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SomaliNet Forum (Archive): e-pals - Isbarasho: Isbarasho - Current : THE PAGE IS ONLY FOR MIDGAAN
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faarah abdi

Friday, February 16, 2001 - 06:27 pm
i am a wiil midgaan ah looking for gabar midgaan ah if you are the one please leave me your E-addres.

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Friday, February 16, 2001 - 08:58 pm
You are racist and misserable fellow, stop this $hit yo, this making dirty all healthy brains. There is nothing called out-casted pple or midgaan what ever u preffer. shut up and try to talk any somalian girl u see. No one can stop u, girls care about only how far u can talk, not who u are u little Pank.

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farah abdi

Monday, February 19, 2001 - 01:41 pm
you miss-understood what i have said yo,i am not a racist but i am who i am and it is not shame to look for who ever you want no matter what ,i have gone many ways so if you where in this position wouldn't be talking differently yo.
anyway have good day and back to the realty.

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Monday, February 19, 2001 - 03:03 pm
fcking ass niq what you think you are talking about the page is for somalis not midgaan

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Monday, February 19, 2001 - 03:33 pm
you nathing but •••• and you don't know what the somali is monkey ass

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Monday, February 19, 2001 - 05:46 pm
To: farah abdi
farah do you know
what is the meaning of midgaan?
midgaan is not what you think, but it is something else and i wanna you to answer it for me, if you visit this page again. if you only don't mind explaining it please do so!. otherwise I will explain it. if you can not answer but let me know leave me a add, ok
peace bye, kim

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Monday, February 19, 2001 - 05:49 pm
hey guys what is the problem we have warsangali page,mj page and this guys made one for his tribe what is wrong with that, we all know there is some tribe called midgaan and we also know no one marries them. car iyo wir the one who can prove me wrong.

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Abdi farah

Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 07:02 pm
To Kim

If you want to know the meaning of midgaan is label just like the others ex=mj, mr, abg, habrgdr, and so. let me give you another ex=waa qabiil ka mid ah qabiilada somalida,but they try to eliminate those tribes,what i am saying is i have that label and i wanna have same one who has same label with me couse there is no way that i can have a somalian girl does have different label,anyway that is all i can give you now???

Thank you.

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Friday, February 23, 2001 - 08:02 pm
To:Abdi Farah
Abdi thanks for your honesty answer
but still, i don't think you and i know
Midgaan with a same meaning, you know your
own way. so am I.
well, i was not raised with knowing (QABIL)
but what i thought and still think what midgaan is
not a apart of tribe of people,
the way i know is,
It is some one who is deeply bad
and not even normal human
someone that every one hates,
a bad person really bad one, not honesty
not great enough, dadka dhaca.
Amaan aan dadka siin,
balse i got your Idea and if there is that tribe
I hope you good luck and find your soul mate
my dear brother, Aamin!!!
you also mentioned somali girls do not marry you or want you!
what made you to blieve that?
I don't think so
if i was you i would't talk that way,
unless u have exprienced for it,
anyway wish you all the best of the best

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abdi farah

Monday, February 26, 2001 - 06:48 pm
To kim it is me again,

I want to thank you how sweat that you wrote your opinion about midgaan.
After that , let me put this way , I am not some one who feels a shame to carry the lable that you put on us.
On otherhand i have an expereince with relationship for a different lable.

To tell you the truth i can get as many as i can but it is not in mirage way, i jus want to ask you if you don,t mind who am i talking to? that means are you a female or male? bay the way nice talking to you and have grate day .
I wish all the best.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 04:56 am
Abdi Farah

Waxan ku qoraya somali si dadka oo dhan ay ufahmaan.

Marka ugu horaysa kama dhalan qoyska midgaan(waxan ushegaya oo kaliya ina ogaato).

Marka labaad waad ku saxan tahay waana ku faraxsanahay in aadan ceeb daremayn inaad tahay Midagaan.

Weligey waxan aminsana, welina aminsanahay, aana aaminsanaan doona in ilaahay adoontiisa oo dhan ay isku mid yihiin oo camalka lagu kala wanaagsan yahay.

