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A brother needs ur advice,,,,

SomaliNet Forum (Archive): e-pals - Isbarasho: Isbarasho - Current : A brother needs ur advice,,,,
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Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 07:18 am
Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 12:16 pm
how u 'll doing?

ur advice my help me guys, a while a go i met a girl, she is one of the few girls i apreciated having relation with her plus she is good looking, tall,wadaad n more,,,

after long discussion we agreed to marry eachother but one day one of my friends call me saying " the girl is Sadex Geedi" i heard the name b4 but i asked what is that? he said " boon" i was sayin' like man; cut ur crap, how the hell u know ? he said " her best friend told me and that's the one who introduced me.

i remember that one night we were talking a bout back xamar, where she lived all that stuff and i asked normally if she was Gaaljecel coz she told me her grandfather has a lot of camels in near Joowhar any ways she say no, i'm "Silic" Gorgaarte Hawiyye. i was not interested at the time her tripe i wanted her and so was ended that little clan topic.

Lastnight i was thinking a lot,,, i was asking my self what am i supposed to do? i know i want her but u know how this ppl treated? what concerns me i will marry her 4 100% but what a bout my mother and family,,, how am i gonna tell them? mum i'm marryin,, who u marrying son? sahra,,,, sahra who? sahra is Sadexgeedi " midgaan" ,,,,,,, son duco iyo habaar mid dooro,,,,,,, that's what 'll happen.

most problem how can i leave like that some body i care,,, how will she feel? i know this will be 4 her very hard time.

don't u think our culture sucks when u see how some of the papulation treated even when they r better than the others,,,,, i can compare this woman to no woman, i met a lot but she is the best i have ever dated,,,,

So those of u guys who may have faced similar problems like this, ur advice can give me away,,,,,,,, right now i don't know what to do,,,,,, and the most important thing is i really don't want hurt this woman she was so good to me and i feel very comfortable when i'm with her.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 10:44 am
To Gacal
Marka hore waad salaaman tahay bro, waan kaxumahay in arintan foolxun ay ku haysa taasina maaha mid adiga kaliya ay hayso ee dhalinyarada intooda badan way haysataa, gaar ahaan sidii uu udhacay dagaalkii sokeeye, oo waa sida aad sheegtee qof nafta ay doonayso miyaa lagu nici karaa qabiil uu yahay taas waxaaba kasii daran waalidkii ku dhalay waxa idin kala dhex maraayo.

Anigan kula hadlaayo way isoo martay sheekadan walaalkiis, ilaahayna wuu iwaafajiyey oo reerkaygii waan ooga goi waayey wiil aan jeclahay, oo waxaan is iri inta aad nooshahay waad helaysaa wiil aad is jeclaataan balse ma helaysid waalid ku jeclaado ee kuwa aad haysatid ha iska qasaarin sidii ayaan wiilkii ku dhaafay hada waxa aan gaaray heer hadaan wiil barto first aan ka bilaabo qabiilkiisa, waan lasocdaa inay rude way tahay balse dantaa igu qsabtay iley intaan hadhow is jeclaano oo uu qabiilkiisa wax kale igu noqdo maxaan samayn.

Marka walaalkiis waxaan kugula talin lahaa hadaadba og tahay reerkiina iyo adiga inay mashaakil idinka dhax dhacayso gabadhaa darteed, reerkiina ha qasaarin ayaan ku dhihi lahaa oo sida aan sameeyoo kale gabadha intaad meel la fariisatid runta usheeg una sheeg inaad inkaar waalid ka cararaysid, iyo xataa hadaad iyada guursatid waligiin dhib iyo aflagaado iyo waliba mashaakil idinkama haraayp marka inta hada aad banaanka kala tihiin kala tashada, haday gabadha ay run ka tahay inay ku rabto way fahmaysaa duruufaha ku haysto wayna kufasaxaysaa iyadoon caloosha waxba kuugu qaadin.

