the X.

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Unrecorded Date
Gabadha gowsaha maa laga tiryo oo markaa dhinac loo dhigo da'deeda:-)

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Unrecorded Date
Sharaf: LOL

You made me laugh bro!

Anon, the X

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Unrecorded Date
so what is your point here suuban..a nineteen year old somali gal with forged papers got knocked up by a nig. did she admit to lying 'bout her age to the courts or she insisted on being 16 to agree with the evidence in her identity paper Obviously if the gal had admitted to lying and forgery the nig would not have been charged with statutory rape But in the americas documentary evidences speak louder than mere words. in view of the fact that the nig-nog had been lied to i think a jail term of 10 years in undully excessive and opressive as punishment for an alleged rape. i agree with the above anon that it is absolutely necessary that some kind of punishment be meted out to the N to serve as deterence to future bimbo predators.

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Unrecorded Date
Major, such strong words, such harsh words, you scare me bro.
I don't understand the deterence you are talking about. These days some girls fornicate with whoever they want.
The question I wanted an anwer for was: should the man be sent to jail for 10 or more years because of a rape of a minor (who in reality is not a minor).

Anon-X, the issue of checking the girl's dental features for age or having the man going through a lie dector did not come up. The authorities are going by what is in her papers.

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Unrecorded Date
Point well taken. harsh and scary words will henceforth cease to operate as vehicle for conveying a message. in their place i must choose to employ politically-correct euphemistic ones to avoid the brutalities of frankness. calling a spade a spade had not been in the vogue for some years. But the case our moderator, Suuban, put up for public discussion is a criminal case involving a young bimbo and her "bad" or rather 'sweet' boy. we were instructed to constitute ourselves as jury and reach a verdict on the case. following that instruction i constituted myself as a solo jury, and after a few minutes of deliberation with my alter-ego(major) we discovered that an evidence material to the case from the main witness(the victim) was missing That is, unless you believe( in which case we are in perfect agreement) that her version of events is not detrimental, or even crucial, to the outcome of the case.
As a result we decided to put the case on hold pending the provision of more argumentative evidence from both victim and felon. we believe that this decision, taken hastily at the first jury sitting, is better than declaring a mistrial at this early stage of the discussion. lets wait and see what creditable evidence comes up in the next coupla days. in the meantime, i suggested a symbolic punishment, perhaps in the form of a fine or physical karbaash or a combination of both, be administered to my sharking and sky-larking sk--k in the hope that such a combination of evils will act as deterence to future static rapists. in a discussion of this case, on the phone, with a friend of mine, he suggested that, if it came to a choice, he will rather be a dynamic rapist than a static one. i told him that i saw little difference there. it was all a matter of perspectivism. i could not view the case from his perspective, nevertheless he was adamant that the one was preferable to the other. what more could i say to this hard-headed fool except that he was worse than a dung beetle(xaar walwaal). Go to a hog and tell him not to roll in the Mud....and see what results you achieve with your unasked for a hog. you will be lucky if it doesn't tear your derrier(rump) in two flat pieces as you attempt to flee his furious charge. afterall who needs a harsh critic even his criticism sometimes have salutory effects. all you people will be better off to treat this writing as the rumbling of a puffed-up ego whose owner has long disappeared into the hades along with Hera and Hercules. Amen

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Unrecorded Date
You made me laugh!!! and, you have confused me; can't decide wether you are funny or nuts!! Though, I do appreciate your insight and opinion. Refreshiing indeed. I am always in favour of calling a spade, a spade without going overboard with the epithets.

Do you think the man should go to jail for 10 years, IF the girl has consented to the act; and in actuality is not a minor; but her legal papers claim her to be one?

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Unrecorded Date
suban that Big question is better posed to a (criminal) lawyer..I, who am not a lawyer but only a drifter and daydreamer, can at best give you a conjecture based on reverie. the evidence we thus have shows clearly that the girl is, at least, partially responsible for her predicament, by which i mean an unwanted pregnancy, which is a more serious affair than casual sex with a J.K.(provided no std or aids is involved) A prudent bimbo in her position would have protected herself by practising save ss. the same is true for my J.K. i think i must stop moralizing on the issue and answer your question above: do i think the J.K should be sent to jail for ten years for stat rape? i guess stat rape is having sex with a minor regardless of his/her consent. consent can not defense for the accused here.. there is no point in bringing it up then, is there. there is also no doubt about her age, is there? since she has proof of her age. as i said earlier, legal papers speak louder than mere words...infact they speak so loud that no body would hear or believe what the bearer says about their authenticity.
in view of above and, with everything else being equal, don't you think that a jail term of ten years for Staduto rape would be unduly excessive and oppressive to the rapist considering the 'victim's negligence and misrepresentation of her age. however these are the details....the really BIG question ...her BIG dilemma whether she should seek abortion, or keep the child and suffer huuuuge social consequences

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Unrecorded Date
Major, the girl had a baby boy and her mother is taking care of it. The girl is behaving irresposibly and does not listen to the mother. I don't know where her father is. Life is tough eh??
i guess the grandmother will raise the kid, otherwise he will become gaal if put up for adoption. Nobody knows where the "fugitive" is?

