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Waxaan ku dhowahay in aan waasho yaa tol iyo qaraabo ii ah.

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Ila Tali Walaal - Ask The Experts: Archive (Before Feb. 16, 2001): Waxaan ku dhowahay in aan waasho yaa tol iyo qaraabo ii ah.
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Monday, December 25, 2000 - 06:12 pm
By: cabdiraxiin.
waxaan aad iyo aad u jecelahay gabadh mudana wada soconay waxay habeen hore Dec.24 igu tiri walaal waxaan goaan ku gaaray in aan walaal tinimo ku wada socono si kasto aan wax ugu sheegay way diiday {no more ralationship} ilaa iyo hada ma hurdin waa 48 hrs. madax wareer qandho ayaan isku arkay....soomaaliyey tallo tallo tallo please.

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Monday, December 25, 2000 - 06:50 pm
Life goes on Rahiim. Another Chapter in your life has been completed. So turn the page, what are you waiting for?

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Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 07:05 am
aboowe waan ku salamay ugu horeyntii waana ka xumahay arinta kugu dhacday. waxana ku weydin lahaa gabadha markii hore jacel run ah ma naga dhexeyey wada socodkiina sidee ayu ahaa marka gabadha ma qof kale ayay heshay. aboowe hadad dacad isku aheyden ma ku dhhi karto ma ku rabo wax aya kiciyay oo ay ku diday oo baar arintas xag adiga ama iyada xageda.

waxaan ku rejeynayaa sida ugu fican

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The Kid

Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 11:07 am
hey wimpy wake the fuuck up and smell the real world. real men don't whine, they get over it and move it to the next biatch(double bith). you know these days women are so plenty and so desperate to hook up every dog with dick between his legs. specially somali ones, the worst of all. they like to play man's heart and take shear pleasure to rip it apart when they are sure enough that he is down on his knees. I have word of advice for you:
first get it over. secondly less you give a bitch the more you get in return, believe me that is not my philosophy, it is real fact.
somalis are known to have proverbs : (dumar ninkii xariir u gogla xanan bay u goglaan, kii xanan u goglana xariir bay u goglaan) I guess you don`t need translation but if need so ,here it is
( He(man) who lays women with silk carpet, they lay him thorny carpet in return, and he who lay them with thorny carpet they lay him back with silk one.). bro that is their nature and you can not blame them. so move on and have happy eid.

( check eid party in your town you can get prettier one bro. and don't make mistake next time).

Angry Kid.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 06:36 pm
Hey Wake up man Small the coffee!!

You have'n slept for 48 hours??
Wait the Minute! Hey thank God that she left you
at least she is not chasing yu around.

As Ubah101 Said Turn the page and start Agian with the next page.

don't be naive!!!!!!!!

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Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 02:54 am
cabdikariim waan ku salaa may aboowe waan kaxumahay mida ku hey sata waxaan ku wey diyay
meeqaad jaceel wada jileseen gabadhaas ???
maxaase sababay in ey ku tiraah nagu kala wad ?
aboowe hadi aad jecesha hay haka harin

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Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 06:29 am
dhib ma leh walaalo,noloshaaba dhamaata waaba cilaaqad.kiniinka hurdada ka soo qaado dhaqtarkaaga inta aad ka dagayso.Ilaahay ha ku siiyo gabadh aad ku faraxdo.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 11:49 am
Say Next


just go and do u thing aight.

Life goes on ...............

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Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 07:23 pm
Ey cabdiraxiim........aboowe life goes on u many pple that r in love break up everyday.........

it dont really matter how long u've been with her or what eva........what matters is WHY did she decide to be just friends.......why dont u ask her........tell her how u exactly feel........tell her u truely care for her and u didnt expect her to end the reltionship when u thought it was growing deeper u know.........
i cant say all that stuff in somali but i hope u get what i mean ....... explain it all u know what i mean.....

and if there is no way for u to be with her.....i mean haday ku nacday khalaas..........then aboowe qof ku rabin adiga see urabi kartaa!!!!!!???
i wish u nothing but luck and eid wanaagsan
ur sistah

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Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 10:48 pm
To honestgirl.
you ask me why she decide .
waxay ii sheegtay in sameone ku yiri naag buu soo furay wiilna u leh , ma hubsan qof igu diray ee waxay la soo booday arintaa .my blood high and i lose 11 lb. so i beleive Iam going back somalia
waxaa ii dhaanto meel xabad ka dhacayso jacayl kuma guys i still need Advice ama tallo please aflagaadada ha la iga daayo please tallo.

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Friday, December 29, 2000 - 07:53 am
Asalaamu calaykum

sheekada ay maqashay run miyaa misa waa been. Ma USA baad joogtaa sorry waa sheeko qarar runtii in qof aad jeceshahay oo asagana ku necebyahay.

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Friday, December 29, 2000 - 08:18 am
Ask your doctor to prescribe Zoloft or Prozac!!!