Hadalkii waan kugu badiyey bro raali kanoqo, wixii ku anfaca ka qaado waxa kalana iska iloow, waxaan kuu rajaynayaa in ilaahay dariiqa saxa ah ku tuso, garabkaagana galo.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 11:51 am
To Gacal,

A salaamu Aleykum,
After salaam, my advice to you brother is to stick your decision and forget what other people think. As you said you love this girl and feel comfortable with her. So what is the problem? coz she is Midgaan??

Example:- I live in UK where the majority are white, I work for a firm and and treated as every1 else, I hate to be discriminated because I am Black, do you get my point? We destroyed our country because of tribalism, so brother don't give up easily this girl because she is Migdaan.

To Suad,
Walaal Taladaadu ma ah mid wanaagsan sababtoo ah Qabiil waa waxii wadanka Soomaaliyeed burburiyey. hadey labadaa qof ay is jecel yahiin, cidna waxba kama gelin.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2001 - 12:51 pm
My advise to you is that if you keep thinking about Somali Stuped Old culture then you have a probles. This isn't the first time someone come up such a topic like this; it seem to be familiar and we are all from the starting point.

Many times people were asking such a advise but why don't they just follow their minds. If you love the person go for it but if you keep thinking what your family will say or think about her becuase of her tribe, then you are the problem.

For allah's sake follow your heart otherwise let the old culture take you away. I'm sorry and I m not picking on you but we have seen this before. Put your shoes some one else is, how you feel if some one your sister loves refused because of her family background? Your family would be crying

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Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 01:52 am
Hi, my advice to you my brother is simple follow your heart... if you love this young girl then by all means don't let her go as you know true love is hard to find and besides no one in this world chosies what tribe to be and its not fair to be discriminated for that,just know one thing if you do deside to stay with her you'll have a tough journey ahead of you but if you stick together no matter what you will sucssed.I wish that it all works out for you somehow.

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Dr. D

Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 03:07 am
To: Gacal
Asalamu Alaykum bro.
Let me tell you something make things short for
you. Today time is changing and you need to follow
or do what everyone is pleased with coz somalians
are the worst racist people on earth. Secondly
their culture not exceptable one coz even if you
Marry a girl from your tribe tomorrow they will start say something about her like she is b**ch and so on and so but I Dr. D. would advice you
to go for her coz Allah didn't create boon and non boon. We are all Allah's slaves so don't
you dare let this girl go, for the sake of your family's fake love.coz if your parents really... really... love you now is the time to find out coz if they do no matter what kind of woman you marry jareer to jileec, white to Pakistan they should be there for and support you. Finally I Dr. D don't believe in doing what parents please, don't get me wrong I love my parents but sometimes if tell me to divorce my wife for their happiness no chance, coz Somalians do that a lot and I have witnessed it several times here is some phrases they use most of the time “ ( Far Duco ama Far Habaar ) far duco! fur hee. But why? Coz she isulted your mum.
Oh no! Please mum, she is much willing to apologise mum? She didn’t mean to. War idhaafi ayaan kudhahay arageeda aan nacayee.”
Oh boy ain't somalians Daft.
God bless Somalia

peace in the house!


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Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 09:00 pm
hii! bro, i thing u know wat u really want and i thing all u need is ppl to give u the confident! wat i really mean is u find whom u wanted!itis hard to find a person that u can easily feel comfortable and share u'r life!very important thing! is u luv her! more so she is somalian and hence no cultural conflict!!wat do u thing of those marrying white women!! why do we accept them! and when it comes midgan! everybody tries to put finger's on u'r nose?!!!that is becuase we don't confront the truth!! we leave in a world of myth and legend!!somalians how long we gonna leave in this darkness!!who will change!!it is me and u (the youth)!! "cuz" this is great social dilema and nobody gonna address!!the situation! unless we do!why!! do most somalian used midgan!! as a reason to get the "sharciga"" and now we act different! .bro! for u family! if they luv! u then they! won't curse u! and again! it is not all curses are accepted!! it need to be genuine!!when u'r parents are wrong! Allah won't accept their curse against you! well!!let! u lucky u founded! something special in u'r life don't let it go! cuz it is hard to find it again>good-luck and may-Allah help u make the best

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Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 09:07 am
To Momo

Meesha fikradaada qura ka dhiibaa lagu yiri, ha ioran taada way qaldantahay ilayn fikradayda mas uul kama tihidee, taada ku ekoow.