Can I ask a personal question?

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Unrecorded Date
All personal as well as impersonal questions are most welcome. i will be consulting my occult in Hades before we attempt to answer a p.q. but i am glad for the gal. she made the best of a bad situation. you must have noticed that there was no love lost between myself and the rapsist. we did not like with a case involving a fugitive. the word fugitive suggests someone who has no money, the mother of evils. a fugitive from the law is someone who can't afford a competent lawyer to defend him. what could i do with such a fool except to kick him in the derrier.

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Mr Nice.

Unrecorded Date
To Suban:

Iam an A/J student and I believe the brother is in bad shape why? this is why, what is rape? rape is usually classified as either FORCIBLE RAPE or STATUTORY RAPE.Which in this case the brother is acussed as STATUTORY RAPE.STATUTORY RAPE is sexual intercourse with a minor,with or without the minor's consent.In addition to that there is another one call SEXUAL SEDUCTION which is very close to STATUTORY RAPE,it also involves sexual intercourse by an adult with consenting minor. It may additionally represent various forms of sodomy,anal intercourse,cunnilingus,or fellatio committed by an adult with a willing child.Finally, the brother will recieve atleast 8 to 10 years,he may get out earlier with a good behavior policy.Also if he gets a good lawyer he may get away with it.

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Unrecorded Date
Ninka madoow dembi maleh waayo wax dayacan buu ka faa'iideystay, waxaa dambiga iska leh cidda gabadha keentay America, she should be send back to Somalia with $10,000 and be given to a Mooryaan boy, si loogu ceeb asturo.

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Unrecorded Date
Major, why did you say you are a drifter? You sound too intelligent to be are joking aren't you???

Mr. Nice, good points. Are you studying law; I don't know what A/J means could the j stand for jurist??.

Taha, waa iga qoslisiisa!!!

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Unrecorded Date



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Mr Nice.

Unrecorded Date
To Suban:

Thanks sis,yes Iam studying law;A/J means administration of justice.

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Unrecorded Date
Suban: your question sounds more like a questioning. it sounds like a late-night t.v commercial. they first show you the happy smiling faces of satisfied customers and their comments followed by the sales pitch. i am sure we are going to DRIFT APARTif i answer above in the affirmative. let the guessing game continue...major is too old a bird to be caught with chaf. thats all the occult can say about him at present.

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Unrecorded Date
oh the mistakes again.. chaff i should say, but no apology intended. but our lawyer should be shown the pornographic page, thats where the action is.

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Unrecorded Date
Major, what an intriguing nut you are!!!! I guess I will just pose general inquires when it comes to The Major. Yaa, the pornography page is getting a lot of reaction, it seems certain subjects are taboo......i guess we are a bunch of hypocrites, whose morality is questionable!!!!!
Why people can not hold decent conversations without personalizing it???

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Unrecorded Date

you are the first one who personalize issues thinking you know everything. It is hight time you come to earth again and be modest about your opinions.

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Unrecorded Date
tell me where i personlized issues or indicated that i know everything?? Where? which page? I pose questions, and all i expect is feedback, not personal attacks.

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Unrecorded Date
Suban: i don't know what the devil let me choose such a name as major for myself. it suggests someone who is in full control of his 'mental' faculties, someone who has military skills, which is not altogether true in my case. SomaliNet has provided a forums for people to discuss their concerns and exchange ideas free of charge( or, as my warthog friend put it: a stage where people can play out their fantasies & vent their pent-up furies), and all we do is rant and rave and abuse the courtesy.
you are right to call us a bunch of moralizing black-heads. i went to the porno page yesterday, hoping to read some juicy stuff; but after having spent half an hour going through all chicken shit, I could not find one titilating story, one sizzling comment, in it. thats why i referred mr nice to the porno. God knows Somalia is in dearth need of mr Nices! but thankGod we have one in our forums. sir i appreciate your insights into the issue of rape, and the effort you have made to bring the 'information' into the light. As anyone can see no details are too intimate for a lawyer...Afterall, as William Gass wrote, judges should be Notables not Ninnies. But for a Ninny, like major, who is not detail-oriented, the scratching of the surface of things is enough to his daily acts.
it is enough for me to make my point somehow. If I could help it I would love to avoid getting into the gutter of things, but there are people out there, inside the forums and elsewhere, in their millions, like the knocked-up knuckle-head we have been discussing and others of the same mindset, who have a need to analyse the etymology of every word I utter, not quite satisfied to go by the customary meaning of my words. How many times do I have to tell them that what I write here is not a Waxyi from Allah but the Ramblings of a Jumbled Head.