Ceeb ma aha inaa gabar qoyskaga ah raadsato, lakin hadaa adiga qabil aad wax ku yesho qof kale, kama duwanid qoysaska kale oo somalida oo dhan ee xumanta umaleya in la ahado midgaan.

Waan la dagalama aniga dadka midgan cayda ka dhiga, waana la dagalami doona nolashayda oo dhan.

Qiimaha aan aniga leeyahay baa qofkasta oo somali ha ahaado midgaan ama darod ama hawiye uu leyahay.

Qabilka waa isku garasho oo kaliya ee ma aha wax isku yeelid.

Hada la kulantid dad cay ama wax xun kuu gaysta kaliya ina tahay midgaan, waxa ogata in dad sida anigoo kale ah oo ay dhibayso ay jiraan.

Waxaa kaloo ogataa in dad la dagalama cawanimada iyo yasida ay jiraan.

Wasalamu calaykum.

Hayaan Abdisalam Ismail
Arday kuliya siyasada

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Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 09:04 am
Farah Abdi

Do you even know the meaning of Midgaan? I don't think you, so. Midgaan, ain't a Tribe. Midgaan is anyone who is evil inside, who's enemy to his friends, who is QUDUR...

But there is a tribe called Madhibaan, that's the name not Midgaan. If you were to say that You were Madhibaan people refer to you as Midgaan, I would agree with you. But Midgaan is not a TRIBE.

I know Madhibaan people are discrimenated against, and it is so hard for them to marry someone out side their tribe. But that is not something i can change.

I am really sorry, and good luck in your search. the right one is out there for you.


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frah abdi

Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 05:27 pm
To anonymous or ayaan.

First of all I am the one who open this page,I did not open it to insult each other but to know each others, so we can have nice communication for all of us who interest this.
I don't want to divide the somalias but I just want to see if I can get some one who has some idea like me that means let me look for who I want yo.

On the otherhand what if I tell you my name is abdi farah and you tell me no, your name is jama? so I am who I am .It will never change and you to be sorry about it wont help coz you are the one who dipped his noes into someone's business.
All I asked for was alady of my tribe I don't know what in this world is burning you???can you tell me???

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Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 08:19 am
Farah Abdi

First, let me correct you. Hayaan is male a name and Ayaan is a female name, there is huge diffrence between them.

Second, I am suprised. You are saying "I did not open it to insult each other...."

My first reaction is WHO insulted you, or WHO insulted who?. My whole life(28 years) I was fighting for equel rights for all us somalis no matter Hawiye, Darod, Raxanweyn or Midgaan. And here you come and say " THE PAGE IS ONLY FOR MIDGAAN" do you think thats right?. Just take some time and think what would happen if i say " THE PAGE IS ONLY FOR SOMALIS, NOT FOR MIDGAAN".


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farah abdi

Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 01:36 pm
To hayaan.

bro I didn't mention your name while I was talking about may previous page and you mistaking,let me give you this, I said I am a midgaan and some one said midgaan is QUDUR,EVIL,BAD PERSON.
that is why I said no insulting in this page.

and you can open any page that you want a named,the other thing I am gonna give you an apology about your name bro.
thank you have good day.

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farah abdi

Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 01:38 pm
I will respect it because already their is a difference between Somalis and midgaan a simple way to put it if their is no different between somalis why is it so difficult for so called midgaan to marry a so called billis Somali???

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Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 04:02 pm
salaamu calaykum.
bacda salaan walaalayaa.
waxaan u malaynayaa qabiil la yiraahdo midgo iyo tumaalaba waa jiraan.
laakiin sida dadbadan ay u aamineen maaha dadka aad sheegaysaan waa dad walaalahayo ah oo inala dhasha isku diina aan nahay. sidii aabayaashayo iyo awoowayaashayo ay u takoorijireena hadeer laguma jiro waxay u geysteena oo dulmi ahna ilaahay ayaa ka abaal marindoona siday dadkaas islaamka ah ay u takooreen
markaa waxaan ka codsanayaa in dhalin yarada somaliyeed ee hadeer jira aysan qaadan caqligii la aantii iyo jaahilnimadii waalidkeen haysay.
waxaana idinka rajaynaa inaad isguursataan oo guri xalaal ah wada dhaqataan.
hadaan wax khalad ah ku hadlayna igala soo xiriir
e mail