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Friday, December 29, 2000 - 08:24 am
ABDI RAHIM i'm sorry but where're you you never seen another girl in the world be A MAN DUDE go your job and come back to your home you'llget another girl if ALLAH say believe me

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Friday, December 29, 2000 - 08:27 am
hi miimiyour writing right now

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Friday, December 29, 2000 - 12:04 pm
Asalaamu calaykum waraxmatul-laahi wabarakaatuhu.
Bacda salaan C/raxiim walaal aniga waxaan kuula talin lahaa inaad Alle ka baqdid oo ku dadaashid waxa uu ku faray oo dhaacadiisa ah maxaayeelay aduunkan waxaa la isku keenay waa imtixaan la isku imtixaanaayo samaan iyo xumaanba bal inaad Alle ku shukrisid ama inaad sabartid. Allaah quraankiisa wuxuu ku yiri " waan idinku intixaanaynaa khayr iyo sharba jiratid iyo aan idin tijaabinayno inaad sabartaan ama inaad jasaartaan. Aayad kalena wuxuu ku yiri " hadaad Alle ku mahadisaan wuu idiin kur dhinaayaa nimcada hadiise aad ku kufridaan cadaabkayga wuu daranyahay. Walaal arrintan kuu timid waxaa laga yaabaa inay shar kuu tahay ama inay khayr kuu tahay. waxaan kugula talin lahaa inaad baridid Allehii ku abuuray oo dantaada kaa og oo aad waydiisatid inuu kuugu badalo wax kaaga khary badab oo kaaga fiican. Waxaan ku oran lahaa waxaad tiraadaa sidii uu nabiga s.c.w. ku yiri umu salama markii uu kadhintay ninkeeda " inaa lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raa jicuun, Allahuma'jirnii fii musiibatii wakhluf lii khayran miyaa" Nabiga s.c.w. wuxuu yiri qof muslim ah ma yiraahdo ilaa Alle wuxuu ugu badalaa wax uga khayr badan. Waana tii markii ay umu salama tirr uu Alle ugu badalay Nabi Muxammad s.c.w. oo aysan jirin cid ka khayr badan. Walaal waxaan kaloo kuula talin lahaa inaan ducada badisid oo aad Alle waydiisatid waxa aad rabtid adiga oo ay kaa tahay niyada oo aadna ku dadaashid shuruuda ducada lagu aqbalo. Waxaad ku dadaashaa inaad Alle baridid wakhtiyada ducada aan la soo celinin sida inta u dhaxaysa aadaanka iyo saacadaha danbe ee habeenimada. Waxaan kugula talin lahaa inaad alle bariga iyo salaadaba badisid oo aad Alle kagiisa u carartid maxaayeelay Alle kaligiis uunbaa dhibka keena asaga uunbaa dhinka qaada. Walaal waxaan Alle kuu waydiinayaa adiga iyo inta dhibaataysay ee Islaamka ah inuu dhibaatada ka qaado oo uu waafajiyo waxa uu asaga raali ka yahay. WAlaal waxaan adiga iyo naftaydaba u dardaarmayaa inaan ku dadaalno alle ka cabsigiisa iyo raacida rasuulka s.c.w. Walaal intaas iyo nabadgallyo
Wabilaahi tawqiif
Wasalaamu calaykum waraxmatul-laahi wabrakaatuhu.
walaashaa kugu walaalowday islaamka Asmaa

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Friday, December 29, 2000 - 03:40 pm
Huh huh,,,,

Excuse me I just laugh when i c this kind of Bullshit stories.
Since U have asked every 1's advise, well here is mine . I think u should go 2 ur nearest TOWER(make sure is over 13th Floor) and belive U can fly. Spread ur arms and jump as high as CARR LEWIS !!
Say i dedicated my life 2 that LOW LIFE girl.... After couples of hours u feel happier than ever , u know YYYY, cause paramedics R picking up ur brain from the street.

Hope u take my advice , cause u won't get a better 1 than those BORING, crap messages from low life girls.

Bye and i wish U unhappy ending.

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Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 06:20 am
stop! stop!stop! don't kill your self bro. she don't deserve that price. once upon atime i killed my self or say committed suicide. luckly i got second change and here i am again. the angels told me no more changes after me so don't wast your life. i have an easy solution for you.
i hope you have her picture, dupticate it as much as you can and post it on every corner in you small room. please , after that get a big container full of shampoo i hope it is not allergic for you. start masturbatinge every fucking minute. believe me you will soon overcome that bitch and at the same time you will gain sexual pleasure. ha,ha haaa . can you dig it.

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Monday, January 01, 2001 - 06:24 am
to angry KID,
listen bloody angery kid,
because they're not. I think you are ugly dog who has his brain between his legs so what ever you get from them you deserve it.GOT IT,you don't have no respect for you mother or your sisters.

so beat it big ass hole,
you angry old grandma.
from london.

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Monday, January 01, 2001 - 06:28 am
to angry KID,
listen bloody angery kid,
because they're not. I think you are ugly dog who has his brain between his legs so what ever you get from them you deserve it.GOT IT,you don't have no respect for you mother or your sisters.

so beat it big ass hole,
you angry old grandma.
from london.

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Friday, January 05, 2001 - 12:28 am
Cabdiraxiim adiga gabadhaan waaba nagu waasha e Gaalkacyo miyey ka timid. Mise Goboladda dhexe.
Marka aad is baraneyseen ayaa la rabay in lagu heshiisyo "Past is past nobody is an angel, let us forget the past and look into the future" Ma ii sheegi kartaa waxa ka galay guurkaada hore iyo wiilkaada. Waxaasa iga waano ah "If her faith in is disturbed by some wrong telling person" please forget her for ever. The same will come in the future." Maxaa naftaada u dhibee? Ciil qabow cadaabta gal dheh ee macsalaama.

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Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 04:27 am
TO: FALXAD Magaraanaayo inaat wiil ama gabartahey afka soomaaliga aad kuhadleyso ufiirso meeshaan dad aan joogin laguma caayo Reer gaalkacyood iyo gobalada dhexe ma aheyn talada meesha taaley,
Waxaan ku leeyahey 'INTA AADAN FALIN U FIIRSO'

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Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 07:46 am
asma walaal jasaakilaah talda bixisey aneyba i anfacdey .
walaal arintaas oo kale aney igu dhacdey lakiin ducadan waan himaamay ilaahay ayaad i xasuusisay janadii fardowso ilaahay hakaa waraabiyo
abaayo taldaada ayaan u baahanahay e eimelkaan igala soo xariiri kartaa

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