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Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 10:24 am
HEY dadkiinaan ku haaya raac qalbigaada waxaa umaleenayaa inaad wax badan in dhaha ka xira naysaan, aniga walaal waxaan kuu sheegayaa in aad marka hore kala hadashid waaridkaa sababtoo ah "HUBSASHO HALBAA LASIISTAA" ayey soomaalida tiraahdaa marka hore ka hubso waaridkaa fikradooda kadiba haday diidaan, isku day inaad ka dhaadhicisid waxaa lagayaaba intay isfahmaan ay kuu ogolaadaan Gabarta aad rabtid adoonan ISKA CARARIN AMA JIIRO MAFFIO aadan gabarta la galin.

Hadii aytaas suurtoobi waydo oo uu waaridkaa ka soo istaago inuu kuufasaxo hadee nin ragga ayaa Illaahay kaa dhigay markaasna waad ka soobaxday xaqii ay waaridkaa kugu lahaayeen, oo orodoo Guurso gabarta, iskuna day inaad waaridkaa soo dhaweesato waxaa laga yaabaa inee fahmaan inay khaldan yihiin, laakiin lasoco inay waxkhti dheer qaadan doonto oo dhakhso laguma wada farxi doono laakiin IT IS YOUR LIVE REMEMBER!!!!

Laakiin waligaa waaridkaa hagooyn hadii xataa ay ayaga ku gooyaan, u laabo oo cagaha iyo canka ka dhunko way kuu qaleendoonaanee.

Then everyone will be happy >:O

Remember:: waligaa haburin gabarta walee waad ka shalaayi doontaa, sababtoo ah qoftaas oo kale dheel dheel laguma helee, haka shaalaayin saan inigaba uga shalaayey.>:O

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Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 10:53 am
gacal aboowe dadkaan ku oranaya qalbigaaga raac waa ay la fududahay laakiin ma fududa aniga waxaan ahay mj waxaana jeclaaday nin abgaal ah waalidkay waxay i yiraahdeen ama anaga ama isaga. waalidkay inkasta oo aan ogaa inay qaldan yihiin hadana kama tagi karin so markaan u sheegay waxa jira wuu aqblay xumaana iima uusan qaadin, hada alxamdulilaah xaas baan leeyahay oo waxaan guursaday nin dhulbahante ah oo reerkeena ogol yihiin, caruurtayda habaryaro iyo abtiyaal ayey leeyihiin maxaa dhici lahaa hadaan goyn lahaa qaraabo la'aan ayey ahaan lahaayeen. ogowna cabdulaahi ibn cumar markuu nabiga u yimid isagoo uga dacwoonaya aabihii cumar ibn khadaab oo yiri rasuul aloow waan jeclahay xaaskayga aabahayna inaan furo ayuu rabaa, rasuulka wuxuu yiri adeec aabahaa, markaas ayuu furay, hadaa waa mid uu qabay ka waran mid aadan guursan. waalidkaa xaq ayey kugu leeyihiin, gabadhana waa buuxaan ee ha waalid seegin.

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Thursday, March 22, 2001 - 11:38 am
let me put my two cents in too.
gacal bro, i thought u said u ask her about her tribe and she told u that she is silic(hawiye)
r u telling us that u do not believe her.
I just do not understand that u love someone and then do not believe them. i mean if she loves u and trusts u she would not lie to u, the same should be true about u.
So if tribe is important to u,then ask her and make yr dicision about she tells u, not what other ppl told u

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