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Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 01:07 am
hanad walaal anigu maihi horta qabiilkaa laakiin waxaan uhaystay ama waalideenteen inaga dhaadhiciyeen inaynaan iguursan karin am ay dadka ka takooran yihiin, laakiin imika waxaan ognahay in aynu siman nahay sidaad sheegtay hadaba waxaan aad ula yaabanahay dhalinyarada imika ee wali fikradihii xun xunaa wata ,laakiin adigu waad ka duwan tahay siday u fikirayaan waanad ku wanaagsan tahay ee bal kuwani falaagowye kuwa soo koraya uun aan la dardaarano.mahadsanid.

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Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 12:54 pm
to MARWo.....
salaamu calaykum
abaayo waxaan kugu salaamay salaanta islaamka ee kor ku xusay.
bacda salaan abaayo 100% ayaan kuugu mahadinayaa sida sharafta leh ee aad iigu raacda.
abaayo anigu waxaan aamin sanaa inay arintani ay iska dhamaatay oo maanan filayn maanta ka hor laakiin markaan maqlay waxay ugu noqotay wax lama filaan ah.
runta anigu maanta waxay soomaali ay u fasirteen erayga midgaan oo foolxumada iyo in la fogeeyo ay u arkaan waxaa iila qumanaan lahayd inay u fogeeyaan oo ay u takooraan dadka qabiilka iyo ku dhaqankiisa faraya ayaa ila haboonaan lahayd in la takooro oo laga fogaado iyaga iyo waxa ay umada somaaliyeed siiba dhalinyaradii ay u kala geeyeen kuwaas ayaa u baahan in la takooro oo la cidhib tiro .
abaayo hadaan fogaadayna ha ila yaabin waxyaabo badan ayaa i damqayee
sidaad iyo nabad galyo

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Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 02:05 pm
TO abdi Farah,

bro if you realy are or not you are wiseman,I would say this is a route of triblizem. so we need to fight with ignorce ideas from old genaritons. belive who you are, iam strongly agree your choice. ppl let's understand this and pls stop insutlting and racism.

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Abdi farah

Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 05:44 pm
Asalaamu calaykum ?
Gabdhoow [Marwo iyo hanad] marka hore waa la idin salaamay, marka xiga aad iyo aad ayaan uga hely hadalkiina macaanka badan leh ee macquulka ah.
Waxaan idin way diin lahaa hadii ay dhab idinka tahay ereyada aad ku hadlaysaan in ay suurto gal tahay inaad layeelataan wax xiriir ah wiil ka dhashay beeshaas MIDGAANKA ah iyo in kale ??
Hadii ay suurto galtahay kataga e-mailkiina.


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Abdi farah

Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 05:47 pm
Asalaamu calaykum ?
Gabdhoow [Marwo iyo hanad] marka hore waa la idin salaamay, marka xiga aad iyo aad ayaan uga hely hadalkiina macaanka badan leh ee macquulka ah.
Waxaan idin way diin lahaa hadii ay dhab idinka tahay ereyada aad ku hadlaysaan in ay suurto gal tahay inaad layeelataan wax xiriir ah wiil ka dhashay beeshaas MIDGAANKA ah iyo in kale ??
Hadii ay suurto galtahay kataga e-mailkiina.


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Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 08:34 pm
salamu calaykum.
abdifatah waan ku salaamay walaal bacda salaan,
saaxiib waxaad tahay walaalkay jira hadh iyo habeenba waxaana jeclahay in aynu nolosha wada qaybsano .
mida kale waxaan kaa codsanayaa intaad aduunka joogto inaad ogaatid oo aad qirsanaatid inaad tahay adoon ilaahay waligaana nin facaaya ha isu jilcinin adoo isliidaaya.
saaxiib aniga magacayga waxaa la yiraahdaa
hanad omar waxaan ku noolahay USA gaar ahaan
NEW YORK saaxiib e mailkaygu waxaa weeye saan horay kuugu soo sheegayba
markaa la soco inaan nahay laba qof oo walaalo nahay
sidaas iyo nabadgalyo

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Saturday, March 03, 2001 - 06:43 pm
To:Abdi farah
Hi. abdi how is life treating you dear?
first of all I wanna thank you for your wonderful
you asked me who I was meaning female
or male? and of course I don't mind to tell you I am a femaLe.
hope all is well with you,
take care now.

