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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): Ila Qosol - Jokes: Archive (August 2000): "YA, MAHEYGAAN KU IIMAAN QABAA"
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Unrecorded Date
Oday Soomaali ah ayaa dagaalkii ka soo laabtay labo sano kadib. Habeenkii ugu horeysay ayey balaayadan ka dhex dhacday isagga iyo xaaskiisa. Habeenkii markii ay aalamiintada u bilaabatay odoyga iyo xaaskiisa. Ayuu odoygii marin habaabay "wuxuu maray meel aan loogu tala galin". Islaantii ayaa tiri
_-Yahooy muhu mihii ma aha
waxay ku celcelisay dhowrjeer.
_-Muhu mihii ma aha, muhu mihii ma aha.
Odaygii oo si waalan u mirqaamay, ayaa yiri
_-Shib dheh! AROOY, MAHEYGAAN KU IIMAAN QABAA.. ma'idinka qosliyey?

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Unrecorded Date
Xamari, mawaxaad dheeysaa waligaa adiga ma ku sirmin LAMADA CAJIR DHEXDOORA. :-)

I'm talking about while you and her were doing in the metionary position and you thought you were in there, but you were working hard and the lady in an effort to not EMBARRASS you, she elected to be QUIET. Then, later you found out that the sheet on the bed was all wet! :-)

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Unrecorded Date
Nin eelaay ah ayaa wuxuu meel dhigtay dhalo subag ku jira. Waxaa isla markaa meesha soo marayay oday reer mudug ah, markaasuu kii reer baydhaboodka ahaa ku yiri af eelaay "Dhalada ha dar-darin" Kii reer muduga ahaa ayaa wuxuu yiri "waan u jeedaa" Kii reer Baydhabood ayaa intuu xanaaqay wuxuu yiri af eelaay "INJEEDEE JABI HEE" Kan reer baydhaboodka wuxuu u maleeyay haddaanba dhalada soo jabinayaa in uu leeyahay kan reer mudug! HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!

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to xamari

sorry bro that wasn't funny , waxaan maqli jirey since i was kid ,wax ka qatarsan suuqa lasoo shir tag .

by aniga

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Unrecorded Date
to. Xamari

sorry bro that wasn't funny. waxaan maqli jirey since i was kid, marka saaxiib waxkale oo ka fiican soo sheeg ama hawada nooga bax oo ha kuu macaato

by aniga

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Unrecorded Date
waaw,waw, waaaaw!
xamari aad ayaan ugu qoslay sheekadan saaxiiboow, sidaas ku wad. anagaa fahmeena qaabka sheekada saaxiibow jaaw

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Unrecorded Date
he xamari waxaad sheegtay adiga ma ku qoslilaheed mase adigaa ah lagaroone warkaaga cadeyso XMARI

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Unrecorded Date
jawaabta odayga waxeey muhu mihii ka macaan. !!!

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Unrecorded Date
yes man

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Unrecorded Date
it was not funny at all, get a live.
i didn,t understand , what u were saying.

waan kaxumahay yaar.

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Unrecorded Date
To xamari

from qaran

adiga waxaan u maleenayaa inay sheekadaan kuugu dacday that is why you telling us

you are not funny so learn jokes before you even say one

peace; don't take it personal it just advice from

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Unrecorded Date
xamari waaba laga roon yahaybo shekhada waa la
sheegaa lee mala qoslo adiga baqtiyaa tehee
suasha dhaaf "ma qolslinoo maxay tahay?

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Prince Yusuf

Unrecorded Date
Laga roone waa maxay,ma Af soomaliga hadeer soo baxaybaa weligay ma maqal iga raali ahaada, wax is waydiini ma xuma, idiinkaa yaqaane ii bayaansha

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Unrecorded Date
DAMN,,waad iga qoslisay Abaa,,,shubun Hakuugu dhecee,,,waan isku xaaray saan u quslaayay,,

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Unrecorded Date

Odayga sharaftaad ka dhigtay...xaadan A-Z guide u siinin......LOL..That was funny though


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Unrecorded Date
To aniga & anonymous
You said that you heard this one when you were a kid.
I wonder what kind of upbringing you had since you were exposed to that level of kinky sex at a very young age.

Do not blame Xamari for that blame your guardians.
What do you hear or expect to hear these days!LOL!

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Unrecorded Date
waa iga goslasiisey

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Friday, July 14, 2000 - 09:23 am
that wasn't funny at all dear with all the respect lear more jokes!

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Friday, July 14, 2000 - 09:24 am
that wasn't funny at all dear with all the respect learn more jokes!

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Monday, September 25, 2000 - 10:39 am
to prince yusuf

hadaan kuu sheego laga roone waa (qaniis) ama (gay)

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jimcaale & culusoow

Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 05:45 am
waryaada ninkan xamari sheeko qosol badan ayuu idiin sheegay maxaad ugu xanaaqdeeen . mise sheekadu waxey idiin taabatay si shaqsi ahaaan

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Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 09:17 pm
to anad waryaa kaalay adiga waa isceebaysee ala sharafta ha kaa qaadee maxaa waaye waan isku xaaray ma baambadii xaarka xajineysay ayaa ku dilaacday haaaaaaaaaa hadaan gartay ileen odoygu qofkuu ku xirbinayey waa adi waar is dil laga roonayahow.

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