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Mr Nice.

Unrecorded Date
To Major:

Thanks for your input bro. I don't think your ninny however,you are too intelligent to be one.

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Unrecorded Date
Major, i like the ramblings of the jumbled head. you should consider writing (if you haven't yet) and i agree with the comments of Mr. Nice.
Have you used the user-name Majordome?? oops sorry that is another personal question,but Hades won't mind. Bon weekend!!

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Unrecorded Date
thanks to Suban and Mr Nice for your compliment. i though i was too profane for that. to suban: I have never considered writing as profession, but i enjoy writing essays and occasional short-stories. As you know..time, time, time..theres never enough of it and life is too short. people have to ' prioritize' their responsiblities. no i don't think i posted a message with user name M.Domo, but some impostor in Hades may or may not have used it. who knows. things are getting twisted. just for scherzo

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Mr Nice.

Unrecorded Date
To Major:

I was going to say that you should consider your future as a

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Unrecorded Date
To: Mr Nice
Thanks for your feedback, encouragement. I must admit you know how to do research on a topic. But I happen to be one of those who believe that it is never too late for anyone to try his or her hand at writing provided he/she has some story to example is the novel: The story of a Somali girl. it is the adventure of a poor girl who grows up in the mean streets of colonial Mogadishu. Abandoned by her family after a failed or rather fiascoed marriage with a 50 year old, she manages to survive against poverty, fear and family abandonment. But nothing exciting or out of the ordinary, except for a theatrical poverty which is common to most somalis, occurs in her life. yet, at the end of the day, when she has cleared all the hurdles and mounted the peak of the mountain, she had a story -- a simple story of struggle and survival -- to tell. she succeeded in telling her story, in a captivating way, although she was not proficient in any language except her own. Believe me, it is an interesting story to read, even for a student, although i don't agree with her claim that her tribe is big and powerful. I want to give that distinction to my own clan, which even the foreign correspondents call the Mandarins of Somali society! puffed up ego, indeed. but can you dare say who this clan is or ought to be. why do we feel squeamish about the mention of clan names when we fight and die by it. if a medal was give for such thing as moral hypocrisy, we will win it even from the Arabs, who are reputed to be the progenitors of hypocrisy. Nifaq Al-Arab!
By the way, domo is doomed to hell for his sins of omission and commission. may the gods in hades, especially father Zeus, Athena, Hera and Venus forgive him. amen

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Unrecorded Date
Major, how about sharing your short stories and essays on Somalinet??? why not start a page and post it here, I may join you there eventhough i am more of a reader than a writer. What do you think?

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Unrecorded Date
Suban, that is a good idea. But there is the danger some fool somewhere may believe every comment I make or you make to be the truth and nothing but the truth, while people often make idle comments for sole purpose of provoking a debate among readers. why don't you start a page especially setup for essays on current issues, to give everyone equal chance to try their hand at writing essays. I will definately contribute

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Unrecorded Date
Major, i just saw the poem you posted, nice.
Do you think there is a differrence if you or I start such a page.....i have started so many pages, I am thinking of retiring:-)

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Unrecorded Date
Hey major,

what makes you think people take your words pure gospel?...never seen such arrogance spattered in these walls..
suban you better retire...meeshan waad ka bad-badatay markaas baad laba laba noqotay. soco naso.