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Saturday, March 17, 2001 - 04:33 pm
Well, well, well,
Waxeey illa tahay waxeey u baahan tahay aqoon aad iyo aad u wannaagsan in aan Somali sidaan u nahay illaawno waxyaabihii Foosha xummaa ee waddanka markaan joognay lagu haayay.

Runtii Diin iyo Duunyana waxba ma tareeyso in uu qof qof kale ku mashquul sannaado.

Dadka muslimiinta ahna waxaa uqu shar badan kan qofka muslimka ah ee wallaalkiis ah Xaqira ama u qaato in uu ka sharaf badan yahay,

waxaase is weydiin leh, maxaa ka dhigi kara qof in uu ka sharaf badnaado qof kale, Dhinaca Illaahey haddii uu qofka u dhow yahay qofka kale waa ka sharaf badan yahay, taasse qof ogaan karta ama sheegan karta ma jirto illaahey asaga ayaa og oo keliya (Subxaanahu wa tacaalaa).

Waxaan ka xumahay in aan weli Cudurkii qabto oo aan xannuun san nahay ee Soomaaliyeey Dawo hala raadsado taasna waa Waxbarasho in wax la barto haddii aan indhaheyna ku aragnay Umadd aan is liideynin oo shaqeeysaneysa oo hal meel u wadda jeedda oo weli aan Illaah aaminsaneyn oo gaalo ah haddane anaka aan kaga xun nahay dhaqanka la xirriira bulshada, runtii weli ma argteen Gaalo oo Qabiil isku haysata, anakaa ku xaq leh haddii aan Islaam nahay. DACUUHAA INAHAA MUFTINA,
Ama siddii uu yiri rasuulka (SCW).

So, Let the guy look a girl of his own, that's cool, if he feels comfortable wit that.
Bro, be ya self and don't let anyone try to sway you, i think ya sound like a cool guy and ya will get the ya deserve, But not here though, try somewhere else cause there's a lot of CIYAALSUUQ here.

Peace And Respect yo'all!

Ali baasha.

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Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 05:46 am

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abdi farah

Thursday, April 05, 2001 - 06:12 pm
To baasha. Thank you brother where ever you are i say peace and love.

it wos long time since i left here so ilove you all just whant to see one of them, not yet but i will . tanks.

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Saturday, April 07, 2001 - 12:18 pm
abdi fatah,

inkastoo marka aan tariikhda dib u raacno ay jiri jirtay xaafado u gara midgaha sida daami oo weli ku taala magalada hargeysa, ee waxaa nasiib wanaga iney jiraan qabilo soomaliyeed oo dega gobolada dhexe oo midguhu eey la bixiyaan qadhanka beesha ay ka tirsan yihiin, hadii uu ninka midgaanka ihi u la soo baxo gabadh aan besha u dhalana eey tahay wax caadiya inaan beesha ku tirin gabadha ilaa eey iyadu iskeed
u ogaato.

hadii aad u sii dhafto xagaa koonfutana
adaaba sheegaya magacaas, dadkeey ka mid yihiin hablahaa beesha degana cidi kama xigto.

intaan dhul marayeyeyna xaga bariga waxaan u soo taagnaa gabadh tumaal ah oo saddex nin oo aan beeshede aheyn ay isku heystaan (guur) ahaan oo loo gar qaaday.

maraan dhawaan ku la laabtay xaga waqooyiga waxaan soo arkay hal qoys oo isqaba.

xitaa dhulkan mareykanka waan aqaan qoys is qaba markaa cabdoow waxaa iga wana ah cuqdada iska saar oo dadkaga dhinic ka raac.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 11:37 pm
Can you people stop being so hypocrite? I know each one of you wouldn't marry "midgan" aka "Madhibaan". I am woman enough to say I wouldn't. So let's face the truth and let the man find his own people. I know it is cruel but I'm not the one who invented the rule but I will sure will play by it.

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