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Unrecorded Date
Suban, I hoped many readers will find the apocalyptic verse scarry. I was surprised to find that most people posted lullabies and love songs. Although I stumbled into a love-nest in the middle of Spring --the breeding season-- I refused to join the chorus & the L-making for reasons that everybody, except for ninnies like Xamud above, knows only too well. I promise to join the chorus when I get nabad iyo caano, but not while I am still chewing on the succulent maqaar geel.
On the matter of essays, I see a Big difference whether you or I should start such a page. You sound like a S/Net veteran. you seem to know what you are doing. As a novice, I wish my role to be mainly that of a participant in the forumss.
Istead of posting snippets of information , or snipes of attack from rabed dogs like Xamud, people will have to expand on their ideas a little bit; the devil is in the details, they say, and thats where you want to go with them i.e into the very gutter of things. give some more information on the issue under discussion. arguments can also be made in somali language, but I am really shy to be the one to carry the banner...I am one of those who fight under no banner except his fools follow the banner carried forward in a FIGHT. If and when I decide to fight, to protect my derrier, you can count on me to set up my own banner, with a big logo on it, and ask others to join my personal wars. Heads I win, tails you lose kind of war. This is not to indicate in anyway that I am a coward; no way. But let the mooryaans(whoever they may be) try to stop me from breathing, and they will see what havoc I can wreak on them! so start the page and lets get on with the idle chatters.

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Unrecorded Date
this message is from the father you have used his name in vain and his daughter ,they said.
your have work so hard for the past couple of weeks . eventhough we enjoyed being a spectator and addressee of your hectoring and hee-haw,. we must go back to the south of seas .However, if you must retired , we would like to extenden an invite (all expenses paid )for you to joint Us there. we reseveed a room for you SUban at the nine floor room (ptolomea) and you Major and mr. nice any room you choose from the 8 floor. we will be at the first floor room (nirvana).
what am I forgeting . oh the hotel . it is called Inferno de dante .
the rest of the infor. i will CHECK with my MATEs.

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Unrecorded Date
Sanity is a constant, the population is growing.

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Unrecorded Date
Someone, a teacher, once told me to avoid cliches like the plague! and I follow his advice like hell. Cliches are for those who seek concealment and conformity. I seek neither.

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Unrecorded Date
To: Chiaust: you are only a mimic, and as such you are beneath my notice! who can put up with the mimicry of the morons.

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Mr Nice.

Unrecorded Date
To Chiaust:

Major already said what I had to say.

To Suban:

Please don't retire!! we still love you.

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Unrecorded Date
Mr Nice, thanks bro.

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Unrecorded Date
Suban & Mr Nice. the Big riddle could not be solved easily. when I first saw it I was tempted to plunge into a perspectival analysis of what the abstractual concepts of 'sanity' and 'constancy' mean; but then I held myself back thinking who the Shaitan are you to dabble in the analysis of a philosophical issue. Both concepts exist as ideals in my head, but do they exist in reality? I never saw constancy in human nature or in the natural phenomenon. Can anyone tell us where to find constancy and sanity in the world? Is there one in black Africa, or to be more specific, in the Horn? Nato wants to win it's war with Yugoslavia from the air! but from an altitude so high that not even the dreaded Sam anti-aircraft missiles can reach them.
Writing to the American congress during the Korean war of the fifties, general Mac Arthur wrote that' the purpose of war is victory, and if the achieving of that victory required the expanding of the (korean) war to include China, which was then supplying arms and soldiers to North Korea, so be it.' The inclusion of China in the korean war would have been a dangerous escalation, which could possibly have engulfed the world in a nuclear war. But the tough general was ready to run the risk of nuclear war in order to achieve his victory! victory at any cost...was his motto. Compare that to the w--py Clinton. He wants no cost. All thinking persons believed from the begining that a war can not be won by bombardment from the air alone. Wimpy C was the exception. If Germany could not win the battle of Britain(1941?) in which it used thousands of fighter planes in a sustained, round-the-clock attack on the Island, what hope is there for (an air) war that works with weather forcasts! My friends, duulal and all, you can't win the war sidaad hindisteen. It is like a boxing match. You gotta get close and mix it up. Get down and dirty. Give the headbutts, the hooks to the hind parts, uppercuts to the face: body blows, headblows, the flurries to the ugly face of.....Get down & dirty. Get your feet in the gutters and mix it up; that is the way to win a war if you want to win it at all, which I doubt you do. Get tough with Serb criminals. The duulasha told me that your plan is to set up another Safe Haven in Kosova, similar to the one you had in Sbrenska several years back. We know now that those S Havens were set up for Serb aggression and usurption, as the gacamey Dole ( Dooli?)senator told us. Would I accept a similar Haven in the future. I would rather be bound up, leg to hand, and tossed into the Shabeele before I do.

The other day I called Clickton. He wasn't there but I requested his ghost to immediately send in the ground troops, if such can be called the obese-looking amateurs we watch on T.V everyday. Oh how the boys love to gape after the fat tails of the Kosovar refugees as they cross the borders with bundles on their heads.. When I asked why he sent NATO troops and armaments to former Yugoslavia, the ghost said that he sent them as peacekeepers and humanitarian people; to keep the peace in Kosovo once a 'deal' has been signed. But a blow was dealt to the deal by one of the dealing parts and there is no hope that a New Deal, such as that launched by the late president Theodore Roosevelt to rebuild America after the devastation of the second world war is forthcoming any time soon. So now it appears that the duulal are stuck in the mud of Milosevic. What could we do? Stick with the air attacks, says nato; get it close and personal and mix it up, advise Duulasha who have recently been holding a meeting in a nirvana hotel in the South seas. The meeting, chaired by chiaust, was attended by Major, mr. Nice, Suban, a black sheep called Xamud, and other members of the host. We don't know which action to choose. But while the ghosts are worrying and thinking, not critically but hypocritically, a whole country is being emptied of it's people and their property stolen. What could Duulasha do in the face of the obstinacy of the ghosts in their ill-conceived strategy to win an equally ill-defined war? I think an urgent underseas meeting is in order for all habar Shaitan. Inshallah

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Suban sheekadii xagay ku danbaysay?

Hadii uuse ninku gabadha laheshiiyo oo uu u balanqaado waxay rabto iyaduna kutidhaahdo poliska ninkan anaa rabay una sheektay da been ah miyaanay labaduba badbaadeen?

Kolay haday gabadhu khaladka waxku lahayd oo aanuu ninku qasbin waxa wanaagsan in iyada iyo reerkooduba ay badbaadiyaan ninkaa dhalinyarada ah.

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To. Major.

Alaahu akbareeeeeey. Waryaa maad meel joogtid.
Waxaaba kaaga dartay quraa maad noqotid. Waxaa nasiib daro ah in aad hada ku faanayso af-ingiriis ayaan wax ku qoraa oo kaaga daran waxaan isticmaalaa ereyo adag ama erayada dadka madoow isticmaalaan.

Duqa adoo raali ah intee CD ayaad aqrisay, waan ku aqaan adoo kale heesaha dhagaxda text-tigoda ayaad ku indho beeshay.


Suban idigana too kale aad tahay, topigaadu wuu fiicnaa,inaad intaa uga harto ayeey ahayd. laakiin gadaal ayaad waxaad la bocoolo guratay wiilka la baxay Major, arintiina waxaad ka dhigteen hal bacaad lagu lisay.

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L@@@@@@@@l. walaahi waad iga qoslisay "dumaashigeen " yaah. Isii...


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Kusaabsan: Arintii gabadha dhagaxa latumatay.

Ugu horeeyntii nin Madoow makanaxayo ama 2000 oo sano halagu xukumo ama 1 habeen. Waxaanse aad ula yaabay soomaalida difaacaysa oo leh, 10 sano muusan kasban ! Adoon la xiray maxaa iiga gadhash ah ?.

Teeda kale Aniga sida ay iila muuqato ninkaa ilama qaldana, waayo janis ayuu helay, janiskiisana ma cafin. Well done.

...ugu danbayntiina waxaan danbi aabihiis & hooyadiis saarayaa gabadhaas. 100 % waa danbiile. Hana ka xaaxaabiso. Macsonkor, caleen shaah qorfe & hayl lagu daray.


...Waxaan sugnaaba waa wiil sanbuuqo-weyn oon abti unahay.


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Ku: 1. Mashquul 2. Xaas

Mashquul, ninkii asaga ah meel uu ka baxay lama yaqaan. Gabadhii wiil bay dhashaye, oo uu jooga. Iskuul bay dhiigataa, reerkiina way la degantahay.

Xaas, LOL@@@@.
Adiga ninka Major ah ma taqaanid. Ayaamahaan buu meesha ka fariistay maahane waa CIRFIID.

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lugaheeda iyadaa furatay ee haka xaaxaabiso.

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L@@@l Cirfiid...! Bisinkooooow.

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Unrecorded Date
cajaa'ib badana maxaaa laga hadlay wacal waa laqarin jiree ma banaan kaa la soo dhigay oo waliba ninkii la leeyahay muxuu khaladka u galay war waxaas laguma hadlee xishooda qoftu iyadaa la cayaartay ninkee cayaartii haday ilmo nooli ka soo baxay yaa danbiga iska leh dee waa gabadha soomaaliyeed oo intay muslimkii ka talaabsatay nin gaala dabada u dhigatay warwaxa naga daaya kabadan ayaa dhacay oon laga hadline mardhowna waa la arkayaa soomaali dhinac jaynays ka ahe

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